导语 Introduction
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The past two weeks have seen simultaneous negotiations on “vehicles” (UNCLOS-BBNJ) and “fuels” (CBD-OEWG) on the road to the conservation in waters beyond national jurisdiction. The UN Environment Assembly recently mandated a negotiation on a global plastics agreement. While war and the pandemic can shake confidence in the future of humanity and the world, we can see the world progressing when we see people from around the world coming together to engage in vigorous debate about global environmental solutions. In the book “Ocean Currents Still Care”, which recalls the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, it is mentioned that declassified archives show that in the run-up to the conference there was a secret group of western countries working together to undermine the outcome of the conference. Now, most of these countries are today the drivers of global environmental protection. When we look at history on a larger time scale, there is more reason for optimism. the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference failed, but the awareness of low carbon development entered the hearts and minds of people. This BBNJ negotiation may have failed to deliver on the four meetings originally planned, but awareness of the ocean crisis and the will for action has arisen. The future is here.
时讯 News
1)卫星的初步数据显示,南极洲周围的海冰已经退至 40 余年内的最低水平。气候科学家认为,这一数值的下降暂时还不能与全球变暖联系起来,但迫切需要研究为什么该地区的海冰打破了五年前的记录。
Sea ice around Antarctica has dropped to its lowest level in more than 40 years, according to preliminary data from satellites. Climate scientists say the record drop can’t yet be linked to global heating but urgent research is needed to work out why the region’s sea ice had broken a record last set only five years ago.
The European Commission is negotiating with Senegal on a proposal to deploy the European Union border agency, Frontex, in the West African country’s territorial waters to guard against illegal fishing and migrant smuggling
The fourth negotiation session on the legally binding instrument on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity in Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction concluded in New York, having failed to complete its mandate to negotiate the treaty. Many countries, including the 48 members of the High Ambition Coalition, committed to concluding the new treaty through additional meetings during 2022.
4) 第五届联合国环境大会续会通过了一项具有里程碑意义的授权,开启全球塑料问题条约的谈判。根据该授权要求,条约将在2024年之前完成谈判。为谈判制定议程的工作组将于2022年的年中成立。
The conclusion of UNEA 5.2 saw the adoption of a landmark mandate calling for the development of a global treaty on plastics. “End plastic pollution: Towards an international legally binding instrument” is a comprehensive, ambitious mandate that lays the groundwork to negotiate a comprehensive treaty. According to the mandate, the treaty will be negotiated by 2024. The working group that sets the agenda for the negotiations is set to be established by the middle of 2022.
观点 Perspectives
1)Josh Donlan: 美国政府处理不当水产品标签的方法在不断改革中,最新的政策是海产品进口监控计划(Seafood Import Monitoring Program, SIMP)。总的来说,欧盟的方法在可追溯性和标签方面都更加进步。例如,欧盟的强制性海产品标签中包括学名、捕捞方法、捕捞海产品的粮农组织渔区、渔船或水产养殖生产单位的名称以及使用的渔具。然而美国和欧盟的不当标签情况之间存在什么差异,未来需要进行一项比较研究来理清其中的差异。
Josh Donlan: The U.S. government’s approach to tackling mislabeling is evolving, with the latest policy being SIMP [Seafood Import Monitoring Program]. In general, the E.U.’s approach is more progressive, both in terms of traceability and labeling. For example, mandatory seafood labeling in the E.U. includes the scientific name, production method, the FAO fishing area where the seafood was caught, the name of the fishing vessel or aquaculture production unit, and fishing gear used. Unfortunately, however, we don’t really know what differences exist between the U.S. and E.U. mislabeling landscape. A proper comparative study has not been conducted.
2)Yereth Rosen:近年来,由于海洋热浪的原因,阿拉斯加一些知名的三文鱼种群已经消失,官员们不得不向受影响的社区发放紧急食品,同时科学家们警告说,阿拉斯加三文鱼渔业有渔获的日子可能不多了。
Yereth Rosen: With marine heatwaves helping to wipe out some of Alaska’s storied salmon runs in recent years, officials have resorted to sending emergency food shipments to affected communities while scientists warn that the industry’s days of traditional harvests may be numbered.
