Issue 58 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


Half time for BBNJ-IGC5

导语 Introduction



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Last week, the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Conference on an Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction under UNCLOS (BBNJ-IGC5) was 'suspeded' as time ran out and the negotiating mandate was not fulfilled. The next session will be the "second half" of IGC5 rather than IGC6, and the evaluation of the meeting is a mixture of disappointment and hope. Blue Pulse sees at least three positive outcomes from the meeting: firstly, there has been progress on the texts of the different issues and the overall number of differences is decreasing; secondly, substantive discussions on marine genetic resources have finally started and developed countries are beginning to offer compromises (although they are still difficult for developing countries to accept); and thirdly, the frustration may stimulate more innovative thinking and advance high-level political exchange. Although the North-South divide remains strong, as reflected in the countries' closing statements, the will to move forward with negotiations and cooperate is much stronger than it was at the end of the Copenhagen Climate Conference. We can all look forward to the beginning of a new chapter in this process that have lasted for almost 20 years. In addition, this issue of Blue Pulse continues to follow the debates on blue economy, oceans and climate change and scientific advances in the polar oceans, for those interested.

时讯 News

图1 新加坡IGC主席Rena Lee暂停IGC-5.jpeg
IGC主席Rena Lee宣布休会 | IIS 制

(1)2022年8月15日至26日,BBNJ 的第五次政府间谈判会议 (IGC5) 在纽约联合国总部举行。BBNJ的“一揽子议程” 包括海洋遗传资源(MGRs)、环境影响评价(EIA)、包括海洋保护区在内的划区管理工具 (ABMT)、能力建设和海洋技术转让(CB&TT)四个方面都取得了重大进展,但每方面仍存在部分未决项目。虽然IGC5未能完成协议的谈判,但正如代表和观察员在谈判中所强调的那样,“不能选择一个薄弱的条约”,他们更愿意继续讨论“制定海洋真正需要的强大框架”。

The fifth session of the BBNJ Intergovernmental Meeting (IGC) was held at the UN Headquarters in New York from August 15-26, 2022. The meeting made significant progress in all four fronts of the BBNJ "package": marine genetic resources (MGRs), environmental impact assessment (EIA), area-based management tools (ABMT) including marine protected areas (MPAs), capacity building and transfer of marine technology  (CB&T), but there are still some outstanding items in each front. While IGC-5 was unsuccessful in delivering a new oceans treaty, as delegates and observers stressed during the negotiations, "a weak treaty cannot be chosen" and they preferred to continue discussions "to get it right and develop the strong framework needed for the oceans".


(2)在听取渔民和专家的意见后,印度尼西亚政府决定放弃将长期捕鱼权外包给企业的计划。渔业部捕捞渔业总干事穆罕默德·扎伊尼·哈纳菲表示,新的渔业管理方法将基于捕捞配额。扎伊尼说,政府将向新投资者颁发“特别许可证”,无需签署任何合同。但关于该管理方法的公开细节很少,与传统签订合同的方式相比,新方法将把年度总允许捕捞量 (TAC) 的最大限制分配给所有的渔业利益相关者,该TAC的上限为估计鱼量的 80%。

After listening to fishermen and experts, the Indonesian government has decided to abandon plans to outsource long-term fishing rights to companies. Muhammad Zaini Hanafi, director general of capture fisheries at the Ministry of Fisheries, said the new approach to fisheries management will focus on fishing based on fishing quotas. Zaini said his office will instead issue "special licenses" to new investors, without the need to sign any contracts. But few details have been made public about the management approach, which will allocate a maximum annual total allowable catch (TAC) limit to each fishery stakeholder, capped at 80 percent of the estimated catch, compared to the contractual approach.


(3)全球渔业观察组织近期宣布已建立新的门户网站,用以向公众提供应用程序接口(API),提供对地图平铺、从自动识别系统(AIS)数据中得出的明显的捕鱼活动和事件的可视化,以及搜索船只的能力,并让两个软件系统能够通过自动检索数据来相互通信。其产品开发总监Anna Sanders说,“作为一个小团队,我们无法关注到每一个海洋面临的问题,因此在自动化和灵活的框架中释放我们的知识将为其他创新者提供更多的机会,这些创新者可以开发和部署可行的解决方案来应对海洋压力源。”

