第 44 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction



Highlight 1

Following the High Ambition Coalition for People and Nature, a new High Ambition Coalition was launched at the recent One Ocean Summit. The Alliance’s efforts and initiatives are focused on the conservation and sustainable use of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. The United Nations is organizing negotiations on this issue under UNCLOS, with the hope of concluding a legally binding treaty. The final negotiating session, originally planned for the end of March 2020, has been delayed by the pandemic and will finally take place in New York from 7 to 18 March this year. At that time, different visions of a “community of shared future” will be converging again. It is hoped that after two years of online discussions, the offline meeting in New York will be a solid step towards the conclusion of a treaty.



Highlight 2

The first issue of Blue Pulse in the Year of the Tiger continues to focus on the ocean and climate nexus. The conflict between climate policy and marine conservation is seen in the News; calls for adapting fisheries policies to climate change can be found in the Perspectives section; articles discussing extreme weather events in the oceans are included in the Interpretation section, and the Academic section brings together the latest research related to almost all of these topics. Blue Pulse’s observation is that research on oceans and climate change is increasingly focused on regional scales and management issues, a trend that will be more useful for policy development at the application level.

时讯 News

在花边珊瑚群之间拍摄的黄鳍旗鱼 | NOAA Ocean Exploration

1) 在法国的推动下,“国家管辖范围外海域生物多样性(BBNJ)高雄心联盟(HAC)”在“一个海洋”峰会上正式成立,联盟呼吁通过一项雄心勃勃的BBNJ协定,以保护国家管辖范围以外地区的海洋生物多样性并可持续利用其生物资源。

 A Coalition on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) calling for the adoption of an ambitious treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, has been launched at the One Ocean Summit.


2) 2021年12月15日,德克萨斯州公共政策基金会对拜登的联邦政府提起诉讼,质疑其风电政策会损害当地的捕鱼业并对海洋生物和环境造成不可逆的伤害。

The Texas Public Policy Foundation filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging the approval of the Vineyard Wind Project off the coasts. The project would severely harm the commercial fishing industry in the area and create irreparable harm to the environment and ocean wildlife.


3) 国际海事组织船舶设计和建造小组委员会会议(SDC 8)于1月21日在伦敦闭幕。会议认识到目前国际海事组织指定的关于水下噪声的指导方针由于是非强制的,其实施面临重大障碍。IMO应该尽快通过强制性的措施,以便在全球范围内扭转水下噪声控制方面整体性的失败。

The meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 8) closed today on January 21, London. The meeting recognized that the non-mandatory nature of the current IMO guidelines on underwater noise pollution from ships is a key barrier to their implementation. The IMO must agree to the development of mandatory measures so that the overall failure to reduce underwater noise is addressed globally.


观点 Perspectives

航运业必须将碳排放降至0 | TradeWinds news

1) Virginijus Sinkevicius: 欧盟应该迅速前进,引导 “全球绿色转型”。今年必须是海洋之年、生物多样性之年,而达成它们的基础是在全球范围内控制塑料的使用。今年我们必须找到机会,达成共识,使世界变得更好。

Virginijus Sinkevicius: Precious time to save nature and the oceans has been lost over the past two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 27-member bloc is determined to move ahead quickly to steer “a global green transition.” This year must be the year of the oceans. This year must be the year of biodiversity, and it is essential to get plastics under control, and the only way to do it is global. This year we must find a window of opportunity to reach agreements that will change the world for the better.


2) Teresa Ish和 Marissa Wilson: 在变化的气候之下,保护我们赖以生存的鱼类和海洋的相关法律和规则也应该有所调整。海洋生物迁移,海洋生态系统变化之时,我们海洋数据的收集和整合还没来得及跟上,现行的规则基于的数据已经过时,因此存在着种种缺陷。展望未来,我们必须不断改革我们对鱼类和渔业的态度,以确保我们的海洋生物的可持续性和依赖它的人们的生计,无论是今天还是几十年之后的未来。

Teresa Ish and Marissa Wilson: As the climate is changing, the laws and regulations that we use to protect both the fish in the ocean – as well as the fishers who rely on them – have to change as well. As sea life migrates and ocean ecosystems shift, our data collection and integration are falling behind – and the rules and regulations we impose based on outmoded data are deeply flawed. As we look ahead, we must continue to overhaul our approach to fish and fisheries in order to ensure sustainability and survival – of our sea life and those who rely on it, today and for decades to come.


