第八期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递






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The role of the oceans in the carbon cycle is very relevant to the global climate. This issue presents three papers on marine biological carbon pumps, seabed carbon stocks, and polar sea ice in biological carbon sequestration. We hope those content could contribute to the debate on developing the ‘Nature based Climate Solutions’ at sea.



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This issue also continues to follow the ocean conservation on a global scale. While we were editing this issue, Canada formally announced its support for protecting 30% of the world’s oceans. (It has already announced plans to protect 30% of the land and sea under its jurisdiction). Recently China has also announced its first global scale seasonal closure to fishing. The high seas biodiversity agreement and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework are also touched upon in this issue.


2019年中国渔业经济统计公报发布 百家号/视觉中国 | 制

(1) 2019年中国渔业经济统计公报出炉:中国渔业系统认真贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,落实中国渔业高质量发展,推进会议精神和工作部署,立足新形势、新职能、新要求,坚持“提质增效、减量增收、绿色发展、富裕渔民”的总目标,继续深化渔业供给侧结构性改革,渔业高质量发展稳步推进。

2019 National Fishery Economic Statistical Bulletin of China is released. It reviews the progress in achieving the overall goal of “quality improvement & efficiency enchancement, income increases at lower catch, green development and fishermen enrichment”.  


(2) 中国自主研发的“海斗一号”潜水器在马里亚纳海沟成功完成万米海试。这台无人潜水器在马里亚纳海沟超过万米深的海底着陆后,利用视频探测深渊海底以及底栖生物,并通过机械手采集海底水样和沉积物、放置标志物等。当前全球对深海生境和生物了解不足,是深海采矿国际谈判推进缓慢的重要原因。深海潜水器辅助研究将有助于我们更深入了解海洋,制定更恰当的开发和保护策略。

China’s self-developed Submersible Haidou-1 has successfully completed a 10,000-meter sea trial in the Mariana Trench. After landing at a depth of more than 10,000 meters in the Mariana Trench, the unmanned submersible uses video to probe the seabed and benthic organisms, and uses a robotic arm to collect water samples, sediments and place markers. The lack of global understanding of deep-sea habitat and biology is an important reason for the slow progress of international negotiations on deep-sea mining. Deep-sea submersible assisted researches will help us better understand the ocean and develop more appropriate development and conservation strategies.


(3) 中国当局确认没有对智利三文鱼进口设限,同时,智利当局也逐步采取措施以平静中国对三文鱼可能受新型冠状病毒污染的担忧。据称,中国官员首次实施了对数个智利三文鱼加工厂的远程联合检疫。

Chinese authorities confirmed that there are no restrictions on the importation of Chilean salmon, meanwhile, Chile’s authorities take steps to calm Chinese fears over COVID-tainted salmon. It is announced that Chinese officials had carried out an unprecedented remote joint inspection of several Chilean salmon processing plants.


(4) 加拿大加入“全球海洋联盟”,公开支持保护全球30%海洋的目标。通过与土著人民、各省和地区、环境组织和行业组织的合作,加拿大政府在保护近14%的海洋方面取得了巨大进展。更大的任务仍然是到2025年达到25%的海洋保护目标,到2030年达到30%。

Canada joins Global Ocean Alliance and advocates for protecting 30% of the world’s ocean by 2030. In partnership with Indigenous Peoples, provinces and territories, and environmental and industry organizations, the Canadian government has made huge strides to protect almost 14 percent of our ocean. The bigger task remains to reach their goal of 25 percent ocean protection by 2025 and 30 percent by 2030.


(5) 6月13日,美国国家航空航天局和国家海洋和大气局的Suomi NPP卫星观测到北大西洋上空一股巨大的撒哈拉沙尘流。卫星数据显示,沙尘扩散了2000多英里。正常情况下,每年都有数亿吨的沙尘从非洲的沙漠中被卷起,吹过大西洋。这些沙尘有助于在加勒比海建立海滩,并肥沃亚马逊的土壤。它还会影响北美和南美的空气质量。

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite observed a huge Saharan dust plume streaming over the North Atlantic Ocean, beginning on June 13. Satellite data showed the dust had spread over 2,000 miles. Normally, hundreds of millions of tons of dust are picked up from the deserts of Africa and blown across the Atlantic Ocean each year. That dust helps build beaches in the Caribbean and fertilizes soils in the Amazon. It can also affect air quality in North and South America.


