OCOI 2 | China’s mining investment in Latin America  


China’s investment in Latin America has continued to grow in recent years. China has become the Latin America’s third biggest source of foreign investment. According to the latest statistics from China’s Ministry of Commerce, in 2013, Latin America was the second largest recipient of China’s foreign direct investment after Asia. In 2013 the investment increased over 130% on the amount in 2012.


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China’s investment in Latin America has continued to grow in recent years. China has become the Latin America’s third biggest source of foreign investment. According to the latest statistics from China’s Ministry of Commerce, in 2013, Latin America was the second largest recipient of China’s foreign direct investment after Asia. In 2013 the investment increased over 130% on the amount in 2012. Countries such as Ecuador Peru and Brazil are the main investment destinations. Much of China’s investment in Latin America has been directed at the extractive industries, with a number of large mining deals signed in the last year. Mining projects often involve huge amounts of capital, and foreign investments in the extractive industries often raise concerns regarding national resource security. Driven by China’s growing demand for resources, investment in mining projects in Latin America has increased rapidly, which has drawn the world’s attention to this issue. Chinese enterprises are now confronted with various new challenges and are having to adapt to situations and problems that may not be familiar to them. Chinese investors continue to adapt to the often complex international investment environment, but at the same time, negative reports continue to emerge regarding the implementation of overseas investments. Chinese enterprises should therefore reflect upon the impact of their overseas investments and operations, and ensure that lessons are learned from cases that have impacted on local communities and the environment. In such cases, the root causes of these problems must be identified and appropriate solutions found.


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HSBC Global Connections 《South-South: China invests in Latin America》:Chinese firms are exploring new markets, acquiring advanced technology and securing much-needed raw materials. The result has been a spectacular rise in China’s outbound direct investment and Latin America is the largest recipient outside Asia. The booming trade relationship between LatAm and China is part of the commercial connections between Asian nations and Southern Hemisphere countries dubbed ‘South-South’ trade. But it has moved beyond simple exports to Chinese bank lending and direct investment through acquisitions and start-ups.


Paulina Garzon Ecuador’s Centre for Economic and Social Rights (CDES) :The GCD sets a very high bar, but put it into practice is another matter. Two things that Chinese banks and many countries in Latin America have in common are that their environmental regulations are OK, but the implementation and supervision systems are very weak.


Huang Hongxiang, initiator of China-South Dialogue:Through interviewing local government officials, industry leaders and academics, I have come to find that Chinese enterprises have encountered numerous problems such as lack of the capability for intercultural communication and integrating with the local society.But if (Minmetals can) learn from Shougang and Chinalco's experiences in Peru, overcome certain weakness of state-owned enterprises, recruit proper international talents, it might become an interesting case for Chinese mining companies' development overseas,"  


background-iconCase Study

















中铝为了取得当地居民对铜矿的支持,在破旧不堪的小镇10公里远处完全新建了一座城镇。新城2012年建成,斥资2.17亿美元,另外还有5000万美元用于搬迁。中铝是南美第一家通过建设新城来解决矿区原住民问题的公司,其表现获得了不少认可。秘鲁中国研究中心主任马丁内斯认为,中铝在秘鲁所做的工作让他们看到一个新的中国形象,中国不仅遵照国际规范来做事,而且还尝试着本土化。秘鲁方面的中铝特罗莫克铜矿项目负责人Gerald Wolfe表示:“城镇的修建动用了全部所需专家,我们希望有一个好的结果。”




2014年3月28日,特罗莫克铜矿投产刚刚四个月,秘鲁环境部所属环境评估与监管局(OEFA)通知中铝秘鲁特罗莫克铜矿项目立即停止生产。该局监查处处长德里亚·莫拉莱斯称, 检查过程中,监管局人员发现中铝没有按规定安装污水收集及处理系统。













编者短评: 中铝公司在该项目中的环境和社区改善投入确实可观,但一处疏忽就导致了停产整顿和其他负面的误解。可见中国企业在海外投资过程中,不仅需要和当地社区保持良好关系,还应该在生产过程中坚持不懈严谨遵守安全生产和污染处理的标准,切实履行企业社会责任,建立长期信任合作关系。