3) Sean Mowbra:咖啡因是世界上消费最多的精神刺激剂,是许多人的日常刚需,无论是咖啡、巧克力、能量饮料还是药品中都含有咖啡因。部分没有被人体吸收的咖啡因通过尿液的途径排泄,现在它在河流和沿海水域无处不在,现在经常监测咖啡因来追踪废水和污水污染。一项新的研究发现,在全球258条河流的1052个采样点中,有超过50%的地区发现了咖啡因的存在。另一项新研究列举了咖啡因在沿海和海洋环境中的危害。
Sean Mowbra: Caffeine is the most consumed psychostimulant in the world, and a regular part of many daily lives, whether contained in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, or pharmaceuticals. Partially excreted in the urine, it is now ubiquitous in rivers and coastal waters. So much so that its detection is used to trace wastewater and sewage pollution. A new study found it to be in more than 50% of 1,052 sampling sites on 258 rivers around the globe. Another new study enumerates caffeine harm in coastal and marine environments.
4) 华盛顿邮报编辑委员会:根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局、美国国家航空航天局和其他五个机构的一份新报告:到2050年,美国的海平面可能上升10至12英寸。该报告发出了一个紧急警告。由于目前温度已经大幅升高,即使碳排放得到遏制,报告中对2050年的海平面上升预测仍可能成为现实。但是,如果不减少排放,情况会更糟:到本世纪末,美国海岸线的海平面可能上升7英尺,这是一个灾难性的结果。
Washington Post’s Editorial Board: According to a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, and five other agencies, by 2050, U.S. Sea levels could rise between 10 and 12 inches. In the East and the Gulf Coast, the figure could be even higher. That is a staggering amount — and one that could be matched in just the next three decades. The report comes with an urgent warning: Emissions matter, both now and in the future. Thanks to heating that has already taken place, the 2050 projections will likely still materialize even if emissions are curbed. But if emissions are not reduced, the situation will be far worse: Sea level along the U.S. coastline could rise up to 7 feet by the end of the century, a catastrophic outcome.
解读 Interpretations
1) 路透社:在南极,新兴的磷虾捕捞业会威胁到野生动物吗?
Reuters:In Antarctica, Does A Burgeoning Krill Fishery Threaten Wildlife?
A humpback whale, likely lured by a trawling net capturing mass of Antarctic krill, became entangled last month and died in the Southern Ocean. Three dead juveniles were caught in the same company’s krill nets last year. Scientists say the humpbacks may have been malnourished while forced to compete for food with a burgeoning industry harvesting the tiny crustaceans – the linchpin in the Antarctic food web – for use in pharmaceuticals and fish feed.
2) NOAA渔业:全球研究揭示了贝类和海藻养殖的宝贵益处
Noaa Fisheries: Global Study Sheds Light on the Valuable Benefits of Shellfish and Seaweed Aquaculture
In a new study, NOAA and our partners used data from around the world to measure the ecosystem services provided by shellfish and seaweed farms. This first of its kind study estimates the economic value of these services from aquaculture on a global scale. Shellfish and seaweed farms are considered low-to-no input because they don’t require feed, freshwater, or fertilizer. Shellfish eat algae by filtering it from the water. Seaweeds make their own food through photosynthesis like land plants. They can also improve water quality and create habitat for other species. The study shows just how valuable shellfish and seaweed aquaculture’s ability to soak up excess nutrients from the water can be. It also highlights the value of the habitat it provides for economically important fish species.
