Issue 59 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


Issue 59 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin

导语 Introduction




This issue of Blue Pulse includes a number of discussions related to the blue economy. The interpretation section includes an article that interprets the concept of the blue economy, or sustainable ocean economy. It argues that building a blue economy requires not only mitigating the impact of human activities, but positive contribution to the health of the oceans. In this issue one can see the efforts from China, the Philippines, the USA and Sierra Leone in pursuing the sustainable ocean economy. The threats caused by climate change and the different roles played by governments, the private sector and technology can be seen from those articles. The recognition of the monetary value of a specific ecosystem service value makes blue carbon in coastal wetlands one of the current highlights of blue economy development. However, one study in this issue questions the ability of this blue carbon to mitigate climate mitigation, despite recognizing the value of these habitats in terms of biodiversity. This also illustrates the importance of science-based policy frameworks in developing a blue economy.

时讯 News

绿色和平通过向海底投石阻止底拖网捕鱼| 制


The Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China responded on August 23 to the proposal of the Central Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party on 'Promoting the Green and Low-carbon Development of China's Marine Economy.' The following work has been carried out: promoting the basic work of marine carbon sinks; promoting the green development of marine fisheries and effectively preventing ecological disasters; creating "beautiful bays" and "beautiful islands". The next step is to accelerate the work of promoting the ocean carbon sink, improve the monitoring technology and methods, continue to monitor the pilot project; promote the high-quality development of marine fisheries, and further promote the demonstration construction of "beautiful bay" and "beautiful island".



On August 24, in Ningde, the Fujian, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China held the "Fourteenth Five-Year" fishery quality development to promote the meeting. The meeting pointed out that the fishing industry is an important part of the agricultural and rural economy. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", China's fishing industry has actively implemented structural reforms in industrial development, resource conservation, science and technology equipment, foreign cooperation, law enforcement supervision, and other aspects which had many significant results. The meeting stressed the need to conscientiously implement the important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the concept of the "Diversified Food Concept", and promote the high-quality development of fisheries. The meeting requested that fisheries authorities at all levels should be based on the "Diversified Food Concept", fully utilize any fishery conditions if possible, and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of fisheries and competitiveness.


(3)美国参议员Dan Sullivan和Sheldon Whitehouse提出了一项法案,旨在消除在美国港口和水域从事非法捕鱼活动的船只。该法案要求美国国家海洋和大气局就非法捕鱼活动向国会提交更多定期报告,并呼吁美国总统乔·拜登政府在任何相关国际协议中解决 IUU 捕鱼问题,这得到了跨党派的广泛支持。法案还要求美国海岸警卫队加强对涉嫌 IUU 捕捞的外国船舶的海上登临检查,并与区域性渔业管理组织协调以确定船舶的船旗国是否正在采取矫正措施。“为了我们的环境、鱼类和沿海社区,《渔业法案》是一项全面打击 IUU 捕鱼的全面努力。”Sullivan说。

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan and Sheldon Whitehouse have introduced a bill that seeks to ban vessels involved in illegal fishing from U.S. ports and waters. The bill requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to submit more regular reports to Congress on illegal fishing activities and calls on President Joe Biden's administration to address IUU fishing in any relevant international agreements, which has attracted strong bipartisan support. The bill also requires the U.S. Coast Guard to increase at-sea inspections of foreign vessels suspected of IUU fishing and to coordinate with regional fisheries management organizations to determine if the vessel's flag state is taking corrective measures. "For the sake of our fish, our environment and our coastal communities, the FISH Act is a comprehensive effort to fight IUU fishing across the board." Sullivan said.


(4)英国绿色和平组织于9月2日表示,该组织在英格兰西南部海岸附近的一个海洋保护区的海床上投放了 18 块巨石,以阻止破坏性的工业捕鱼。英国海洋活动家Anna Diski告诉法新社:“我们正在海床上放置大型石灰岩巨石,以形成一个保护性水下屏障,这将使该区域禁止破坏性底拖网捕鱼。”该组织的海洋项目负责人Will McCallum说:“英国绿色和平组织创建了这个水下巨石屏障,这是我们保护海洋的最后手段。我们更希望政府来完成他们该做的保护工作。”

Greenpeace UK said on September 2 that it had placed 18 boulders on the seabed of a marine reserve off the coast of southwest England to prevent "destructive" industrial fishing. British marine activist Anna Diski told AFP: "We are placing large limestone boulders on the seabed to create a protective underwater barrier which will make the area off limits to destructive fishing." Will McCallum, the organization's head of oceans, said, "Greenpeace UK has created this underwater boulder barrier as the last resort to protect the ocean. We would prefer that the government just finish their job."


