导语 Introduction
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The Beginning of a year is a good time to review and look forward. The “2020’s Top Ocean News Stories” in the Opinion section collects all major ocean related events and debates is good for reviewing and reflecting on this special year. The Blue Pulse will also publish special thematic issues reviewing 2020 from next Monday every week till the Chinese New Year. Stay tuned!
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The High Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy’s newest report has been included in our last issue. When this report was launched, the Nature also published a special page to share and discuss the outputs of the panel. This issue has included the editorial from Nature and opinions on future priorities of ocean actions from experts working with the panel. There are also papers in the Academic section discussing the future priorities in the BBNJ and CBD process.
时讯 News
World Trade Organization negotiators failed to agree on rules to ban harmful subsidies to fisheries in time to meet a 2020 deadline. The body is finalizing a schedule for resumed negotiations in 2021, with the first meetings in January to resolve the sticking points.
The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) agreed at a special session on 22 December to a rollover of its existing quotas for tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific for 2021. This decision ensures that the valuable tuna resources and the marine ecosystems of the Eastern Pacific Ocean will not be unmanaged for 2021.
The European Union and the United Kingdom have struck a trade deal that will allow for a smoother transition for the U.K. to complete its exit from the bloc. The agreement includes a five-and-a-half year transition period for fishing quotas to be shifted to greater U.K. control.
The Indonesian government will reopen some of its waters to fishing with seine and trawl nets, drawing criticism over the destruction wrought by this practice.
A project funded by the Department of Defense will make the NC shoreline more resilient against severe weather and protect fragile ecosystems.
观点 Perspectives
Nature:” It is rare for world leaders to take a lead as the high-level panel has done, and they must be commended for their pledge to manage the ocean sustainably. But to help ensure that these vital pledges are kept, sustainable management of the ocean needs a sustainable system of governance, too.”
(2)Chris Chase:“藻类产品在水产养殖饲料领域的地位正变得越来越突出。”
Chris Chase:” Algae-based products are becoming more and more prominent in the world of aquaculture feed.”
(3)Jane Lubchenco,Peter Haugan和Mari Elka Pangestu:“在应对气候变化、粮食安全和生物多样性的同时,释放海洋潜力,以可持续地促进经济发展。作为高级别可持续海洋经济小组召集的科学家专家小组的共同主席,我们强调这五个优先领域的政策行动:<1>可持续地管理海鲜生产;<2>减缓气候变化;<3>阻止生物多样性丧失;<4>抓住经济复苏机遇;<5>全面管理海洋。”
Jane Lubchenco, Peter Haugan and Mari Elka Pangestu:” Unleash the ocean’s potential to boost economies sustainably while addressing climate change, food security and biodiversity. As co-chairs of the expert group of scientists convened by the Ocean Panel, here we highlight five priority areas for policy action: (1) Manage seafood production sustainably. (2) Mitigate climate change. (3) Stem biodiversity loss. (4) Seize opportunity for economic recovery. (5) Manage the ocean holistically.”
(4)Vladimir Ryabinin:“气候的未来在很大程度上取决于人类文明减少碳排放的能力。海洋吸收二氧化碳量的当前值是我们估计人类需要减排多少碳或使大气中的碳含量下降多少的基础。”
Vladimir Ryabinin:” The future of climate strongly depends on the civilization’s ability to curb carbon emissions. The estimates of how much carbon we need to ‘save’ (not release) or remove from the atmosphere are based on existing values of carbon dioxide absorption by the ocean – think of the ocean as a giant carbon sink.”
(5)Callie Steffen,Emma Critchley和Douglas McCauley:“2020年十大海洋报道汇总。”
Callie Steffen, Emma Critchley and Douglas McCauley:” 2020’s top ocean news stories”
学术 Academics
[Biodiversity] The Voice of Science on Marine Biodiversity Negotiations: A Systematic Literature Review
[Fisheries management] Satellites can reveal global extent of forced labor in the world’s fishing fleet
[Fisheries management] Who is the high seas fishing industry?
[Biodiversity] The Aichi Biodiversity Targets: achievements for marine conservation and priorities beyond 2020
[Seafood] Consequences of seafood mislabeling for marine populations and fisheries management
[Fisheries management] Adaptation and resilience of commercial fishers in the Northeast United States during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
[Climate·Ocean] The other side of sea level change
其他资料 Other resources
[Fisheries management] International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF):The IUU Nature of FADs: Implications for Tuna Management and Markets – Information Paper
[Polar ocean] NOAA’s 15th Arctic Report Card (2020)
[Fisheries management] Greenpeace Report Exposes Fishmeal & Fish Oil (FMFO) Industry’s Systemic Plundering of The Oceans
[Ocean in general] New UNESCO Report voices concern over inadequacy of funding for ocean research
活动 Events
>>预告 Upcoming Events
2021年01月14日 网络研讨会 处理保护区内的海洋垃圾:最佳实践和实例
2021.01.14 Webinar Addressing marine debris in protected areas: Best practices and examples
2021年01月28日 网络研讨会 如何开展科学工作以使其影响海洋政策和管理:小组讨论
2021.01.28 Webinar How to do science so it influences marine policy and management: A panel discussion
2021年02月09日 网络研讨会 制定一项监测和评估海洋垃圾的国家计划:吸取的经验教训
2021.02.09 Webinar Building a State Plan to Monitor and Assess Marine Litter: Lessons Learned
>>回顾 Recordings
2020年12月15日 网络研讨会 将动态实证模型应用于渔业管理
2020.12.15 Webinar Applying Empirical Dynamic Modeling to Fisheries Management
2020月12月17日 网络研讨会 直接营销——从海洋到餐盘
2020.12.17 Webinar Direct Marketing – Ocean to Plate
2020年12月17日 网络研讨会 美国太空总署的卫星如何帮助保护夏威夷海洋保护区的珊瑚礁(注册观看)
2020.12.17 Webinar How NASA Satellites Help Protect the Coral Reefs of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Register to view)
>>其他 Others
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题图:2020年9月16日,在为期四个半月的休渔期结束的当天,渔船从浙江港口出发,Alamy | 摄。