3) Johannah Christensen: 在过去的一年里,航运业在气候变化方面改变了方向。10月,200多个组织发表了《航运脱碳行动呼吁》,承认行业和政府必须共同努力在2050年前将该行业的排放量降至零。将这些目标付诸实施需要多个行业和政府相协调,并共同努力。第一步将是在今年春天制定“绿色走廊”的路线规划指南。我们呼吁所有能够为此做出贡献的人,在2022年参与到路线规划中来,以迈出零碳航运的步伐。

The past year has seen a change of direction for the shipping industry in relation to climate change. in October, more than 200 organizations published the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, recognizing that industry and governments must reduce the sector’s emissions to zero by 2050. Putting these targets into practice will require a complex and coordinated effort from multiple industries and governments. A first step will be the development of guidance for route mapping in green corridors this spring. We call on all those who can contribute to this process to engage with route mapping in 2022 so that the journey towards zero-emission shipping can begin.


解读 Interpretations

曾经在斯里兰卡常见的鳐鱼,现在已经难得一见了 | Simon Fraser University / Flickr Creative Commons

1)皮尤慈善信托基金会: 在斯里兰卡,渔民发现罕见鳐鱼数量的急剧下降

Pew: In Sri Lanka, Fishers Report Drastic Decline of an Elusive Ray



The sawfish species have been recorded in Sri Lanka for over a century, but until now no studies have been conducted to assess its status in the country. Studies in other Indian Ocean countries have found that sawfish populations have declined dramatically in recent decades, possibly as a result of directed fishing, accidental entanglement in fishing gear, or habitat loss through dredging, pollution and coastal development.

To address this knowledge gap, Jabado and her colleagues’ conducted interviews at 21 sites around the Sri Lankan coastline, asking fishermen about their knowledge and culture regarding saw rays, and eventually learned that local residents’ knowledge of saw rays increased with the age of the study participants. A side note on the decline of sawfish populations in recent years.


2)National Fisherman: 声呐挑战:向下钻进的Seapix

The Sonar Challenge: Seapix drills down


To meet two fishermen’s requirements: the volume of the target fish and able to discriminate species, iXblue designed the Seapix sonar system. Although the price is still very high, this sonar can be easily installed on the boat, and in subsequent practice, it has been found that this sonar can distinguish cod, mackerel and these economic fish and smaller fish and plankton, which can improve the efficiency of fishing.


3)美联社: 实验室中的达尔文:应对全球变暖而调整珊瑚的进化

APnews: Darwin in a lab: Coral evolution tweaked for global warming

科学家们正试图加快珊瑚的进化的速度,以培育出能更好地抵御全球变暖影响的 “超级珊瑚”。在过去的五年里,研究人员一直在进行实验,以证明他们的理论是可行的。现在,他们正准备将实验室培育的珊瑚种植在海洋中,来测试它们在自然界中如何生存。

Scientists are trying to speed up coral’s evolutionary clock to breed “super corals” that can better withstand the impacts of global warming. For the past five years, the researchers have been conducting experiments to prove their theories would work. Now, they’re getting ready to plant laboratory-raised corals in the ocean to see how they survive in nature.


4)CarbonBrief: 为什么海洋会面临更多的极端天气,如太平洋“斑点”(Blob)

CarbonBrief: Why oceans could face more extremes like the Pacific ‘Blob’

在2015年,北太平洋出现了有史以来最大的海洋热浪,被称为 “Blob”。Blob对海洋生态系统产生了巨大的影响,导致初级生产者数量的下降,并迫使鱼类和其他生物迁移以寻找更冷的栖息地。有害藻类的长期繁殖也对贻贝和螃蟹渔业产生了破坏性的影响,这又导致了海鸟、海豹和海狮的大量死亡。随着地球变暖,海洋热浪可能会变得更加强烈,更加频繁,更加持久。

In 2015, the North Pacific saw the largest marine heatwave ever recorded, known simply as the “Blob”. The Blob had huge consequences for marine ecosystems, causing a drop in primary production – the process by which marine plants produce food to live and grow – and forcing fish and other organisms to move in search of cooler habitats. Extended blooms of harmful algae also had devastating effects on mussel and crab fisheries, which, in turn, led to massive die-offs of seabirds, seals and sea lions. As Earth warms, marine heatwaves are likely to become more intense, happen more often and last longer.


