导语 Introduction
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One of the features of this issue is the ‘crossover’ aspect. The oceans are known to be an interdisciplinary subject, but some of the content in this issue is still very much fascinating: one article in the ‘Interpretations’ section on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s application of technology from the exploration of Mars to deep-sea exploration; the other is a paper in the “Academic” section discussing gender bias in marine science and conservation. When we look into the skies we shall not forget the social issues around us.
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The question of how to prioritize marine protected areas to achieve a balance between short-term and long-term human interests is the million-dollar question of global marine conservation. While the last decade has seen rapid progress in the construction of large and even mega-marine protected areas in remote waters, there have also been criticisms that such protection is avoidance of priorities. This discussion is continued in an article in the China-China Dialogue section of this issue. The article argues that achieving the triple objectives of food security, biodiversity, and climate protection requires strict marine protected areas in densely populated coastal areas. The effectiveness of MPA is also intensively discussed in this issue.
时讯 News

Due to disruptions to national distribution channels, fears over COVID-19 spreading via imported seafood, and aggressive political posturing on the global stage, China is replacing a dependency on imported seafoods with local alternatives.
Governor Inslee signed bill today prohibiting seabed mining for hard minerals, including precious metals, metal-rich sands, and gemstones, within 3 miles of Washington shores.
(3) 美国和欧盟将进一步推动提案中的南极海洋保护区的建设。
US, EU to push harder for proposed Antarctic marine protected areas.
(4) 2021年自然资源监测工作启动 |中国自然资源部
The 2021 Plans of Monitoring Natural Resources Officially Started, Says Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China
观点 Perspectives

Shutterstock 摄
(1) Rick Stafford 和 Peter Jones:“塑料污染提供了一个‘廉价的真相’,转移了人们对气候变化等更严重环境问题的关注。”
Rick Stafford and Peter Jones:” we argue plastic pollution provides a “convenient truth” that distracts from addressing the real environmental threats such as climate change.”
(2) Emily Petsko:“尽管鱼类含有对人类健康至关重要的微量营养素,但是其在解决维生素和矿物质缺乏上的作用常常被忽视了。
Emily Petsko: “Despite being packed with important micronutrients that are vital to human health, fish are too often overlooked as a solution to “hidden hunger”.
(3) Justin Catanoso:“现在对气候变化的行动承诺必须得到有效的执行,并且辅以透明的报告和准确的碳核算。”
Justin Catanoso: “Today’s commitments (on climate change) must be followed with effective implementation and with transparent reporting and accurate carbon accounting“
NOAA:” Drones is important because the new technology provides a safe and efficient way to survey wild populations.”
解读 Interpretations