Global Fishing Watch recently announced that it has created a new portal to provide the public with an application programming interface (API) that provides access to map tiling, visualization of apparent fishing activity and events derived from Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, and the ability to search for vessels and allow two software systems to communicate with each other by automatically retrieving data. Anna Sanders, its director of product development, said, "As a small team, we can't focus on every problem facing the ocean, so unlocking our knowledge in an automated and flexible framework will provide additional opportunities for other innovators who can develop and deploy viable solutions to address ocean stressors. "


(4)世界银行正在资助太平洋岛国图瓦卢的一项新计划,旨在通过聘请新西兰卫星公司监测其水域,最大限度地提高该国从金枪鱼准入交易中获得的收益。太平洋岛屿渔业论坛机构 (FFA) 和新西兰国防军 (NZDF) 为监测计划部署了空中与海上巡逻扫描。渔业合规顾问弗朗西斯科·布拉哈 (Francisco Blaha) 说,“图瓦卢在这里所做的很重要,因为在其水域捕鱼的外国船只支付的使用费占政府收入的 55% 以上。”项目团队将向地方当局提供培训,太平洋岛屿也受益于旨在减少 IUU 捕捞的一系列卫星监测计划。

The World Bank is funding a new program in the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu aimed at maximizing the country's gains from the tuna access trade by hiring a New Zealand satellite company to monitor its waters. The Pacific Islands Fisheries Forum Agency (FFA) and the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) provided the monitoring program with scans to validate air and sea patrols. Francisco Blaha, the fisheries compliance consultant, said, "What Tuvalu is doing here is important because foreign vessels fishing in its waters pay more than 55 percent of government revenue in royalties." The project team will provide training to local authorities, and the Pacific islands have also benefited from a series of satellite monitoring programs aimed at reducing IUU fishing.


观点 Perspectives

图2 由于过度捕捞、污染和气候变化影响,南极磷虾面临压力.jpeg
南极磷虾 | Dan Costa

(1)Emma Desrochers: 国际海产品可持续性基金会(ISSF)在中美热带金枪鱼委员会(IATTC)即将召开的年度会议之前发表了一份立场声明,承认IATTC在金枪鱼保护方面的努力,同时也推动其与成员国一起执行已颁布的措施。ISSF主席苏珊·杰克逊说,“我们很高兴目前的存量指标显示,大眼鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的捕捞并未超过该措施设定的可持续水平,并且对鲣鱼的中期评估是积极的。现在,各方必须全面实施新的金枪鱼保护措施并合作加强港口抽样,这将有助于在未来将鲣鱼、大眼鱼和黄鳍鱼的种群保持在健康水平。”

Emma Desrochers: ISSF published a position statement ahead of the IATTC’s upcoming annual meeting acknowledging the IATTC’s tuna-conservation efforts while also pushing for it to follow through on its enacted measures with member-states. ISSF President Susan Jackson said. “We are gratified that the current stock indicators show that bigeye and yellowfin fishing  has not increased beyond sustainable levels set by the measure and that the interim assessment of skipjack is positive. Now it is essential that all parties fully implement the new tuna conservation measures and cooperate to enhance port sampling that will help maintain skipjack, bigeye, and yellowfin stocks at healthy levels into the future.”  


(2)CORDIS: 欧盟资助的Ecoscope项目的一项调查发现,72%的受访者认为气候变化的影响是未来欧盟渔业可持续管理的难点,其次是副渔获物和海洋保护区各占50%。EcoScope项目协调人Athanassios Tsikliras说,“这次调查提供的数据将由EcoScope评估和实施,以微调其海洋政策方案和空间规划模拟的准确性,以及其他许多复杂的模型和技术。”该项目同时正在开发一系列用户友好的工具,可以作为利益相关者的决策支持系统,旨在实施基于生态系统的渔业管理方法。

CORDIS: After a survey by the EU-funded Ecoscope project found that 72% of respondents identified the impacts of climate change as a key difficulty for the sustainable management of future EU fisheries, followed by 50% each for by-catch and marine protected areas. Athanassios Tsikliras, the coordinator of the EcoScope project, said, "This survey provides data that will be evaluated and implemented by EcoScope to fine-tune the accuracy of its ocean policy programs and spatial planning simulations, among many other complex models and techniques." The project is also developing a series of user-friendly electronic tools that can serve as a decision support system for stakeholders, aimed at implementing an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management.


