导语 Introduction
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Part I of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity has just concluded in Kunming. The Kunming Declaration reflects the political consensus of the international community to strengthen conservation action in the next decade and lays the foundation for political will to negotiate an ambitious and implementable post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in Part II of the conference. This issue’s Perspectives section includes a statement by UN Special Envoy for the Oceans Thompson at the Kunming Conference, in which he argues that biodiversity conservation requires multilateralism and international processes beyond the Convention on Biological Diversity to work in tandem. There is a paper in the Academic section discussing the interplay between different ocean conservation regimes. In the Event section, you can read the observation articles of the COP15 by Greenovation Hub.
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Among the “Biodiversity 100+ Cases” launched at the NGO Parallel Forum of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the end of September, the “Antarctic Peninsula Region Krill Enterprise Autonomous No-take Zone” declared by the Association for Responsible Krill Fishing (ARK) was included in the list. Consider the Kunming Biodiversity Conference is the Olympic Games for biodiversity conservation, the annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), which opens on 11 October, could be seen as a World Championship of niche sports. The marine protected area (MPA) proposal for the Antarctic Peninsula region, the Weddell Sea MPA proposal, and the East Antarctica MPA proposal will be discussed again at this year’s CCAMLR meeting. This issue’s Interpretation section includes an article dedicated to the first very large MPA adopted by CCAMLR, the Ross Sea Region MPA.
时讯 News
1) 韩国政府决定进一步支持扩大南极海洋保护区网络。韩国海洋水产部是在9月29日举行的一个关于南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)海洋保护区(MPA)建设的部长级会议上做出的上述决定。东南极和威德尔海海洋保护区提案正在CCAMLR进行谈判,韩国是东亚唯一的共同提案国。
The Korean government has decided to further support the expansion of the Antarctic Marine Protected Area (MPA). The decision was made by the Korean Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at a ministerial meeting related to the MPA in the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) on 29 September. The East Antarctica and Weddell Sea MPA proposals are being negotiated in CCAMLR. Such action makes Korea the only co-proponent in East Asia.
The first complete assessment of extinction risk for all Australian sharks, rays, and ghost sharks reveals Australia is home to more than a quarter of shark species on the planet, but 12 percent of those are at risk of extinction.
3) 世贸组织关于结束有害渔业补贴协定的谈判在9月1日重开,重点讨论了如何处理产能过剩和过度捕捞的相关议题。早些时候的几轮会谈未能在7月达成协议,谈判人员在10月初重新聚首,新一轮的谈判一直持续到7日。10月8日有代表匿名表示进展不佳。
World Trade Organization negotiations on an agreement to end harmful fishery subsidies have been underway again since 1st September, and have culminated in efforts to get consensus on text dealing with overcapacity and overfishing. Earlier rounds of talks failed to produce a deal in July, but negotiators reconvened at the beginning of the month for a phase of meetings running to 7 October focused on finalizing article 5.1.1 of the accord, which provides an exemption from subsidy disciplines for sustainably managed fishing subsidies, and article 5.5, which offers options for exemptions and transition periods for developing and least-developed countries.
On 8 September, the Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) voted overwhelmingly in favor of a moratorium on deep-sea mining. That same day, the European Commission published its 2021 Strategic Foresight Report, announcing plans to step up deep-sea mining exploration.
观点 Perspectives
1) Cristina Mittermeier,SeaLegacy的共同创始人:建设南极海洋保护区需要的是公众支持,在地球上,已经有一大部分公众会愿意采取行动去加速保护南极的决议落实。
Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of SeaLegacy: What we need is public support. A massive group of individuals all around the planet are willing to take action. To expedite, to accelerate the decision on protecting Antarctica.
2) Mark Serreze,美国国家冰雪数据中心的执行主任:今年北极冰盖的健康情况还是很差。北阿拉斯加的波弗特海与楚科奇海的海冰非常分散,拉普捷夫海的海面面也是很早就没有冰了,其海冰覆盖量达到了卫星记录的最低点。
Mark Serreze, executive director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC): “We’re looking at a reprieve this year, but the health of the ice cover is not good. It’s very diffuse ice in areas north of Alaska’s Beaufort Sea and in the Chukchi Sea this year.” “The Laptev Sea is just wide open and it happened very early,” The Laptev reached an all-time low in the satellite record.”
