Issue 35 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


Regulation is the permanent keyword of marine conservation and governance. Issue 35 focuses on regulation, presenting suggestions, critiques, and case studies from society and academia on government regulation in terms of regulation approach, regulation intensity, and regulatory decision-making.

导语 Introduction



Highlight 1

In 2009, Elinor Ostrom was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons. In the wake of the debacle at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, many researchers of international regimes have begun to look to her theory of 'polycentric governance' for solutions to global environmental governance. This issue's Academic section includes a paper discussing the high seas biodiversity regime based on the theory of polycentric governance. The paper highlights the contribution that the high seas biodiversity (BBNJ) agreement currently being negotiated, once come into force, could enable the governance of the high seas to respond effectively to the growing pressures, uncertainties, and rapid changes.



Highlight 2

Modern fisheries management is a race for management efficiency to catch up with fishing efficiency. The gap between the two can be particularly pronounced in some developing countries. This issue's Perspective section includes a critique of Brazil's fisheries management. The lack of data and the lack of precautionary approach are the main flaws for which it is criticized. In the Interpretation section, the experience of China's pilots of total allowable catch (TAC), shows what is worth working towards and what lessons can be learned. The detailed report could be downloaded in the Other Resources section.

时讯 News


NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center's Marine Debris Project team launch a 30-day Marine Debris Removal Mission in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument with support from the non-profit Papahānaumokuākea Marine Debris Project. 



Argentina is in talks with China to develop aquaculture. Argentina's government looks to partner with China and expects China to work as a strategic technology partner to help develop Argentina's domestic aquaculture sector.


3)科技公司“4ocean”和“Poralu Marine”共同推出了创新性海滩清洁机器人BeBot,以回收沿海塑料碎片。相比于上一代产品,BeBot更易操作、噪音更小,非常擅长清除小片塑料垃圾,是人口密集地区海滩清理的理想方案。

Technology companies 4ocean and Poralu Marine have jointly launched BeBot, an innovative beach cleaning robot designed to recover coastal plastic debris. Easier to maneuver and quieter than previous products, BeBot excels at removing small pieces of plastic debris, making it the ideal solution for beach cleanups in densely populated areas.



The new artificial intelligence system IceNet developed by British Antarctic Survey could predict sea ice up to six months ahead. It provides scientists new early warning systems that protect communities and Arctic wildlife, such as polar bears, from the effects of sea ice loss.



August 28, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced to launch China's first offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in the Pearl River Mouth Basin of the South China Sea. The project will capture and process the carbon dioxide generated during oilfield development, and then reinject it into seabed reservoirs for storage. 


观点 Perspectives

Justin Bailie | 摄

1) Francois Mosnier"如果能将全球用于有害渔业补贴金额的百分之一用于船上监测,增加有渔业观察员监测下的野生捕捞的比例,可以有意义地对减少非法捕捞和兼捕产生的影响。渔业观察员是部署在商业渔船上的独立专家,负责收集渔获量以及弃鱼、兼捕和海上转运的数据。收集有关渔获、兼捕、捕捞强度和遵守法律法规及履约信息,是确保渔业可持续性的关键。"

Francois Mosnier:"If one percent of global harmful fisheries subsidies were redirected to onboard monitoring, the proportion of wild-catch fishing monitored by observers could create a meaningful impact in reducing illegal fishing and bycatch. Fisheries observers are independent specialists placed onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch volumes as well as discards, bycatch, and transshipments at sea. Gathering information on catch, bycatch, fishing effort, and compliance with regulations is key to securing the sustainability of fisheries."


2) Beatrice Padovan: 缺乏丰富的渔业部门数据和对相关信息技术的漠视,阻碍了巴西的渔业管理。"一个不知道自己捞了什么鱼,捞了多少鱼的国家,在管理上会存在极强的不确定性。渔业管理应该基于详实的数据和预防性原则,而不是盲目的乐观主义"。

Beatrice Padovan: The lack of productive statistics from the sector and disregard for relevant technical information hinder the control of fisheries in Brazil. “A country that does not know what it fishes is subject to great uncertainties in management, which should be conducted based on the precautionary principle. The fishery cannot follow a 'permissiveness by optimism' [principle].”


3) Pew Charitable Trust:8月10日,美国参议院批准了基础设施投资和就业法案。如果法案被众议院批准并签署为法律,该法案将首次为建造野生动物通道提供专有资源,例如将向各州、地方政府和部落提供 10 亿美元的赠款(在五年内平均分配),用于修复或拆除涵洞,以改善濒危或受威胁鱼类的通道。

Pew Charitable Trust: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was approved by the U.S. Senate on Aug. 10. If approved by the House of Representatives and signed into law, the act would provide $1 billion—spread equally over five years—in grants to states, local governments, and tribes to repair or remove culverts to improve passage for endangered or threatened fish.


