导语 Introduction
Highlight 1
Our understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and the oceans is gradually increasing. The academic section of this issue continues to track the impact of climate change on fisheries and the discussion of how the oceans fit into the climate change negotiations. The first part of the 27th session of the International Seabed Authority has just concluded, so this issue also looks at the development of mineral resources in international seabed areas. Some argue that mineral resources in the international seabed area may play an important role in the future energy transition, while others argue that the environmental impacts of seabed mining are still poorly understood and that a cautious approach should be taken. This issue’s academic section includes an article exploring the current gaps in knowledge and what can be done about them, and an article that seeks to draw wisdom from the management of mineral resources in the international seabed area for a future regime for the mining in space.
时讯 News
The UN-affiliated organization that oversees deep-sea mining, a controversial new industry, has been accused of lacking transparency after the expulsion of an independent body to report on the negotiations.
The Bureau of Fisheries and Fishery Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized a comprehensive assessment of the compliance status of 177 offshore fishing enterprises in China for the year 2021. After the enterprises’ self-assessment, the preliminary assessment by the provincial departments, and the review by the Bureau of Fisheries and Fishery Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in consultation with the relevant institutions, now the results of the 2021 compliance assessment are publicized.
3) 摩纳哥蓝色倡议(MBI 2022)的第13次会议召开,来自政府、私营部门、金融机构、科学机构和民间社会的代表参加了会议,讨论与海洋保护有关的问题。本次会议指出保护海洋需要一个大胆的愿景,需要每位公民的参与以及大力发展蓝色经济。
The 13th meeting of the MonacoBlueInitiative (MBI2022) convened representatives from governments, the private sector, financial institutions, scientific institutions & civil society to discuss issues relating to ocean protection, The conference noted that protecting the oceans requires a bold vision, the participation of every citizen, and a strong blue economy
4) 全球保护组织的首席执行官和领导人呼吁世界各国政府在2022年缔结一项雄心勃勃、公平和强大的新公海条约。
CEOs and Leaders in global conservation organizations in a call to world governments to conclude an ambitious, equitable, and robust new High Seas Treaty in 2022.
观点 Perspectives
1) Deng Palomares: 在发表于《海洋科学前沿》的一篇新论文(见“学术”版块)中,来自奥克兰大学和不列颠哥伦比亚大学海洋和渔业研究所的”the Sea Around Us”倡议的研究人员提出了一个多目标的解决方案,如果实施,可以使89%的海洋生物多样性代表区和89%的受威胁物种,即大约860个物种得到保护,同时保持提供89%的全球渔获的渔场的正常运营。
Deng Palomares: In a new paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science, researchers from The University of Auckland and the Sea Around Us initiative at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries present a multi-objective solution that, if implemented, could lead to the protection of 89 percent of the ocean’s Representative Biodiversity Areas and 89 percent of threatened species or about 860 species, all while maintaining access to fishing grounds that provide 89 percent of the global catch.
2)G D Stentiford和C C Holt:尽管渔业供应稳定,但预计未来几十年海产品(这里包括在淡水、海水和海洋水系生产的所有水生食品)的人均需求将不断增加。虽然可以使用水产养殖的方式应对这一需求增长,但目前仍捉襟见肘。
G D Stentiford and C Holt: Increasing per capita demand for seafood (here, covering all aquatic foods produced in freshwater, brackish, and marine water systems) is predicted over the coming decades despite static fisheries supply. Aquaculture may fill the gap but generally falls below national demand.
3)Ned Daly:经营一家海产品企业所需的努力与为了使整个行业更加可持续而需要做的工作存在着惊人的相似性。这是Seafood2030项目的一个主要发现,该项目一直在与水产业和其他海产品利益相关者合作,以了解如何优化设计和调整未来的可持续海产品工作。
Ned Daly: There is a striking similarity between the effort required to run a seafood business and the work that needs to be done to make the industry at large more sustainable. That is one major finding of the Seafood2030 project, which has been working with the industry and other seafood stakeholders to understand how best to design and align future sustainable seafood efforts.
