导语 Introduction
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The ministerial meeting on the WTO fisheries subsidies negotiations has been postponed, but the discussion on fisheries subsidies carries on. The News, Perspectives, Interpretation, and Academic sections of this issue track the latest information on this subject is included. In fact, after so many years of formal and informal dialogue and negotiations, as well as debates in the media, everything that needs to be said has already been said and it is now up to policymakers to decide and agree.
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Deep-sea mining is also a focus of this issue. As institutional and technological readiness continues to mature, the prospects for the development of high seas seabed minerals are becoming clearer. At the same time, the debate on this topic is becoming more intense. During the Glasgow Climate Conference, an article in the media criticized the narrative that a ‘green energy transition requires seabed minerals’. The articles included in this issue are summaries and discussions of the related facts. In particular, the inclusion of a report on the issue of mining noise in the other materials further enhances our understanding of this topic.
时讯 News

North Atlantic fishing nations have pledged to better protect the endangered shortfin mako shark by ending overfishing from 2022 and helping stocks to rebound over the next 50 years.
2) 中国农业农村部渔业渔政管理局关于《远洋渔业企业履约评估表(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见。
Ministry of agriculture and rural affairs of China seeks public comments on the Compliance Assessment Form for Distant Water Fishing Enterprises (Draft for Comments).
The World Trade Organization (WTO) fisheries subsidies negotiations submitted a draft agreement for ministers’ consideration ahead of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12). In light of COVID-19 restrictions, MC12 has been postponed. A new date has not been set yet.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) in view of the urgency for all sectors to accelerate their efforts to reduce GHG emissions – as emphasized in the recent IPCC reports and the Glasgow Climate Pact – recognized the need to strengthen the ambition of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy during its revision process. IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), agreed to initiate the revision of its GHG strategy. The MEPC also adopted a resolution on the voluntary use of cleaner fuels in the Arctic, to reduce black carbon emissions.
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) 2021 meeting concluded on December 7 with an agreement to increase the catch quota for large fish over 30 kg by 15% starting in 2022 compared to 2021. This is the first quota increase since 2015 when the current catch limit was introduced.
观点 Perspectives

1)Danielle Kessler: 国际爱护动物基金会 (IFAW) 正在努力确保剩下的360头露脊鲸的生存,并确保新英格兰渔民仍然可以进入重要捕鱼区进行龙虾捕捞。NOAA有远见和决心,向那些使用无绳捕鱼技术的人开放季节性禁渔区,这对露脊鲸,和捕捞龙虾的渔民来说是令人鼓舞的一步。无绳技术,或称 “按需垂直线”技术,可以快速减少在已知鲸鱼洄游的水域中的渔线,迅速降低了致命缠绕的风险。
Danielle Kessler: IFAW is working to ensure the 360 remaining right whales survive and that New England fishermen maintain access to important fishing areas. NOAA’s foresight and decision to open seasonally closed areas to those utilizing ropeless fishing technology represents an encouraging step forward for right whales and lobstermen. Ropeless, or “on-demand vertical line” technology, can sharply reduce rope in the water where whales are known to migrate, dramatically lowering the risk of deadly entanglement.
2)Rémi Parmentier: 在格拉斯哥气候大会上通过的《格拉斯哥气候协议》中,呼吁淘汰低效的化石燃料补贴,这是一个不难理解的问题。只要政府使用纳税人的钱来支持煤炭、石油和天然气基础设施的开发和运营,他们就在破坏自己对《巴黎协定》中关于将全球升温控制在1.5ºC以下的目标的承诺。
Rémi Parmentier: It was a no-brainer for the Glasgow Climate Pact adopted at COP 26 to include a call for the phase-out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. As long as governments use taxpayers’ money to support coal, oil, and natural gas infrastructure development and operations, they are undermining their own commitments to the Paris Agreement target to keep global warming below 1.5ºC.
3)Janet Coit:气候驱动的巨大变化近在眼前。它们已经在影响国家宝贵的海洋生物和生态系统以及依赖它们的许多社区和经济。
Janet Coit:No one has to peer into the distance anymore to see dramatic climate-driven changes. They’re already impacting the nation’s valuable marine life and ecosystems and the many communities and economies that depend on them.
4)Victoria Sheppard: 加拿大公园与荒野协会(CPAWS)对加拿大海洋的使命很简单:更多的海洋保护区(MPA),更好的MPA,以及位置合理的MPA。自2012年以来,我们发布了一份年度报告,以评估加拿大在实现保护目标方面的进展,和评估保护标准,并与其他国家的进展进行比较。这些报告的目标是推动公众对话,提供信息和建议,以加强特定MPA的政策和行动。
Victoria Sheppard: The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) mission for Canada’s ocean is simple: more marine protected areas (MPAs), better MPAs, and MPAs in the right places. Since 2012, we’ve issued an annual report to assess the country’s progress toward protection targets, to evaluate protection standards, and to compare progress with other countries. The goals of these reports are to drive public dialogue and provide information and recommendations to strengthen policy and action on specific MPAs.
5)Susan Jackson: 重建种群的努力正在发挥作用,这是一个信号,表明管理正在改善。我们的《种群状况》报告显示,全球大部分金枪鱼渔获量来自处于健康丰度水平的种群。随着时间的推移,该报告中的数据(每年多次更新)显示,一些金枪鱼种群的情况正在改善,而另一些则需要区域渔业管理组织(RFMOs)更好地管理。
Susan Jackson: Stock-rebuilding efforts are working, which is a sign that management is improving. Our Status of the Stocks report shows that the majority of the global tuna catch comes from stocks that are at healthy levels of abundance. Over time, data in that report – which is updated multiple times per year, every year – shows that the health of some tuna stocks are improving, while others need to be better managed by regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs).
解读 Interpretations

