导语 Introduction
The editorial cycle of this issue of Blue Pulse coincides with this year's annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). This meeting has seen limited progress on conservation partly due to the Russian-Ukrainian war. This issue contains a number of articles on environmental change, fisheries management, and protected area in Antarctica, which will help readers to understand the background of the meeting. This issue of Blue Pulse comes as the COP27 to the Framework Convention on Climate Change opens in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The dialogue on oceans will also continue at this meeting. The climate change discussion in CCAMLR demonstrates the need for research to develop ways to enhance synergies between the ocean and climate protection and adaptation at different levels of policy, particularly in integrating how medium and long-term climate risks are considered in ocean management policies.
时讯 News
After two consecutive years of online meetings, the annual meeting of CCAMLR held its first in-person meeting. Despite the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the discussions at the offline meeting have been obviously more productive than at the online meeting. The krill and toothfish fisheries and marine protected areas have been discussed at this meeting. While the management measures for the distribution of krill fishing quotas around the Antarctic Peninsula got extended, the Commission will continue its discussions on krill management strategies in the region, linking them to the marine protected area in the West Antarctic Peninsula. The Commission has been discussing how to respond to climate change in its decision-making for many years, having failed to adopt a strategic climate response plan, and this meeting finally adopted a resolution on climate change. The debate on marine protected areas continues to rage. The harmonization of the Antarctic Peninsula Marine Protected Area and the krill management strategy and the Vulnerable Marien Ecosystems designated based on NGO discoveries give a glimmer of hope for the future negotiation on MPAs.
(2)欧盟委员会正计划在整个欧洲大陆的海岸进行大规模的海藻工业化养殖,目标是到 2030 年每年养殖 800 万吨海藻,远高于目前每年约 3,000 吨的养殖产量。然而,潜在的生态影响尚未得到充分评估。尽管海藻比相同体积的陆生植物吸收二氧化碳的速度更快,因此可以通过将完全生长的海藻沉入海底,将碳封存起来,从而实现减碳。据粮农组织称,覆盖海床的大量海藻对生态的影响仍然未知。荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的海藻研究员Reinier Nauta认为,“要在北海种植 14,000 平方公里的海藻,将会完全耗尽海域的养分,形成一个没有生命的贫瘠地区。”
The European Commission is planning large-scale industrial seaweed farming along the coasts of the entire European continent, with the goal of farming 8 million tons of seaweed per year by 2030, much higher than the current farming production of about 3,000 tons per year. However, the potential ecological impacts have not been fully assessed. This is despite the fact that seaweed absorbs carbon dioxide more rapidly than the same volume of terrestrial plants, so carbon can be sequestered by sinking fully grown seaweed to the seafloor. According to FAO, the ecological impact of large amounts of seaweed covering the sea bed is still unknown. Reinier Nauta, a seaweed researcher at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, says, "To grow 14,000 square kilometers of seaweed in the North Sea, you would completely deplete all the nutrients there and end up with a barren area devoid of life."
Using images from the Sentinel-1 satellite, researchers at the University of Cambridge and Austrian engineering firm ENVEO have found that glaciers supplying ice shelves in the Antarctic summer accelerate by about 15 percent, identifying apparent seasonal motion in land-based ice flows to the George VI Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula, the first time such seasonal circulation has been detected in land-based ice flowing onto Antarctica's ice shelves. Previously scientists assumed that Antarctica's ice would not be subject to the same seasonal motion, especially where it flows to large ice shelves and where temperatures are below freezing for most of the year, an assumption partly due to the fact that few images of Antarctica's ice have been collected in the past. The cause of this seasonal variability is uncertain, but similar seasonal variations may exist at other, more vulnerable sites in Antarctica.