Sameer AI Doumy/AFP 摄
(1) The Local: 英法在泽西岛关于后脱欧时代捕鱼许可证的争执
Jersey dispute is a dispute between the Government of Jersey and French fishermen about the licensing of French fishing boats to fish in Jersey’s territorial waters. French fishermen are angry about the inconsistent of fishing authorizations, and some of them worry about the uncertain future access to the UK waters after Brexit.
(2) 尚嫣然等:新时期陆海统筹的技术难点、 理论框架体系与实践探索
The article discussed and studied the theory of land-based integration from theoretical and practical perspectives, focusing on the theoretical contexts, technical framework, and realization of the theory. It also selected representative coastal cities as the case studies, summarizing the real-life experience of land-sea integration.
(3) 中外海洋对话:气候变化新对策:保护人口稠密的沿海地区
Radical new approach could slash global carbon emissions while increasing fish catch, but experts flag implementation challenges in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
(4) 开普敦大学:解密奥斯卡获奖纪录片《我的章鱼老师》背后的科学和拍摄过程。
My Octopus Teacher film-maker Craig Foster and his marine tracking mentors, two University of Cape Town marine biologists, revealed how science, for example, scientific knowledge, fact-checking and more importantly, scientific-based thinking and scientifically informed discussions, have contributed to the filming.
(5)中国水产网 观察|中国水产品总量凭什么可以连续32年保持世界第一?
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China’s fishery industry has achieved a series of proud numbers: the total volume of Chinese fishery products reached 65.45 million tons in 2020, 145 times more than in 1949. Moreover, for 32 consecutive years it has been ranked first in the world in terms of the total volume of products. This article reviewed and explored the development path of Chinese fisheries.
(6) 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所:探索火星的技术也可运用于深海探测
太空和深海都缺乏卫星传感器群导致传统的GPS系统难以运作。在火星探测器毅力号上成功运用的TRN(Terrain Relative Navigation 地形相对导航)技术也许是未来深海探索的理想解决方案。
Space and the deep ocean both lack the constellations of sensors that make traditional GPS systems hard to use. TRN (Terrain Relative Navigation) technology, which used in the Mars rover Perseverance, could be an ideal solution for deep-sea exploration.
(7) Professor Sam Purkis:专家答疑:当一片珊瑚死去的时候会发生什么?
迈阿密大学教授Sam Purkis解释了气候变化对查戈斯群岛的影响以及目睹珊瑚礁死亡的感受。
Professor Sam Purkis of Miami University explained the effect of climate change on the Chagos Archipelago and what it feels like to witness to death of a reef.
学术 Academics
(1) 【气候与海洋】针对海洋科学和保育领域持续的性别偏见应该迅速采取行动来促进平等
[Climate & Ocean] Persistent gender bias in marine science and conservation calls for action to achieve equity
[Ocean Ecosystem] Large-scale interventions may delay decline of the Great Barrier Reef
[Fishery Management] Marine reserve more sustainable than gear restriction in maintaining long-term coral reef fisheries yields
[Ocean Ecosystem] New Insights into the Microplastic Enrichment in the Blue Carbon Ecosystem: Evidence from Seagrass Meadows and Mangrove Forests in Coastal South China Sea
[Ocean Ecosystem] Light, in addition to ocean temperature, plays role in coral bleaching
[Area-based Management] Evaluating the social and ecological effectiveness of partially protected marine areas
[Fishery Management] Recovery of tropical marine benthos after a trawl ban demonstrates linkage between abiotic and biotic changes
其他资料 Other resources
[Fishing Industry] Aquatic pollutants in oceans and fisheries
【渔业】今天的监测是为了明日的可持续性 |NOAA的可持续性渔业管理
[Fishing Industry] Monitoring Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow |Sustainable Fishing by NOAA
Seafood2030 Issue Brief, Volume 3: Designing the Future of Seafood
【渔业】故事地图: 技术、监测和可持续渔业
[Fishing Industry] Story map: Technology, Monitoring, and Sustainable Fisheries
故事地图/Story Map
[Ocean] UNESCO’s Global Ocean Science Report (Chinese Edition) now available
[Techs & Tools] Debris Tracker: An open data citizen scientist movement
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
2021年05月26日 网络研讨会 识别有价值的区域来进行保护:美国海洋生物多样性和知识的差距分析
2021.05.26 Webinar: Identifying Important Areas for Conservation: A Gap Analysis of US Marine Biodiversity Protection and Knowledge
2021年06月04日-06月06日 会讯|2021年6月4-6日 福建厦门:“面向新时代的生态学”研讨会(第一轮)
2021.06.04-2021.06.06 Conference | June 4- June 6, 2021 Xiamen, Fujian: “Ecology in the New Era” Workshop (1st round)
2021年06月22日 PescaData小程序:为个体渔民提供一个更公平的数字经济环境
2021.06.22 The PescaData app: Mobilizing knowledge and creating a more just digital economy for small-scale fishers
>>回顾 Recordings
2020年07月15日 别走极端:加州海洋保护区制定过程中的经验故事
2020.7.15 Beyond Polarization: Learning from the Unlikely Story of California’s Marine Protected Areas
2020.09.09 The impacts of COVID-19 on coastal and marine tourism
2021年03月03日 网络研讨会 用3D技术来规划对于海洋的使用
2021.03.03 Webinar Planning Ocean Uses in 3D
2021年03月11日 网络研讨会 如何引导海洋保护区使用者的行为:为什么方法的多样性是MPA治理的关键?
2021.03.11 Webinar Steering the behavior of MPA users: Why diversity of approaches is the key to MPA governance
2021年04月15日 网络研讨会 欧盟海事局 海洋公民科学:趋势和前沿问题
2021.04.15 Emb Science Webinar – Marine Citizen Science: Trends and Frontier Issues
>>其他 Others
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