Issue 57 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


Fifth BBNJ Agreement Negotiations Underway

导语 Introduction



Highlight 1

The fifth intergovernmental negotiation on the UN Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) is taking place in New York. There is widespread interest in how this agreement will coordinate and even cooperate with other international ocean management regimes. One of those regions, the International Seabed Authority (ISA), which manages the exploitation of seabed mineral resources beyond national jurisdiction, has recently come under fire from scientists and environmentalists over the issue of transparency. There is also a paper on the relation between ISA and BBNJ in the Academic section of this issue. You can also find papers on high sea MPAs in this issue.

时讯 News

图1 ISA秘书处成员与ISA-27大会代理主席Olav Myklebust的合影.jpeg
ISA秘书处成员与ISA-27大会代理主席Olav Myklebust的合影 | IISD 制


The Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province issued the "Pilot Work Plan for Marine Ecosystem Carbon Sink in Hainan Province (2022-2024)" on July 28, aiming to investigate and assess the marine ecosystem carbon sink resources, while consolidating and enhancing the marine ecosystem carbon sink, and innovating its development mode and approach. The Program specifies that by 2024, Hainan will basically form a referential model of ecosystem carbon sink management, and requires the gradual establishment of a carbon sink accounting system for the background survey of marine ecosystem carbon sinks, carbon sink monitoring, stock assessment, potential assessment and assessment of the effectiveness of ecological protection and restoration to increase sinks, and the establishment of a comprehensive platform for marine carbon sink resource management.



Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shandong Provincial Department of Finance released on August 2, 2022 "Shandong Province 2022 Central Financial Fisheries Development Subsidy Fund Project Implementation Plan". The Program aims to develop subsidies for the construction of national marine pastures and national coastal fishing port economic zones, improve the level of modern fisheries facilities and equipment, continue to promote the green cycle of fisheries development and carry out fisheries resources surveys and conservation and international compliance capacity enhancement.


(3)国际海底管理局(ISA)大会第27届大会在牙买加金斯敦举行,于2022年8月4日闭幕,为期三天。会议上,ISA秘书长Michael W. Lodge根据《联合国海洋法公约》第166条第4款要求提交了年度报告,介绍了为落实2021-2022年期间国际海底管理局战略计划和2019-2023年高级别行动计划中的九个战略方向和相关的高级别行动而确定的活动的实施进展。大会还通过ISA能力发展战略,旨在进一步促进和加强发展中国家的能力发展方案和倡议,并批准 ISA 2023-2024年期间的预算。

The 27th Assembly of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) was held in Kingston, Jamaica, closing a three-day session on August 4, 2022. At the meeting, ISA Secretary-General Michael W. Lodge presented his annual report pursuant to Article 166(4) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, describing progress in the implementation of the activities identified to implement the nine strategic directions and related high-level actions in the ISA Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2022 and the 2019-2023 High-Level Action Plan. The Assembly also adopted the ISA Capacity Development Strategy, which aims to further promote and strengthen capacity development programs and initiatives in developing countries, and approved the ISA budget for the period 2023-2024.


(4)美国联邦海上能源管理局(BOEM)于6月23日发布《渔业减缓战略草案》,希望美国海上风电产业能够与美国的商业和休闲渔业达成合作。《草案》中“经济补偿”方面倍受关注,文件中“附录A”介绍“收入风险估计”的计算方法,用以计算因风电项目损失的收入而对渔民的公平支付。但对于非专业人士,部分网站信息难以理解,因此对于数字信息BOEM建议使用工作表格形式进行整理。同时,BOEM建议风能公司审阅渔船的监测系统(VMS)的数据,可以帮助公司了解 "更精细 "的船只活动和捕鱼地点的变化和路线。

The Federal Bureau of Offshore Energy Management (BOEM) released a draft Fisheries Mitigation Strategy on June 23, which hopes to bring the U.S. offshore wind industry into cooperation with U.S. commercial and recreational fisheries. The "financial compensation" aspect of the Draft is of particular interest, with "Appendix A" of the document describing the calculation of the "revenue exposure estimates" used to calculate fair payments to fishermen for income lost due to wind projects. However, some of the website information is difficult to understand for non-specialists, so BOEM recommends that the numerical information be organized in a worksheet format. Also, BOEM recommends that wind energy companies review data from vessel monitoring systems (VMS), which can help companies understand "finer grained" vessel activity and changes in fishing locations and routes.


