导语 Introduction
Highlight 1:
The news worth most attention is the IATTC fisheries management measures have been vetoed, resulting in an unprecedented unregulated fishery in these waters next year. UN Secretary-General Gutierrez recently criticized that “mankind is waging war on nature”. It appears so.
Highlight 2:
The UN Decade of Ocean Science programme seems to have received less attention than the marine biodiversity targets, but in fact, the outputs of this programme will make a significant contribution to the achievement of marine conservation goals. The plan is discussed in both the opinion and academic sections of this issue.
Highlight 3
The link between climate change and the ocean has always been a key focus of us. This issue includes a new paper on the impact of climate change on the range of marine life and another one on the function of krill as a carbon pump.
时讯 News
Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity and the Meetings of the Parties to the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols were held online in November. On Friday, 27 November 2020, President Fouad announced the successful adoption of the interim budget for 2021 of the secretariat and closed the ExCOP by written communication.
(2)英国碳循环生物技术公司Deep Branch获得了欧盟地平线2020–欧洲创新理事会(EIC)创新加速基金250万欧元(300万美元)的资助,用于开发水产和农业饲料行业所需的新型蛋白质,这些蛋白质是利用工业排放中捕获的二氧化碳(CO2)生产的,利用微生物将二氧化碳转化为蛋白质。生产一种低碳饲料原料,其营养成分可与鱼粉相媲美,并可以全年生产,价格与传统但不可持续使用的海洋原料市场差不多,但新产品的碳足迹更低。
Having secured EUR 2.5 million (USD 3 million) from EU Horizon 2020 – European Innovation Council (EIC) accelerator funding – young U.K.-based carbon recycling biotechnology company Deep Branch is scaling up the development of new proteins for the aqua- and agri-feed sectors, produced from carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from industrial emissions. Deep Branch’s new “Proton” single-cell protein is created through a fermentation process that uses microbes to convert CO2 into protein. The result is a low carbon feed ingredient with a nutritional profile comparable to fishmeal, which can be produced year-round, and at a price that’s on par with the traditional but finite marine ingredient market, but sporting a lower carbon footprint.
First Chinese Institution: Industrial Bank Signs the UN Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBEFI). Industrial Bank of China becomes the 27th signatory and 49th member of the UN Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBEFI) worldwide, and the first Chinese signatory and member. On November 16, 2020, Bank of Qingdao was approved by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to become a member of the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBEFI), making it the 50th institution in the world to do so.
The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) has failed to reach a consensus on the management of tropical tunas by one vote – with Colombia opposing the resolution – leaving tuna fisheries without any rules starting on 1 January.
(5)据澳大利亚渔业管理局称,澳大利亚已经在托雷斯海峡部署了一种新的水听器,能够探测和记录船只声音,可以区分不同种类的船只活动,旨在打击非法的外国捕捞活动。海事边防司令部少将兼指挥官Lee Goddard在一份声明中表示,这项技术对于保护澳大利亚的海域至关重要,随着外国非法捕捞对全世界的可持续渔业管理构成威胁,我们决心采取更多措施保护澳大利亚免受此类犯罪活动的侵害。
Australia has deployed a new underwater technology across the Torres Strait aimed at combating illegal foreign fishing, according to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. The hydrophones are capable of detecting and logging vessel sounds, which can differentiate between different kinds of vessel activities. MBC Rear Admiral and Commander Lee Goddard said in a statement the technology is crucial to protecting Australia’s maritime domain, with illegal foreign fishing posing threats to sustainable fisheries management around the world, we are determined to do even more to protect Australia from this type of criminal activity.”
观点 Perspectives
(1)Hakai Magazine:“气候变化和海洋变暖在将许多海洋物种的活动空间推向极地方向的同时,也在引导着部分物种向着相反的错误的方向迁徙。”
Hakai Magazine:”As the oceans warm, many marine species are heading poleward in search of cooler water but some invertebrates are shifting the wrong way—their range is moving into warm water.”