(4)大西洋经向翻转环流 (AMOC) 是一种洋流系统,将热带的暖水带入北大西洋,并将冷水从北半球输送到南半球,是调节地球气候的基本机制。但现在 AMOC 现在正受到全球变暖的威胁,一项新的研究发现了可能导致大西洋大环流系统崩溃的机制。冰山融化所增加的大量淡水改变了北半球高纬度地区的海洋成分,改变了循环过程中输送的水。北大西洋高纬度地区的降雨加剧、格陵兰岛的冰盖融化、地球表面的变暖这三个主要原因导致 AMOC 正逐年减弱。而这会导致北大西洋高纬度地区地下变暖的加剧,从而可能融化格陵兰岛的冰川海嘴。最终,这可能导致 AMOC 彻底崩溃,加剧气候危机并产生重大影响。
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a system of ocean currents that brings warm water from the tropics into the North Atlantic and transports cold water from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere, and is a fundamental mechanism for regulating the Earth's climate. But now the AMOC is now threatened by global warming, and a new study has identified the mechanisms that could lead to the collapse of the Atlantic general circulation system. The large amount of freshwater added by melting icebergs has altered the composition of the oceans at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, changing the water delivered during the circulation. The AMOC is weakening year by year due to three major causes: increased rainfall in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic, melting of the Greenland ice cap, and warming of the Earth's surface. This, in turn, could lead to increased subsurface warming in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic, which could melt the glacial spit in Greenland. Ultimately, this could lead to a complete collapse of the AMOC, exacerbating the climate crisis and having significant impacts.
观点 Perspectives
(1) 蒋萍 & 杨腾: 积极组织开展近岸生态修复,恢复滨海湿地生态空间,是增加蓝色碳汇的有效途径,但目前一些地方海洋生态修复环境效益未被充分释放。因此作者提出四点建议:一是推动蓝碳纳入海洋生态修复标准体系;二是科学引导蓝碳融入生态修复目标举措;三是借助市场机制实现蓝碳价值;四是依托公众参与激发蓝碳活力。进一步突出蓝碳“存在感”,实现人民群众亲海临海愿望、创造绿色低碳生产生活方式。
Jiang Ping & Yang Teng: Actively organizing near-shore ecological restoration, restore the coastal wetland ecological space, are effective methods to increase the blue carbon sink, but the current environmental benefits of marine ecological restoration in some places have not been fully released. The authors put forward four suggestions: first, promote the integration of blue carbon into the marine ecological restoration standard system; second, scientifically guide the integration of blue carbon into ecological restoration target initiatives; third, realize the value of blue carbon with the help of market mechanism; fourth, stimulate the vitality of blue carbon by relying on public participation. Further highlight the "presence" of blue carbon, to realize the people's desire to be close to the sea and create a green low-carbon production and lifestyle.
(2)巴塞尔大学 & 阿尔弗雷德-魏格纳研究所: 研究人员研究了埃克斯特伦冰架东北边缘偏远地区的阿特卡湾的一个帝企鹅群,没有发现他们胃里有微塑料的证据,这是对南极环境污染的重要评估。研究人员对水样本进行了研究,发现了浓度很低的微塑料。为确定帝企鹅食物来源中的微塑料污染程度,研究人员识别出85个潜在塑料颗粒,但这些颗粒实际上都不是微塑料。估计的污染可能是天然物质,或者是加工过程中进入样品的服装纤维和空气颗粒。尽管有这些积极的发现,但南大洋旅游业和商业捕鱼的兴起可能导致当地微塑料来源的增加。因此,为了减少塑料废物流入我们的海洋,必须在源头采取行动。
University of Basel & Alfred-Wegener Institute: Researchers studied a colony of emperor penguins in Atka Bay, a remote area on the northeastern edge of the Ekström Ice Shelf, and found no evidence of microplastics in their stomachs, an important assessment of environmental contamination in Antarctica. Researchers studied water samples and found very low concentrations of microplastics. To determine the extent of microplastic contamination in the emperor penguins' food sources, the researchers identified 85 potential plastic particles, but none of these particles were actually microplastics. The presumed contamination was either natural materials or clothing fibers and airborne particles that entered the samples during processing. Despite these positive findings, the rise of tourism and commercial fishing in the Southern Ocean could lead to an increase in local sources of microplastics. Therefore, in order to reduce the flow of plastic waste into our oceans, action must be taken at the source.