(3)Elizabeth Claire Alberts: 南极磷虾是一种有限的资源,由于过度捕捞、污染和气候变化影响,正承受着越来越大的压力。尽管人们难以将磷虾作为食物进食或出售,但捕捞从未停止。8 月 11 日(首个世界磷虾日)发布的一份报告中表示,变化市场基金会(NGO)详细说明了对计划中的磷虾产业扩张的担忧,这可能会使捕捞限制超过当前的可持续临界点。俄勒冈州立大学的海洋生态学家金伯纳德说,“没有南极磷虾,地球会比现在更热。”

Elizabeth Claire Alberts: Antarctic krill is a finite resource that is under increasing pressure due to overfishing, pollution, and the effects of climate change. Despite the difficulty of eating or selling krill as food, fishing for it has never stopped, says a report released on Aug. 11 (the first World Krill Day), the Changing Market Foundation(NGO) details concerns about the planned expansion of the krill industry, which could push fishing limits beyond current triggers. "Without Antarctic krill, the planet would be even hotter than it is now," said Bernard Kim, a marine ecologist at Oregon State University.


(4)Frédérik Saltré et al: 蓝鲸和抹香鲸的活动受海面温度上升的驱动有明显的南移。该研究使用数学模型的组合(称为相关的物种分布模型)来预测这些鲸鱼物种的未来范围转移,作为对政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)所概述的三种不同严重程度的未来气候变化情景的反应。此外,海洋变暖对鲸鱼分布的影响是一个额外的压力因素,而生态系统已经受到更广泛的威胁,包括酸化、污染和过度开发的压力。

The world's oceans are absorbing more than 90 percent of the excess heat and energy generated by increased greenhouse gas emissions, which will in turn affect marine biodiversity and the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities. New research shows that blue and sperm whales have a significant southward shift driven by rising sea surface temperatures. The study used a combination of mathematical models (called correlated species distribution models) to predict future range shifts of these whale species as a response to three future climate change scenarios of varying severity outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In addition, the impact of ocean warming on whale distribution is an additional stressor, while ecosystems are already under broader threats, including pressure from acidification, pollution, and overexploitation.


解读 Interpretations

图3 抹香鲸(左)和蓝鲸(右)都受到海洋温度上升的影响.jpeg
抹香鲸(左)和蓝鲸(右)都受到海洋温度上升的影响 | Frédérik Saltré et al

(1)Joseph A.Davis: 世贸组织关于渔业补贴的协议可能会减少海洋过度捕捞

Joseph A.Davis: WTO Deal on Fishing Subsidies May Reduce Ocean Overfishing

世界贸易组织 164 个国家于 6 月 17 日凌晨在瑞士日内瓦签署了一项旨在抑制全球过度捕捞的最有害补贴的协议,这可能会在未来几年为环境报告带来丰厚的回报。据专家估计,所有海洋鱼类种群中约有 90% 被充分开发或过度捕捞。小规模捕鱼常在当地专属经济区内,捕获的渔获量很小,在当地或码头出售,并维持家人和社区;而大型船只在远离其母港的国际水域航行捕捞大量鱼类。政府对捕捞作业的补贴总额估计各不相同,据估计全球每年补贴总额相当于 350 亿美元,其中 220 亿美元是促进不可持续捕捞的“有害补贴”。

An agreement signed in the early hours of June 17 in Geneva, Switzerland, by 164 countries of the World Trade Organization to curb the most harmful subsidies that encourage global overfishing could pay off handsomely for environmental reports in the years to come. Experts estimate that about 90 percent of all marine fish stocks are either fully exploited or overfished. Small-scale fishing often takes place within local exclusive economic zones, catching small catches that are sold locally or at the docks and sustaining families and communities, while large vessels sail in international waters far from their home ports to catch large amounts of fish. Estimates of the total amount of government subsidies to fishing operations vary and are estimated to total the equivalent of $35 billion annually globally, of which $22 billion are "harmful subsidies" that promote unsustainable fishing.


(2)Phillip Williamson & Jean-Pierre Gattuso: 使用蓝碳栖息地进行碳移除不确定且不可靠

Phillip Williamson & Jean-Pierre Gattuso: Carbon removal using blue carbon habitats uncertain and unreliable


The two scholars, who published their findings in the journal Climate Frontiers, identified seven reasons why carbon accounting in coastal ecosystems is not only challenging but risky, including the high variability of carbon burial rates, and vulnerability to future climate change. However, they also emphasize that blue carbon habitats should still be protected and, where possible, restored because of their benefits for climate adaptation, coastal protection and biodiversity conservation. The policy issues are more nuanced, however, and if coastal blue carbon restoration is considered only as a climate mitigation action, the cost-effectiveness of using coastal blue carbon restoration to remove CO2 is questionable in light of efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change impacts under the Paris Agreement.


