第17期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction


There are more interesting things than the US election! It seems many research has produced fruitful outcome when the end of the year is coming. This issue has collected interesting papers on MPA, fishery management, subsidy, traceability, climate and blue carbon. The suggestions from the CCICED on China’s 14th 5 Year plan worth special attention. Its call for developing an ecosystem-based comprehensive management framework will lead to huge amount of follow-up work and inspire great expectations for the future. The information sharing collaboration between China and EU might sound ‘technical’, but it also has strong implications for the management of the global ocean. Enjoy the read!

时讯 News

最新版本的《海洋保护地图集》 | Marine Conservation Institute,Mapbox,OpenStreetMap 制

(1)海洋保护研究所发布全新更新的海洋保护地图集:探索海洋保护的沉浸式视觉工具。该地图集有助于探究两个问题:”哪些地区的海洋受到海洋保护区的保护?”, 还有”保护的程度与效果如何?“,它将有助于社会各界共同努力以实现2030年之前完成30%的海域保护目标。

Marine Conservation Institute has announced a newly updated Marine Protection Atlas: an immersive visual tool for exploring ocean conservation. The Atlas can help explore answers for two questions: “How much of the ocean is protected by marine protected areas?” “And how effective is that protection?” It will help the marine conservation community to work together to protect at least 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030.


(2)今年3月“海产品可追溯性全球对话”(GDST)推出了 “可相互操作的海产品可追溯性系统标准和准则v1.0”(GDST 1.0),定义了海产品在供应链中转移时应伴随的必要的关键数据元素(KDEs),和允许无缝共享数据的规范。在GDST 1.0的指导下,目前该行业供应链能够首次无缝交换产品数据,自亮相以来已经吸引力很多主要业内人士。

In March 2020, Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) launched “Standards and Guidelines for Interoperable Seafood Traceability Systems, v1.0” (GDST 1.0), defining necessary key data elements (KDEs) that should accompany seafood products as they move through supply chains, and including specifications designed to allow for the seamless sharing of data. Guided by GDST 1.0, the industry’s most crucial supply chains are now able to seamlessly exchange product data for the first time. GDST 1.0 has attracted several major industry endorsers since they were debuted.



Indonesia has established a new marine intelligence hub aimed at tackling illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the country’s waters.



In order to address problems in the implementation of the fishing moratorium, and to further adjust and optimize the fishing moratorium, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of China, on the basis of full research and comprehensive consideration of the views of fishermen’s representatives, fisheries experts and law enforcement officials, and on the principles of conservation priority, fairness and impartiality, and taking into account factors such as the stability of fishing areas, the operability of law enforcement and the scientific nature of the system, has drawn up an adjustment plan for the 2021 marine ambush season fishing moratorium. The program is now open for public comment.



US scientists tested a multi-robot path-planning method for conducting aerial surveys over large areas designed to make the best use of limited flight time. A research conducted multiple photographic aerial wildlife surveys of Cape Crozier, one of the largest Adélie penguin colonies in the world containing more than 300,000 nesting pairs. Over 2 square kilometers was surveyed in about 3 hours.


观点 Perspectives

渤海是进行近海养殖转型尝试的重要区域 | 中外对话 刘禹扬 摄

(1)扬-贡纳尔·温特 , 苏纪兰:“健康的海洋环境是中国生态文明的关键,应将海洋生态环境作为地球生命基础的重要性明确纳入‘美丽中国’的框架。中国迫切需要发展基于生态系统的综合管理框架来应对自然和海洋经济的动态发展趋势。建议中国在可持续海洋产业(包括现有产业和新兴产业)的议题和行动方面发挥国际领导作用,并推动可持续海洋管理领域的国际合作。”

Jan-Gunnar Winther, Su Jilan:” A healthy ocean is key to China’s ecological civilization. The importance of the ocean environment as the basis of life on earth should be clearly brought into the framework of ‘Beautiful China’. There is an essential and urgent need for China to develop integrated ecosystem-based management frameworks that capture this dynamic development in nature and ocean economies. We also suggest that China can take international leadership on issues and actions supporting sustainable ocean industries, both ongoing and emergent, and promote international cooperation in matters relating to sustainable ocean management.”



