导语 Introduction
Highlight 1
The climate change-ocean nexus has been increasingly discussed in recent years, but never has there been a more powerful image than the one just captured in the Gulf of Mexico: a gas pipeline cracking at the bottom of the sea, a blazing fire opening the eye of Sauron in the middle of the ocean, the sea churning with flames that surpass all the special effects of hell in fantasy movies. At the end of the 1980s, a series of environmental disasters provided the “timely” stage for the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty. Let’s hope that the warning from this accident is not wasted.
Highlight 2
The WTO negotiations on ending harmful fisheries subsidies, scheduled to end last year, have been delayed until this year. In the “Perspectives” section, a senior expert from the civil society reviews his 20 years of experience in following this negotiation and expresses his expectations for the role of the WTO Special Ministerial Meeting on 15 July. Professor Sumaila, an expert on fisheries subsidies, hopes that the US and China can work together to advance the negotiations. By the time you read this issue of Blue Pulse, the Special Ministerial Meeting will have come to an end and hopefully there will be positive signals coming out. Indeed, reform of fisheries subsidies could greatly help fill the funding gap mentioned in the paper Financing a Sustainable Ocean Economy in the Academics section. Let’s look forward to that.
时讯 News
A natural gas leak caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico, and it’s not clear if the incident caused Marine contamination. The company has suffered several major production accidents in the past and the cause of the accident is still under investigation, according to the report.
(2)联合国大会举办了推进SDG 14的高级别会议。会议上的发言将海洋行动与新冠疫情的可持续复苏联系起来,向低碳和资源节能型绿色经济的过渡需要海洋领域的转型。
The UN General Assembly held a high-level event to build momentum for achieving SDG 14 (life below water). Speakers linked ocean action to a sustainable recovery from COVID-19, given that a transition to a low-carbon and resource-efficient green economy requires transformations in the ocean and seas.
On World Oceans Day, Nat Geo cartographers say the swift current circling Antarctica keeps the waters there distinct and worthy of their own name: the Southern Ocean.
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2021—Leaders of seven of the G7 met in Washington DC. In the joint statement, they recognized the critical role of nature in rebuilding the global economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and committed to protecting 30% of the earth by 2030.
The 43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, which France is hosting this year in Paris, adopted today, on June 23rd, the day of the 60th anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctica Treaty, a declaration reaffirming the commitment of the Consultative Parties to the principles and objectives of this Treaty.
观点 Perspectives
Professor Shuanglin Dong: “Most RAS are highly artificial systems and do not take advantage of potential ecosystem services, such as photosynthesis. This means that these systems are constrained by higher carbon footprints and high costs. To overcome the barriers of higher operation costs and waste removal RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) should be integrated with ecosystem services – like nutrient recovery through photosynthesis of aquatic plants.”
(2)Rémi Parmentier:“7月15日,世界贸易组织(WTO)总干事Ngozi Okonjo-Iwealaj将召集一次部长级特别会议,以支持WTO完成消除导致过度捕捞和产能过剩的渔业补贴的谈判。20年来,6次WTO部长级会议之后,世界仍在等待,鱼类种群持续萎缩,海洋陷入危机。”
Rémi Parmentier: “Hopes were raised when WTO (the World Trade Organization) Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala called for a special ministerial meeting to be held on 15 July 2021 to reach agreement to fulfil the trade body’s mandate to eliminate fisheries subsidies that contribute to overfishing and overcapacity. 20 years and six WTO ministerial conferences later, the world is still waiting, fish stocks have continued to shrink, and the ocean is in crisis.”
(3)Doug McCauley:“公海上的MPAs (海洋保护区)就像水面下的储蓄账户。在一个MPA内部,受保护的物种(例如鱼类)茁壮成长。当这些健康的、不断扩张的种群从MPA的边界向外溢出,进入允许捕捞的海域,就像是存款产生的利息。因此,MPAs可以成为人类和生物多样性的双赢。”
Doug McCauley: “MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) on the high seas act like undersea savings accounts. Inside an MPA, protected populations—like fish—thrive and grow. And these healthy, expanding populations spill over beyond the boundaries of the MPA itself to areas where these fish can be harvested—like interest from the savings account. So MPAs become a win for both people and biodiversity.”
(4)Rashid Sumaila:“中美两个最大的渔业补贴国之间展开合作是打破世贸组织谈判僵局的关键。多年来,谈判一直因为无法就发展中国家是否应被给予更多时间来退出补贴达成共识而陷入停滞。世贸组织允许其成员国自主申明自己的发展中国家地位,中国就是这么做的。中美若能开展合作并签署联合公报表明两国支持即将举行的部长级会议达成渔业补贴协议,这将有助于推动谈判进程。”
Rashid Sumaila: “Cooperation between the two largest fishery subsidy countries of China and the United States is the key to breaking the deadlock in the WTO negotiations. Over the years, negotiations have been stalled because they cannot reach a consensus on whether developing countries should be given more time to withdraw subsidies. The WTO allows its member states to independently declare their status as developing countries, which is what China does. One of the actions to promote the negotiation process is China-US cooperation and the signing of a joint communiqué indicating that the two countries will support the upcoming ministerial meeting to reach a fishery subsidy agreement.”