5)NOAA fisheries: 在东南美国研究深海珊瑚与海绵并最终取得成功的多年努力

NOAA fisheries: Successful Multi-Year Effort to Study Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges in the Southeast United States


NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program has completed its multi-year highly collaborative effort, known as the Southeast Deep Coral Initiative. Initiative collaborators explored and characterized deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems in the federal waters of the U.S. South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. Caribbean. Researchers completed 21 expeditions to survey deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems using ships, submersibles (including remotely and autonomously operated vehicles), and other equipment. Complementary research projects conducted in partnership with universities focused on seafloor mapping, species identification, habitat suitability modeling, environmental and oceanographic monitoring, and data analysis.


6)MongaBay: 新地图集阐明了人造光在夜间对海洋的冲击

MongaBay: New atlas illuminates the impact of artificial light in the ocean at night



Researchers recently released the first global atlas that quantifies artificial light at night on underwater habitats. Artificial light from urban environments along the coast can have far-reaching impacts on a range of marine organisms that have evolved over millions of years to be extremely sensitive to natural light such as moonlight.

The researchers found that at a depth of 1 meter, 1.9 million square kilometers of the world’s coastal oceans were exposed to artificial light at night, equivalent to about 3% of the world’s exclusive economic zones. Blue tones from LED lights can penetrate particularly deeply into the water column, potentially causing more issues to underwater inhabitants.


学术 Academics


[Blue Economy] Projecting global mariculture production and adaptation pathways under climate change



2) 【海洋生态】西印度洋珊瑚生态系统崩溃的脆弱性

[Ocean Ecosystem] Vulnerability to collapse of coral reef ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean




[Climate & Ocean] Facilitation alters climate change risk on rocky shores

能改善物理压力的生物生境具有很强的生物多样性(树木可以削弱极端温度并增加湿度,小型植物和灌木也能降低土壤温度并增加含水量)在大多数情况下,促进性生境中的物理条件如何对外部气候强迫作出反应的细节仍然是未知的,阻碍了对世界上许多物种的气候变化预测。利用潮间带贻贝床作为一个模型系统,本文描述了外部气候条件和微生境内热和干燥条件之间的关系。本文利用这些数据,以及两个常见居民分类群(等足类动物Cirolana harfordi和瓷蟹Petrolisthes cinctipes)的生理耐受性,来研究生物生境内部和外部的气候风险的大小。



[Climate & Ocean] Biogeochemical extremes and compound events in the ocean




[Climate & Ocean] Climate pathways behind phytoplankton-induced atmospheric warming




[Climate & Ocean] Timing and magnitude of climate-driven range shifts in transboundary fish stocks challenge their management



其他资料 Other resources

【渔业管理】由AquaChile,Australis,Salmones Aysén,Cermaq和Mowi组成的智利鲑鱼委员会发布了其有史以来第一份可持续影响报告。

[Fisheries Management] The Chilean Salmon Council – formed by AquaChile, Australis, Salmones Aysén, Cermaq, and Mowi – has released its first-ever sustainable impact report.



Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage in Natural Systems within the English North Sea


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2022年3月1-3日 经济学人世界海洋峰会

2022.3.1-3 World Ocean Summit


2022年3月7日-18日 国家管辖范围外海洋生物多样性第四届政府间会议(BBNJ-IGC4)

2022.3.7-18 4th session of the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)



2022.3.18-19 Blue Economy Summit


>>其他 Others



题图:在花边珊瑚群之间拍摄的黄鳍旗鱼,NOAA Ocean Exploration 制