(6) 美国国家海洋和大气管理局渔业部门批准了新英格兰渔业管理委员会的一项新修正案,该修正案将为新英格兰海岸地区的深海珊瑚提供“全面保护”,包括东北峡谷和海山国家海洋保护区。这项修正案之所以能在海洋保护区施行,得益于美国近期对商业渔业开放海洋保护区的公告,因为这项公告也意味着该海洋保护区也对区域渔业管理委员会开放了。

A new amendment from the New England Fishery Management Council, which has been approved by NOAA Fisheries, will provide “sweeping protections” for deep-sea corals in areas off the New England coast, including the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument. The amendment is made possible in the marine monument thanks to a recent proclamation which opened up the marine monument to commercial fishing – and thus the regional fishery management councils.



海洋与人类社会息息相关 Shutterstock | 摄

(1) 珍妮弗•斯福尔:“在国际法的约束机制下,各国有义务在制定和实施公海保护措施方面进行合作。一项涵盖公海生物多样性的已获批准的条约将是海洋治理的一个令人兴奋的补充。”

Jennifer Silver:”With a binding mechanism under international law, countries can be obligated to co-operate on developing and implementing conservation measures in the high seas. A ratified treaty covering biodiversity in the high seas would be an exciting layer to add to the ocean governance patchwork.”


(2) 理查德•贝尼昂:“一篇综述文章呼吁在英国海域引进高度保护海域。这些高度保护的海洋区域将使海洋生态系统得到更大的恢复,并巩固政府对国家“蓝带”的承诺。“蓝带”的保护面积已达9.2万平方公里,占英国海洋面积的40%。”

Richard Benyon:”An independent review calls for the introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas in English waters. These highly protected marine areas would enable a greater recovery of the marine ecosystem and enhance the Government’s commitment to a national ‘Blue Belt’, which has already seen an area of 92,000 square km protected – 40% of English seas.”


(3) 张春:“中国首次宣布对特定区域的公海鱿鱼捕捞实行禁渔期制度。中国国内的禁渔期重点就是保护产卵群体和幼体,产卵季恰好在禁渔期内的蓝点马鲛资源量的相对稳定也证明了这一做法的有效性。但禁渔能不能实现,也要看对渔船的管理是否能落实到位乃至是否能推动建立渔业管理组织。”

Zhang Chun: “For the first time, China has announced a moratorium on squid fishing in certain areas of the high seas.China’s domestic fishing ban focuses on protecting spawning populations and larvae, and the relative stability of blue dot mackerel stocks during the spawning season also demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach.But whether the ban can be achieved also depends on whether the management of fishing boats can be put in place or whether the establishment of fisheries management organizations can be promoted.”


(4) 费尔明•库普:“二十多年来,世界贸易组织(WTO)的164个成员国一直在努力达成一项协议,从而停止有害的渔业补贴。根据联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs),今年是达成这项协议的最后期限。新冠疫情爆发过后,世贸组织成员国恐怕无法在今年达成终止有害渔业补贴的协议。”

Fermín Koop:”Recognising the problem of overfishing, the 164 member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been trying for more than two decades to reach an agreement on eliminating harmful fishing subsidies. The deadline for agreeing a deal to end such subsidies, in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is this year.  Disruption caused by the pandemic makes it unlikely the WTO will reach an agreement to end harmful subsidies this year.”

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(5) 穆罕默德•阿尔久:“孟加拉国、印度和缅甸已经划定了在孟加拉湾的边界,但专属经济区地图上的条条框框并不能约束鱼和渔民。在缺乏积极合作的情况下,沿岸各国靠监禁他国渔民管制渔业,而过度捕捞导致的鱼类资源下降仍在持续。”

Mohammad Arju:”Bangladesh, India and Myanmar have agreed their borders in the Bay of Bengal, but neither fish nor fishers are bound by the lines on the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) map. In the absence of active cooperation, fishers continue to be jailed in other countries while overfishing drives down fish populations.”


(6) 欧盟委员会:“欧洲海洋规划的可持续发展需要跨部门、跨学科和跨尺度的伙伴关系和协作,以应对气候危机、生物多样性丧失和人类活动导致的进一步自然衰竭等多重全球和地方挑战的复杂性。各种压力的复杂组合不仅对海洋和沿海环境构成威胁,也对人类健康构成威胁,例如洪水、风暴、粮食安全和污染加剧。而健康的海洋环境将会带来难以置信的健康和福祉。”

European Commission:”The sustainable development of marine planning in Europe requires partnerships and collaborations that cross sectors, disciplines and scales in order to address the complexity of these multiple global and local challenges of climate crisis, biodiversity loss and further degradation from human activities. The complex mix of pressures pose a threat not only for marine and coastal environments but also human health such as increased flooding, storms, food security and pollution. While incredible health and wellbeing benefits are to be realised from access to and engagement with healthy marine environments.”



