第 29 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction


5月22日是国际生物多样性日,今年的主题是“呵护自然人人有责”(We are part of the solution #forNature)。就在生物多样日的前一天,G7的环境部长会议发布联合宣言,提到了气候和生物多样性相关的议题,其中一节专门提及海洋领域,甚至特意提到了南极海洋保护区的设立。与此同时北欧国家的环境部长也发布了一个联合声明,尽管在篇幅上比G7的宣言要简短很多,内容上同样将气候和生物多样性联系起来,着重强调了海洋和保护区的重要角色。在海洋管理中跨越行业壁垒、综合考虑生物多样性和气候变化的因素,将是未来十年海洋保护的重要时代特色。

Highlight 1

This year’s slogan for International Day for Biological Diversity is “We are part of the solution #forNature”. On the day before Biodiversity Day, the G7 environment and climate Ministerial meeting issued a joint declaration on climate and biodiversity-related issues, with a special section on oceans, even mentioning the Antarctic marine protected areas(MPAs). On the same day, the Nordic environment ministers issued a joint declaration which, although much shorter in length than the G7 declaration, also linked climate and biodiversity, with the role of oceans and protected areas being highlighted. The integration of biodiversity and climate change considerations across sectoral barriers in ocean management could be an important feature of the times for marine conservation in the coming decade.



Highlight 2

Let’s turn our attention once again to Antarctica. 2021’s Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, hosted by France, will be held online. This issue’s academic section contains two papers on Antarctic ecosystems. In the Interpretation section, there is an article on problematic reefer vessels in Antarctic waters. An article questioning Australia’s new Antarctic runway is included in the Perspectives section. On the very evening, you receive this newsletter, there will be a Yo-Yo Ma-led online concert about the Southern Ocean! See the Events section for details.

时讯 News

世界上唯一一艘捕鲸母船日新丸号 | Kyodo Senpaku Co 摄

(1) 七国集团(G7) 环境部长会议联合声明支持多个海洋保护目标。

G7 agrees to support multiple ocean conservation targets.



The Nordic Ministers of Environment and Climate take initiative for a ministerial declaration on biodiversity, oceans and climate.


(3) 日本捕鲸公司,共同船舶,宣布建造一艘能在南极航行的捕鲸母船,以取代世界上唯一的一艘捕鲸母船日新丸号。

Whaling company, Kyodo Senpaku Co., said it plans to replace the world’s only whaling mother ship, the Nisshin Maru, with a new whaling mother ship capable of sailing to the Antarctic Ocean.


(4) 浙江省发布《自然保护地体系发展“十四五”规划》。《规划》提出,到2025年,落实自然保护地管理机构,基本建立制度体系;自然保护地陆域部分占陆域国土面积的9.8%以上,海域部分占管辖海域面积的9.0%以上。

Zhejiang Province released its 14th Five-Year Plan about the development of nature reserves system. It proposes that by year 2025, Zhejiang Province needs to establish nature reserves management institution, and to set up basic framework of the institutional management system. Additionally, the area of protected lands should account for more than 9.8% of the national territory, while 9.0% of the total national sea territory should be protected.


(5) 一些中国企业在塞拉利昂参与的渔业开发项目受到当地环保组织批评。环保组织认为项目会伤害当地的环境,而当地的中国使馆坚称开发项目符合相关环境规范。

 Chinese involvement in Sierra Leone fishing development project criticized by environmental groups. They claim the potential harmful impacts on the local environment, while the local Chinese Embassy insists that the project meets relevant environmental regulations.


观点 Perspectives

        濒临灭绝的西太平洋棱皮龟 | Mongaby 摄

(1) Marlowe Starling:“海洋生物学家警告:西太平洋棱皮龟濒临灭绝。研究显示,该亚群的数量以每年5.6%的速度下降,在28年间总体数量下降了80%。”

Marlowe Starling: “Marine biologists warn that time is running out to save the western Pacific leatherback sea turtles, as the subpopulation has decreased at a rate of 5.6% each year for an overall 80% decline over a 28-year period, according to a recent study.”


(2) Peter Thomson:“第26届联合国气候变化大会是推动气候资金朝向海洋的最好机会,海洋是减缓气候变化新路径。”

Peter Thomson: “COP26 is the best opportunity for the world to move climate finance decisively in the direction of strengthening the ocean’s contribution to climate change mitigation.”


(3) Mongabay:“Mongabay绘制了智利沿海的特许三文鱼养殖区与该国海洋保护区的重叠情况,结果显示,这种重叠威胁到了巴塔哥尼亚独特的生态系统。”

Mongabay: ” Mongabay has mapped out the salmon-farming concessions off Chile’s coast and how they overlap with its patchwork of marine protected areas. This threatens the unique ecosystems of Patagonia.”


(4) Paul Govind & 刘能冶:”我们建议像南极戴维斯科考站跑道这样的重大项目立项前,澳大利亚政府应该提高其关于南极法律法规的标准,确保对南极独特的生态系统的环境评估更加细致准确。”

Paul Govind & Nengye Liu: “We suggest before carrying on a significant project such as the Davis aerodrome, the Australian government should improve its Antarctic-related legislation to ensure that environmental assessment is more sensitive to the unique Antarctic ecosystems.”


