Issue 52 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


导语 Introduction 关键点 本期快讯的视讯和观点将关注投向印度洋。印度洋金枪鱼委员会(IOTC)通 […]

导语 Introduction




This issue's News and Perspective sections pay attention to the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) has adopted a resolution aimed at improving the rules and oversight procedures for at-sea tuna transshipments. Besides, the IOTC agreed to reduce the total allowable catch (TAC) for yellowfin tuna in 2021, but the new TAC also failed to lead to a sustainable fishery. According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China will implement an independent fishing moratorium on the high seas of the Northern Indian Ocean for the first time, the moratorium initially achieved good ecological, economic, and social benefits. With only a few weeks left until the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12), The issue of whether to eliminate harmful fisheries subsidies is attracting more and more attention from the world, this issue also included an article on this issue.

时讯 News

南极洲利文斯顿岛Shirreff角的南极海狗幼崽 | Sergio Morales


According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China will implement a voluntary fishing moratorium on the high seas of the Northern Indian Ocean for the first time. So far, all high seas waters (or species) with the presence of  Chinese fishing fleets, that international regional fisheries organizations do not currently manage, have been included in the scope of the voluntary  moratorium. The responsible person said that, in regions that have undergone high seas fishing moratoriums, the production per vessel has increased compared to the pre-moratorium period, and the condition of the resources is improving. To conclude, the moratorium initially achieved good ecological, economic, and social benefits.



The negotiations on a treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea will hold its fifth intergovernmental negotiation conference in August, and the United Nations recently released the negotiating text to be used for the August meeting.



A start-up company called Heimdal has built the world's first ocean-assisted decarbonization plant in Hawaii. The company uses electricity to rearrange the molecules in the water to remove the acid from the seawater, and the de-acidified seawater is returned to the ocean to continue capturing CO2. The plant not only helps to remove the acidity of seawater locally, but it also captures CO2 at the lowest cost in the world, and the company expects to build more plants in the future to help the global decarbonization effort.



The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) has adopted a resolution aimed at improving the rules and oversight procedures for at-sea tuna transshipments. The resolution calls for monitoring of all transshipment activities within the IOTC's jurisdiction, data collection on all large vessels and for all transshipments of tuna, tuna-like species and sharks under the Commission's jurisdiction to be carried out in ports. The Commission described this as a major step forward in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the area.


观点 Perspectives

补贴会导致远洋渔船队前往更偏远的地区 | 美国海岸警卫队

(1)Reyna Gilbert and Kat Millage过去20年,世界贸易组织(WTO)苦于没有证据来支持其遏制有害的渔业补贴政策的信念。随着技术进步,可靠的科学数据显示,终止破坏性的渔业补贴可以减少过度捕捞,可以帮助受威胁的鱼类种群恢复。研究还显示,取消这些补贴使中国、日本、韩国、欧盟、中国台北等政治实体能够省下近36亿美元。模型显示,最激进的补贴改革可能使鱼类生物量到2050年增加12.5%。距离世贸组织第12届部长级会议(MC12)只剩下几周时间,应该抓住这次机会。

Reyna Gilbert and Kat Millage: For the past 20 years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has struggled with a lack of evidence to support its belief in curbing harmful fisheries subsidy policies. As technology advances, reliable scientific data shows that terminating damaging fisheries subsidies can reduce overfishing and help threatened fish stocks recover. The study also shows that eliminating these subsidies has enabled political entities such as China, Japan, South Korea, the EU and Chinese Taipei to save nearly US$3.6 billion. Models show that the most radical subsidy reforms could increase fish biomass by 12.5% by 2050. With only a few weeks left until the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12), this is an opportunity that should not be wasted.