[气候•海洋] 评估海洋生物碳泵的重要指标

Metrics that matter for assessing the ocean biological carbon pump



[气候•海洋] 海洋沉积物碳储量的全球格局

Global Patterns in Marine Sediment Carbon Stocks



[气候•海洋] 南大洋碳汇因南极寒冷逆转时的海冰响应而增强

Southern Ocean carbon sink enhanced by sea-ice feedbacks at the Antarctic Cold Reversal



[海洋•生物] 底栖动物数量在逐渐白化的南极大陆架上越来越少

Benthic fauna declined on a whitening Antarctic continental shelf



[海洋宏观] 建立南极情景综合框架

Towards an Antarctic scenarios integrated framework



[气候•海洋] 21世纪对北冰洋酸化的新兴限制

Emergent constraint on Arctic Ocean acidification in the twenty-first century



[气候•生物] 在气候变化下,饮食的普遍性加速了珊瑚礁鱼类在其新活动范围内的出现时间和持续程度

Dietary generalism accelerates arrival and persistence of coral‐reef fishes in their novel ranges under climate change



[气候•海洋] 中国渤海夏季氧耗与酸化

Summertime Oxygen Depletion and Acidification in Bohai Sea, China



[气候•渔业] 气候变化增加渔业冲突风险

Climate change increases risk of fisheries conflict



[海洋•生物] 海洋物种港湾:海草叶子是重要产卵场和食物来源

Home for Marine Species: Seagrass Leaves as Vital Spawning Grounds and Food Source




[划区管理] 海洋高度保护区综述

[Area-based Management Tool] Benyon Review Into Highly Protected Marine Areas


[划区管理] 养护生态网络和生态廊道连通性指南

[Area-based Management Tool] Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors


[渔业管理] 联合国粮农组织 | 世界渔业和水产业现状(2020版)

[Fisheries Management] FAO’s State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) 2020


[海洋能源] 海洋能源战略研究和创新议程

[Marine Energy] Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for ocean energy


[渔业管理] 渔业改善项目应对水和供应链的新挑战

[Fisheries Management] Fishery Improvement Projects Address New Challenges on the Water and in the Supply Chain


[渔业管理] 新渔业管理方法有利于渔业和海洋健康

[Fisheries Management] New Fisheries Management Method Benefits Industry and Ocean Health

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[海洋宏观] OECD支持可持续海洋的工作

[Ocean in General] OECD work in support of a sustainable ocean



>>预告 – 网络研讨会

2020年7月14日 自然还是商业?将会是老范式,还是说媒体会采用新的框架来适应一个改变了的世界?

2020.07.14 Nature v Business? Is it going to be same old paradigm, or will the media adopt new frames for a changed world?


2020年7月15日 FAO | 后2020全球生物多样性框架对渔业和水产业意味着什么?

2020.07.15 FAO | What does the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework mean for Fisheries and Aquaculture?


2020年7月15日 FAO | 指向更健康的水产业的创新生物安全方法

2020.07.15 FAO | Innovative biosecurity approaches for a healthier aquaculture industry


2020年7月16日 FAO | 解锁渔业和水产业价值链潜力:FISH4ACP传播

2020.07.16 FAO | Unlocking the potential of fisheries and aquaculture value chains: FISH4ACP Broadcast


2020年7月17日 FAO | 新冠疫情对渔业和水产业的影响:效应、良好实践和建议

2020.07.17 FAO | Impacts of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture: Effects, good practices and recommendations


2020年7月17日 FAO | 阐明隐藏渔获:小规模渔业对可持续发展的贡献

2020.07.17 FAO | Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The Contributions of Small-Scale Fisheries to Sustainable Development



2020年6月1日 世界经济论坛 | 发展可持续的蓝色经济

2020.06.01 World Economic Forum | Develop Sustainable Blue Economy


2020年6月2日 世界经济论坛 | 海洋保护全球优先事项

2020.06.02 World Economic Forum | Global Priorities for Marine Conservation


2020年6月4日 世界经济论坛 | 可持续发展的海洋经济

2020.06.04 World Economic Forum | Sustainable Developing Marine Economy


2020年6月5日 世界经济论坛 | 可持续的中国海洋经济

2020.06.05 World Economic Forum | Sustainable Marine Economy in China


2020年6月19日 欧洲可持续能源周2020年边会-新视野:欧洲驱动世界海洋能源发展

2020.06.19  EUSEW 2020 Side Event – New horizons: Europe driving ocean energy development around the world


2020年6月30日 将资金流与生物多样性目标联系起来

2020.06.30 Connecting Financial Flows with Biodiversity Targets



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*题图:Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society British Columbia Chapter | 制。