4) Victoria Fulfer & Susanne Menden-Deuer:塑料污染不仅仅对大型海洋动物有影响。甲藻这样的单细胞的海洋微生物也会摄入微塑料,而摄入微塑料会限制它们的生长,进而影响甲藻的丰度,最终影响到以这些微小生物为食的大型海洋动物。

Victoria Fulfer & Susanne Menden-Deuer: Plastic pollution is not just a problem for larger marine animals. Dinoflagellates, which are single-celled marine predators, can also ingest microplastic which in turn limits their growth and consequently their overall abundance. Consequently, this will have an impact on the larger marine animals that feed on these tiny creatures.


5) Laly Lichtenfeld:“全世界对不公正和不平等的关注、新冠带来的影响、和全球环境恶化的威胁加速了保护领域的变化。现在是时候仔细思考谁是影响保护决定的利益相关方,了解并克服权力互动带来的问题,并考虑我们如何能更好地相互沟通和听取意见。”

Laly Lichtenfeld:“Worldwide concern about injustice and inequity, the impacts of the pandemic, and the worsening effects of global environmental degradation has accelerated change in the conservation sector. It's time to scrutinize who's in the room when conservation decisions are made. Understanding and overcoming the power dynamics at play, and considering how we can better communicate with and listen to one another.”


解读 Interpretations

 Brook Peterson (Ocean Image Bank) | 摄

1) 中外对话:绿色航运是否喷薄欲出?

China Dialogue: Is green shipping on the horizon?


The development of green shipping is vital to reduce global carbon emissions. Despite some positive signs, green shipping still has a long way to go. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), which is responsible for shipping emission regulation, has long been criticized for its lack of tough measures to curb emissions and for delaying the problem with ineffective, short-term measures. The good news is that governments are more ambitious in developing green shipping. European Union voted to include maritime CO2 emissions in an emissions trading scheme from 2022. From the start of next year, shipowners on European routes will be forced to buy carbon permits to cover carbon emissions. The U.S. also included shipping emissions for the first time in its updated climate plan submitted to the UN.


2) Environmental Defensive Fund: 蓝碳:未经雕琢的钻石

Environmental Defensive Fund: Blue Carbon: a diamond in the rough

海洋在全球碳处理和储存方面发挥着至关重要的作用,但它却也是利用最少的地方之一。可被视为 "自然气候解决方案 "的蓝碳工作主有三个主要部分:沿海湿地的管理、修复和提高;大型藻类的修复、增长和养殖;以及可从根本上改善其碳前景的近海海洋生态系统管理的新方法。

The ocean plays a major role in global carbon processing and storage, but it's also among the least utilized. The three main buckets of Blue Carbon work that can be considered "natural climate solutions" include: coastal wetland stewardship, restoration, and enhancement; macroalgal restoration, enhancement, and farming; and new approaches to offshore ocean ecosystem management that could radically improve its carbon prospects. 


3) Pew Charitable Trust:关于公海保护,我们需要了解什么

Pew Charitable Trust:What You Need to Know and Do to Protect the High Seas


There are several challenges in high seas governance: There is no legal mechanism for establishing comprehensive marine protected areas on the high seas, and there is no global framework for conducting environmental impact assessments for activities taking place in these waters beyond national jurisdiction. The BBNJ treaty can fill key governance gaps and enable high seas marine protected areas to be established.


4) Our Shared Seas: 为什么保护30%的海洋的成功取决于好水质

Our Shared Seas: Why 30×30 Success Depends on Good Water Quality


Poor water quality is a top threat to marine and coastal ecosystem health and resilience, and wastewater pollution is driving coastal water quality declines and affecting marine ecosystem health in many places, including within marine protected areas (MPAs). The urgency of addressing wastewater pollution is only increasing with climate change, as accumulating evidence shows that the two threats compound one another. Water quality is best protected through prevention, and wastewater and sewage pollution are avoidable.


5) 孙芳: 限额捕捞的浙江和福建经验

Sun Fang: Sustainable fisheries management experiences from China


China launched total allowable catch, or TAC, pilots in 2017, and has successively carried out 15 pilot projects in coastal provinces like Zhejiang and Shandong. The pilot projects turn out to create a path toward scientific TACs. The pilots demonstrated the importance of verification of reported catch, effective enforcement, and establishing incentives for compliance.