观点 Perspectives

图2 越南的水产养殖.jpeg
越南的水产养殖 | Ted McGrath

 (1)Elizabeth Fitt: 联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)于6月29日发布最新的“世界渔业和水产养殖状况”(SOFIA)报告概述了一种“蓝色转型”,它有可能帮助摆脱关键的粮食安全问题。可持续水产养殖扩张和更好的渔业管理构成了该报告蓝色转型愿景的支柱,该愿景旨在最大限度地提高全球到 2030 年实现联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)的能力。报告中说,我们需要“在保护我们的自然资源的同时加快解决粮食安全问题的行动”,并指出,目前,“世界还没有走上消除饥饿和营养不良并实现可持续发展目标的轨道。”

Elizabeth Fitt: The latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report, released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on June 29, outlines a "blue transition" that has the potential to help move away from critical food security issues. Sustainable aquaculture expansion and better fisheries management form the pillars of the report's Blue Transformation vision, which aims to maximize global capacity to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The report states that we need to "accelerate action to address food security while protecting our natural resources," noting that currently, "the world is not on track to end hunger and malnutrition and achieve the SDGs."


(2)Christopher Free & Willow Battista: 研究表明,要解决在严重气候变化影响下的食物问题,必须着眼于海洋。最近发表在《自然》杂志的一项研究结果表明,减少温室气体排放是我们为了保护粮食系统可做的最重要的事情,在气候变化较温和的情况下,生产足够的海鲜适应增长的人口是可能的。野生捕捞渔业可以采取的适应措施已经广为人知,我们还需要提高水产养殖生产力,并需要政策来确保可持续性并增加对该行业及其生产的海产品的公平准入。

Christopher Free & Willow Battista: Research suggests that to solve the food problem under the impact of severe climate change, we must look to the oceans. The results of a recent study published in the journal Nature suggest that the most important thing we can do to protect our food system is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that producing enough seafood to adapt to a growing population is possible under a milder climate change. The adaptation measures that can be taken by wild capture fisheries are well known; we also need to increase aquaculture productivity and policies to ensure sustainability and increase equitable access to the industry and the seafood it produces.


(3)Ted Schmitt: 从事非法、未报告和不受管制 (IUU) 捕鱼的船队开始感受到卫星监测和人工智能带来的影响。在西印度洋,渔业监测中心使用 Skylight 来识别、跟踪和记录在禁区捕鱼的船只,并支持国家公园管理局保护海洋保护区 (MPA) 网络;分析人员将船只轨迹的截图和船位监控系统 (VMS)数据作为证据来分析非法捕鱼活动 。渔船的航迹数据表明,IUU 的肇事者正在因为监控增强而改变他们的行为。同时,Schmitt还表明Skylight的监控有助于提高主要海产品进入市场的可追溯性。

Ted Schmitt: Perpetrators of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing are beginning to feel the impact of satellite monitoring solutions and artificial intelligence. In the Western Indian Ocean, the Fisheries Monitoring Center uses Skylight to identify, track, and record vessels fishing in closed areas and to support a national park agency that protects a network of marine protected areas (MPAs), where analysts use screenshots of vessel tracks as evidence, supplemented by a vessel monitoring system (VMS) for illegal activity. The vessel trajectories suggest that IUU perpetrators are changing their behavior as a result of increased surveillance. At the same time, Schmitt also showed that Skylight's surveillance helped improve seafood market traceability at the entrance to the main seafood market.


(4)周连义: 当前大连市海洋生态空间的发展面临巨大压力,构建海洋生态空间三维用途管制分区和管制规则迫在眉睫。一是建立大连海洋生态空间用途管制三维分区。二是全面开展海洋生态空间利用状况专项调查,摸清我市海洋生态空间基本情况。三是开展海洋生态空间利用适宜性评价,为科学用海夯实基础。四是调整海洋产业结构,促进海洋新兴产业发展。

周连义At present, the development of marine ecological space in Dalian is under great pressure, and it is urgent to construct three-dimensional use management zoning and management rules for marine ecological space.  First, to establish three-dimensional zoning of marine ecological space use management in Dalian. Second, to carry out a special survey on the use of marine ecological space, to find out the basic condition of the city's marine ecological space. Third, to carry out the evaluation of the suitability of marine ecological space use, to establish a solid foundation for the scientific utilization of the sea. Fourth, adjust the structure of the marine industry, and promote the development of emerging marine industries.


