Issue 32 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


This issue highlights key information on sharks and fisheries conservation. To better protect sharks, people must overcome stereotypes about them and actively promote conservation policies. In addition, the essays in the academic section discuss how people should make the right decisions in fisheries management and conservation to safeguard our blue sea.

导语 Introduction



Highlight 1

This issue marks the first time that The Blue Pulse turns its attention to sharks. Remember the last time shark protection was mentioned in a feature film? If not, you are not alone. Whether in the movies directly about shark attacks such as the Jaws, Shark Beach, or Sharknado, or in naval films mentioned sharks such as the USS Indianapolis or Spirit of the Sea (China, 1995), sharks are essentially portrayed as "bloodthirsty monsters". In this issue's Opinion section, an expert comments on the relationship between this cultural phenomenon and shark conservation. There are also two articles in the Interpretation section on the habits and challenges of sharks. Blue Pulse believes that the dissemination of some of the best marine documentaries is changing the stereotype of sharks and that this change will lead to more effective conservation policies being implemented.



Highlight 2

This issue continues to look at fisheries and conservation management decisions. How can the role of stakeholders in fisheries management be fully exploited? How to distinguish between conservation needs and opportunities? How can seasonal closures be complemented by more careful management? How can decisions be made when scientific information is limited? (Not making decisions is still a decision). The discussions on these 'million-dollar questions' are continued in this Academic section.

时讯 News

海洋中的珊瑚礁 | SEVENSEAS Media

(1)为了应对珊瑚礁持续退化的挑战,Khaled bin Sultan海洋生物基金会(KSLOF)正在与NASA位于加州硅谷的艾姆斯研究中心合作,利用该基金会关于珊瑚礁的大量高分辨率数据来扩大NASA的珊瑚映射能力。

To meet the challenge of losing corals, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) is partnering with NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley to use the Foundation’s extensive high-resolution data about reefs to expand NASA’s coral mapping capabilities.



The Multiscale Ocean Dynamics group at Scripps has set out, along with scientists and engineers from MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the University of Southampton, the University of Exeter, and France's IFREMER to try and observe turbulent processes right at the seafloor. 


(3)加州大学洛杉矶分校的生态学家Paul Barber及其同事,与其他三个机构合作创建了一个DNA信息库,可以识别加利福尼亚洋流中的605个物种,包括275个以前没有被编入目录的物种。该数据库涵盖了生活在那里70%的动物,包括99.9%保护和渔业中的重要监测物种。

UCLA ecologist Paul Barber and colleagues from UCLA and three other institutions have created a library of DNA "barcodes" that identify 605 species in the California Current, including 275 that had not previously been cataloged. The database covers about 70% of all animals that live there, including 99.9% of monitored species that are important to conservation and fisheries.



Pressure and wind changes in the North Pacific Ocean have enabled the sea surface temperatures to rise above normal levels. A strong oceanic heatwave has formed in this process, impacting the regional weather and marine life.



The Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released the first draft of a new global biodiversity framework, to guide actions worldwide through 2030, to preserve and protect nature and its essential services to people. The draft framework will undergo further refinement during online negotiations in late summer 2021 before being presented for consideration at CBD’s next meeting of its 196 Parties at COP-15, in Kunming, China.


观点 Perspectives

海洋中的鲨鱼群 | CC0 Public Domain 制


Hong Wang: "China has made a major deployment of 'promoting green development and harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature', and the Ministry of Natural Resources will also focus on new requirements, implement new initiatives and strive to create new performance: accelerating the green and low-carbon development of the ocean, continuously improving the quality and stability of the marine ecosystem, comprehensively improving the efficiency of marine resources utilization, and actively building maritime community with a shared future."


