Issue 55 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


This issue of Blue Pulse focuses on the UN Ocean Conference held in Lisbon late last month. The conference generated billions of dollars in spontaneous commitments to implement Sustainable Development Goal 14, and the “ocean emergency” on ecology and climate was further discussed in depth. China also putting forward constructive initiatives at the conference. In the near future, it is expected to see the implementation of policies and the achievement of commitments.

导语 Introduction




The UN Ocean Conference, held in Lisbon late last month, is a biennial conference that was delayed for two years. The goal of the Conference was to build a cognitive consensus for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 14 while encouraging voluntary commitments of actions. In the context of climate change, there was widespread interest in how to strengthen action to enhance the ocean's climate resilience and carbon reduction capacity. This issue of Blue Pulse includes some of the discussions and proposals that took place during the conference, as well as a look at a number of explorations of ocean-based climate action. With the Second Ocean Conference just behind us and nearly half the time to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals already gone, we look forward to seeing the Conference's renewed ambition reflected in actions in domestic policy and international cooperation this year.

时讯 News

海豚跃出水面 | UN Photo/Maritime Perret 制

(1)联合国海洋大会在里斯本举行,在6月27日的第一场会议上,联合国秘书长安东尼奥-古特雷斯对可持续发展目标14的资金不足感到担忧,并呼吁开展多边合作,保护并负责任地利用海洋资源。古特雷斯就 "海洋紧急状态 "发出警告,“海洋紧急状态”包括史上最高的海洋温度、频繁的风暴、海平面上升危机、沿海生态系统退化和塑料污染等问题,因此,古特雷斯呼吁利益相关方更多地投资可持续的海洋经济。古特雷斯还指出,为了应对这些危机,还需要在多边进程中取得更多进展。

At the first meeting of the United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon on June 27, upset by Underfunding of Sustainable Development Goal 14, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for multilateral cooperation to conserve, and responsibly use marine resources. Mr. Guterres addressed sounding caution about the "ocean emergency", which includes the issues of ocean temperatures, frequent storms, rising sea levels, degraded coastal ecosystems, and plastic pollution, and called for stakeholders to invest in sustainable ocean economies. Mr. Guterres also pointed out that, it requires multilateral progress in order to cope with such crises.



The second UN Ocean Conference generated billions of dollars in voluntary commitments from the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Australia, Namibia, Sweden, China and many other countries and organizations. Delegates reflected on the progress made since the first UN Ocean Conference in 2017, including the establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop a new international treaty to end plastic pollution in the marine environment. Other than that, they also "measured progress on the new agreement to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity in the high seas".


(3)联合国经济和社会事务部(DESA)组织了一次全球政策对话,主题是 "在危机时期保护生物多样性,探讨可持续发展目标14和15"。对话强调,应将联合国海洋会议视为一个机会,建立伙伴关系并作出新的承诺来 "扭转局势","拯救海洋,保护我们的未来"。负责经济和社会事务的联合国副秘书长刘振民还表示,"健康的海洋需要所有人的共同努力"。

The UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) organized a Global Policy Dialogue on the theme, "Protecting Biodiversity in Times of Crisis: Exploring SDGs 14 and 15". The dialogue emphasizes that the UN Ocean Conference should be seen as an opportunity to "turn the tide" by forging partnerships and making new commitments to "save the ocean to protect our future." Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin also said that "We need all hands on deck to navigate our way towards a healthy ocean".



"The Sustainable Blue Partnership Cooperation Network” is an informal multi-stakeholder platform for blue partnership cooperation, launched by the World Economic Forum's Friends of Ocean Action and the China Ocean Development Foundation, with the support from the  Ministry of Natural Resources of PRC. The network is based on the "Blue Partnership Principles" proposed by the Chinese delegation during the 2022 UN Ocean Conference. The network is expected to facilitate discussions on the basic content, key concepts, common areas of cooperation, and shared vision of blue partnerships in the ocean sector, and to promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Goals 14 and 17.