(2)Kennedy Warne: 在印度-太平洋的菲律宾珊瑚礁被称为 "珊瑚三角",是地球上最丰富的海洋生物多样性宝库。但是现在,菲律宾珊瑚礁就像飓风过后的树木一样。在死去的珊瑚礁中,随处可见爆炸捕鱼用的瓶子,这种破坏性极大的捕鱼方法对渔民长远的生计更是有着毁灭性的打击——在Danajon地区,渔获率在一代人的时间里下降了10倍。除了非法捕鱼之外,海水酸化也会导致碳酸盐珊瑚结构的溶解速度超过其形成速度。当这种情况发生时,持续了几亿年的生态系统将会瓦解。

Kennedy Warne: The Philippine reefs in the Indo-Pacific, known as the Coral Triangle, are the richest repository of marine diversity on earth. But now, Philippine reefs resemble people of trees after a hurricane. Exploding bottles for fishing are everywhere in the dead reefs. It is a highly destructive fishing method that is even more devastating to fishermen's long-term livelihoods - in the Danajon region, catch rates have fallen tenfold in a single generation. In addition to illegal fishing, the acidification of seawater causes carbonate coral structures to dissolve faster than they can be formed. When this happens, ecosystems that have lasted for hundreds of millions of years will disintegrate.


(3)Douglas Krause: 海狗是南极生态系统中的一个关键物种,早年间,研究人员认为海狗应受益于更温暖的栖息地。但最新研究显示,南极洲南设得兰群岛的海狗数量正在急剧下降,同时该种群正面临老化风险。海洋温度的升高减少了南设得兰群岛周围的磷虾数量,间接导致了该群岛多种生物的觅食困难。研究人员建议国际自然保护联盟将南设得兰群岛的海狗种群列为极度濒危,南极海洋生物资源养护护委员会(CCAMLR)可以根据这一情况,在海狗觅食的地区对磷虾设定保守的捕捞限额。

Douglas Krause: Antarctic fur seal is a key species in the Antarctic ecosystem, and in the early years researchers thought they would benefit from warmer temperatures. But new research shows that the population of fur seals in Antarctica's South Shetland Islands is in steep decline. In the meanwhile, the population of seadogs is aging. Rising ocean temperatures has reduced krill populations around the South Shetland Islands, indirectly causing foraging difficulties for many other species. The researchers recommend that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) list the South Shetland fur seal population as critically endangered and that the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) could use this designation to set conservative catch limits for krill in areas where fur seals feed.


(4)Chris Chase: 环保组织多年来一直就鲣鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼种群可持续性的问题向印度洋金枪鱼委员会(IOTC)施压,在非政府组织的压力下,IOTC同意在2021年减少黄鳍金枪鱼的总可捕量(TAC),但新的TAC也不足以结束黄鳍和鲣鱼的过度捕捞——2020年的数据表明,黄鳍金枪鱼面临着高比例的过度捕捞。

Chris Chase: Environmental groups have been pressuring the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) for years over the sustainability of skipjack and yellowfin tuna stocks, and under pressure from NGOs.


解读 Interpretations

海草最终以沉积物的形式将碳储存在海底 | Cynthia Parris


China Dialogue: How plastic is fuelling a hidden climate crisis in Southeast Asia


Carbon emissions are deeply embedded in the economic fabric of South East Asia in the form of plastic, and these countries are facing a tidal wave of plastic waste from both at home and abroad. With waste degrading or burning, the global climate can be seriously affected. On top of this, it is estimated that globally an estimated 14 million tonnes of waste enters the oceans every year. Researchers' modeling found that the process by which these plastics gradually become food for zooplankton accelerates the reduction rate of oxygen levels in the oceans and leads to climate change. The severity of ecosystem damage will depend on the extent to which plastics overlap with organisms, so biologically productive coastal areas with large populations may suffer greater negative ecological impacts.