观点 Perspectives

农民持有感染冰冰病的海藻|Keith Anthony Fabro

(1)Sitonia: 过去两个月袭击中国的灾难性热浪和干旱,使中国四川省的水产养殖经营者受到停电的严重影响。四川是中国国内鲤鱼的主要生产地。据当地媒体报道,由于停电和备用发电机故障,该地区的一家水产养殖场无法进行水循环,在过去的一周内损失了一万吨鱼。农业研究咨询公司 Sitonia 研究主管 Darin Friedrichs 表示:“这可能会对一系列大宗商品产生影响,而且会引发通胀。”

Stonia: Aquaculture operators in China's Sichuan province have been severely affected by power outages due to the catastrophic heat wave and drought that have hit the country over the past two months. Sichuan is a major producer of carp and other species sold through China's domestic market. According to local media reports, an aquaculture farm in the region was unable to circulate water due to power outages and backup generator failures, and subsequently lost 10,000 tons of fish in the past week. "This could have an impact on a range of commodities and it could be inflationary," said Darin Friedrichs, head of research at Sitonia, an agricultural research consultancy.


(2)WHOI: 科学家呼吁要更好地保护未成年帝企鹅。研究发现,幼年帝企鹅90%的时间都是在已设立的和讨论中的海洋保护区(MPA)之外度过的;而且因为它们还没有完全发展出觅食和躲避捕食者的技能,幼年帝企鹅比成年帝企鹅更容易收到伤害。研究人员认为,扩展海洋保护区对于对于保护这一标志性的、但却受到威胁的企鹅物种的每个生命阶段都是至关重要的。WHOI博士后研究员和该研究的主要作者 Aymeric Houstin 建议根据对企鹅全年活动的预测,可以开发一种边界不断变化的“动态MPA”。

WHOI: Scientists are calling for better protection for young emperor penguins. The study found that juvenile emperor penguins spend 90 percent of their time outside of current and proposed MPAs and are more vulnerable than adults because they have not fully developed skills to forage and avoid predators. Aymeric Houstin, WHOI postdoctoral fellow and lead author of the study, suggests that a "dynamic MPA" with changing boundaries could be developed based on predictions of penguin activity throughout the year.


(3)Keith Anthony S. Fabro: 在菲律宾的沿海社区,海藻养殖证明了其在帮助解决贫困和环境问题方面的价值,但引发海藻病虫害问题的气候变化正在成为该行业的威胁。在政府认识到海藻生产是菲律宾最重要的水产养殖商品之一后,为农民提供物质与技术支持。东南亚渔业发展中心水产养殖部的海藻研究员 Joseph Faisan Jr. 说,当海藻暴露在压力条件下时,海藻的健康就会受到影响,使它们容易受到疾病和害虫的影响。为此,渔业和水产资源局制定了2022-2026 年菲律宾海藻产业路线图,以解决海藻行业问题,并重新夺回该国在国际海藻市场的地位。

Keith Anthony S. Fabro: In coastal communities in the Philippines, seaweed farming has proven its value in helping to address poverty and environmental issues, but climate changes, which trigger problems with seaweed pests and diseases, is becoming a threat to the industry. Material and technical support is being provided to farmers after the government recognized that seaweed production is one of the most important aquaculture commodities in the Philippines. When seaweeds are exposed to stressful conditions, their health is compromised, making them vulnerable to diseases and pests, says Joseph Faisan Jr., a seaweed researcher with the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center's Aquaculture Division. In response, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has developed the Philippine Seaweed Industry Roadmap 2022-2026 to address the seaweed industry and reclaim the country's position in the international seaweed market.


(4)Wyatte Grantham-Philips: 成千上万的死鱼和其他海洋生物尸体在旧金山湾区被冲上岸,并散发出难闻的气味。专家指出,前所未有的“赤潮”可能是其原因。“赤潮”是一种有害的藻类繁殖---它会产生毒素或导致海水含氧量下降到生存所需的水平。大多数赤潮或水华在大约一周后结束,但旧金山湾地区水质控制委员会执行官 Eileen White 说:“在即将到来的劳动节周末,预测超过一百华氏度(37.78度)热浪可能会导致湾区的藻类进一步大量繁殖,而我们不知道它什么时候会结束。”

Wyatte Grantham-Philips: Thousands of dead fish and other marine life are washing ashore in the San Francisco Bay Area, giving off an unpleasant smell. Experts say an unprecedented "red tide" algae bloom is the most likely cause. A "red tide" is a harmful algal bloom - one that produces powerful and deadly toxins or causes the water's oxygen to drop beyond the level needed to survive. Most algal blooms end after about a week, but Eileen White, executive officer of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, said the triple-digit heat wave predicted for the upcoming Labor Day weekend could lead to an algal bloom in the Bay Area, if not more. "We don't know when it's going to end." She said.


