第 45 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction




The fourth negotiating session of the Agreement on the marine biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) opens today and this edition of Blue Pulse continues to follow the discourse and research on high seas governance. The academic section includes a paper discussing the relationship between BBNJ and other international regimes that is of interest. Also included in this issue are a number of items related to polar climate change. Reading the summary for policymakers of the IPCC Working Group II’s recent report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, and looking at the rapid changes taking place in the polar regions, one can appreciate the urgency of Gutierrez’s call to “delay is death”. This call is not directed at one sector, climate change is not a sector, and the urgency for action even to all sectors. The planning and intensity of climate action in the marine economy needs to reflect this urgency. This is why Blue Pulse has a longstanding interest in the relationship between oceans and climate change.

时讯 News

2022年泛太平洋冬季公海调查的区域地图 | NPAFC 制


The largest-ever ecosystem survey of salmon across the North Pacific Ocean is bringing together 60 scientists from five nations and a flotilla of four research vessels to learn more about increasingly extreme climate variability and its effects on salmon survival.



A bold new mission led by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin that will explore three of Greenland’s glaciers with a submersible robot. The voyage will be the first time Greenland’s glaciers – which make up the world’s second-largest ice sheet – will be seen up close underwater.


3) 美国海洋大气管理局(NOAA)在路易斯安那州赞助的两个生境恢复项目,在2022年得到了由沿海湿地规划、保护和恢复法案(CWPPRA)计划提供的5350万美元的资金。这些项目将共同恢复约1100英亩的湿地生境。这项工作将有助于支持路易斯安那州沿海地区有弹性的沿海社区和可持续的渔业。

Two NOAA-sponsored habitat restoration projects in Louisiana have been approved for $53.5 million in funding in 2022 by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Program. Together, these projects will restore approximately 1,100 acres of wetland habitat. This work will help support resilient coastal communities and sustainable fisheries along the Louisiana coast.


观点 Perspectives

漂浮在海洋上的垃圾 | AFP 制

1)Joachim Claudet, Diva J. Amon, and Robert Blasiak:随着人类在海洋中的扩张,我们应该以公平为指引,灵活大胆地制定新的BBNJ准则,以重塑我们与海洋的关系,促进人与自然的公平,我们还建议公共和私营部门共同来引领这一方向。

Joachim Claudet, Diva J. Amon, and Robert Blasiak: Along with the human expansion in the oceans, we should use equality as a guideline and be flexible and bold in developing new BBNJ guidelines to reshape our relationship with the oceans and promote equity between people and nature, and we also recommend that public and private sector actors lead the way.


2) Nicola Frost, Maria Potouroglou and Katherine Pedder:人类的活动和对海洋的需求是不可持续的,这对海洋健康造成了很大的损害。为了解决这个日益严重的问题,可持续海洋经济高级别小组(海洋小组)的15位世界领导人抱着共同的雄心,制定并实施多项可持续海洋计划。这些计划旨在确保对国家管辖范围内100%的水域进行综合、包容和可持续的管理,以造福人类、自然和经济。这一承诺的实现将使世界上35%的专属经济区的海洋管理和治理得到改善。

Nicola Frost, Maria Potouroglou, and Katherine Pedder: Human activities and demands on the ocean aren’t sustainable, much to the detriment of ocean health. To address this growing problem, the 15 world leaders of the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) hold a shared ambition to develop and implement Sustainable Ocean Plans. These plans are meant to ensure the integrated, inclusive, and sustainable management of 100% of their national waters to benefit people, nature, and the economy. Delivery on this commitment would bring improved ocean management and governance to 35% of the world’s exclusive economic zones.


3) Andrew Shawn: 当前航运、捕鱼和矿物开采方面的协议和监管机构错综复杂,而20世纪70年代谈判达成的《联合国海洋法公约》则为一个国家在其海岸线外的 管辖权做出了规定。但是,尽管经过20年的协商和谈判,仍然没有任何条约那些国家管辖范围以外的海洋区域。

Andrew Shawn: Today, a patchwork of agreements and regulatory bodies govern shipping, fishing, and mineral extraction, while the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, negotiated in the 1970s, lays out rules for how far a nation’s zone of influence extends beyond its shores. But despite two decades of consultations and negotiations, there is still no treaty protecting international waters—those marine areas beyond national jurisdiction, accounting for about two-thirds of the world’s oceans.


解读 Interpretations

MOSAiC勘探计划中的德国破冰船在南极冰面 | Manual Ernst 制


University of Houston: New radar technology records Antarctic glaciers losing ice faster than ever documented before

三个南极冰川前所未有的融化可能预示着未来的全球气候问题。一个多国合作项目正在使用一个先进的远程成像系统,以前所未有的清晰度和完整性记录波普, 史密斯和科勒冰川的活动(相关论文详见学术版块)。

Unprecedented mass loss from three Antarctic glaciers could signal global climate trouble ahead, a researcher warns. A multinational collaboration is using an advanced remote imaging system to document the Pope, Smith, and Kohler glaciers with clarity and completeness never achieved before.


2)英国南极调查局: 从MOSAiC考察中得到的对北极的深刻认识

British Antarctic Survy: Deep insight into the Arctic from MOSAiC expedition


Hundreds of international researchers are currently analyzing observations from the MOSAiC expedition, during which hundreds of environmental parameters were recorded with unprecedented accuracy and frequency over a full annual cycle in the Central Arctic Ocean. The group has now published three overview articles on the MOSAiC atmosphere, snow and sea ice, and ocean programs in the journal Elementa, which highlight the importance of examining all components of the climate system together. These results present the first complete picture of the climate processes in the central Arctic, which affect weather and climate worldwide. The three overview articles serve as references for a vast array of future scientific work.