(3)Kevin G. Andrade: 气候变化关乎渔业的未来,渔业管理者开始情景推演

Kevin G. Andrade: Fishing's future depends on climate change. Fishery Management Councils are gaming that


Kevin G. Andrade: The East Coast Climate Scenario Planning Conference hypothesized four scenarios - Ocean Pioneer, Stress Fracture, Seafood Lemonade, and Check and Balance - and discussed them one by one. Ocean Pioneer assumes a world with unpredictable ocean weather patterns, where the ocean is resilient and there is no destructive tipping point; Stress Fracture assumes that science cannot keep up with radical ocean changes, so government intervention is necessary for industry survival; Seafood Lemonade assumes that science is good, but the news is bad, and the effectiveness of management capabilities becomes an important influence; and Check and Balance assumes a world where science and nature are resilient in a world where carbon emissions and pollution have been reduced and disease exists only in a limited number of stocks.


(4)Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor et al: 蓝色经济将如何塑造加拿大海洋及其沿海社区的未来

Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor et al: How the blue economy will shape the future of Canada's oceans—and its coastal communities


Developing a blue economy means creating marine spaces and industries that are socially equitable, environmentally sustainable, and economically profitable, and Canada has a key role to play in these efforts. For industries such as fisheries, aquaculture, or shipping, achieving a blue economy will mean a deep transformation that also requires new technologies and ecological and social research to address unsustainable practices such as pollution or overfishing. There is also a concern for social equity and environmental justice that aims to recognize and include all individuals, prioritize the equitable sharing of benefits and burdens, and protect vulnerable groups from environmental and economic impacts, whether natural or human-induced. Canada is seeking a new approach to ocean management and development that secures marine resources and can benefit frontline coastal communities.


学术 Academics


[Ocean Governance] Marine resource economy and marine strategy in the context of marine ecological civilization




[Blue Economy] Research on the Evaluation of Green Development Efficiency of Marine Economy and the Influencing Factors - China's Coastal Region as an Example




[Climate & Ocean] The Deep Ocean's Carbon Exhaust




[Climate & Ocean] Visualizing a Field of Research With Scientometrics: Climate Change Associated With Major Aquatic Species Production in the World



(5)【气候·海洋】自 1979 年以来,北极的变暖速度几乎是全球的四倍

[Climate & Ocean] The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979




[Climate & Ocean] Antarctic Peninsula warming triggers enhanced basal melt rates throughout West Antarctica



其他资料 Other resources

(1)潮向未来: 金融助力海洋可持续复苏—金融机构实用指南

Tide to the Future: A practical guide for financial institutions to help the ocean recover sustainably



Setting the course for a sustainable blue planet - Joint Communication on the EU’s International Ocean Governance agenda



Satellites of the Sea: Observing the Ocean for Hurricane Research


(4)海洋、人类、地球:培养保护意识 (第116集)

Ocean, People, Planet: Cultivating Conservation (Episode 116)


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022年9月7日 网络研讨会 了解新南威尔士州关于生物多样性保护的法律体系

2022.9.7 Webinar Understanding NSW’s legal system around biodiversity conservation


(2)2022年9月22日 网络研讨会 气候变化、鲸鱼和孩子们:科学和教育如何帮助保护物种、应对气候变化

2022.9.22 Webinar Climate Change, Whales, and Kids: how science and education can protect species and fight climate change


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022年4月28日 网络研讨会 使用监管数据为海洋空间规划工作提供信息

2022.4.28 WebinarUsing Regulatory Data to Inform Marine Spatial Planning Efforts


(2)2022年7月19日 网络研讨会 世贸组织渔业补贴协议:定了什么,接下来又会发生什么?

2022.7.19 Webinar The WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement: What was agreed and what happens next?


(3)2022年7月27日 网络研讨会 海产品行业最有影响力的公司如何为可持续和负责任的未来做出贡献

2022.7.27 Webinar How are the most influential companies in the seafood industry contributing to a sustainable and responsible future?


>>其他 Others



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