United Nations Global Compact: “The ocean is not only a victim of climate change – it provides solutions too. Ocean-based climate solutions could reduce the emissions gap by up to 21% to keep temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C by 2050, and the ocean’s critical role in climate change mitigation and adaptation are integral to this year’s COP26 considerations. In the global transition to a net-zero economy, low-carbon maritime transport and sustainable seafood, offshore renewable energy and nature-based ocean solutions represent key enablers.”
解读 Interpretations
The younger generation of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales are on average about three feet (one meter) shorter than whales were 20 years ago, drone and aircraft data show in a study in journal Current Biology. Scientists say humans are to blame. Entanglements with fishing gear, collisions with ships and climate change moving their food supply north are combining to stress and shrink these large whales, the study says.
Dead zones occur when oxygen levels drop so low, that marine life is unable to survive. New research has shown dead zones have nearly quadrupled across the globe since 1950. Recently, scientists discovered that dead zones have been a regular occurrence within the last millions of years. They occur more often during significant warming events, like the one we’re currently experiencing.
(3) 北京日报:牡蛎是滋养人类的“海中牛奶”
Oysters were once used by civilians to fill their stomachs. After that, due to overfishing and environmental pollution, the number of oysters decreased sharply and became the mysterious marine food sought after by high-level restaurants. Now, with the gradual maturity of artificial farming, oysters are almost all over the world’s coastal areas, becoming the world’s largest aquaculture shellfish.
All ecosystems (and economies) are animal-driven because wildlife is the mechanism that builds them. The existence of animals and the environment is part and parcel because it’s animals that stabilize the free surplus energy that primary producers make, otherwise the system crumbles and animals can’t exist.
每年,数百艘外国渔船在这里捕捞阿根廷短鳍鱿鱼(Illex argentinus)和阿根廷红虾(Pleoticus muelleri)等物种。许多船舶中都选择长时间关闭卫星跟踪系统,很可能是为了进入阿根廷专属经济区(EEZ)内非法捕鱼并且逃避检查。
Each year, hundreds of foreign-owned vessels are also traveling here to fish for species like Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) and Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri). Many of these ships are turning off their satellite tracking systems for extended periods of time. The most likely reason is to avoid detection while fishing illegally within Argentina’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Since the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed about 48 % of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, playing a role of global climate change buffer. The known mechanisms of carbon dioxide absorption by the ocean mainly include solubility pump, carbonate pump, biological pump and micro-biological carbon pump. Among them, the first two are physical and chemical ways, the latter two are biological ones.
学术 Academics
[Ocean Ecosystem] Declining diversity of wild-caught species puts dietary nutrient supplies at risk
[Fishery Management] Individualism and collectivism in Japanese small-scale fisheries after natural disasters
[Area-based Management] Designing a blueprint for coral reef survival
[Climate & Ocean] Global coral reef ecosystems exhibit declining calcification and increasing primary productivity
[Ocean Governance] Navigating Potential Hype and Opportunity in Governing Marine Carbon Removal
(6) 【蓝色经济】为可持续的海洋经济融资
[Blue Economy] Financing a sustainable ocean economy
其他资料 Other resources
【气候生多】IPBES- IPCC共同举办的生物多样性与气候变化工作坊报告
[Climate & Biodiversity] IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change
[Area-based Management] World Needs Alternatives to Protect Rainforests of the Sea: Policy Brief
[Techs & Tools] World’s First Satellite-Based Coral Reef Monitoring System Deploys Globally, Paving the Way for Innovation Driven Conservation
[Techs & Tools] Global Fishing Watch Marine Manager: technology to strengthen the management of marine protected areas
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
2021年08月17日 网络研讨会 致力于达成全球塑料污染条约:过程和可能性
2021.08.17 Webinar Working towards a global plastic pollution treaty: Process and possibilities
2021年8月17日-18日 “我们的海洋”2020会议——“我们的海洋”的地方到全球行动
2021.8.17-18 Our Ocean 2020 Conference-Local to Global Action for Our ocean
>>回顾 Recordings
2021年06月24日 投资自然,青山亦金山-2021“生物多样性金融主流化” 系列政策对话
2021.06.24 Invest in Nature, Green is Gold-2021 Main Stream Biodiversity Finance Policy Dialogue
2021年06月17日 EMB科学网络研讨会-为数字海洋维护原位海洋观测
2021.06.17 EMB Science Webinar- Sustaining in Situ Ocean Observations for the Digital Ocean
2021年6月23日 世界海洋峰会洞见时刻:跨价值链协作,最大限度地减少新兴市场的海洋塑料污染
2021.06.23 World Ocean Summit Insight Hour: Collaborating across the value chain to minimize marine plastic pollution in emerging markets
>>其他 Others
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