导语 Introduction
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Since 2009, Climate Week has been a standard feature of the annual UN General Assembly. In 2018, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set out a strategy to halve shipping emissions by 2050 and to reduce emissions intensity by 40% by 2030. But the shipping and aviation sectors have been relatively slow in reducing emissions due to a lack of revolutionary technologies. In this issue of the Newsletter, the IMO carbon levy proposal by the International Chamber of Shipping and the Intercargo is of interest to readers interested in the blue economy. An article in the Perspective section discusses the limits of coral’s adaptation to seawater warming. An article in the “Academic” section on post-2020 biodiversity conservation also mentions the need to include carbon neutrality in biodiversity conservation planning.
到底什么是海洋保护区,是一个看似简单,但是需要花精力理解的问题。本期学术部分收录的海洋保护区指南一文,从保护力度和落实程度两个维度为公众和决策者理解海洋保护区提供了一个框架。IUCN 的分类法的主要依据是保护目标、保护价值和保护程度的对应关系,但是保护目标、保护价值有一些主观的因素在里面,这篇新的海洋保护区指南可以完全基于事实客观地对海洋保护区进行分类,更有助于对保护区的质量和进展进行评估。
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What exactly constitutes a marine protected area is a seemingly simple question, but one that could require a great deal of effort to understand. The IUCN classification is based primarily on the correspondence between conservation objectives, conservation values, and levels of protection, but whereas conservation objectives and values are somewhat subjective, this new paper on guide to marine protected areas provides a framework for the public and policymakers to understand marine protected areas based entirely on facts and is more useful for assessing the quality and progress of protected areas.
时讯 News
1) 国际航运商会(ICS)和国际干散货船东协会(Intercargo)首次联合提议,针对进行国际贸易并总吨位超过5,000吨的船舶排放的二氧化碳进行强制征税。根据该建议,征税将缩小零碳燃料和传统燃料之间的价格差距,并为港口绿色燃料相关基础设施提供资金,以便氢气和氨气等清洁燃料使用。
For the first time, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and Intercargo jointly proposed a levy based on mandatory contributions by ships trading globally, exceeding 5,000 gross tonnages, for each ton of CO2 emitted. The levy would reduce the price gap between zero-carbon fuels and conventional fuels and fund the bunkering infrastructure in ports to supply cleaner fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, according to the proposal.
2) 印度尼西亚渔业部承诺将加大对渔业相关犯罪的最终受益者的打击力度,作为打击非法、未报告和无管制(IUU)捕鱼重要的一步。政府将授权渔业部官员担任调查员,跟踪渔业和海洋产业犯罪分子的资产线索,寻找洗钱的迹象。
Indonesia’s fisheries ministry has pledged to target the ultimate beneficiaries of fisheries-related crimes in the country as an important step to crack down IUU fishing. It would empower ministry officials to act as investigators, and follow the trail of assets of the criminals in the fisheries and marine sector for signs of money laundering.
3) 美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)宣布修订《大西洋大型鲸鱼捕捞减少计划》,以解决北大西洋露脊鲸被渔具缠绕导致严重受伤和死亡的问题,这也是露脊鲸伤亡的两个主要原因之一。北大西洋露脊鲸是濒危的大型鲸鱼物种,仅剩不到400只。这次修订进一步限制了用于捕捞东北龙虾和乔纳蟹的商业渔具,以帮助保护和恢复露脊鲸的社区。
NOAA announced modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan to address entanglements in fishing gear, one of two leading causes of North Atlantic right whale serious injury and death. The North Atlantic right whale is endangered large whale species, with less than 400 individuals remaining. The modification further restricts the commercial fishing gear to trap Northeast lobster and Jonah crab to help conserving and rebuilding the right whale community.
4) 美国众议院的自然资源委员会通过了一项提高用于遏制气候变化行动预算的协调案。该法案的内容包括恢复对阿拉斯加北极国家野生动物保护区和外大陆架的保护,将禁止该地区的石油和天然气钻探。
The House Natural Resources Committee passed a reconciliation bill aimed at curbing climate change with wider budget. The bill includes restoring protection for Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Outer Continental Shelf from future oil and gas drilling.
