导语 Introduction
这两周在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)的第26次缔约方大会受到了全世界的关注。大会第五天为“海洋行动日”,这个主题虽然自2009年开始就有,随着2017年斐济作为主席国推动了“海洋路径”的讨论, IPCC发布《气候变化下的海洋与冰冻圈》特别报告,以及2019年的“蓝色COP“,海洋在UNFCCC中海洋议题越来越受到重视。今年海洋行动日的活动之丰富,规格之高是前所未有的。海洋的健康和零碳目标在多个活动中被联系起来。大会的决定要求科学与技术附属机构(SBSTA)组织年度对话,以加强基于海洋的(气候)行动,并要求UNFCCC的所有相关工作方案和机构在各自的工作内容中整合和加强基于海洋的行动。这意味着海洋将在未来实现雄心勃勃的缓解、适应和融资目标的相关进程中发挥更大的作用。本期《蓝色脉搏》中也收录了多篇海洋与气候变化相关的内容,其中包括COP26期间的活动和声明,也有对于UNFCCC进程中海洋讨论的学术研究。
The 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow this fortnight has received worldwide attention. The fifth day of the Conference is the ‘Oceans Action Day’, a theme which, although in place since 2009, has received increasing attention in the UNFCCC with the Fiji Presidency promoting the ‘Ocean Pathways’ discussion in 2017, the IPCC Special Report on ‘Oceans and the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate’ and the ‘Blue COP’ in 2019. This year’s Ocean Action Day was unprecedented in terms of the variety of activities and the high profile of the event. The linkage between health of the oceans and the goal of zero carbon have been made in several events. The decision of the COP calls for the Subsidiary Body on Science and Technology (SBSTA) to organize annual dialogues to enhance ocean-based (climate) action and for all relevant UNFCCC work programs and bodies to integrate and enhance ocean-based action in their respective work. This means that oceans will play a greater role in future processes related to achieving ambitious mitigation, adaptation, and financing targets. This issue of Blue Pulse also includes several articles related to oceans and climate change, such as the events and statements during COP26, as well as academic research on the ocean’s discussions in the UNFCCC process.
时讯 News
COP26 Ocean Action Day: The UK Presidency called world leaders to take ambitious steps towards ocean health to achieve net zero ambitions and keep a rise of no more than 1.5°C within reach.
Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, and Costa Rica announced on Tuesday the creation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor (CMAR) initiative, which would both join and increase the size of their protected territorial waters to create a fishing-free corridor covering more than 500,000 sq km (200,000 sq miles) in one of the world’s most important migratory routes for sea turtles, whales, sharks, and rays.
On October 27, the 2021 Global Forum on Sustainable Fisheries Development and the 25th China International Fisheries Expo was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ma Youxiang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Representatives from embassies and international organizations of relevant countries in China, relevant departments of Shandong Province, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs attended.
NOAA Fisheries and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have developed a new framework for monitoring underwater sounds. For wind developers, passive acoustic monitoring is a valuable tool. They can use it to identify the animals in a project area and understand how a population is distributed and behaves.
观点 Perspectives
1)U. RASHID SUMAILA等人:可持续管理下的捕捞渔业为人类提供了食物并保障了营养安全,促进人民的生计与文化繁荣。而有害的渔业补贴,使得产能过剩而导致过度捕捞——这些补贴损害了可持续管理的渔业利益,但全球范围内这些现象却不断增加。世界贸易组织(WTO)成员在11月的部长级会议上有着独特的机会去达成消除这些补贴的共识。
U. RASHID SUMAILA, et al.: Sustainably managed wild fisheries support food and nutritional security, livelihoods, and cultures. Harmful fisheries subsidies—government payments that incentivize overcapacity and lead to overfishing—undermine these benefits yet are increasing globally. World Trade Organization (WTO) members have a unique opportunity at their ministerial meeting in November to reach an agreement that eliminates harmful subsidies.
2)Sebastian Unger:综合的气候和生物多样性保护对海洋来说是很关键的。虽然在国际上有人在努力推进这样的保护,但因缺少政治压力,这些保护措施无法快速而有效地执行。尽管许多德国公民已经认识到了保护海洋对地球和人类的重要性,但海洋政策在德国的气候行动中仍然不是很重要。
Sebastian Unger: Comprehensive climate and biodiversity protection are crucial for oceans. While international efforts to provide this protection exist, so far there has been a lack of political pressure to implement them quickly and effectively. Although many German citizens are aware of the importance of the ocean for humans and the planet, marine policy has so far played only a minor role in Germany.
IUCN Nick Dulvy: Some research data shows that shark populations have declined by 71% in the last 50 years. Not only that, but three-quarters of shark species are on the verge of extinction. Many coral reefs around the world are devoid of sharks, meaning that shark populations are so scarce that they can no longer play a proper role in the ecosystem. Declining shark populations not only risk species extinction and marine ecological imbalance, but they also waste opportunities for sustainable fisheries, tourism, and long-term food security.
4)Michelle Gamage:太平洋三文鱼种群在过去的40年中一直在下降,在过去的一个世纪中,加拿大渔民每年可以捕获到平均两千四百万条三文鱼。这个数字在1990年代早期已经减半,而近几年就只剩两百万条了。三文鱼的产卵迁徙是两到七年一个循环,而它的再生需要两到三个循环。这是一个长期的挑战,其恢复也是一个长期的任务。
Michelle Gamage: Pacific salmon populations have been in decline over the past four decades. For most of the past century, Canadian fishers caught an annual average of 24 million salmon. That number was cut in half in the early 1990s, and since then has slowly decreased to just two million in recent years. Salmon are cyclical and move from their spawning streams to the ocean, and back, in two- to seven-year cycles. It could be two to three generations of salmon. It’s a long-term challenge, and recovery is a longer-term undertaking.