Economic Daily: China has a vast sea area, rich biodiversity, and solid scientific research conditions, which have laid a solid foundation for the development of marine carbon sinks. With the goal of “carbon peaking” and “carbon neutrality”, coastal provinces have been actively exploring approaches to accelerate the development of ocean carbon sinks, promote ocean carbon accounting and carry out pilot marine carbon trading. However, due to the late start of marine carbon sink trading, there is a lack of regulations, industry norms, and related technical standards related. Even in the international academic community, there is no widely recognized marine carbon sink standard yet, and an active marine carbon sink trading market is far from being formed. This is both a challenge and opportunity for China, which should accelerate the research and development of relevant standards in the field of marine carbon sinks and strive to grasp the right to declare opinion and dominate the development of international marine carbon sink standards.
解读 Interpretations
1)MongaBay: 非洲裔哥伦比亚人社区通过新的保护区保护原始海洋
MongaBay: Afro-Colombian community safeguards pristine oceans with new protected area
The newly designated Isla Ají marine protected area covers a total of 24,600 hectares (60,800 acres) of coastal, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems on Colombia’s Pacific coast. The Naya River Delta, where the protected area is located, is home to a variety of diverse ecosystems, from tropical forests to beaches, mudflats to mangrove forests. The new marine protected area contributes to Colombia’s goal of conserving 30% of its surface by 2030, part of a larger global commitment made by around 70 countries to promote biodiversity through the creation of protected areas. Many of the communities near Isla Ají hope to transition to ecotourism to fulfill their conservation goals, but the investment is still in its early stages.
World Economic Forum: Here’s why paint microplastic emissions must be at the top of the global environmental agenda
Paint is a major source of microplastics in the ocean, although the scale of the issue has only recently been highlighted. Paint microplastic emissions account for 58% of the estimated total annual ocean microplastic leakage. Authorities, regulators and members of the public can take a series of simple measures to reduce paint microplastics leaking into the ocean.
3)皮尤慈善信托: Pew Bertarelli海洋遗产赞扬法国海洋保护区在南印度洋的增长
Pew: Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Applauds Huge French Marine Protection Expansion in Southern Indian Ocean
French President Emmanuel Macron declared the new conservation measures at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, France, February 11th. The move adds protections around Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands, the Kerguelen Islands, and the Crozet Islands—which are all part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, an overseas territory that is home to a richly diverse wildlife community. The expansion makes the waters around the three archipelagos the largest marine protected area in French waters by far, representing about 15% of the country’s global exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
4)MongaBay: 海洋中令人意想不到的十种食物
MongaBay: Ten unexpected edibles from our oceans
In addition to regular fish, shrimp, and crabs, from parts of marine plants and animals you may not know were edible, to familiar seafood transformed into unexpected culinary delicacies, some of these ocean edibles are now making their way into mainstream restaurant menus and superstore aisles — food that could reduce stress on our oceans.
Smart-Ocean: Collection: The deployment of sea-related work in the Government Work Report 2014-2022
The Work Report of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in previous years has set out the main objectives of the next year’s development and the overall plan for the next phase of work, based on the current national conditions and top priorities. This is an overview of the sea-related work in the State Council Work Report (2014-2021).