观点 Perspectives
1) Jonathan Ayers 与 Frederic Launay: 在疫情和全球封锁的影响下,许多野生动物保护区和保护组织陷入了资金困难,并苦于解决盗猎行为不断增加的问题。生态旅游不是为保护项目永久性提供资金的灵丹妙药。动物保护组织和群体需要探索更多元、创新的筹资机会,并实现其保护项目的独立性和连续性。
Jonathan Ayers and Frederic Launay: With the COVID-19 lockdowns, protected areas and conservation initiatives experienced financial difficulty and increase in illegal activities. Ecotourism is not the silver bullet forever supporting conservation programs. Conservation communities need to explore diversified and innovative funding opportunities and achieve independence and continuity for conservation programs.
2) 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所:随着海洋温度的上升,一些珊瑚群落正在变得更加耐高温,为气候变化影响下的珊瑚带来了希望。即便如此,扭转气候变化仍然至关重要。随着(水下)热浪变得更加频繁或强烈,即使是耐高温的珊瑚群落也会死亡。
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Some coral communities are becoming more heat tolerant as ocean temperatures rise, offering hope for corals in a changing climate. But reversing climate change remains critical. As heatwaves become more frequent or intense, even heat-tolerant communities could die out.
3) 联合国《保护迁徙野生动物物种公约》执行秘书 Amy Fraenkel: 塑料污染不仅威胁着海洋动物,还威胁着陆地和淡水洄游物种。哺乳动物、鸟类和鱼类会以多种方式受到塑料污染的影响,包括被(渔具等)缠绕、直接摄入塑料、在食物链中积累微塑料,以及使用塑料作为筑巢材料。然而,全球治理塑料污染的能力并没有跟上塑料市场的预期增长。要想彻底解决这个问题,我们需要先于解决和预防市场上游的塑料污染。
CMS executive secretary Amy Fraenkel: Plastic Pollution is threatening not only the marine animals, but also the land and freshwater migratory species. Mammals, birds, and fish are affected through various means, including entanglement, ingestion of plastics, accumulation of microplastics in the food chain, and using plastics in nesting material. However, the global capacity to manage plastic pollution is not keeping pace with projected growth in the plastics market. To completely solve the problem, we need to focus on solution and prevention of plastic pollution upstream.
4) 阿拉斯加渔业科学中心:“我们需要强调将栖息地在鱼群生产力中的作用考虑在内是十分重要的。生境科学需要超越仅仅描述栖息地的具体分布、鱼类密度、统计数量和底栖生物群落的恢复情况。现在的种群评估科学主要关注渔获量,这影响到剩下可以繁殖的鱼的数量和未来出生的幼鱼数量(种群生产力)。种群评估科学的范围需要扩大,将栖息地的作用和栖息地变化对鱼类生产力的影响纳入考虑。”
Alaska Fisheries Science Center: “We need to stress the importance to factoring in the role of habitat in fish stock productivity. Habitat science needs to move beyond just describing habitat-specific distribution, fish density, demography, and benthic community recovery. Stock assessment science primarily focuses on catch removals, and this affects the number of fish that are left to reproduce and the number of young fish that are born in the future (stock productivity). The scope of stock assessment science needs to broaden to also consider the role of habitat and how changes in habitat may affect fish productivity.”
解读 Interpretations
1) John C. Cannon: 无绳索 “渔具能否及时适应渔业需求,以拯救濒危鲸鱼?
John C. Cannon: Will ‘ropeless’ fishing gear be seaworthy in time to save endangered whales?