6) 中国海洋研究发展中心:国家海洋生态文明建设示范区:长岛综合试验区和青岛市初步评估与展望

Academic of Ocean of China: National Marine Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone: Preliminary Assessment and Prospects of Changdao Comprehensive Experimental Zone and Qingdao City


Both Changdao and Qingdao City have reached a high level of development as marine ecological civilization construction demonstration areas. Changdao follows the "green development model" of ecological civilization construction. On the one hand, it promotes ecological protection and restoration projects, and various nature reserve systems and implements ecological vertical aquaculture on the other hand. These measures secure a rich and stable marine biodiversity in Changdao. Qingdao City promotes the construction of marine ecological civilization from the aspect of regional holistic development and socialist modernization. Its marine management system has become a benchmark for marine ecological civilization construction in China.


学术 Academics

1) 【海洋生态】海洋酸化和纳米塑料暴露对南极磷虾胚胎发育的影响

【Climate & Ocean】The Effects of Combined Ocean Acidification and Nanoplastic Exposures on the Embryonic Development of Antarctic Krill

在水生环境中,塑料污染总是和海洋酸化等人为的气候压力同时出现。海洋酸化和塑料污染对南极磷虾生育的单一影响已经得到了广泛认同,然而塑料微粒加上海洋酸化的潜在多重压力影响还没有被研究过。我们研究了塑料微粒加上海洋酸化的潜在多重压力对南极磷虾生育率的影响,结果表明,在多重压力的纳米塑料和海洋酸化情景下,南极磷虾胚胎的发育程度最低。 因此,在处理南极磷虾的早期发育时,需要在多重压力情景下考虑塑料污染。


2) 【气候·海洋】用物种分布模型估测气候变化对中华白海豚潜在分布的影响

【Ocean Ecosystem】Estimating the impact of climate change on the potential distribution of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins with species distribution model



3) 【海洋治理】 综合海洋管理的综合研究

【Ocean Governance】Integrated Research for Integrated Ocean Management



4) 【海洋治理】 多中心性和区域海洋治理:对联合国即将到来的国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性协定的启发

【Fishery Management】Polycentricity and Regional Ocean Governance: Implications for the Emerging UN Agreement on Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction



5) 【气候·海洋】全球海洋变暖开始的时间晚于原先的判断

【Climate & Ocean】Global ocean warming started later in the 20th century than previously estimated



其他资料 Other Resources

1) 【渔业管理】NOAA发布2021年全球IUU捕捞和受保护海洋生物资源兼捕的报告
【Fishery Management】NOAA Issues 2021 Report on Global IUU Fishing and Bycatch of Protected Marine Life Resources

2) 【海洋生态】关于海洋健康,贝类能告诉我们什么?
【Ocean Ecosystem】What can seashells tell us about the health of the oceans?

【Fishery Management】Progress of China's TAC System
报告/Report 中文 EN

4) 【渔业管理】可持续渔业合作伙伴工具将改善对渔业改进工作的跟踪
【Fishery Management】Updated Sustainable Fisheries Partnership tool will improve tracking of fishery improvement efforts

活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年9月16日 网络研讨会 使用渐进式方法处理渔业管理和海洋生态系统管理中的“不道德问题”
2021.9.16 Webinar: Using an incremental approach for “wicked problems” in fisheries management and marine EBM

2021年9月22日 网络研讨会 推动中国海产品的可持续化:洞见与机遇
2021.9.22 Webinar: Building a Sustainable Seafood Movement in China: Insights and Opportunities

2021年10月13日 网络研讨会 海岸带适应的蓝图
2021.10.13 Webinar: Blueprint for Coastal Adaptation

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年9月3日-11日 世界自然保护联盟2020年世界保护大会
2021.9.3-11 IUCN World Conservation Congress

2021年7月7日 网络研讨会 如何利用多样化的激励措施来促进有效和公平的MPA治理:新案例研究和实践指导
2021.7.7 How to use diverse incentives to promote effective and equitable MPA governance: New case studies and practical guidance

2021年8月16日 网络研讨会 蓝色先锋计划专家讲座系列

2021年8月26日 网络研讨会 为海洋等区域的气候行动而改变
2021.8.26 Behavior Change for Climate Action for the Oceans and Beyond

>>其他 Others



题图: 蓝脸鲣鸟和褐鲣鸟落在海滩上的废弃渔网上。帕帕哈瑙莫夸基亚国家海洋保护区是超过7000种海洋生物的栖息地。NOAA | 制