解读 Interpretations

图3 在康涅狄格州格林威治的海岸上,一群野生牡蛎茁壮成长.jpeg
在康涅狄格州格林威治的海岸上,一群野生牡蛎茁壮成长|Tessa Getchis

(1)Glen Wright: 把船靠岸:达成公海生物多样性条约的重大进展

Glen Wright: Bringing the ship to shore: Significant progress towards a high seas biodiversity treaty

在联合国举行的国家管辖外海洋生物多样性政府间会议(BBNJ -IGC)第五届会议取得了重要进展,在一些关键问题上达成了共识和妥协。例如,海洋遗传资源:发展中国家现在表示愿意接受某种形式的金钱利益分享;环境影响评价:许多代表团支持纳入战略环境评估(SEA);管理措施和保护区:支持“建立一个综合体系”ABMTs,包括一个“具有生态代表性和连接良好的海洋保护区网络”;能力建设:代表们似乎就建立专门的委员会以及监督和审查条款达成了共识。BBNJ 谈判中的决定性问题,以及环境保护(MPA 和 EIA)与公平(MGRs 和 CBTT)之间的紧张关系,反映了多边环境谈判的长期动态。

Countries met at the UN for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) and made significant progress in reaching consensus and compromise on a number of key issues. Marine Genetic Resources: Developing countries now express a willingness to accept some form of monetary benefit sharing. Environmental Impact Assessment: Many delegations supported the inclusion of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Management measures and protected areas: "Establishing an integrated system" of ABMTs, including an "ecologically representative and well-connected network of marine protected areas". Capacity Building: Delegates appear to have reached consensus on the establishment of a dedicated CBTT committee and on monitoring and review provisions. Decisive issues in the BBNJ negotiations, and tensions between environmental protection (MPA and EIA) and equity (MGRs and CBTT), reflect the long-term dynamics of multilateral environmental negotiations.


(2)Benjamin Cooke等: 到 2030 年保护澳大利亚 30% 的陆地和海洋听起来很棒——但事实并非如此

Benjamin Cooke et al: Protecting 30% of Australia's land and sea by 2030 sounds great, but it's not what it seems

澳大利亚环境部长Tanya Plibersek承诺到 2030 年保护澳大利亚 30% 的土地和水域,但事实上,如今45%的海洋已经受到保护,而土地有22%已受到保护。可是尽管如此,澳大利亚的生物多样性丧失和环境衰退仍在继续---并且还在加速。保护区真正的挑战是管理,由于联邦资金并没有支付这些新增的保护区所需的费用,非政府组织和保护区所有者不得不依赖市场和慈善支持。尽管纸面上澳大利亚的保护状况看起来不错,但如果我们重视这些受保护的土地,我们就必须为它们的管理提供资金,并解决保护区以外发生的事情。

Australian Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has pledged to protect 30 percent of Australia's land and oceans by 2030, but in fact, 45 percent of the oceans are already protected today, and 22 percent of the land is being protected. But despite this, Australia's biodiversity loss and the environmental decline continues - and is accelerating. The real challenge for protected areas is management, and because federal funding does not cover the costs of managing these new reserves, NGOs and traditional owners have to rely on market approaches and philanthropy. While on paper Australia's conservation status looks good, if we value these protected lands, we must fund their management and address what is happening outside the reserves.


(3)Aaron Kornbluth: 康涅狄格州的贝类数量因该州的第一个恢复指南而得到提升

Aaron Kornbluth: Connecticut’s Shellfish Population Gets a Boost With State’s First Restoration Guide

由于过度捕捞、水污染、疾病和栖息地破坏,美国东海岸的贝类水产种群---尤其是东部本土的牡蛎---数量大幅减少。为此,康涅狄格州开始实施一项目标为修复的指导措施,以恢复和扩大其本土海洋贝类种群。该指导措施的一个组成部分是“康涅狄格州贝类恢复地图查看器“,这是 2021 年发布的在线交互式地图工具。康涅狄格州农业部水产养殖局局长 David Carey 说,“康涅狄格州的贝类产业最了解改善野生牡蛎种群对企业本身是有利的。这就是为什么牡蛎养殖者和捕捞者以及其他商业渔民从一开始就支持本措施的制定,并享受实现它所带来的益处。”

Shellfish populations on the East Coast - particularly the eastern native oyster - have declined significantly due to overfishing, water pollution, disease, and habitat destruction. In response, Connecticut has begun implementing a restoration guide to restore and expand its native marine shellfish populations. One component of the guide is the CT Shellfish Restoration Map Viewer, an online interactive mapping tool released in 2021. The Connecticut shellfish industry understands better than most that improving our state's wild oyster populations is good for seafood businesses," said David Carey, director of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Aquaculture. That's why oyster farmers and harvesters, as well as other commercial fishermen, have supported the development of this guide from the beginning and are willing to enjoy the benefits of it becoming a reality."