观点 Perspectives

智利南部的一个小渔村,当地的金融体系被环境上不可持续的鲑鱼养殖业所主导。 | Juan Vilata/Alamy

(1)Matt Rand: 皮尤慈善信托基金和多纳-贝塔雷利创建了皮尤-贝塔雷利海洋遗产项目,其共同目标是支持在全世界建立有效的海洋保护区。如今,该项目致力于将MPA连接起来,进一步帮助保护关键的洄游物种和整个海洋生态系统。与MPA本身一样,这些连接廊道可以保护迁徙物种不受人类影响。区域合作、良好治理、公平管理、可持续的长期融资以及有效监测和执行力是这一切的基础。在未来五年,预计该项目可以在发展和支持太平洋、地中海、南大洋和亚南极岛屿等区域的海洋保护方法上发挥关键作用。

Matt Rand: The Pew Charitable Trusts and Dona Bertarelli created the Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Project, with the shared goal of supporting the creation of effective MPAs around the world. Nowadays, the project seeks to connect MPAs and help conserve key migratory species and entire marine ecosystems. Like MPAs themselves, these corridors shield migratory species from human harm and are underpinned by regional collaboration and good governance, equitable management, sustainable long-term financing, and effective monitoring and enforcement. Over the next five years, it is expected that the project could play a key role in developing and supporting this regional approach to marine conservation in the Pacific, the Mediterranean, and the Southern Ocean and subantarctic islands.


(2)Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana: 随着第二届全球海洋大会今天在葡萄牙里斯本开幕,亚洲和太平洋地区的政府必须抓住机会,加强合作和团结,以应对危及该地区数百万人生计的一系列挑战。联合国副秘书长兼亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会执行秘书Armida S. Alisjahbana表示,必须投资和支持科学技术,使海洋数据更加透明化,找出低碳海上运输的解决方案,并使资金与实现海洋、气候和可持续发展目标的愿望相匹配,以便为可持续发展行动提供重要基础。

Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana: As the Second Global Ocean Conference opens today in Lisbon, Portugal, governments in Asia and the Pacific must seize the opportunity to enhance cooperation and solidarity to address a host of challenges that endanger what is a lifeline for millions of people in the region. Armida Salasiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the UN and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, stated that people must invest in and support science and technology, make the  visible through ocean data, find out solutions for low-carbon maritime transport, and align finance with our ocean, climate, and SDGs aspirations in order to provide a crucial foundation for sustainability action.


(3)Pehal News Team: 来自小规模渔业社区的渔民们抱怨说,世界上一半以上供人类消费的鱼来自小规模捕鱼社区,但他们对膳食安全和海洋安全的贡献没有得到充分的认可。来自肯尼亚的非洲女性渔业加工者和贸易商网络的副主席Suzanne Njeri说,“希望决策者与我们一起讨论,而不是替我们讨论。”许多小规模的渔民尤其是其中的女性参加了里斯本会议的讨论、小组讨论和其他一些会议。但他们认为,即使最后的宣言草案提到了他们对粮食安全和消除贫困的贡献,已然并没有充分承认小规模渔业社区的作用。

Pehal News Team: Small-scale fishermen and girls complained that more than half of the world's fish caught for human consumption comes from small-scale fishing communities, but their contribution to meals safety and ocean safety is not being sufficiently recognized. Suzanne Njeri, from Kenya, vice-president of the African Women Fish Processors and Traders Network, stated that they want policymakers to talk with us, not for us. Many small-scale fishermen and girls took half in discussions, panels, and different occasions at the Lisbon convention, however, they are saying that, whereas the final draft declaration makes reference to their contribution to meals safety and the eradication of poverty, it does not sufficiently recognize their function.


(4)Elizabeth Claire Alberts: 联合国海洋会议(UNOC)在经过整整五天的讨论和活动后结束,重点是实现一个共同的目标:联合国可持续发展目标14(SDG14),该目标旨在保护水生生物。代表们通过了一份名为《里斯本宣言》的声明,以应对 "海洋面临的全球紧急状态"。与会者在会议上登记了近700项承诺,还有一些国家承诺建立新的海洋保护区(MPA)。虽然政府、非政府组织和其他实体的代表作出了许多保护承诺,但专家们说,在保护我们的海洋方面仍然任重道远。

Elizabeth Claire Alberts: The United Nations Oceans Conference (UNOC) concluded after a full five days of discussions and events focused on achieving a shared goal: U.N. Sustainable Development Goal No. 14 (SDG14), which aims to protect life below water. Representatives adopted a statement called the Lisbon Declaration, which aims to deal with the "global emergency facing the ocean." Participants registered nearly 700 commitments at the conference, and several countries announced new marine protected areas (MPAs). While representatives of governments, NGOs, and other entities made many conservation commitments, experts say that there is still a lot of work to be done to protect our oceans.