1)The Scientist: 问与答:如何保护南极免受从入侵物种之害?
The Scientist: Q&A: How to keep Antarctica safe from invasive species?
As climate change transforms the planet, some organisms may flee their historic habitats for more hospitable areas. That can create challenges for the food webs and ecosystems already there, especially if those natural systems are delicate, as is the case in Antarctica.
2)Anthropocene: 世界最大生物的粪便对海洋生态和碳捕获有惊人的作用。
Anthropocene: Poo from the world’s largest animals has a stunning effect on ocean ecosystems and even carbon capture.
“Our results say that if we restore whale populations to pre-whaling levels seen at the beginning of the 20th century, we’ll restore a huge amount of lost function to ocean ecosystems,” said Nicholas Pyenson, curator of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, who took part in the research. “It may take a few decades to see the benefit, but it’s the clearest read yet about the massive role of large whales on our planet.”
3)联合国教科文组织: 一艘风帆考察船里可以塞进80个Argo浮标!
UNESCO: How many Argo floats can you fit sailing yacht? Eighty is the answer.
UNESCO: During the expedition, the French Blue Observer team onboard S/V Iris will deploy a total of 100 autonomous robots, called Argo floats. Argo profiling floats are autonomous robots that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down between the surface and a mid-water level, collecting pressure, temperature, and salinity profiles from the upper 2 kilometers of the ocean. These instruments enable climate variation studies, as well as feed atmospheric forecasting models, vital to understand climate change, and help prediction of extreme weather and climate events.
China Dialogue: Deep-sea mining key questions
Shallow-water mining for sand, tin, and diamonds is already happening around the world, and some deep-sea mining has taken place within the territorial waters of certain countries. But deep-sea mining in international waters that belong to no one nation, but to the “common heritage of mankind”, is currently only at the exploration stage.To date, 31 contracts to explore for 15 years have been granted to assess the size and extent of three different types of mineral deposits in areas totaling more than 1 million square kilometers. Actual mining cannot begin there until “the code” is agreed.
5)The Pew Charitable Trusts: 一个进取的渔业补贴削减协议可以提高鱼类种群和全球渔获量
皮尤慈善信托基金会: An ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement could boost fish populations and global catch
In the midst of negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over proposals to curb the harmful fisheries subsidies that governments issue to their fishing sectors, The Pew Charitable Trusts and leading scientists developed a modeling tool to analyze the proposals’ potential effects.The tool shows that an ambitious WTO deal to eliminate all harmful subsidies worldwide could result in a 12.5 per cent increase in global fish biomass by 2050. This translates to nearly 35 million metric tons of fish—four times North America’s fish consumption in 2017.
6)Sciencedaily: 北极海洋开始变暖的时间比我们以为的要更早
Sciencedaily: Arctic Ocean started getting warmer decades earlier than we thought.
Using the chemical signatures found in marine microorganisms, the researchers found that the Arctic Ocean began warming rapidly at the beginning of the last century as warmer and saltier waters flowed in from the Atlantic——a phenomenon called Atlantification — and that this change likely preceded the warming documented by modern instrumental measurements. Since 1900, the ocean temperature has risen by approximately 2 degrees Celsius, while sea ice has retreated, and salinity has increased.
学术 Academics
[Blue Economy] A constructive critique of the World Trade Organization draft agreement on harmful fisheries subsidies
[Area based Management] Representation does not necessarily reduce threats to biodiversity: Australia’s Commonwealth marine protected area system, 2012–2018
[Ocean Ecosystem] Threatened by mining, polymetallic nodules are required to preserve abyssal epifauna
[Tech & Tools] Early Warning of Harmful Algal Bloom Risk Using Satellite Ocean Color and Lagrangian Particle Trajectories
[Tech & Tools] Assessments of 16 Exploited Fish Stocks in Chinese Waters Using the CMSY and BSM Methods
[Fishery Management] Data-Limited Stock Assessment for Fish Species Devoid of Catch Statistics: Case Studies for Pampus argenteus and Setipinna taty in the Bohai and Yellow Seas
其他资料 Other resources
[Tools] Citizen Science: counting walrus
[报告] 海洋养护:深海采矿:噪声严重
[Report] Ocean Care: Deep-Sea Mining: A noisy affair
[网页专题] 保护区体系和斯特尔瓦根保护区所达到的里程碑式的进展
[Web special topic] Sanctuary system and Stellwagen sanctuary reach milestone anniversaries in 2022
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
2021, 12, 13-17, Symposium: REEF FUTURES 2021
2021年12月13-15日 亚太经合组织海洋废弃物纳米塑料研讨会
2021, 12, 13-15, APEC Workshop on Nanoplastics in Marine Debris
>>回顾 Recordings
2012年12月5日 “南海与国际海洋法”公益讲座第十二讲:南海仲裁案与南海舆论战
>>其他 Others
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