(2)Hakai magazine: 重新分析海藻生态系统作为碳汇的作用

Hakai magazine: Reanalyzing Seaweed Ecosystems' Role as Carbon Sinks

海洋科学家John Barry Gallagher的研究声称,海藻支持的生态系统整体而言释放的碳比它们储存的更多,原因是以浮游植物为食的滤食动物呼出的二氧化碳比海藻吸收的多。但Gallagher的言论引起了众多科学家的反对,Karen Fibee-Dexter认为该分析具有误导性,因为这份对海藻的研究包括岩石硬藻、海胆林和草皮藻。然而,以前的研究表明,最有效的碳储存是肉质海藻。另一位海藻生理学家Catriona Hurd给出了较为中肯的意见,她认为这项研究显示了核算碳流入和流出机制的复杂性。

Research by marine scientist John Barry Gallagher claims that whole ecosystems supported by seaweeds release more carbon than they store because filter feeders that feed on phytoplankton exhale more carbon dioxide than seaweeds take in. But Gallagher's comments have raised objections from many scientists studying in this field. For example, Karen Fibee-Dexter argued that the analysis is misleading because this study of seaweeds includes rock hard algae, sea urchin forests, and turf algae. However, previous studies have shown that the most effective at storing carbon is fleshy seaweeds that grow as large seaweeds. A more balanced opinion was given by Catriona Hurd, another seaweed physiologist, who felt that the study highlighted the complexity of accounting for carbon inflows and outflows.


(3)Seafood Source: Nueva Pescanova关于建立世界上第一个章鱼养殖场的提案遭到了环保组织的批评

Seafood Source: Nueva Pescanova's proposal for world's first octopus farm criticized by environmental groups

Nueva Pescanova公司提交了一份关于建立世界上第一个商业章鱼养殖场的计划。该公司在养殖章鱼方面研究出了一个新的系统,使头足类动物能够在圈养中生存。这种技术有望能满足国际市场对章鱼需求的不断增长,而且有望能保护和恢复该物种的野生种群。但是,水生动物联盟(AA联盟)严词反对该项目,理由是这个项目产生的污水会导致严重的生物安全和生物物理风险,除此以外,该养殖场养殖的动物如果逃逸,会与当地的动物产生负面的活动,加大传播疾病出现的风险。

Nueva Pescanova submitted a proposal for the establishment of the world's first commercial octopus farm. The company developed a new system for octopus farming that allows the cephalopods to cohabitate in captivity. This technology is expected to meet the world's growing demand for octopus and is expected to protect and restore wild populations of the species. However, the Aquatic Animal Alliance (AA Alliance) is strictly opposed to the project on the grounds that the effluent produced by this project would lead to serious biosecurity and biophysical risks. In addition to this, if the farm-raised animals escape, they would have engaged in negative interactions with local animals, increasing the risk of spreading disease emergence.


(4)McKinsy Sustainability: 蓝碳:沿海和海洋气候行动的潜力

McKinsy Sustainability: Blue carbon: The potential of coastal and oceanic climate action


Humans are responsible for the destruction of riverine and offshore ecosystems and for decades we have been trying to avoid damage to the oceans and restore their ecosystems. Today, the carbon market is one of the key tools in our fight against climate change, through which organizations can trade emission allowances to meet their reduction targets. The vast majority of funding provided by the carbon market is allocated to nature-based solutions (NBS), and the report gives three categories of blue carbon solutions: established solutions, emerging solutions, and nascent solutions, which focus on the protection, restoration, and management of natural and modified ecosystems.


(5)The Maritime Executive: 禁止非法渔船的全球条约效果如何?

The Maritime Executive: How Well is the Global Treaty to Ban Illegal Fishing Vessels Working?


Six years after it came into force, we explore the role of the Port States Measures Agreement in the effort against illegal fishing. Key to the PSMA’s success is that it is effectively implemented across party states. But six years on, this process is still underway, with varying levels of adoption in different countries. Implementation requires significant resources, fisheries expertise, legislative and institutional capacity, and these vary across nations. Getting more countries to adopt the treaty will be crucial to its effectiveness: currently, party states cover just 56% of port states. At a more fundamental level, efforts to tackle IUU fishing have also been hampered by slow information exchange between port states, for which a co-ordinated mechanism has only recently been fully established in the PSMA.