解读 Interpretations

印度尼西亚是世界上海洋生物多样性水平最高的国家之一 | 印度尼西亚海洋事务和渔业部 制

(1)Fast Company: 应对气候变化的新海洋联盟背后的秘密

Fast Company: The secret behind a new ocean consortium tackling climate change

由伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所(WHOI)和Analog Devices于2021年成立的OCIA是一个专注于推进海洋和地球健康的联盟。其使命是创建一个 "解决方案引擎",将有能力应对紧迫气候挑战的人、项目和地方聚集在一起,从而调动科学和工程的思维方式来解决这些问题。人们需要做的远不仅仅是减少碳排放,我们需要找到方法提升从大气中除碳的速度,使之能超过我们排碳的速度。ADI作为创始成员,已经向WHOI的研究人员发放了五笔专注于以海洋为基础的碳捕获和运输的拨款。

The OCIA, founded in 2021 by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Analog Devices, is a consortium focused on advancing ocean and planet health. They are on a mission to create a "solutions engine" that brings together the people, projects, and places capable of responding to urgent climate challenges and therefore mobilizing the science and engineering brainpower to solve them. Reducing carbon emissions is far from enough: We need to find ways to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we put in. ADI, as a founding member, has issued five grants focused on ocean-based carbon capture and transport to WHOI researchers.


(2)IISD: 冲浪、可持续发展目标和公民科学:海洋保护的模式

IISD: Surf, SDGs, and Citizen Science: A Model for Ocean Protection

在联合国海洋大会上,冲浪者反污水联盟(SAS)的首席执行官Hugo Tagholm指出,尽管并不是每个人都拥有博士学位和熟练的数据解读能力,但普通公民的力量若能加以妥善利用依然能够帮助解决污染问题。SAS是一个由数百万人组成的社区,他们因对海洋的共同热爱而团结起来。通过合作,SAS做了许多慈善机构所擅长的事情:动员支持者,为保护工作筹集重要资金,组织集会,游说决策者。在实现可持续发展目标14的道路上,公民科学家可以成为对抗海洋污染的重要一环。

At UN Ocean Conference, Hugo Tagholm, CEO of Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) pointed out that although not everyone comes armed with a Ph.D. and a well-honed ability to decipher data, we should utilize the power of the citizen in tackling pollution. For instance, SAS is a community of millions of people united by a shared love of the ocean. Working collaboratively, SAS does what many charities do well: mobilize supporters, raise vital funds for conservation, organize rallies, and lobby decision-makers. Citizen scientists can become a vital piece of armor in the fight against ocean pollution and, in turn, the implementation of SDG 14.


(3)Science Daily:新研究发现深海采矿的噪音污染将延伸至数百英里

Science Daily: New research finds deep-sea mining noise pollution will stretch hundreds of miles


New research examines the potential for underwater noise pollution from seabed mining operations, which could affect the understudied species that live in the deep sea. The study found that noise from one mine alone could travel approximately 500 Kms in gentle weather conditions. For this reason, a growing number of countries, experts, corporations, and environmental organizations are calling for a halt to any seabed mining, unless and until science and management can be put in place that ensures that mining will not cause harm to the marine environment.



Mongabay: Indonesia to issue quota-based fisheries policy in July, sparking concerns


The Indonesian government will issue a decree that manages the country's marine fisheries based on capture quotas, but experts have raised  concerns that this new approach may threaten the sustainability of the  country's fish stocks. Experts further explained that more than half of the fisheries management areas are already fully exploited, indicating that more stringent monitoring of Indonesia's fisheries is required. They also feared that this new decree will further increase unfair competition and wealth inequality.


(5)World Economic Forum:为什么我们需要一个以海洋为基础的二氧化碳清除的行为准则?

World Economic Forum: Why we need a code of conduct for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal


There is an urgent need to find ways to safely remove and store carbon to combat climate change, and researchers have proposed a strategy known as carbon dioxide removal (CDR) as a way to achieve "net negative emissions". As the seas hold 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere, ocean-based CDR needs to be leveraged to govern the global carbon cycle. This article lists several guidelines that need to be developed cooperatively to ensure CDR is implemented in the most effective way, such as prioritizing collective benefit, establishing responsibility, committing to open and cooperative research, performing evaluation and assessment, engaging the public, and so on.