(3) Basten Gokkon: 印度尼西亚计划要保护更多的海洋,科学家们在一篇新论文中表示,在面临全球气候变化和生物多样性危机的世界中,有效管理这些海洋区域必须是政府的首要任务。研究人员表示,海洋保护区必须保护自然资源,为当地人民提供长期利益,并配备分区系统、监测、监视、足够的人员能力、设施和自筹资金。除此之外,改进海洋保护区的治理和规划将包括多样化类型的社区管理,以提高渔业和旅游业的可持续性。为了经济利益,必须将渔业和旅游业纳入海洋保护区的管理中,但这些活动也给海洋生态系统的可持续性带来了压力。
Basten Gokkon: With Indonesia aiming to protect more of its oceans, scientists say in a new paper that effective management of these marine areas must be a top priority for governments in a world facing global climate change and a biodiversity crisis. MPAs must protect natural resources, provide long-term benefits to local people, and be equipped with zoning systems, monitoring, surveillance, adequate human capacity, facilities and self-financing, the researchers said. Beyond that, improved governance and planning for MPAs will include diverse types of community management to improve the sustainability of fisheries and tourism. Fishery and tourism must be integrated into the management of MPAs for economic benefits, but these activities also put pressure on the sustainability of marine ecosystems.
(4)JoAnn Adkins: 北极的气温正在以全球平均水平的两倍多的速度上升,灌木越长越大,植物种群正在发生变化,动物正在改变他们的饮食。来自欧洲、亚洲和北美每个北极国家的科学家已经合作了 30 年,开展了协调一致的实验以检查整个苔原生物群落的植被变化,这是他们得出的结论。经过 30 年的数据收集,科学家们可以回答许多关于正在发生的事情以及世界对北极未来应该期待什么的问题。而对于他们还没有答案的问题,这 30 年的研究为下一步的工作奠定了基础。
JoAnn Adkins: Arctic temperatures are rising at more than twice the global average, shrubs are getting larger, plant populations are changing, and animals are changing their diets. Scientists from every Arctic country in Europe, Asia, and North America have collaborated for 30 years on coordinated experiments to examine vegetation changes across tundra biomes to reach these conclusions. After 30 years of data collection, scientists can answer many questions about what is happening and what the world should expect for the future of the Arctic. And for the questions they don't yet have answers to, these 30 years of research have set the stage for continued investigations to find them.
解读 Interpretations
(1) Kevin E. Trenberth: 海洋变暖的速度史无前例,接下来可能会发生这些:
Kevin E. Trenberth: Oceans are warming faster than ever. Here’s what could come next.
研究发现,至少自 1950 年代以来,全球海洋的上层一直在升温,而人为造成的碳排放是主要驱动力。根据数据显示,如果人类未能显著减少温室气体排放,这种升温在2100年前是不可避免的。海洋吸收了世界大气中90%以上的多余热量,这对帮助抵消人类排放起到关键作用,但后果也十分严重——海平面上升,更多的干旱、飓风、暴雨、洪水。同时,持续的变暖可能导致某些渔业急剧下降,导致生计和食物来源的丧失。研究人员表示,未来变暖的程度取决于人类采取或不采取什么措施,因此更好地衡量、理解和缓解问题应该是全球优先事项。
The study found that the upper reaches of the oceans have been warming globally since at least the 1950s, with man-made carbon emissions being the primary driver. This warming is inevitable until 2100 if humans fail to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to the data. The oceans absorb more than 90 percent of the excess heat in the world's atmosphere, which plays a key role in helping to offset human emissions, but the consequences are also severe - rising sea levels, more droughts, hurricanes, heavy rains, and floods. Meanwhile, continued warming could lead to a dramatic decline in certain fisheries, resulting in the loss of livelihoods and food sources. The extent of future warming depends on what humans do or do not do, so better measurement, understanding, and mitigation of the problem should be a global priority, the researchers said.
Fish-feed industry turns to krill, with unknown effects on the Antarctic ecosystem
在过去的二十年里,南极磷虾捕捞一直在增长。在许多野生鱼类资源枯竭的情况下,全球水产养殖行业的发展驱动了对磷虾作为替代饲料的需求。科学家表示,磷虾和依赖它们的捕食者已经显示出对渔业以及因气候变化而迅速变化的环境条件所带来的压力反应。磷虾捕捞行业正在扩大其船队,并计划在未来几年大幅增加捕捞量。磷虾在南极是各种不同动物的食物,从鲸鱼、海豹、鱼类、企鹅到飞翔的海鸟,那里的每个物种都依赖磷虾。负责任磷虾捕捞公司协会(ARK)首席执行官 Javier Arata 说,“与可用的总生物量相比,这种小规模的渔业是非常可持续的。”
The Antarctic krill fishery has been growing for the past two decades. The growth of the global fish farming industry is driving demand for Antarctic krill as a substitute for wild fish in fish feed at a time when many wild fish stocks are depleted. Scientists say krill and the predators that depend on them are already showing signs of pressure on the fishery and on rapidly changing environmental conditions due to climate change. The krill industry is expanding its fleet and plans to significantly increase its catch in the coming years. Krill is eaten in the Antarctic by all these different animals, from whales, seals, fish and penguins to flying seabirds, and every species there relies on krill. "This small fishery is very sustainable compared to the total biomass available," said Javier Arata, executive officer of the Association of Responsible Krill Fishing Companies.
