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Between July 12-13th, Luxembourg played host to the AIIB 4th Annual Meeting. The theme of the 2019 Annual Meeting was “Cooperation and Connectivity”, in recognition of the economic and social benefits to be realized through better connectivity within and between countries and regions, including Europe and Asia.


This report aims to promote the incorporation of sustainability and climate resilience into investment principles and policies of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB), a multilateral development banks co-led by China, which could help capital markets allocate more resources to environmentally friendly, climate-resilient and low-carbon infrastructure investments. The report evaluated whether the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has lived up to its promise to be ‘Lean, Clean and Green’ by analyzing the alignment with Paris Agreement and SDGs of AIIB’s environmental and social related strategies and policies, and project implementations.


We track the establishment, improvement and implementation of relevant policies of AIIB and New Development Bank to ensure that stakeholders are fully consulted in terms of their information disclosure and governance mechanisms and to maximize environmental and social benefits through development financing process.


Over the spring and summer in 2017, the “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation and the AIIB’s Second Annual Meeting were successively held. The Forum outlined a new roadmap for global strategy while the latter focused on sustainable strategies for development finance and governance practices at the operational level.


We track the establishment, improvement and implementation of relevant policies of AIIB and New Development Bank to ensure that stakeholders are fully consulted in terms of their information disclosure and governance mechanisms and to maximize environmental and social benefits through development financing process.


On March 23, total number of ADB members reached 70. Moreover, China’s reinforced comprehensive management on capital outbound is a significant trend in the spring of 2017.

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