3) 皮尤慈善信托基金会:非法、无报告以及无管制的渔业阻碍了珍贵海洋鱼类的可持续性捕捞,导致了每年数十亿美元的损失。最终获益者(UBO)是所有权的最终端。当局和其他追踪非法渔业的人对UBO的追踪经常是很困难的。在很多案件里,罚款或者刑罚都落到了船员,船长和船只的合法拥有者而不是那些最终受益人身上。通过更好地追踪UBO,渔业管理者和执法官员可以揭开臭名昭著的不透明渔业的遮盖,减少船只所有权模糊的非法活动的可能性。
Pew Charitable Trust: Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing hinders sustainability of the ocean’s valuable fish, costing billions of dollars in economic losses each year. The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) is the eventual end of the ownership chain. Authorities and others who track fishing often have a very hard time determining who the UBO is. In many cases, fines or penalties fall onto the crew, captain and legal owner of a vessel, rather than the ultimate profiteer. Through better tracking of UBO, fisheries managers and enforcement officials can peel back the curtain on the notoriously opaque fishing industry and reduce the likelihood of illicit activity associated with obscured vessel ownership.
Peter Thomson in CBD-COP15:At the same time, we have been adamantly engaged in getting stronger Ocean-Climate nexus thinking and text into the UNFCCC’s deliberations. This engagement is calling for ambitious GHG emissions reductions to protect people, Ocean and planet, including actions taken in the Ocean and coastal zones. We are calling for the climate finance needle and associated investment to be moved decisively in the direction of the sustainable Ocean economy.
解读 Interpretations
1) Brooks等:南极洲罗斯海:国际水域高度保护的MPA
Brooks et al:The Ross Sea, Antarctica: A highly protected MPA in international waters
作为第一个公海上的大规模(>150000 km2)海洋保护区(MPA),罗斯海区域MPA为国家管辖范围以外的其他海洋保护区树立了先例。在数量众多的MPA指南和排名中(包括新发布的“MPA指南”),对罗斯海地区MPA的分类和评估也开创了对公海未来保护区进行分类和评估的先例。本研究明确了罗斯海地区MPA的管理,并就保护水平评估了其一般保护区(占MPA的约80%)的状况。我们概述了罗斯海区域MPA一般保护区内的一般限制和基于科学的管理,并支持其高度保护的地位。我们进一步得出结论,如果罗斯海区MPA(特别是其一般保护区)规定的MPA不能达到“高度保护”MPA的阈值,则其他公海MPA可能也难以归类为此类MPA。
As the first large-scale (>150,000 km2) marine protected area (MPA) on the high seas, the Ross Sea region MPA sets a precedent for other MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction. In the myriad of MPA guides and rankings (including the new “MPA Guide”), categorization and evaluation of the Ross Sea region MPA also sets precedent for categorizing and evaluating future protected areas on the high seas. Here, we provide clarity on the governance of the Ross Sea region MPA, and evaluate the status of its General Protection Zone (comprising ~80% of the MPA) with respect to level of protection. We outline the extensive restrictions and science-based management in place within the Ross Sea region MPA General Protection Zone and support its status as highly protected. We further conclude that if an MPA as regulated as the Ross Sea region MPA, especially its General Protection Zone, cannot meet the threshold of a “highly protected” MPA, it may prove difficult for other high seas MPA to be categorized as such.
2)SciTechDaily: 南极洲磷虾的成果繁殖收到气候条件的严重影响
SciTechDaily: Reproductive Success of Antarctic Krill Significantly Affected by Climate Conditions
Climate conditions play a significant role in the reproductive success of mature female Antarctic krill and are a factor in fluctuations of the population that occur every five to seven years, a new study from Oregon State University has found.
Environmental factors, including large-scale climate patterns that affect the availability of food, influence the females’ overall health during the spawning season. While those climate patterns are natural, they are trending warmer and more intense due to climate change, which is likely to have a negative impact on the krill population.
China Dialogue: Will Antarctic waters receive new protections?
Observers and marine experts are hopeful that the annual meeting of CCAMR will build on the momentum created by the COP15 meeting on biodiversity and the upcoming COP26 meeting on climate change. Still, they acknowledge that differences between countries could make it difficult to reach a consensus between all members.
4)Mongabay: 海龟:这些伟大的海洋移民能应对日益严重的人类威胁吗?
Mongabay: Sea turtles: Can these great marine migrators navigate rising human threats?
Humanity is quickly crossing critical planetary boundaries that threaten sea turtle populations, their ecosystems and, ultimately, the “safe operating space” for human existence.
Sea turtles have survived millions of years, but marathon migrations put them at increasing risk for the additive impacts of adverse anthropogenic activity on land and at sea, including impacts from biodiversity loss, climate change, ocean acidification, land-use change, pollution (especially plastics), and more.
The synergistic effects of anthropogenic threats and the return on conservation interventions are largely unknown. But analysts understand that their efforts will need to focus on both nesting beaches and ocean migration routes, while acting on a host of adverse impacts across many of the nine known planetary boundaries.