(3) Elizabeth Claire Alberts: 新的研究表明,要提高鱼的捕获量,可以尝试禁渔
Elizabeth Claire Alberts: To boost fish catches, try banning fishing, new study shows
一项新的研究发现,世界上最大的连续海洋保护区夏威夷的 Papahānaumokuākea 海洋国家纪念碑由于“溢出效应”而提高了附近渔业中黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼的捕获率。2016 年至 2019 年间,MPA 附近水域的黄鳍金枪鱼捕捞量增加了 54%,大眼金枪鱼的捕捞量增加了 12%。另一项研究发现,海洋保护区不仅增加了渔业捕捞量,而且还产生了其他好处,例如增强碳封存和生物多样性。然而,这两项研究都表明,最好的结果来自完全保护的不允许捕鱼的海洋保护区,而保护不足的海洋保护区“几乎没有社会或生态效益”。CNRS的研究员Joachim Claudet表示,“我们有太多的海洋保护区,它们的保护太少,无法为生物多样性或人类带来任何好处。”
A new study finds that the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in Hawaii, the world's largest continuous marine protected area, has increased catches of yellowfin and bigeye tuna in nearby fisheries due to "spillover effects. Between 2016 and 2019, yellowfin and bigeye tuna catches increased by 54% and bigeye tuna catches increased by 12% in waters near the MPA. Another study found that MPAs not only increased fish catches, but also produced other benefits, such as enhanced carbon sequestration and biodiversity. However, both studies showed that the best results came from fully protected MPAs that did not allow fishing, while under-protected MPAs had "little social or ecological benefit. MPAs that have too little protection to provide any benefit to biodiversity or humans."
(4)法国国家科学研究中心: 海洋保护区抗击气候变化影响
CNRS: Marine protected areas combat the effects of climate change
来自CRIOBE(法国国家研究中心的一个部门)的科学家分析了 22,403 篇关于海洋保护区的研究文章后,表示海洋保护区可以显着改善碳封存、海岸保护、生物多样性和海洋生物的繁殖能力,以及渔民在受到充分或高度保护时的渔获量和收入。虽然海洋保护区不能单独补偿气候变化的全部影响,但它们是缓解和适应社会生态系统的宝贵工具。之前提出的与海洋相关的解决方案没有任何实际依据,但这些结果现在为政府间公约解决气候危机提供了科学依据。另一项新研究还表明,海洋保护区对某些气候机制的影响仍未得到充分记录。
After analyzing 22,403 research articles on marine protected areas, scientists from CRIOBE (a division of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique) say that marine protected areas can significantly improve carbon sequestration, coastal protection, biodiversity and the ability of marine organisms to reproduce, as well as the catches and incomes of fishermen when they are adequately or highly protected. While MPAs cannot compensate for the full impacts of climate change alone, they are a valuable tool for mitigation and adaptation in social-ecological systems. Previously proposed ocean-related solutions had no practical basis, but these results now provide the scientific basis for an intergovernmental convention to address the climate crisis. Another new study also shows that the impacts of marine protected areas on certain climate regimes remain under-documented.