(2)Joy Becker:“粮食安全依然是重中之重,我们需要以可持续的方式去养殖鱼类,以安全的,廉价的方式供给人类食用。”
Joy Becker:” What gets me out of bed in the morning is food security, the fact is, we need to be able to farm fish so it’s sustainable, safe for people to eat, and affordable.”
Environmental Defense Fund-Ocean:” Digital technology can be a powerful ally to sustainable fishing. Diverse experiences around the world have shown it can improve fisheries management — sustainably and cost-effectively.”
David·Adam:”The UN hopes that its 2021-2030 plan of ‘Decade of Ocean Science’ will encourage greater investment in data collection and analysis.”
(5)John Virdin:“杜克大学支持增加对非洲小型渔业独特特征的研究和关注。我们的目标是共同合作,支持非洲和其他新兴经济体的当地研究人员和政府,进一步凸显这些渔业在社会中发挥的重要作用。”
John Virdin:” Enable Duke University to support increased research and attention to the unique characteristics of small-scale fisheries in Africa. Our aim is to work together and support local researchers and governments in Africa and other emerging economies, to further shine a light on the important role that these fisheries play in society.”
学术 Academics
(1)【海洋生态】 南极磷虾持续脱壳推动南大洋碳输出
[Marine ecosystem] Continuous molting by Antarctic krill drives major pulses of carbon export in the Southern Ocean
[Marine ecosystem] A stable Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a changing North Atlantic Ocean since the 1990s
[Area-based management] A network of grassroots reserves protects tropical river fish diversity
[Fisheries management] Riverine plastic pollution from fisheries: Insights from the Ganges River system
[Ocean in general] A decade to study deep-sea life
[Fisheries management] Early effects of COVID‐19 on US fisheries and seafood consumption
(7)【海洋生态】 在深海观察到的最大的鱼类聚集地
[Marine ecosystem] Largest aggregation of fishes ever observed at abyssal depths
其他资料 Other resources
【Ocean education】Global Conservation-based Online Training
【Seafood】Latest MSC survey about seafood consumers increasing concern about environment & sustainability
【Ocean in general】New IPSO Report – Protecting a rapidly changing ocean
【Marine Finance】Green Bonds Can Assist Aquafeeds Transition
【Seafood】Traceability’s positive impact on seafood sustainability and margins
【Marine Finance】Can Blue Bonds Finance a fish stock recovery?
【Seafood】Loch-ed Profits: Forecast farmed salmon industry growth not converting to stable profit margins
【Seafood】Perfect Storm – Profits at Risk in the Japanese Seafood Industry
【Seafood】Mangrove Deforestation Threat to Farmed Shrimp Investments
【Seafood】Capital at Risk from Investor Concentration in the Salmon Aquaculture Industry
【Marine ecology】Projections Of Future Coral Bleaching Conditions
活动 Events
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2021年01月14日 网络研讨会 保护区内的海洋废弃物:最佳实践和案例
2021.01.14 Webinar Addressing marine debris in protected areas: Best practices and examples
2021年2月9日 网络研讨会 制定海洋垃圾的国家监测评估计划:有关经验教训
2021.02.09 Webinar Building a State Plan to Monitor and Assess Marine Litter: Lessons Learned
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2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 竞争前协作的新前沿:行业主导的可持续海鲜倡导者
2020.11.16 Webinar New Frontiers for Pre-Competitive Collaboration: Industry-Led Advocacy for Sustainable Seafood
2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 日本应对IUU捕捞的新对策
2020.11.16 Webinar Japan’s New Countermeasure Against IUU Fishing
2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持政府投资解决供应链风险和社会问题
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Government Investment to Address Supply Chain Risk and Social Issues
2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持投资全球共享信息
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Investment in Globally Shared Information
2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持政府投资制定捕捞策略
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Government Investment in Harvest Strategies
2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持政府对渔业管理的投资
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Government Investment in Fisheries Management
2020年11月17日 网络研讨会 绿色及蓝色基建作为流行病庇护所的角色演变
2020.11.17 Webinar The evolving role of green and blue infrastructure as refuges from a pandemic
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