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By the time you read this issue of Blue Pulse, the Special Ministerial Meeting will have come to an end and hopefully there will be positive signals coming out. Indeed, reform of fisheries subsidies could greatly help fill the funding gap mentioned in the paper Financing a Sustainable Ocean Economy in the Academics section. Let’s look forward to that.


Amid climate change, the world is quickly reaching a consensus on marine conservation, as 80 countries have promised to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030. Additionally, the Greenovation Hub has published the latest report, discussing the history and the significance of marine protection goals.


This issue includes the news of G7 ministerial declaration of ocean protection and several research papers on Antarctica’s ecosystems.


This issue focused on a wide range of topics, including gender bias in marine science and conservation, Oscar’s Best Documentary My Octopus Teacher, and the connections between Mars and deep-sea exploration. Additionally, in the Academics section, we included a paper on the effectiveness of partially-protected Marine Protected Areas.


In the latest issue of Blue Pulse Bulletin, we shifted our attention towards the Leaders Summit on Climate. While many political leaders have vowed to tackle the carbon emission problem on land, they should not overlook the tight-knit relationship between climate policy and ocean policy.


In this issue of Bulletin, we focused on Japan’s controversial decision to release wastewater into ocean. We also included articles from two marine scientists, in which they share their opinions about recent popular Netflix documentary Seaspiracy.

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