(2)Le Busque博士:”人们对鲨鱼的了解大多是通过电影或新闻,这些媒介常常将鲨鱼介绍为一种令人深感恐惧的物种。鲨鱼受到人类伤害的风险比人类受到鲨鱼伤害的风险大得多,全球鲨鱼的数量在迅速减少,许多不同种的鲨鱼面临灭绝的风险。激化这种与鲨鱼的实际威胁不相称的恐惧,损害了对鲨鱼的保护工作,而且往往影响人们选择支持那些其实有潜在危害的防鲨策略。“

Dr. Le Busque: "Most of what people know about sharks is obtained through movies, or the news, where sharks are typically presented as something to be deeply feared. Sharks are at much greater risk of harm from humans than humans from sharks, with global shark populations in rapid decline, and many species at risk of extinction. Exacerbating a fear of sharks that's disproportionate to their actual threat damages conservation efforts, often influencing people to support potentially harmful mitigation strategies."



Kangsen Mai: "In order to continuously promote the green development of the aquaculture industry, five recommendations can be made: (1) Develop national aquatic production targets, delineate aquaculture water surface red line, plan specific breeding areas, restricted areas, prohibited areas, as well as breeding capacity; adopt a license system, as soon as possible to achieve the transformation of China's traditional family-type operations to large-scale modern fisheries. (2) Strengthen the basic research on the metabolism of fishery drugs and the development of fishery- drugs to guide the scientific use of drugs. (3) Strengthen the legislation with aquaculture environment, product quality and safety, and increase law enforcement efforts. (4) Establish a market-based mechanism for monitoring the safety of aquatic products. The government should buy services to introduce high-quality, efficient and fair third-party testing services. (5) Strictly control raw aquatic products, establish a comprehensive cold chain logistics system for aquatic products."



Wentao Wang: "China firmly upholds the multilateral trading system and promotes the building of a community of shared future for mankind. Concluding the negotiations on fisheries subsidies will be an important contribution by the WTO to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and will enhance the international community's confidence in multilateralism. China supports the conclusion of the negotiations before the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference and will continue to participate in the next phase of negotiations in a positive manner. As a developing country and a major fishing country, China will undertake international obligations in the negotiations that are commensurate with its own development stage and capacity."


(5) Marc-Philip Buckhout:我们正处于第六次大规模灭绝的过程中。如果允许海底拖网等破坏性的捕鱼行为继续下去,海洋保护区就无法发挥其保护海洋生物的重要作用。禁止在海洋保护区内进行底拖网捕捞,将防止生物多样性进一步丧失,使海洋能够缓解气候变化,并带来社会经济效益。

Marc-Philip Buckhout: "We are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction.  Marine protected areas cannot perform their crucial role to protect marine life if destructive fishing activities such as bottom trawling is allowed to continue. Banning bottom-trawling from Marine Protected Areas, would allow us to fight biodiversity loss and enable the ocean to mitigate climate change, with net socio-economic benefits."


解读 Interpretations

在海王星群岛觅食的鲨鱼 | Brian Skerry


为了了解大白鲨是否需要我们的保护,我们不仅要知道它们的数量,还要知道它们去了哪里。它们的迁徙并不像鸟类或蝴蝶的迁徙那样整齐,而是杂乱无章的,有的紧贴着海岸,有的则以 "之 "字形迁徙,甚至离岸数百英里。许多(但不是全部)大白鲨似乎季节性地在暖冷水域间移动,而且雄性、雌性和幼体的路径也不同。现在我们知道,它们去了太平洋中部的深水区。

National Geographic: To understand whether great white sharks need our protection, we must know not only how many there are but also where they go. Their migrations aren't neat, like a bird's or a butterfly's. They're messy, with one hugging the coast while another zigzags hundreds of miles out to sea. Many, but not all, seem to seasonally move between warm and cold water. And the paths seem different for males, females, and juveniles. Now we know where they go: deep water in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


(2)布里斯班时报:澳大利亚南部的鲨鱼和鳐鱼被气候变化 “逼上绝路”


Brisbane Times: Southern Australia’s sharks and rays face mounting threats as warmer waters push more tropical species southwards and habitats change, exacerbating threats to critically endangered species. A study aimed at identifying the risks to some 132 different species found in waters ranging from southwest Western Australia to NSW has been published in the Fish and Fisheries journal. It seeks to give authorities a method to prepare for the threats of overfishing and climate change.




Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: When corals become stressed, their zooxanthellae struggle to process sunlight. They begin to make molecules that can harm the coral. To protect themselves from those molecules, the corals force the algae to leave. Without color from the zooxanthellae, the skeleton shines through the clear polyps. The coral turns a ghostly white, and we say that it has bleached.




NetEase: China's distant water squid fishing has made remarkable achievements in more than 30 years, but it also faces challenges. 2019, China's squid fishery in the southwest Atlantic, the average single-ship production is only 50 tons, far below the previous record of over 2,000 tons in one fishing season. What we can do, in addition to improving the processing quality of squid products and enriching the product line, more efforts can still be put on expanding the domestic market. After all, with the improvement of living standards and the popularization of cold chain logistics, frozen squid will definitely make a big difference in the domestic market.


(5)ARC 珊瑚礁研究卓越中心:禁止盗捕后的惨痛代价


ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies: Millions of people rely on fish and seafood and when offered no alternative choice, will chose banditry and illegal fishing to get by. But without a regional strategy and investments for rebuilding and managing countries' fisheries, this just becomes one big game of whack-a-mole: people deal with the problem in one area, only for it to pop up in another.


学术 Academics


[Ocean Governance] How Can We Reduce the Overexploitation of the Mediterranean Resources?

文章根据渔业的一些特点(多鱼种和多种渔具)和主要渔业资源的种群数量状况(过度捕捞和过度开发),提出了一些针对地中海底栖和小型中上层渔业可持续性改善的建议。在开发单一或少数物种的渔业中,如小型中上层鱼类和深水红虾,建议采用基于捕捞配额方法的管理系统。在开发具有非常不同生物特征的物种的混合渔业中,建议将捕捞量减少到与主要目标物种的 "相当好的产量 "的下限相对应的水平,同时改善最敏感的相关物种的状况,采取技术措施来减少由捕捞造成的死亡。考虑到地中海国家不同的发展水平,本文同时简要地讨论了所建议的方法的可行性。



[Techs & Tools] Methods for identifying spatially referenced conservation needs and opportunities




[Fishery Management] Effect of a Seasonal Fishery Closure on Sardine and Mackerel Catch in the Visayan Sea, Philippines




[Fishery Management] A Case Study in Connecting Fisheries Management Challenges with Models and Analysis to Support Ecosystem-Based Management in the California Current Ecosystem




[Fishery Management] A comprehensive framework for operating science-based fisheries management: A checklist for using the best available science



其他资料 Other resources

[Sustainable Development] WBCSD Updates and Refines SDG Industry Roadmap

[Ocean Ecosystem] Technical guidelines for marine ecological restoration

[Blue Economy] Marine Economy Satellite Account, 2014-2019

活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年8月26日 网络研讨会 为海洋和其他地区的气候行动而改变行为
2021.08.26 Webinar: Behavior Change for Climate Action for the Oceans and Beyond

2021年10月04日-07日 可持续性周:《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方大会倒计时
2021.10.04-07 Sustainability Week: Countdown to COP26 

2021年10月9日-10日 2021年海洋欢乐日
2021.10.09-10 2021 Ocean Fun Day

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年6月15日 《保护海洋:多少才够?全球海洋保护目标的历史讨论》报告发布会
2021.06.15 Protecting the Oceans: How Much is Enough? A Historical Discussion of Global Ocean Protection Goals Report Launch

2021年7月15日 蓝色灯塔系列:大海洋保护
2021.07.15 Blue Beacon Series: Big Ocean Protection

2021年7月15日 网络研讨会 建立有弹性的供应链:全面社会责任计划的案例
2021.07.15 Webinar: Building Resilient Supply Chains: The Case for Comprehensive Social Responsibility Programs

>>其他 Others



题图:[题注]海洋中的珊瑚礁,SEVENSEAS Media | 制