Avoiding extinction will require adaptation by turtles and people, and the evolution of new, innovative conservation practices. Key strategies: boosting populations to weather growing threats, rethinking how humanity fishes, studying turtle life cycles (especially at sea), safeguarding habitat, and deeply engaging local communities.
5) Abdulmalik Oladipupo 和 Andrew Leingang:“生态技术”能否成为非洲RAS经济上可行的替代品?
Abdulmalik Oladipupo and Andrew Leingang: Can “ecotechnologies” be economically viable alternatives to RAS in Africa?
In Africa commercial aquaculture is relatively new and under-developed. However, fish production is an essential part of many communities. Fish farming is a major driver of local livelihoods and household sustenance.
Few farmers have shifted from the traditional methods of pond fish culture to follow the worldwide move towards more intensive fish production and sustainable practices. Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technology reuses and processes water using filtration technologies.
学术 Academics
南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)自1980年根据《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》(CAMLR公约)成立以来,一直致力于南极地区的生物多样性管理。根据《联合国海洋法公约》制定中的《国家管辖范围以外地区海洋生物多样性的保护和可持续利用协定》(BBNJ协定)草案,突出体现了南极海洋生物资源保护委员会开创的国家管辖范围以外地区以保护为导向的、基于生态系统的管理的重要性。本文探讨了南极海洋生物资源保护委员会和《BBNJ协议》之间的潜在相互作用,指出,虽然《BBNJ协议》承诺不 “损坏相关法律文书和框架以及相关的全球、区域、次区域和行业机制”,但它可能会让对南极海洋生物资源养护委员会表现评估变得更严格。
[ocean ecosystem] Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica
大规模海洋保护区(MPA)的实施取决于稀缺的保护资源,而其对生物多样性保护的影响至今很少被评估。定量评估对于评估大规模MPA在增强生态系统的复原力、保护生物多样性,和减轻扩大的威胁方面的有效性是必要的。这项研究评估了一些大型MPA的有效性,这些MPA位于西南大西洋(巴西)的偏远离岸区域,远程实现管理。本研究分析了在保护区实施之前后其边界内发生的捕捞活动。围绕圣佩德罗和圣保罗群岛(SPSP)和特林达德-马丁-瓦斯群岛(TMV)的两组MPA于2018年初建立,每组包括一个禁捕区(即完全保护)和一个多用途(即部分保护)区。在这次评估中,本研究使用了船舶监测系统传输的卫星检测来量化跨越5年(2015-2019年)的商业渔业的捕捞压力(即 “可能的捕捞日”)。并得出三个指标–捕鱼面积、强度和密度–来比较每个MPA和年份内的捕鱼活动。结果显示,多用途MPA的有效性是不同且对比明显的,SPSP经历了捕捞强度和面积的减少,而TMV经历了这两个指标的增加。禁捕MPA有一个明显的倒置模式:SPSP地区的MPA在建立后经历了捕捞密度的增加,而TMV地区的禁捕MPA在比较MPA实施前后几年时观察到捕捞密度的下降。这些结果可以支持管理者规划实施进一步的保护战略,如监测和执法计划,这里的分析也有助于提高我们对在离岸环境中设立大规模MPA作为海洋保护战略的影响和挑战的认识。
其他资料 Other Resources
The report from Greenpeace: HIGH STAKES: The environmental and
social impacts of destructive fishing on the high seas of the Indian Ocean
2)【多媒体】独立电影《The Long Coast》通过讲述缅因州渔夫的故事,讲述了海洋所面对的挑战。
Indie Film: ‘The Long Coast’ Lets the Stories of Maine Fishermen Convey the Challenges Facing the Ocean
From this tiny island, they’ve watched the sea for 60 years. Here’s what they’ve learned.
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
1)2021年10月26日 线上研讨会 作为气候解决方案一部分的海洋保护区:蓝碳的角色
2021.10.26 Webinar MPAs as part of the climate solution: The role of blue carbon
2)2021年12月13日-17日 自然资源管理需要适应一个逐渐改变的墨西哥湾
2021.12.13-17 Natural Resource Management needs for a changing Gulf of Mexico
>>回顾 Recordings
1) 2021年10月13日 创绿研究院CBD-COP15观察
2021.10.13 Greenovation Hub: Observation of the CBD-COP15
2)2021年9月23日 照亮深渊:海洋暮色带的灵感、探索和发现
2021.9.23 Illuminating the Abyss: Inspiration, Exploration, and Discovery in the Ocean Twilight Zone
3)2021年7月7日 网络研讨会 如何使用多样的激励 去促进有效和平等的海洋保护区管理:新的案例研究和实践指导
2021.7.7 Webinar How to use diverse incentives to promote effective and equitable MPA governance: New case studies and practical guidance
>>其他 Others