迈向昆明 共促协调发展:东盟区域生物多样性保护资金综合分析研讨会




In October 2021, the first part of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was held in Kunming, which issued a series of documents including the Kunming Declaration. The conference built the synergy of global biodiversity governance, and provided a solid foundation for the second phase to reach an ambitious and implementable “post-2020 global biodiversity framework”.

2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the China-ASEAN dialogue relations and the year of China-ASEAN cooperation on sustainable development. In recent years, China-ASEAN cooperation mechanisms in the field of ecology and environment have been continuously improved, enriched in content and innovated in form, and a series of achievements have been made in environmental policy dialogue, environmental information sharing, biodiversity conservation, environmental protection sectoral development and technology exchange, and capacity building. According to ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook 2, ASEAN countries have made significant progress in biodiversity conservation, but the gap with the biodiversity targets poses a huge challenge. In October 2021, Premier of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang emphasized strengthening green cooperation, adopting the China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Strategy and Action Plan (2021-2025), jointly tackling climate change, preserving global and regional biodiversity, promoting energy transformation and improving economic structures.

议程 (更多重要嘉宾持续确认中)
AGENDA (more guests to be confirmed)

Tuesday 14 December 2021 starting at 15:00 CST

徐嘉忆 XU Jiayi
创绿研究院生物多样性高级项目主管 | Senior Program Manager, Biodiversity and Green Finance Greenovation Hub

15:00 – 15:10  开幕致辞  Opening Remarks

柯佑霖 博士 Dr. Paul Joscha Kohlenberg   
海因里希·伯尔基金会(德国)北京代表处首席代表 | Chief Representative, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Beijing Representative Office

15:10 – 15:55  主旨发言  Keynote Speeches

15:10-15:25 东盟生物多样性合作与发展
Biodiversity Cooperation and Development of ASEAN 

王玉娟 博士 Dr. WANG Yujuan
生态环境部对外合作与交流中心副处长 | Deputy Division Chief, Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center (FECO) , Ministry of Ecology and Environment

15:25-15:40 东盟生物多样性金融
Biodiversity Finance in ASEAN

Dr. Theresa Mundita S.Lim
东盟生物多样性中心执行主任 | Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

15:40-15:55 生物多样性资金模式的全球经验
International Experiences of Financing Biodiversity

靳彤 博士 Dr. JIN Tong
大自然保护协会(美国)中国项目科学主任 | Science Director, The Nature Conservancy China Program (TNC)

15:55 – 16:50  主题研讨1:东盟生物多样性保护政策与行动
Policies and Actions of Biodiversity Conservation in ASEAN

Green Supply Chain and ASEAN region

付晓天 FU Xiaotian
世界资源研究所(美国)中国食品与自然资源部主任 | Program Director, Food and Natural Resources World Resources Institute (WRI) China 

理解中国生物多样性对外援助的几个维度 Dimensions of Understanding China’s Foreign Assistance for Biodiversity

孙天舒 SUN Tianshu
商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际发展合作所助理研究员 | Research Associate, Institute of international Development Cooperation, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation

Guangxi: Subnational Biodiversity Cooperation Policies and Actions between China and ASEAN

林卫东 LIN Weidong
广西环境保护对外合作交流中心主任、教授级高工 | Director, Guangxi Environmental Protection International Cooperation & Exchange Center 

大湄公河次区域生物多样性保护Biodiversity Conservation in the Greater Mekong Subregion

焦喜 博士 Dr. JIAO Xi
安博英环可持续发展首席咨询师 | Managing Consultant&Sustainability Lead Consultant, Ramboll China


16:50 – 17:50  主题研讨2:国际进程和东盟生物多样性金融
Coordinated International Progress and ASEAN Biodiversity Finance

Biodiversity Financing and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

LIM Li Ching
第三世界网络高级研究员 | Senior Researcher, Third World Network (TWN)

从格拉斯哥到昆明:国际进程观察From Glasgow to Kunming: International Processes Observation

郭虹宇 GUO Hongyu
创绿研究院项目副总监 | Deputy Program Director, Greenovation Hub

Scoping ASEAN’s Biodiversity Finance

栾欣茹 LUAN Xinru
创绿研究院生物多样性项目专员 | Program Officer, Biodiversity and Green Finance Greenovation Hub 

多边发展机构保护生物多样性的政策和实践 :亚洲开发银行的经验
Policy and Practice on Biodiversity Conservation in Multilateral Development Agencies: ADB’s Experience

莫凌水 MO Lingshui
亚洲开发银行高级顾问 | Consultant,  Low Carbon and Green Development Asian Development Bank (ADB)

东亚-东南亚社区保护网络—中国和东南亚社会组织的合作East and Southeast Asia Community Conservation Network – a Collaboration between Chinese and Southeast Asian NGOs

陈韵竹 CHEN Yunzhu
永续全球环境研究所项目官员 | Program Officer, Global Environmental Institute


17:50 – 18:10  评论 Commentator’s Remarks

18:10 – 18:20  总结 Concluding Remarks

朱鑫鑫 ZHU Xinxin
海因里希·伯尔基金会(德国)北京代表处项目官员 | Program Officer, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Beijing Representative Office

白韫雯 BAI Yunwen
创绿研究院执行主任、高级研究员 | Executive Director & Senior Researcher, Greenovation Hub


中国 – 东盟生物多样性保护政策合作