(5) Julie Brigham-Grette & Andrea Dutton: ” 南极洲的冰盖融化在几十年后可能达到一个关键的转折点 …… 结果意味着我们必须要从现在开始节能减排。指望未来新的科学技术拯救我们大概率是行不通的。“

Professor Julie Brigham-Grette & Professor Andrea Dutton: “The Antarctica ice sheet could reach a critical tipping point in a few decades … The results mean a common argument for not reducing greenhouse gas emissions now-that future technological advancement can save us later-is likely to fail.”


解读 Interpretations

             Martin Witte / Alamy | 摄

(1) BalkanInsight: 麻烦多多的水域:状况不断的冷藏货船对于南极环境的威胁


In their native Greece, the Laskaridis brothers have nurtured an image of environmentally-friendly philanthropists. But what about the threat posed to the protected waters of Antarctica by their refrigerated cargo ships?


(2)联合国粮农组织: ”幽灵捕捞“是怎样摧毁我们的海洋环境


Ghost fishing kills fish and other species, altering the seabed and marine environments, or entangling ships’ propellers. It can also be washuped up on the beach as litter, posing a safety concern for beach-goers and birds.




One hundred companies dominate 60% of the ocean economy. Can they work with policymakers, scientists, and civil society to lead the sustainable way?


(4)鳗鱼网: 鳗鱼百科 | 日本鳗生活史:探寻了半个多世纪,我们才知道它的故乡在哪里


The Japanese eels has long been a mysterious morsel because nobody had ever seen their eggs or larvae. Despite large scale studies, it was only a few year ago that scientists successfully figure out that the Japanese eels spawn in the waters off the Northern Mariana Islands in the western Pacific ocean.


(5) 中外对话:清除河流和海洋中塑料垃圾的20项发明


From plastic-devouring machines to watchful drones, these technologies are helping tackle plastic pollution in the ocean.


学术 Academics

(1) 【气候海洋】南极洲的生态系统服务:对当前状况,未来挑战和管理机会的全球评估

[Climate & Ocean] Ecosystem services in Antarctica: Global assessment of the current state, future challenges and managing opportunities



(2) 【海洋生态】南大洋的海洋生态系统评估:迎接保护地球生态系统的长期挑战

[Ocean Ecosystem] Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: Meeting the Challenge for Conserving Earth Ecosystems in the Long Term




 [Ocean Ecosystem] Ice core chemistry study expands insight into sea ice variability in Southern Hemisphere



(4)  【渔业管理】混合种群渔业中的保护风险和组合效应

[Fishery Management] Conservation risks and portfolio effects in mixed‐stock fisheries



(5) 【划区管理】降级,缩小规模,甚至失效:海洋保护区的PADDD问题

[Area-based Management] Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) in marine protected areas




[Fishery Management] China at a Crossroads: An Analysis of China’s Changing Seafood Production and Consumption



其他资料 Other resources

[Energy] IEA: Net Zero by 2050

[Ocean] Integrated ocean carbon research: a summary of ocean carbon research, and vision of coordinated ocean carbon research and observations for the next decade

[Fishery] Annual Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries

[Biodiversity] Protected Planet Report 2020

【海洋】海军掏钱,海洋买单 | 军事经费与科学发展的复杂往事
[Ocean] Science on a Mission: How Military Funding Shaped What We Do and Don’t Know About the Ocean

活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年06月15日 创绿研究院《保护海洋:多少才够:全球海洋保护目标的历史讨论》发布
2021.06.15 Greenovation Hub Protecting Ocean: How much is Enough: A Historical Discussion of Global Ocean Protection Goals  Report Launch

2021.06.07 Antarctica: Life Emerging: Join Paul Nicklen, Yo-Yo Ma, Marcus Goddard, and Katie Couric for a musical journey through the icy landscape of Antarctica.

2021年06月17日 网络研讨会 促进渔业管理中的生态系统方法:大西洋鲱鱼的案例
2021.06.17 Webinar Fostering Ecosystem Approaches in Fisheries Management: The Case of Atlantic Menhaden

2021年06月09日 网络研讨会 环境科学和虎鲸的故事
2021.06.09 NOAA Live! Webinar Series: Killer Whale Tales: Environmental Science through Storytelling

2021年04月-2021年12月 网络研讨会 日内瓦基于自然的解决方案
2021.04-2021.12 Webinar Geneva Nature-based Solutions

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年05月16日 侨联大会蓝色经济分论坛五:蓝色产业的机遇与挑战
2021 Annual Meeting on Financing Green Technologies Sub-Forum 5: Blue Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

2020年12月08日 为海洋保护区开发一个财务可持续性评估工具
2020.12.08 Developing a financial sustainability assessment tool for Marine Protected Areas

2020年06月18日 听Adam Summers博士谈谈鱼类,Friday Habor实验室,生物力学和《海洋总动员》
2020.6.18 Fish, Friday Harbor Lab, Biomechanics and Finding Nemo with Dr. Adam Summers

2021年03月30日 与海洋行动组织(Ocean Action)一起落实SDG 14
2021.03.30 Implementing Sdg 14 with the Communities of Ocean Action

2020年05月20日 前沿专家讨论如何用综合海洋管理办法来使海洋资源的使用和保护更加平衡
2020.05.20 Leading experts address how an Integrated Ocean Management approach offers the tools to enable a more balanced approach to the use and conservation of ocean resources

2021年05月18日 2021 线上海洋对话:关注气候、食物和自然
2021.5.18 Virtual Ocean Dialogues 2021: To Focus on Climate, Food, and Nature

>>其他 Others



题图:世界上唯一一艘捕鲸母船日新丸号   Kyodo Senpaku Co | 制