3)ScienceDaily:  尘埃落定,新的研究解决了长时间存在的北极极端气候之谜

ScienceDaily: Ending the debate: new research solves longstanding Antarctic climate change mystery


New research definitively resolves a long-standing discrepancy in the geologic record that pitted studies of marine ice-sheet behavior against those that reconstructed past conditions on land. The research lends additional weight to evidence that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is sensitive to small changes in carbon dioxide levels and that, in the past, large portions of the ice sheet could have disappeared under carbon dioxide levels similar to today.


4)ScienceDaily: 在冰川附近的 “蓝色泡泡”可以减缓冰川融化

ScienceDaily: Blue Blob’ near Iceland could slow glacial melting

根据新的研究,冰岛附近的北大西洋的一个冷水区域,绰号为 “蓝斑”,自2011年以来可能减缓了该岛冰川的融化,而且有可能继续阻碍冰的融化一直到2050年左右。

A region of cooling water in the North Atlantic Ocean near Iceland, nicknamed the ‘Blue Blob,’ has likely slowed the melting of the island’s glaciers since 2011 and may continue to stymie ice loss until about 2050, according to new research.



World Bank: What You Need to Know About Oceans and Climate Change

海洋在调节气候方面起着至关重要的作用,但我们今天的海洋是否健康,气候变化会产生什么样的影响?我们与世界银行蓝色经济全球负责人Charlotte De Fontaubert共同了解我们的海洋状况以及世界银行为帮助保持海洋的健康和生产力所做的工作。

Oceans play a critical role in regulating the climate, but how healthy are our oceans today and what kind of impact is climate change having? We sat down with Charlotte De Fontaubert, Global Lead for the Blue Economy at the World Bank, to learn about the state of our oceans and what the World Bank is doing to help keep them healthy and productive.


学术 Academics

1)【海洋治理】澳大利亚和在国家管辖范围以外的生物多样性谈判中追求 “不损害 “区域机构的做法

[Ocean Governance] Australia and the pursuit of “not undermining” regional bodies at the biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction negotiations

联合国大会第69/292号决议正式开启了关于保护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外海洋生物多样性(BBNJ)的具有法律约束力的新文书的谈判。该决议指出,该文书 “不应损害 “现有机构和法律文书。虽然各代表团对这一要求的准确法律解释没有达成共识,但最能说明问题的是各国在谈判中是如何应用这一导则的。具体而言,本文将探讨澳大利亚在BBNJ谈判中对“不损害”导则的使用,以进一步澄清其潜在的功能。特别令人感兴趣的是,各国如何通过依靠这一原始导则的权威来塑造谈判的方向,以满足其政策利益。本文以澳大利亚在区域渔业管理组织(RFMOs)中的利益为案例讨论这一实践,并根据澳大利亚的立场识别出了对有关“不损害”的迫切问题的临时答案。



[Climate & Ocean] Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica




[Area-based Management] Fishing activity before closure, during closure, and after reopening of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument




[Blue Economy] Increasing polarization in attitudes to aquaculture: Evidence from sequential government inquiries




[Tech & Tools] Automated detection, classification and counting of fish in fish passages with deep learning

由Innovasea领导并受加拿大Ocean Supercluster资助的 “海洋感知 “项目,正在开发一个鱼类通道观察平台,在不使用传统标签的情况下监测鱼类。这将为传统追踪技术,如声学遥测鱼类跟踪提供一个替代方案,因为这些技术往往不适合跟踪受法律保护的濒危鱼类。该观察平台使用了包括声学装置、视觉和主动声纳以及光学摄像机在内的传感器组合。这将实现更深入的科学研究,并更好地支持对鱼道或海洋能源地点的濒危鱼种的监管监测。对这些数据的分析将需要一个强大而准确的方法,以自动检测鱼类,计数鱼类,并使用声纳和光学相机实时对它们进行物种分类。


其他资料 Other resources


[Ocean Ecology] World-First Map Exposes Growing Dangers Along Whale Superhighways



[Ocean Governance] Meeting Antarctica’s Diplomatic Challenges: Joint Approaches Australia and United States


3) 【海洋生态】关于南极洲的科普小手册

[Ocean Ecology] FAQ Handbook on Antarctica


4) 【海洋生态】了解太平洋岛屿上的受威胁以及濒危物种

[Ocean Ecology] Get to Know Your Pacific Islands Threatened and Endangered Species



 [Fisheries management] Noaa Fisheries: Recovering Threatened and Endangered Species Report to Congress 2019–2020



[Ocean Ecology] International Polar Bear Day: A vulnerable species that may not be seen for 80 years


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2022年3月21-26日 活动 摩纳哥海洋周

2022.3.21-26 Event Monaco Ocean week


>>回顾 Recordings

2022年1月14日 会议 在Brest召开的“一个海洋”峰会提出多个海洋承诺

2022.1.14 Summit Brest commitments for the Ocean


2022年1月25日 网络研讨会 别浪费失败的教训:从失败的海洋保护实践中吸取经验

2022.1.25 Webinar Never let a good failure go to waste: Learning from conservation failure


>>其他 Others



题图:MOSAiC勘探计划中的德国破冰船在南极冰面 | Manual Ernst 制