学术 Academics


[Climate & Ocean] Assessing the vulnerability of marine life to climate change in the Pacific Islands region




[Area-Based Management] Turning the tide on protection illusions: The underproetcted MPAs of the "OSPAR Regional Sea Convention"

保护东北大西洋海洋环境公约('OSPAR公约')的缔约方已同意建立一个有效的海洋保护区(MPA)网络。虽然该网络目前覆盖了东北大西洋约7%的面积,但现有的MPA在多大程度上提供了适当的庇护仍然是未知数。使用基于监管的分类系统,我们评估了属于476个严格意义上的OSPAR MPA中946个区域的保护水平。研究表明,只有0.03%的OSPAR MPA网络被完全或高度的保护水平所覆盖,这些高度的保护水平表现出了显著的保护效益。根据这项研究,超过60%的MPA没有受到保护,导致其产生积极保护成果的能力存在不确定性。MPA覆盖率不应该单独作为MPA绩效的指标,必须和实际保护水平一起,才可以说明MPA的质量。



[Fishery Management] A randomised controlled trial to test the effects of fish aggregating devices (FADs) and SBC activities promoting fish consumption in Timor-Leste: A study protocol




[Climate & Ocean] The land-to-ocean loops of the global carbon cycle

在过去的大多数碳预算中,海洋和陆地的碳储存通常是分开量化的,没有充分考虑到碳通过内陆水域、河口、潮汐湿地和大陆架水域从陆地到海洋的运输,即 "陆地到海洋的水生连续体"(LOAC)。一部分碳也可以在流淌的途中或返回大气,或埋藏在沉积物中。本文中作者用更详细的“水网”概念,替换“管道”概念来估算工业化前的和人为的水网碳转移。作者采用质量平衡法,依靠水网观测数据的最新进展和集成,量化了1890年至今约120年的水网各环通路的通量,然后估计了各环通路通量所受的人为扰动,最后定量地限制了工业化前的平衡状态。



[Techs & Tools] Wastewater alkalinity addition as a novel approach for ocean negative carbon emissions

为了达成《巴黎协定》所规定的二氧化碳减排需求,各种负排放技术都需要得到更广泛的评估和检验。本文作者着重研究了基于海洋的二氧化碳移除技术(CDR)中的海洋碱度增强(OAE)法,为了适当和有效地将碱性物质添加到海洋中,作者提出了一个新想法,即利用废水处理厂的废水,安全地、永久地、经济地封存大气中的CO2。 该方法的优势在于废水具有低pH值、高pCO2值以及高浓度的有机酸,它可以被用来提供强碱而不产生大量的二次沉淀。增加的碱度可以通过河流和洋流输出到近海,以实现大规模的CDR,并提供大规模的可供评价和参考的数据。


(6)【蓝色经济】大西洋北极贝渔业和海上风能开发。1. 模型开发和验证

[Blue Economy] The Atlantic surfclam fishery and offshore wind energy development: 1. Model development and verification



其他资料 Other resources


Foreign Policy: The Catch


(2)联合国海洋大会上对SDG 5(性别平等)和SDG 14(水生生物)讨论的简报

SDG 5 (gender equality) and SDG 14 (life below water) underwent in-depth review at UN Ocean Conference



The EU Blue Economy Report 2022



Ocean, People, Planet: Cultivating Conservation


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022年7月26日 网络研讨会 中大西洋气候变化教育会议

2022.7.26 Webinar Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference


(2)2022年7月27日 网络研讨会 海产品行业中最有影响力的公司是如何为可持续和可靠的未来做出贡献的?

2022.7.27 Webinar How are the most influential companies in the seafood industry contributing to a sustainable and responsible future?


(3)至2022年8月30日 竞赛 将海岸研究转化为应用

Till 2022.8.30 Contest Translating Coastal Research into Application


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022年4月28日 网络研讨会 探索组合理论如何促进基于生态系统的渔业管理

2022.4.28 Webinar Explore How Portfolio Theory Can Facilitate Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management


(2) 2022年5月26日 网络研讨会 各国如何设定 "蓝碳 "基线以帮助实现其气候目标?

2022.5.26 Webinar How Can States Set ‘Blue Carbon’ Baselines to Help Meet Their Climate Goals?


(3)2022年6月29日 网络研讨会 蓝色新政: 为什么我们需要新的海洋政治

2022.6.29 Webinar A blue new deal: Why we need a new politics for the ocean


>>其他 Others



题图:海浪 | Andrzej Kryszpiniuk