第18期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction

关键点 1:


Highlight 1:

In order to combat illegal fishing, enhance its performance in global fishery management and achieve sustainability in the fishing industry, China published its first White Paper on Distant Water Fishing Compliance. The paper reiterated China’s actions and determination in combating IUU and improving the management of its distant water fishing operation. Besides, it is notable that the paper is (1) calling for the attention to the links between climate change and sustainability of fishing and (2) linking the ‘Maritime community with a shared future’ with SDG14. Such cross sectoral narratives demonstrate a strategic approach beyond the fishing industry. There are more information relating to fighting IUU available in other sections.  

关键点 2:


Highlight 2:

Announced by the Tristan da Cunha government, 90 percent of the waters around the island chain will become a “no-take zone”. It will be the fourth largest MPA in the world. This is an inspiring news! The new protected area will join the U.K.’s Blue Belt Programme. It is also notable that compared to the intensively used EEZ of the UK, it is easier to set up no-take marine reserves at remote islands. This represents a challenge for MPA site selection: lower hanging fruit or ecologically important area?


在南大西洋增设海洋保护区 | National Geographic Society 制


THE WATERS AROUND one of the world’s most remote inhabited islands, in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, are set to become the fourth largest completely protected marine area in the world. Now, this four-island archipelago will be the site of a marine sanctuary that spans 265,347 square miles. Announced today by the Tristan da Cunha government, 90 percent of the waters around the island chain will become a “no-take zone”. The new protected area will join the U.K.’s Blue Belt Programme, which, as of today, safeguards 2.7 million square miles of marine ecosystems around the world.



For the first time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) published a white paper on the compliance of China’s distant water fishery management in order to let the international community fully understand China’s principled position, policy measures and compliance effectiveness.



IMO Environment Committee approves amendments to the MARPOL convention to cut ship GHG emissions 


(4) 2020年11月,西北大西洋渔业委员会(NEAFC)第39届年会圆满闭幕。基于国际海洋考察理事会(ICES)最近的科学建议,委员会接受了新的渔业资源管理及养护措施,同时针对角鲨加强了渔业捕捞禁令,以提高其物种养护能力。此外,委员会进一步更新了电子上报系统,以增强渔业监测、控制和执法能力。

North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission holds it 39th annual meeting: At the Annual Meeting, NEAFC adopted conservation and management measures for the year 2021 for a number of fish stocks on the basis of the latest scientific advice provided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). NEAFC also took a fishery measure focused solely on conservation by extending the current prohibition of fisheries directed at spurdog (picked dogfish). NEAFC agreed further elements of its Electronic Reporting System to enhance monitoring, control and enforcement.



A new generation of autonomous vessels is looking to catch illegal fishers in the act. In partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), these three robotics companies are racing to prove that uncrewed vessels are up to the task. Angus says, that price is one-tenth of the cost of a ship and crew time. “And you have the ability to deploy it 24/7,” she says. Agency wide, NOAA is investing US $12.7-million to increase its use of autonomous and remotely operated vessels, airplanes, and drones for science and enforcement.



锤头鲨,加拉帕戈斯群岛西北部 | DivePhoto.org,Greg Asner 摄

(1)Yolanda Kakabadse:”期待中国成为加拉帕戈斯海洋保护的合作伙伴,现在正是开启合作的独特时期。“

 Yolanda Kakabadse:“ My expectation is to have China as a conservation partner in the Galapagos-Caicos corridor.” While the proposal may seem audacious, Kakabadse believes now is a unique moment for action.”


(2)Emma Witbooi等:“渔业领域涌现出的各种有组织犯罪行为,多年来令国际社会十分担忧。现如今这类犯罪行为的各种证据,及其对于全球经济、社会和环境的不利影响和潜在安全后果已经被大众所知。参考全球的有可能的实践案例,我们强调了一些实际的机会去解决这类问题。”

 Emma Witbooi et.al.:“ The threat of criminal activity in the fisheries sector has concerned the international community for a number of years. Anecdotal, scientific and example-based evidence of the various manifestations of organized crime in fisheries, its widespread adverse impacts on economies, societies and the environment globally and its potential security consequences is now publicly available. With reference to worldwide promising practices, we highlight practical opportunities for action to address the problem.”


(3)Stelios Katsanevakis等:“在上百名来自26个国家和地区的科学家四年多的联系和探讨下,MarCons分析出推进欧洲和毗连海域海洋保护的挑战、机遇和障碍。为提高海洋保护规划的有效性,我们为政策制定者、海洋管理者和研究人员提出12项关键建议。”

Stelios Katsanevakis et.al.:“ By consolidating a large network of more than 100 scientists from 26 countries, and conducting a series of workshops over 4 years (2016–2020), MarCons analyzed challenges, opportunities and obstacles for advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas. Here, we synthesize the major issues that emerged from this analysis and make 12 key recommendations for policy makers, marine managers, and researchers to increase the effectiveness of marine conservation planning.”