3) 国家地理:意外内爆为海洋最深处的测量提供了新的结果
National Geographic: Accidental implosion yields new measurement for ocean’s deepest point
A scientific instrument that collapsed in the deep sea allowed scientists to make one of the most precise calculations yet for the abyss known as Challenger Deep. The collapse came from the implosion of one instrument’s glass housing, a 15-inch-wide sphere that encased the electronics. Though the instrument was destroyed, Barclay and his colleagues eventually found useful refrains within the cacophony of the collapse. The team used bouncing sound waves from the implosion, recorded by the surviving device, to calculate one of the most precise measurements ever taken of Challenger Deep.
4) CarbonBrief: 深入问答:IPCC的第六次评估—气候变化如何影响世界?
CarbonBrief: In-depth Q&A: The IPCC’s sixth assessment on how climate change impacts the world
气候变化已经造成了 “陆地、淡水和沿海及开放水域生态系统的巨大破坏和日益不可逆转的损失”。所有陆地和淡水物种 “处于非常高的灭绝风险 “的比例在温度上升1.5摄氏度时可能会达到9%(最高14%)。这在2摄氏度时上升到10%(最高18%),3摄氏度时上升到12%(最高29%)。大约33至36亿人 “生活在对气候变化高度脆弱的环境中”。在气候变化影响与高度脆弱地区交汇的地方,它 “促成了人道主义危机”,并 “越来越多地推动所有地区的流离失所,小岛屿国家受到的影响尤为严重”。
Climate change has already caused “substantial damages and increasingly irreversible losses, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal and open ocean marine ecosystems”. It is likely that the proportion of all terrestrial and freshwater species “at very high risk of extinction will reach 9% (maximum 14%) at 1.5C”. This rises to 10% (18%) at 2C and 12% (29%) at 3C. Approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people “live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change”. Where climate change impacts intersect with areas of high vulnerability, it is “contributing to humanitarian crises” and “increasingly driving displacement in all regions, with small island states disproportionately affected”.
5) Smithsonian magazin:由AI担任船长,新的五月花号将在今年春天横穿大西洋
Smithsonian magazin:Captained by A.I., This New ‘Mayflower’ Will Cross the Atlantic This Spring
The dawn of this decade, 2020, also marked the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s journey. Plymouth 400, a cultural nonprofit, has been working for more than a decade to commemorate the anniversary in ways that honor all aspects of this history, said spokesperson Brian Logan. Events began in 2020, but one of the most innovative launches is still waiting in the wings—a newfangled nautical craft, the Mayflower Autonomous Ship, or MAS. Built and tested over the past five years, MAS will chart a new path by retracing an old one. This year it will travel from Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Mass. Throughout the journey, it will collect data that might provide insight into ocean and marine mammal health while gathering information about a sustainable energy source—the ocean’s waves—that could help power our world.
6)NewScientist: 科学家试图通过人造鲸鱼粪便来恢复海洋生态
NewScientist: Scientists want to restore the oceans with artificial whale poo
An international project to see whether humans can artificially emulate the benefits of whale faces for ocean ecosystems will begin off the west coast of India within the next two months. The hope is the technique will simultaneously boost fish populations and tackle climate change. The experiment is the first in a wider effort by David King, former chief scientific adviser to the UK government, and a coalition of six universities and research centers to test the potential for an approach they have dubbed marine biomass regeneration. Whales naturally fertilize the ocean surface when they defecate, leading to phytoplankton blooms that can feed billions of fish. Improving biodiversity is the main aim of the approach, but a side benefit will come from the phytoplankton absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When fish eat the plankton and die, some of the carbon will be locked away in the seabed. Marine biologists call this effect a biological pump. The hunting of whales in the past century has weakened this ecosystem service.