解读 Interpretations

图3 蓝鳍金枪鱼.jpeg
蓝鳍金枪鱼 | GMRI 制

(1)Fish Focus: 海洋保护区的整体管理

Fish Focus: Whole-site Management of Marine Protected Areas

根据一项新的研究,海洋保护区 (MPA) 的整体管理可以将其边界内的珊瑚礁物种的总丰度提高 95%,普利茅斯大学的一项研究中对英格兰南海岸附近莱姆湾海洋保护措施的长期监测中的最新发现可以证实这一点。该研究同时表明,整体管理方法还有其他好处——可以导致更高水平的物种多样性;海床更健康,更能抵御风暴或生物入侵等事件。海洋生态学(研究)副教授Emma Sheehan博士表示,“海洋保护区越来越被认为是一种在支持沿海社区的同时改善海洋环境的可持续方式。”

According to a new study, whole-site management of marine protected areas (MPAs) can increase the total abundance of coral reef species within their boundaries by up to 95 percent, as confirmed by recent findings in a University of Plymouth study of long-term monitoring of marine conservation measures in Lyme Bay off the south coast of England. The study also shows that the whole-site management approach has other benefits - it can lead to higher levels of species diversity; a healthier seabed that is more resilient to events such as storms or biological invasions. Dr. Emma Sheehan, associate professor of marine ecology (research), said, "Marine protected areas are increasingly being recognized as a sustainable way to improve the marine environment while supporting coastal communities."


(2)Bob Humphrey: 金枪鱼的困境

Bob Humphrey: The trouble with tuna

第一,鱼太多。7月中旬左右,(美国东海岸)蓝鳍金枪鱼有时会在市场上泛滥成灾,原因更多是由于其更容易被捕获而不是渔民的努力,这导致价格暴跌、配额被迅速填满,捕捞季在高峰期就草草结束。第二,渔船太多。越来越多的人认为,渔获量的增加是 "非渔业从业者的错(例如休闲捕鱼)"。《马格努森-史蒂文斯法案》要求所有的垂钓者都能获得资源,但一些渔业的执照和许可证的费用可能相当昂贵,这可以起到一定劝阻作用。管理蓝鳍金枪鱼渔业是一个复杂的业务,管理者必须在保护资源和确保其可持续发展与满足各种用户群体和选民之间取得平衡。

First, too many fish. The bluefin tuna market sometimes floods around mid-July, due more to availability than effort, which causes prices to plummet, quotas to be filled quickly, and the season to end hastily at its peak. Second, too many boats. Increasingly, it is contended that the increase in catches is the "fault of part-timers." The Magnuson-Stevens Act requires all anglers to have access to the resource, but the cost of licenses and permits in some fisheries can be quite expensive, which can serve as a disincentive. Managing a bluefin tuna fishery is a complex business, and managers must balance protecting the resource and ensuring its sustainability with satisfying a variety of user groups and constituents.


(3)Melinda Conners: 大型海洋保护区可使洄游物种受益--但设计和管理是关键

Melinda Conners: Large Marine Protected Areas Can Benefit Migratory Species—But Design and Management Are Key


Marine protected areas (MPAs) are more likely to provide critical protection for highly migratory megafauna if decision makers carefully consider the location, size, and dynamic management of MPAs. Marine megafauna is large marine animals, usual vertebrates such as sharks, whales, sea turtles, and seabirds, most of which are highly mobile. Large marine protected areas that encompass the open ocean are now becoming more common and are designed to be sufficient to protect entire ecosystems and ecological processes. In addition, because mobile marine megafauna can traverse large areas of the ocean during their annual cycle, additional conservation strategies, such as bycatch reduction measures or seasonal fishing closures, are necessary as part of an interconnected regional conservation network.


(4)Ray Hilborn: 科学对拖网捕捞的可持续性的看法

Ray Hilborn: What science says about the sustainability of trawling


Banning bottom trawling is not the right approach to global sustainability, but rather to manage it by providing incentives to the fishing fleets. Many trawl fisheries are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, and the coastal bottom trawl nets used in bottom trawling will certainly affect the flora and fauna growing on the seafloor, but the overall impact of trawling depends on the sensitivity of individual species, the type of gear, the underlying geology of the seafloor, and the frequency of trawling. Good management can reduce impacts on benthic ecosystems while avoiding discards almost entirely. A major review showed that bottom trawling is the second largest fuel consumer, but can actually have a better carbon footprint than beef, and in some cases is comparable to corn.


(5)Elizabeth Claire Alberts: 深海采矿谈判中对透明度和准入的担忧

Elizabeth Claire Alberts: Concerns over transparency and access abound at deep-sea mining negotiations

国际海底管理局(ISA)于7月举行一项会议决定如何进行深海采矿,但科学家和环保主义者表示该会议存在相当大的透明度问题,限制了对关键信息的访问,并阻碍了成员国与民间社会之间的互动。在线期刊DSM Observer的主编Andrew Thaler表示,成员国也经常对 ISA 并不总是将他们的发言纳入文件草案,并且没有公开的谈判记录表示失望。深海保护联盟(DSCC)的政治和政策顾问Matt Gianni说,“就目前而言,ISA 继续不负责任地通过规章,以允许最早在 2023 年下半年开始采矿。”

The International Seabed Authority (ISA) held a meeting in July to decide how to proceed with deep-sea mining, but scientists and environmentalists say the meeting had considerable transparency problems, limiting access to critical information and hampering interaction between member states and civil society. Andrew Thaler, editor-in-chief of the online trade journal DSM Observer, said member states also often express frustration that the ISA does not always include their interventions in draft documents and that there is no public record of negotiations. Matt Gianni, the political and policy advisor for the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC), said, "As it stands, the ISA continues to irresponsibly adopt regulations to allow mining to begin as early as the second half of 2023."