学术 Academics
[Ocean Governance] Assessment of scientific gaps related to the effective environmental management of deep-seabed mining
要评估深海采矿作业是否,以及在何种条件下符合国际海底管理局根据《联合国海洋法公约》承担的防止“严重损害”和确保 “有效保护海洋环境免受有害影响”义务,就必须全面了解深海环境,和采矿的可能影响。对同行评议文献的综合分析以及与深海采矿利益攸关方的磋商表明,尽管深海研究有所增加,但公开可用的科学知识类别很少,不足以在环境管理方面作出循证决策,包括是否可以在国际海底管理局已授予勘探合同的区域进行采矿。关于深海环境基线和采矿影响的进一步信息对于这一新兴产业至关重要。填补与深海采矿有关的科学空白是一项艰巨的任务,对于履行防止“严重损害”和确保“有效保护”的首要义务至关重要,这需要明确的方向、大量的资源以及强有力的协调和合作。根据收集到的信息,我们提出了一个潜在的高级别活动路线图,可以激发人们对在考虑进行任何开采之前为弥补关键的科学差距而应采取的步骤进行亟需的讨论。这些步骤包括确定环境目标和目的,建立一个国际研究议程以产生新的深海环境、生物和生态信息,以及综合已有的数据。
[Ocean Governance] Towards a legal regime of benefits sharing for space mining: With some experience from the Area
由于近年来空间资源激发了政府和私营实体的巨大兴趣,而且从空间采矿(Space Mining, SM)中获得利益的潜力似乎更加明显,确定如何分享这些资源需要明确的国际管理。目前的空间法没有具体解决利益分享问题,经济和科学发展水平不同的国家之间仍然存在大量分歧。在其他共同领域的利益谈判中也存在类似的问题,如深海海底。本条讨论分享空间采矿的利益的制度和 “区域 “的相应制度,即国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土。鉴于目前的法律、政治和商业背景,文章建议,分享空间采矿未来利益的制度应该是自愿的,并在自由市场的基础上相互接受,同时考虑发展中国家的利益。文章还提出了这种制度的具体模式,基于三个要素。(a) 利益的形式,(b) 资源类别,(c) 发展阶段。研究报告的结论是,目前的重点应该是合作开发技术,以促进空间采矿为人类的共同利益和利益。
[Ocean Governance] A new way forward for ocean-climate policy as reflected in the UNFCCC Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue submissions
海洋在气候变化和适应中扮演了重要角色。但是气候变化和海洋政策在历史上是孤立的。在数十年缓慢的融合之后,在COP25会议上决定并在2020年12月在线启动的 “海洋与气候变化对话”,是《联合国气候变化框架公约》的缔约方和非缔约方利益相关者就气候制度应如何处理与海洋有关的减缓和适应问题提出自己的观点的第一个论坛。继续这一对话,并加强国家和非国家行为者之间的合作,可能会产生多边和多层次的决策,以实现可持续的气候、海洋和生物多样性行动。
[Climate & Ocean] Climate change adaptation in fisheries
本文对渔业中的气候变化适应进行了系统性的全球文献回顾。本文讨论了三个具体问题。(i) 渔业正在适应什么?(ii) 渔业是如何适应的? (iii) 那些研究上的缺口要去填补?我们确定了1990年至2019年期间发表的处于气候变化、适应和渔业领域交叉点的案例研究,并对其进行了特征描述和研究。我们描述了记录在案的气候变化对渔业的影响,这些影响正在适应多种压力源、一般气候影响、极端事件、海洋条件、海洋系统转移、气候变异性、渔业动态、物种分布和大气变暖。出现了三类适应性反应:应对机制(如改变捕鱼地点、使用传统知识);适应性战略(如工作方式多样化、整合新技术);以及管理上的响应(如适应性管理、适应性规划)。本文确定了未来研究的关键潜在领域,包括对适应的限制和障碍的研究,使用特定概念和方法学方法的研究,以及专注于顶级生产国的研究,如中国、印度尼西亚、秘鲁和俄罗斯。这一分析为渔业行业和气候变化适应研究提供了更广泛的见解,以便在面对新的全球挑战时进行研究。
[Ocean Ecology] Climate vulnerability assessment of key fishery resources in the Northern Humboldt Current System
北洪堡海流系统维持着世界上最多产的渔场之一。然而,在未来几十年里,气候变化将对该地区的鱼类生产产生负面影响,而目前还无法对于鱼类资源变化进行评估。本文实施了基于性状的气候脆弱性评估,基于专家的意见,本文估计了28种渔业资源(海底、底栖和水层)到2055年对气候变化影响的相对脆弱性;使用了10个暴露因素(如温度、盐度、pH值、叶绿素)和13个敏感性属性(生物和种群水平特征)。近36%的被评估物种具有 “高 “或 “非常高 “的脆弱性。底栖物种被列为最脆弱的物种(腹足类和双壳类)。水层组是第二个最脆弱的物种;太平洋鲭鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼是最脆弱的水层物种之一。底栖动物组的脆弱性相对最低。这项研究允许确定脆弱的渔业资源、研究和监测的优先事项,以及确定驱动这种脆弱性的关键暴露因素和敏感性属性。研究结果可以帮助渔业管理者将气候变化纳入捕捞水平和分配决策,并协助利益相关者计划和适应不断变化的未来。
[Ocean Ecology] Safeguarding Seafood Security, Marine Biodiversity and Threatened Species: Can We Have Our Fish and Eat It too?