(4)Emma Bryce: 什么是蓝色经济?

Emma Bryce: What is the Blue Economy?

蓝色经济,世界银行给出的更加具体的定义是“可持续利用海洋资源来促进经济增长、改善生计和就业,同时保护海洋生态系统健康”的经济活动。Middlebury国际问题研究所蓝色经济中心主任 Jason Scorse 表示,一个行业要想成为蓝色经济的一部分,光是通过减排或减少兼捕来降低自身危害是不够的,至少必须做到以可持续的方式利用资源,最好还要能够帮助恢复海洋栖息地。虽然目前来看蓝色经济规模很小,但 Scorse 说,“我们的目标是有一天,海洋经济和蓝色经济成为同一个事业。”

The blue economy, as more specifically defined by the World Bank, is an economic activity that "sustainably uses marine resources to promote economic growth, improve livelihoods and employment, while protecting the health of marine ecosystems. Jason Scorse, director of the Middlebury Institute's Center for the Blue Economy, said that for an industry to be part of the blue economy, it is not enough to reduce its own harm by reducing emissions or bycatch, but must at least use resources in a sustainable way and ideally help restore marine habitats. While the blue economy looks small for now, Scorse said, "our goal is to one day have the ocean economy and the blue economy be the same thing."


(5)FAO: 近期全球海产品贸易放缓

FAO: Global seafood trade has slowed


According to a recent analysis by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, both the volume and value of overseas sales realized by the industry have declined over the past few years, but the nominal value of seafood products continues to grow at a uniform annual rate. The faster growth in the value of seafood trade suggests that a higher proportion of seafood trade volume consists of high-value species and products that are being processed or otherwise adding value.


(6)Lynette John: 塞拉利昂海草床的发现与保护

Lynette John: Discovery and Conservation of Seagrass Beds in Sierra Leone


In 2019 scientists recorded the presence of seagrasses for the first time in Sierra Leone, near an island in the Turtle Archipelago. Seagrasses help combat climate change and coastal erosion, and the mangrove swamps where they are found are breeding grounds for many marine organisms and are one of the main foods for different species. But seagrasses in Sierra Leone face human interference - such as passenger boats traveling to and from the area, fishing activities, and plastic pollution. While the law may be very effective in protecting the MPAs, the people of Sierra Leone do not have the capacity to monitor, nor do they have sophisticated monitoring boats and other equipment, which makes the job very difficult.


学术 Academics


[Ocean Governance] Potential for Cooperation between China and the Small Island States in Building an International Legal Order for the Oceans




[Blue Economy] Carbon Removal Using Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems Is Uncertain and Unreliable, With Questionable Climatic Cost-Effectiveness




[Ocean Governance] Science and Dissemination for the UN Ocean Decade Outcomes: Current Trends and Future Perspectives




[Area-based Management] History and Prospects of Marine Protected Areas Development in China




[Ocean Governance] Noise from deep-sea mining may span vast ocean areas




[Climate & Ocean] Compound marine heatwaves and ocean acidity extremes



其他资料 Other resources


Krill, Baby, Krill: The corporations profiting from plundering Antarctica



The contribution of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development to the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda



Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022年9月30日 网络研讨会 气候变化与海洋生物

20229.30 Webinar Climate Change and Marine Life


(2)2022年9月30日至10月2日 网络研讨会 POSea 2022年会议

2022.9.30-10.2 Webinar POSea 2022 Conference


(3)2022年10月13日 网络研讨会 海岸保护的挑战和创新

2022.10.13 Webinar Challenges and Innovations in Coastal Protection


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022年4月13日 网络研讨会 为供应链中部公司发声:Sea Pact如何从供应链中部推动变革

2022.4.13 Webinar Giving a Voice to Mid-Supply Chain Companies: How Sea Pact is Driving Change from the Middle


(2)2022年8月31日 网络研讨会 2022年水产养殖饲料领域状况

2022.8.31 Webinar The State of the Aquaculture Feed Sector in 2022


>>其他 Others



题图:这些巨石被扔进了英格兰西南部海岸的一个海洋保护区| 制