学术 Academics


[Area-based Management] Linking historical fishing pressure to biodiversity outcomes to predict spatial variation in Marine Protected Area performance

为了解海洋保护区(MPA)如何实现保护生物多样性和提高渔业可持续性,需要根据管理目标评价鱼类生物量,同时应该考虑海域变化的多种生物、物理和社会驱动 因素。在评估MPA效果时,空间变化十分重要,可以帮助管理者在不同区域针对性地调整管理方法。因此本研究开发了一种模型,预测捕捞压力和生物物理条件如何影响鱼类生物量的预期恢复。结果发现,历史捕捞压力、波浪暴露和靠近沿海生境都是MPA前鱼类生物量的重要决定因素。



[Ocean Governance] Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: REMPs for Deep Seabed Mining and the Proposed BBNJ Instrument

目前海洋治理主要是通过基于不同部门的法律和制度框架来实现的,但在人类活动不断扩大的国家管辖范围(ABNJ)以外的地区,海洋环境的长期保护和海洋资源的可持续性远远不够。一方面,被授权管理 "区域 "内矿产资源的国际海底管理局目前正在讨论一份条例,以使未来的开采活动得以进行;另一方面,正在进行多边谈判,以制定一项具有国际法律约束力的文书,保护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外地区的海洋生物多样性("BBNJ "条约)。该文章详细阐述了加强治理整合和发展这两个进程之间一致和合作的相互作用的选择,并认为"BBNJ"文书可以发挥关键作用,通过采用雄心勃勃的总体环境愿景和战略目标,并辅以强有力的实施和执行机制,简化保护ABNJ生物多样性的多边行动。



[Area-based Management] International Marine Protected Area Development Trend and China's Response Strategy




[Ocean Governance] Study on the property rights management path of three-dimensional stratified use of sea area




[Ocean & Climate] Central tropical Pacific convection drives extreme high temperatures and  surface melt on the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula

本研究表明,位于南极半岛东部拉森C冰架的极端夏季表面融化和创纪录的高温事件是由热带太平洋中部的深层对流(CPAC)引发的。该对流在南太平洋上产生一个拉长的气旋异常,同时在德雷克海峡上产生一个强高压异常。这些大气环流异常共同将非常温暖和湿润的空气输送到南极半岛西南部,通常以 "大气河流 "的形式出现,产生强烈的地表升温和南极半岛东部地区和拉森C冰架的表面融化。因此,除了环极地西风带之外, CPAC对流的变化是南极半岛表面质量平衡和极端高温发生的一个关键驱动因素。



[Ocean Ecosystem] Southern resident killer whales not getting enough to eat since 2018



其他资料 Other resources


RaboResearch unit: The “Global Aquaculture Update 2H 2022” 



Implementing the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing and Least-Developed Country Members



Report of the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority under article 166, paragraph 4, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea



New Edition of Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard Released


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022年8月31日 网络研讨会 2022年水产养殖饲料行业的现状

2022.8.31 Webinar The State of the Aquaculture Feed Sector in 2022


(2)2022年9月18日至23日 网络研讨会 第七届国际海洋废弃物会议(7IMDC)

2022.9.18-23 Webinar 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)


(3)2022年10月26日 网络研讨会 如何让美国人吃更多的海鲜

2022.10.26 Webinar How to Get Americans to Eat More Seafood


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022年5月25日 网络研讨会 蓝色食品:利用营销的力量推动可持续海产品运动的发展

2022.5.25 Webinar Fed By Blue: Using the Power of Marketing to Advance the Sustainable Seafood Movement


(2)2022年7月1日 网络研讨会 海洋云亮化--治理的困境

2022.7.1 Webinar Marine Cloud Brightening – A Governance Dilemma


(3)2022年7月13日 网络研讨会 介绍海洋之眼,海洋生态系统服务支付的新技术

2022.7.13 Webinar Introducing Ocean Eye, new technology for marine ecosystem service payments


>>其他 Others



题图:据粮农组织称,养殖和捕捞的水产食品对于养活不断增长的人口至关重要 | 亚洲开发银行 制