(5)Cícero Pedrosa Neto & Fábio Zuker: 为什么鱼类会从亚马逊水域消失
Cícero Pedrosa Neto & Fábio Zuker: Why fish are disappearing from Amazonian waters
捕鱼是生活在亚马逊河流域居民赖以生存的活动之一。从海岸线到淡水溪流,生活在亚马逊河流域的人们表示,工业捕鱼、森林砍伐、水电大坝和气候变化导致鱼类数量减少。工业捕鱼是数量少的主要原因之一。渔民报告说,由于使用长达 30 公里(18.6 英里)拖网的工业化渔船的捕捞,导致鱼类无法游到近岸海域。当地渔民面临的其他挑战与气候变化对河流和红树林的影响,包括温度升高以及水中 pH 值和含氧量降低,这使得物种更难生存。水电大坝对内陆亚马逊鱼类物种构成威胁,因为它们会中断洄游流,导致种群遗传受损;这种现象已在新谷河中看到过,该河由于建设了贝洛蒙特水电站的水坝,鱼类繁殖率下降。
Fishing is one of the activities that people living in the Amazon River Basin depend on for their survival. From coastlines to freshwater streams, people living in the Amazon River Basin say that industrial fishing, deforestation, hydroelectric dams and climate change are causing fish populations to decline. Industrial fishing is one of the main reasons for the low numbers. Fishermen report that large vessels use nets trawled up to 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) long that do not allow fish to reach the shore. Other challenges faced by local fishermen are related to the effects of climate change on rivers and mangroves, including increased temperatures and lower pH and oxygen levels in the water, which make it more difficult for species to survive. Hydroelectric dams pose a threat to inland Amazonian fish species by interrupting migratory flows and causing genetic damage to populations; this phenomenon has already been seen in the Nueva Vale River, which was dammed by the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant and has seen a decline in fish reproduction rates.
学术 Academics
[Ocean Governance] Antarctic marine life under pressure
在过去的40年间,南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR) 关注的一个重要焦点是南极磷虾。气候变化和捕鱼的压力,促使CCAMLR改进对磷虾捕捞的管理,以确保南大洋不失去海洋生物的整体平衡和调节全球气候的海洋进程的水平。不幸的是,自20世纪20年代以来,磷虾在南大洋的大西洋部分地区已经减少。在水产养殖饲料需求和靠磷虾作为主要食物来源的须鲸的恢复等的驱动下,对磷虾的需求可能会增长。目前,最紧迫的问题包括识别商业捕鱼所捕获的雌性和幼年磷虾的比例及其对磷虾种群的影响,而这需要国际社会的支持。
[Ocean Governance] Protect global values of the Southern Ocean ecosystem
南大洋约占全球海洋的10%,对地球系统的平衡至关重要,但该地区和它的一系列全球价值正受到气候变化的严重威胁,商业捕鱼更是加剧了这种威胁。由于南极洲没有原住民,也没有当地的渔业社区,南极洲周围水域的捕捞一直是工业化的远洋渔业作业。南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR) 正面临着加强渔业管理的压力,文章鼓励改进管理方法,特别是要适应气候变化的影响。最近的评估强调了南大洋不可忽略的全球价值,以及这些价值如何受到气候变化的威胁,呼吁对管理中的权衡进行严格评估。
(3)【海洋生态】人类在南大洋大西洋区对海洋哺乳动物的历史性开发所带来的意外陆地保护挑战[Ocean Ecosystem] Untangling unexpected terrestrial conservation challenges arising from the historical human exploitation of marine mammals in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
[Climate & Ocean] Ocean currents break up a tabular iceberg
[Techs & Tools] Borderless conservation: Integrating connectivity into high seas conservation efforts for the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges
[Area-based Management] The Sargasso Sea High Seas EBSA After Ten Years: Is It Still Relevant and How Has It Helped Conservation Efforts?
马尾藻海是位于北大西洋亚热带环流中的一个公海生态系统,马尾藻支持着一个多样化和多产的海洋生态系统。2012年,马尾藻海200万平方英里的核心区域被《生物多样性公约》缔约方 "描述 "为具有生态或生物意义的海洋区域(EBSA),在七个指定标准中的六个方面获得了高分。本文回顾了支持其符合EBSA严格标准的科学证据,并评估了此后十年间是否有重大变化。同时,文章将其置于马尾藻海委员会和汉密尔顿宣言签署者 "为今世后代保护马尾藻海 "的工作背景下,评估了作为EBSA对这些保护工作的帮助程度。阅读/Read
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Krill in the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea deliver carbon storage services worth an estimated US$15.2 billion per year
Antarctic Krill
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(2)2022年11月10日 网络研讨会 保护我们的海洋 - 保护我们的地球
2022.11.10 Webinar Protecting our oceans - Protecting our planet
(3)2022年12月4日至8日 网络研讨会 2022年海岸带及河口地区峰会
2022.12.4-8 Webinar 2022 Coastal & Estuarine Summit
>>其他 Others
封面图:在南极半岛北部,帽带企鹅和巴布亚企鹅的数量正在减少 | Torsten Dederichs | 摄。