The Economist:” Ecuador portrays itself as a victim of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing.  In fact, its fishing industry is just as bad. They are involved in endangered species harvesting as well as MPA and national park illegal fishing.”



LIU Xinzhong:” China has “zero tolerance” and strict punishments for violations by distant water fishing vessels. To better conserve marine fisheries resources, China initiated fishing moratorium voluntarily in the high seas this year. We welcome media, environmental protection organizations, NGOs and relevant governments to join us in the field of distant water fishing. China is willing to share our fishing practices with you.”




[Fisheries management] Antarctic krill fishery effects over penguin populations under adverse climate conditions: Implications for the management of fishing practices

南极半岛西部的快速气候变化正在降低其磷虾密度,近几十年来捕鱼活动的增加,可能对企鹅种群产生了协同效应。研究通过将捕鱼活动和南极洲气候变化指标(Southern Annular Mode)的数据与企鹅种群数据进行交叉分析,检验了这一假设。非繁殖期渔获量的增加可能会对帽带企鹅和巴布亚企鹅种群造成影响。渔获量和气候变化共同提高了种群负增长的概率:在冬季温暖和海冰较少的年份,渔获量非常高(与负的南环模式值有关)意味着下一年种群数量减少。目前南大洋的磷虾捕捞管理考虑的是一个武断且固定的、没有反映出气候变化影响下磷虾种群的变化的渔获量限制,因此在环境条件不利时会影响企鹅的种群。


(2)【海洋生态】帽带企鹅(Pygoscelis antarctica)的全球种群评估

[Marine ecosystem] A global population assessment of the Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica)

利用卫星图像、无人机图像和地面计数,研究对现存375个繁殖地的342万对帽带企鹅(Pygoscelis antarctica)进行了首次全面的全球种群评估。研究发现23个先前已知的帽带企鹅繁殖地已经消失或灭绝;发现了5个新的繁殖地,以及21个以前未曾报道过的繁殖地。在可以与20世纪80年代的历史计数进行比较的繁殖地中,45%的繁殖地种群数量可能或肯定下降,18%的繁殖地种群数量可能或肯定增加。



[Area-based management] Ecological connectivity between the areas beyond national jurisdiction and coastal waters: Safeguarding interests of coastal communities in developing countries




[Fisheries management] Toward transparent governance of transboundary fisheries: The case of Pacific tuna transshipment




[Fisheries management] Regional fisheries management: Virtual decision making in a pandemic



其他资料 Other resources

[Ocean in general] International Maritime Organization: Marine Environment Protection Committee – meeting summaries

[Climate · Ocean] Roadmap to Oceans and Climate Action Initiative

[Seafood] Seafood2030 Report, Volume 1 – Collaborative Business Strategies in Seafood

[Ocean in general] Latest News and Resources for Ocean Planners and Managers


>>预告 Announcements

2020年12月01日 网络研讨会 为制定塑料管理准则做好准备(欧洲会议)
2020.12.01 Webinar Getting ready for the plastic stewardship guidelines (Europe session)

2020年12月04日 网络研讨会 增加塑料垃圾的收集和回收:有哪些解决办法?
2020.12.04 Webinar Increasing the collection and recycling of plastic waste. What are the solutions?

2020年12月16日 网络研讨会 现在是2021年了吗?企业对海产品合法性和人权的尽职调查:我们的现状和未来
2020.12.16 Webinar Is it 2021 yet?! Corporate Due Diligence on Seafood Legality and Human Rights – Where We Are and What’s to Come

>>回顾 Recordings

2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持政府对渔业管理的投资
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Government Investment in Fisheries Management

2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 支持行业对健康工人和社区的投资
2020.11.16 Webinar Supporting Industry Investment in Healthy Workers and Communities

2020年11月16日 网络研讨会 确保合法的海产品贸易 :产业与政府协同作用
2020.11.16 Webinar Ensuring Legal Seafood Trade – Industry-Government Synergies

2020年11月16日 网络研讨会  通过实施渔业改革法提高日本国内海产品的可持续发展能力
2020.11.16 Webinar Improving Japan’s Domestic Seafood Sustainability Through the Implementation of Fishery Reform Law

>>其他 Others

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题图:太平洋中的绿海龟,Rhett A. Butler | 摄。