解读 Interpretations
1)Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research:加强国际航运的气候目标的紧急理由
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research: The urgent case for stronger climate targets for international shipping
International shipping is overwhelmingly reliant on fossil fuels, with annual carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to a country the size of Germany. Researchers re-assesses the international shipping sector’s initial greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets against the Paris Agreement goals. The conclusion is that significantly stronger short- and longer-term targets need to be set for the sector to be compatible with the Paris Agreement’s goals.
2)Planet Tracker:有害渔业补贴的禁令以及随之而来的税收影响
Planet Tracker: Ban on harmful fishing subsidies and the ensuing tax impact.
Each year, governments around the world grant around $39 billion in fisheries subsidies, out of these, $24 billion are deemed harmful, because they contribute to overfishing or overcapacity in global oceans. After two decades of negotiations, a partial ban on capacity-enhancing (i.e., harmful) fisheries subsidies is finally within the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) reach. If agreed, it will impact global fish biomass and therefore fishing revenues.
3)Sevenseas: 哈立德•本•苏丹海洋生物基金会完成了历史上最大的珊瑚礁调查和测绘任务
Sevenseas: The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Completes the Largest Coral Reef Survey and Mapping Expedition in History
Coral reefs around the world are rapidly declining due to various natural and anthropogenic factors. The Global Reef Expedition circumnavigated the globe over the course of ten years to address the coral reef crisis. After traveling over 50,000 kilometers, conducting more than 12,000 scientific dives, and educating over 6,000 local students and community leaders, the Global Reef Expedition is finally complete. These maps and surveys make up the most comprehensive standardized data set yet collected for coral reefs. Several countries used data collected on the Expedition to enact new conservation measures, such as marine protected areas and fishery closures, to protect their reefs.
Chinadialogue:Four tuna species show signs of recovery from overfishing
In September, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced that four of the seven most commercially fished tuna species that appear on its Red List of Threatened Species was updated to a better position. But that doesn’t mean that we should go out and eat more fish just because these species are doing better than they were 10 or 15 years ago. We should learn from what we’re doing right and do it in more parts of the world across all stocks and species.
学术 Academics
[Climate & Ocean] A new way forward for ocean-climate policy as reflected in the UNFCCC Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue submissions
海洋在缓解和适应气候变化方面发挥着核心作用。然而,气候和海洋政策在历史上一直是孤立的。经过几十年的缓慢融合,在COP25会议上决定,并在2020年12月在线启动的 “海洋与气候变化对话”,是《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方和非缔约方利益相关者就气候制度应如何处理与海洋有关的减缓和适应问题的第一个分论坛。向这个论坛提交的文件一致承认,海洋和气候系统是密不可分的,考虑基于海洋的行动将加强气候行动,反之亦然。在实际的海洋对话和随后举行的关于下一步的非正式会议上也出现了类似的主题。
[Area-based Management] Unity or Fragmentation in the Deep Blue: Choices in Institutional Design for Marine Biological Diversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
对于《联合国海洋法公约》下关于国家管辖范围以外地区海洋生物多样性的保护和可持续利用的拟议协议,涉及了包括海洋遗传资源、惠益分享、划区管理工具(包括海洋保护区)、环境影响评估和能力建设以及海洋技术的转让等一系列复杂的问题。本文批判性地评估了在谈判期间提出的关于协议制度结构的竞争立场——”全球 “和 “区域 “立场——并回顾了文本草案所采用的中间或 “妥协 “立场。
3) 【技术工具】从数据到南大洋海洋生态系统评估:成就、挑战以及对未来的启发
[Techs & Tools] From Data to Marine Ecosystem Assessments of the Southern Ocean: Achievements, Challenges, and Lessons for the Future
[Climate & Ocean] A Driftwood-Based Record of Arctic Sea Ice During the Last 500 Years From Northern Svalbard Reveals Sea Ice Dynamics in the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Peripheral Seas
[Climate & Ocean] Polar bear diet composition reveals spatiotemporal distribution of Arctic marine mammals across Nunavut, Canada
[Climate & Ocean] Nutritional quality of giant kelp declines due to warming ocean temperatures
巨藻(Macrocystis pyrifera)在温带珊瑚礁上形成巨大的森林,给多样的海洋生物提供了食物和住所。海带的生物量随着海洋温度的变化而变化,但巨藻中营养成分的变化却很少有人研究。本文以19年为周期,研究了南加州海带中的营养元素比例变化。研究人员发现这19年以来,巨型海带中的碳-氮比逐年上升,这会对生物多样性以及巨型海带的取食者造成不利的影响。
其他资料 Other resources
[Climate & Ocean] Protecting the ocean, mitigating climate change? State of the evidence and policy recommendations
[Fishery Management] EU Holds Key To Just Transition to Low-Carbon, Low-Impact Fishing Industry
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming
1)2021年11月21日 论坛 中国海洋大学 山东海洋强省法治保障论坛
2021.11.21 Forum Ocean University of China, Shandong Forum of Rule of Law and Ocean Development
2)2021年11月30日 网络研讨会 MRIP信息用户会议:统计方法与程序
2021.11.30 Webinar MRIP Data User Seminar: Statistical Methods and Procedures
>>其他 Others
题图:研究人员在检查加勒比海地区的水下声学设备 | NOAA 摄