学术 Academics


[Fishery Management] Sea Ranch 3.0: History, Status and Prospects

出于保护和养护水域资源的目的,大多数国家大多采用建设海洋牧场等方式来保护生态环境和增殖渔业资源。 现如今,中国即将进入以数字化和体系化为特征的海洋牧场3.0阶段。现代化海洋牧场应该集环境保护、资源养护与渔业资源持续产出于一体。海洋牧场也将拓展为涵盖淡水和海洋的水域的全域型、智能化、多功能的生态牧场。在建立海洋牧场3.0的过程中,我们应坚持“生态、精准、智能、融合”的发展理念,坚持生态保护优先、自然修复为主,充分发挥海洋牧场的碳汇功能。



[Ocean Governance] Racing the clock: Recent developments and open environmental regulatory issues at the International Seabed Authority on the eve of deep-sea mining




[Area-based Management] A Summary of United States Research and Monitoring in Support of the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area




[Ocean Ecosystem] Mapped coral mortality and refugia in an archipelago-scale marine heat wave




[Climate & Ocean] Ocean and climate synergies: from ocean warming to rising sea levels




[Ocean Ecosystem] Research progress of microplastics and attached organisms in marine environment   

废弃塑料造成的白色污染,尤其是小于 5 mm的塑料微粒 (微塑料) 在海洋环境中广泛分布。微塑料因其难降解的特性, 可以在水环境中持久存在,  其表面附着的微生物也能够长期稳定地生存。此外, 微塑料可能通过食物链传递给更高营养级的生物, 会因此影响到鱼类生长。文章探讨了微塑料在海洋环境中的分布、微塑料对生物体的可能影响及微塑料表面附着的致病微生物等方面,对微塑料分布和表面附着生物可能引起的生态风险进行了分析并指出了在塑料垃圾和微塑料对海洋生态系统的影响方面需要有更多的研究。


其他资料 Other resources


Best Practice in Delivering the 30x30 Target


(2)NRDC | 渔港监测与渔获物溯源:欧盟经验

NRDC | Dockside Monitoring and Seafood Traceability in the EU



Ecosystem-based Marine and Coastal Planning and Management 

培训课程/Training Courses


Glossary of Ocean Governance Terms


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022.5.23-7.1 论文征集 通知|关于开展“2022年中国海洋经济高峰论坛”征集论文的通知(第二轮)

2022.5.23-7.1 Call for Submissions: Notice on the Paper Solicitation for the "2022 China Ocean Economy Summit" (Second Round)


(2)2022.6.21 网络研讨会 衡量有效海洋保护区(MPA)的新进展——指标和工具

2022.6.21 Webinar Measuring progress towards effective MPAs – Indicators and tools


(3)2022.7.7 网络研讨会 将气候变化纳入海洋保护区(MPA)管理计划

2022.7.7 Webinar Integrating Climate Change into Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management Plans


(4)2022.7.5-12.6 网络研讨会 保护效力评估和实施科学

2022.7.5-12.6 Webinar Conservation Impact Evaluation and Implementation Science


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022.5.19 网络研讨会 我们的海洋:对地缘政治的深入研究

2022.5.19 Webinar Our oceans: A deep dive on geopolitics


(2)2022.5.22 网络研讨会 上海交通大学第四届思源海洋会议

2022.5.22 Webinar The 4th Siyuan Ocean Conference at Shanghai Jiaotong University


(3)2022.4.22 科普讲座 中国海洋学会举办2022年世界地球日海洋科普讲座

2022.4.22 Lecture The Ocean Society of China organized a lecture on marine science for World Earth Day 2022


(4)2022.4.23 会议 第二届深海技术大会暨中国海洋学会深海技术分会理事增选与学术报告会在京召开

2022.4.23 Conference The 2nd Deep Sea Technology Conference and the co-option of directors and academic report of the Deep Sea Technology Branch of the Chinese Ocean Society were held in Beijing


>>其他 Others



题图:中国南部海南附近的一个人工鱼礁 | Yang Guanyu