学术 Academics
[Climate & Ocean] Black Carbon Pollution Increasing Antarctic Snowmelt
来自化石燃料和生物质不完全燃烧的黑碳(Black Carbon)使雪变黑并使其更快融化。近几十年来,随着人类在南极洲的存在激增,南极洲的研究活动和旅游业的黑碳足迹可能已经增加。本文报告了从南极洲北端(南纬62度)到南部埃尔斯沃斯山脉(南纬79度)约2000公里的横断面上28个地点的雪样中黑碳浓度的测量结果。结果显示,研究设施和受欢迎的海岸旅游登陆点周围的积雪中的黑碳含量大大高于在该大陆其他地方测量的背景水平。由此产生的热辐射强迫正在加速雪的融化,使南极半岛和相关群岛上受黑碳影响地区的积雪每年夏天缩减多达23毫米的水当量(w.e.)。
[Ocean Governance] The Kerguelen Plateau: Interactions between the Law of the Sea and the Antarctic Treaty
[Ocean Governance] Institutional arrangements in a BBNJ treaty: Implications for Arctic marine science
4) 【划区管理】识别捕食者的多样性从而来引导海洋保护区的设计
[Area-based Management] Identifying predictors of species diversity to guide designation of marine protected areas
5) 【划区管理】边远海洋保护区的有效治理:东沙环礁国家公园的案例
[Area-based Management] Effective governance of a remote marine protected area: The case of Dongsha Atoll National Park
中国台湾的东沙环礁国家公园(Dongsha Atoll National Park, DANP)是一个海洋保护区(Marine Protected Area, MPA),其许多渔业受到来自周边国家渔民的非法捕捞。这项研究考察了东沙环礁国家公园的治理情况以应对这一问题。工作团队审查了文件,对东沙环礁群岛进行了实地调查,与当地受访者进行了半结构化访谈,并分析了自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)的信号记录。本文发现,自2002年以来,执法不力和缺乏机构间合作阻碍了DANP的MPA治理。本文在三个方面提出了解决方案。首先是检测:(1)参与性监测机制和(2)应建立一个综合监测、控制和监视系统,以弥补沿海雷达的局限性。这可以抵制AIS的操纵和非法捕鱼者使用机动快艇的行为。第二是反应:为了对非法活动作出迅速反应,目标识别是至关重要的。因此,使用技术工具,如无人驾驶飞行器、光学成像系统和声学监视系统,应补充基于AIS的识别。第三是判决:由于大多数非法捕鱼者因为身份问题不受当局管辖,政府可以利用国际通用的协议来起诉(和阻止)非法捕鱼者。
6) 【蓝色经济】蓝色经济如何维持海洋的保护与发展:蓝色融资机制概念框架
[Blue Economy] How blue financing can sustain ocean conservation and development: A proposed conceptual framework for blue financing mechanism
其他资料 Other resources
1) 【海洋保护】播客:海藻、秃鹫和原住民保护
[Ocean Conservation] Podcast: Kelp, condors and Indigenous conservation
2) 【海洋生态】海洋训练数据库
[Ocean Ecology] Ocean training database
3) 【海洋治理】确保公海生物多样性条约的有效实施:来自于一个执行和履约委员会的经验教训和选择
[Ocean Governance] Ensuring effective implementation of a high seas’ biodiversity treaty: Lessons learned and options for an implementation and compliance committee
[Ocean Ecology] Impacts of Plastic Pollution in the Oceans on Marine Species, Biodiversity, and Ecosystems
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
1) 2022年4月15-19日 墨西哥湾会议2022
April 15-19, 2022, Gulf of Mexico Conference 2022.
2) 2022年4月6日 BlueMooring: 管理MPA停泊点和资助海洋保护活动的可持续解决方案
Webinar: BlueMooring: A Sustainable Solution for Managing MPA Moorings and Financing Marine Conservation Activities; Date/Time: Wednesday, April 6, Noon US EDT, 9 am US PDT/6 pm CEST/4 pm UTC
June 8, 2022, UN World Oceans Day
>>回顾 Recordings
1)2022年1月16日 海洋邂逅:海草解决方案
February 16, 2022, Ocean Encounters: Seaweed Solutions
2)2022年3月3日 山东海洋工作会议召开
March 3, 2022, Shandong Ocean Work Conference
3)2022年2月11日 第八届环境法前沿研讨会 海洋分会场
February 11, 2022, 8th Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium, Marine Sub-conference
>>其他 Others
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