海洋含有丰富的生物多样性,对全球粮食安全至关重要。然而,海洋生物多样性正在减少。海洋保护区和海洋保护地已被用于保护生物多样性、保护受威胁物种和重建被开发的物种,但这种保护行为被认为是对捕鱼的限制,这减缓了实现海洋保护目标的进展。在此,本文对海洋进行了空间上的优先排序,以保护生物多样性、受威胁物种和粮食安全。利用 “我们周围的海洋 “的数据,即工业、手工、自给和娱乐性捕捞的全球数据库,以每平方公里的渔获量对粮食安全进行量化,每0.5度的海洋单元。通过使用生物多样性代表区(Representative Biodiversity Areas,RBAs(基于生物多样性的整体衡量标准的丰度前30%的海洋))、974个受威胁物种的地图和2170个被开发物种的渔获量数据,我们发现这些多重的、相互竞争的目标是可以以最小的妥协实现的。使用多目标解决方案保护30%的海洋可以保护89%的RBA、89%的受威胁物种,并保持对提供89%全球渔获量的渔场的访问。即使将粮食安全置于保护目标之上,我们也发现对生物多样性和受威胁物种的保护力度很大(85%的RBAs,73%的受威胁物种)。我们强调需要改进管理的四个物种,因为它们一直在具有高度保护意义的地区被捕捞(鲣鱼,Katsuwonus pelamis;黄鳍金枪鱼,Thunnus albacares;大西洋鳕鱼,Gadus morhua;智利竹筴鱼,Trachurus murphyi)。本文表明,全球协调的海洋保护和粮食安全的方法是必要的,因为区域规模的战略被证明是低效的,并可能导致粮食安全和保护目标之间的冲突。我们的结果进一步支持到2030年保护30%的海洋的呼吁,并显示了在哪些地方保护可以最好地保护粮食安全,保护生物多样性和受威胁物种。
其他资料 Other resources
[Ocean Ecology] Scientists record ocean sounds to spot new species
2)【海洋治理】 随着条约谈判的继续,公海将面临重大风险
[Ocean Governance] High Stakes for the High Seas as Treaty Negotiations Continue
[Ocean Ecology] Cause a Sea Change: Save Sharks
[Ocean Ecology] The State of Our Ocean with Callum Roberts
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
1) 2022年4月14日 网络研讨会 我们的海洋:深入探讨蓝色经济
2022.4.14 Webinar Our oceans: A deep dive on the blue economy
2) 2022年4月12日 网络研讨会 南大洋行动计划发布会
April 12th, 2022, Webinar Launch of the Southern Ocean Action Plan
>>回顾 Recordings
1)2022年3月10日 海鲜可追溯性从业者研讨会:探索从设计到实施的计划
March 10, 2022, Seafood Traceability Practitioner’s Workshop: Exploring Programs from Design to Implementation
2)2022年3月17日 在研究-实践伙伴关系和企业资助中纳入DEI视角的可行做法和挑战
March 17, 2022, Promising Practices and Challenges in Incorporating a DEI Lens in Research-Practice Partnership and Coproduction Grant-Making
3)2022年3月24日 线上会议:促进解决海岸恢复问题
March 24, 2022, Accelerating Solutions for a Resilient Coast: Virtual Coastal Resilience Conference
>>其他 Others
题图:从北方看意大利的卡波卡博纳拉海洋保护区和撒丁岛的卡沃利岛 | Flickr 制