船舶撞击和渔具缠绕是导致北大西洋露脊鲸死亡的两个主要原因。渔具公司和非政府组织尝试着开发 “无绳 “渔具,尽量减少可能会在水中缠绕露脊鲸的垂直鱼线的数量,作为解决渔具缠绕问题的一个潜在办法。但是,渔民、渔业集团、甚至是无绳渔具的支持者都表示,无绳渔具还无法在任何情况下替代传统渔具。
Ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear are two major causes of North Atlantic right whales’ mortality. Gear companies and NGO try to develop “ropeless” fishing gear that minimizes the number of vertical lines in the water that ensnare right whales as a potential solution to the entanglement crisis. But fishers, industry groups and even ardent proponents of ropeless systems say that it’s not yet a viable replacement for traditional fishing gear in every situation.
2) Sevenseasmedia: 以色列史无前例的深海鲨鱼发现揭示了世界对气候变化的理解
Sevenseasmedia: Unprecedented Deep-Sea Shark Discovery in Israel Sheds Light on World’s Understanding of Climate Change
“A recent expedition off Israel’s coast found deep-sea brine pools and related habitat hotspots, including hundreds of deep-water sharks and the largest concentration of deep-sea shark eggs ever found. As one of the planet’s most sensitive areas when it comes to climate change, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea can be regarded as an early-warning system for global marine environments. Investigating the geological and environmental records concealed in this hotspot will provide a high-resolution record of the impact of changes on the deep sea, which is essential for understanding local and global climatic changes.”
3) Ecomagazine: 了解露脊鲸的正确工具
Ecomagazine: The Right Tools for Right Whales
To better protect North Atlantic right whale, one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world, we need to evaluate health condition of individual whales while assessing population-level health. Some scientists propose to use drone-mounted thermal imaging devices to record the body temperature of whales. This method allows scientist to get closer to the whales and collect much more data than from a vessel or plane at a much higher resolution.
4) 皮尤慈善信托基金会:从拉丁美洲的视角看保护公海新条约
Pew Charitable Trust: A New Treaty to Protect the High Seas: A Latin American Perspective
For Chile, a country with a 4,000-mile coastline, the ocean affects almost every aspect of life. Chile has positioned itself as a regional and global leader in ocean protection. Chile is looking forward an effective treaty that countries can be held responsible for its implementation and indicate a real balance between conservation and sustainable use of the ocean.
学术 Academics
【Ocean Ecosystem】Biodiversity conservation in a changing environment beyond 2020
【Ocean Governance】The MPA Guide: A framework to achieve global goals for the ocean
【Ocean Ecosystem】Corals and Sponges Under the Light of the Holobiont Concept: How Microbiomes Underpin Our Understanding of Marine Ecosystems
【Ocean Ecosystem】Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean coral reef
【Ocean Governance】Reef Conservation off the Hook: Can Market Interventions Make Coral Reef Fisheries More Sustainable?
【Fishery Management】Reproductive hyperallometry and managing the world’s fisheries
其他资料 Other Resources
【Coastal Management】Long Ago and Far Away: Drift Cards Found 45 Years Later and Thousands of Miles Away
【Ecological Protection】Examining ‘What Works In Conservation’
【Ocean Ecosystem】The first complete map of the world’s shallow tropical coral reefs is here
【Polar Ecosystem】Fascinating facts about emperor penguins
【Climate & Ocean】Why are emperor penguins an indicator of climate change?
活动 Events
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1)2021年9月29日 网络研讨会 塑料与气候:一次性包装是在加剧气候危机
2021.9.29 Webinar: Plastics & Climate: How Single-Use Packaging is Fueling the Crisis
2)2021年10月21日 网络研讨会 扭转学术“跳伞”的潮流
2021.10.21 Webinar: Turning the tide of parachute science
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1)2021年9月22日 网络研讨会 打捞解决方案:船只处置和回收
2021.9.22 Salvaging Solutions: Vessel Disposal and Recycling
2)2021年9月1日-2日 关于海洋垃圾和塑料污染问题部长会议
2021.9.1-2 Ministerial Conference on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution
3)2021年9月21日 网络研讨会 人工智能将如何颠覆海产品加工
2021.9.21 Artificial Intelligence: How AI is going to disrupt seafood processing
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题图:印度尼西亚海岸警卫队官员观察在该国水域查获的一艘外国渔船。印尼海事与渔业部 | 制