David Adam:” A promising partnership between China and the EU aims to open up an ocean of information. European Marine Observation and Data Network started a collaboration with China’s National Marine Data and Information Service that aims to develop the use of standards and improve global access to China’s marine data. Among its scientific goals are plans to look at – and to try to improve – the contrasting results of European and Chinese numerical models of ocean currents and coastal vulnerability. As part of the EU-China Ocean Partnership signed in 2018. among its goals are greater transparency on fisheries data.”


(3)Gaël Mariani等:”历史数据表明,自1950年以来海洋渔业至少向大气中释放了7.3亿公吨二氧化碳。全球范围内公海渔业造成的‘蓝碳’释放的43.5%来自‘没补贴就不赚钱’的区域。限制渔业造成的‘蓝碳’释放,特别是在无利可图的海域,应该通过减少燃料燃烧,并重建鱼类种群和增加鱼群在生态系统中自然死亡沉积量来重新启动自然‘碳泵’,从而减少二氧化碳的排放。“

Gaël Mariani et al.:” Historical statistics show that ocean fisheries have released a minimum of 0.73 billion metric tons of CO2 in the atmosphere since 1950. Globally, 43.5% of the blue carbon extracted by fisheries in the high seas comes from areas that would be economically unprofitable without subsidies. Limiting blue carbon extraction by fisheries, particularly on unprofitable areas, would reduce CO2 emissions by burning less fuel and reactivating a natural carbon pump through the rebuilding of fish stocks and the increase of carcasses deadfall.”



“StopFundingOverfishing” campaign:” WTO negotiators have 25 working days between the start of the third meeting cluster on Monday, November 2, and the end of the fourth and last cluster of 2020 on Friday, December 4, to reach an agreement to end harmful fisheries subsidies by the end of the year. Each day of the countdown, we will give the WTO one more reason to reel in a deal.”


(5)Narissa Bax等:“保护南极’蓝碳’,预防性养护和全球合作治理必不可少。南极’蓝碳’是世界上最大的不断增加且具有高储存潜力的自然碳储存形式。随着南极洲周围冰层流失的形式越来越一致,海底的碳捕获-储存-再吸收的模式有了根本性的提高。单位面积的碳捕获量在增加,可用于’蓝碳’的面积也在增加。从经济角度看,南极蓝碳在大陆架周围底栖生物中的固碳价值估计在6.5亿至17.6亿英镑(约合22.7亿美元)之间。”

Narissa Bax et al.:” Precautionary conservation and cooperative global governance are needed to protect Antarctic blue carbon: the world’s largest increasing natural form of carbon storage with high sequestration potential. As patterns of ice loss around Antarctica become more uniform, there is an underlying increase in carbon capture‐to‐storage‐to‐sequestration on the seafloor. The amount of carbon captured per unit area is increasing and the area available to blue carbon is also increasing. In economic terms, the value of Antarctic blue carbon is estimated at between £0.65 and £1.76 billion (~2.27 billion USD) for sequestered carbon in the benthos around the continental shelf.”


学术 Academics


[Fisheries management] The Global Fisheries Subsidies Divide Between Small- and Large-Scale Fisheries




[Area-based management] A global network of marine protected areas for food




[Area-based Management] Long-term participation in collaborative fisheries research improves angler opinions on marine protected areas




[Marine culture] Expanding conservation culturomics and iEcology from terrestrial to aquatic realms




[Marine ecosystem] Interventions to help coral reefs under global change: A complex decision challenge




[Climate·Ocean] Effects of future climate on coral-coral competition

通过中层海洋研究,我们评估了海洋酸化和变暖的综合效应是否会改变加勒比海常见星形珊瑚(Porites astreoides)和其他两种常见的堆积珊瑚(Montastraea cavernosa或Orbicella faveolata)之间的竞争性相互作用。结果表明,海洋酸化和气候变暖可以减缓最初珊瑚与珊瑚之间相互作用的剧烈性,由于珊瑚是珊瑚礁上的基础物种,可能产生连带效应。



[Marine ecosystem] Multi-scale estimation of the effects of pressures and drivers on mangrove forest loss globally



其他资料 Other resources

[Mariculture] 2020 Aquaculture Innovation Report

[Seafood] Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Symposium 2020 

【海洋生态】加利福尼亚海山系列 | 第八集:生命伙伴
[Ocean in general] California Seamount Series – Episode 8: Partners for Life

[Fisheries management] A sea under pressure: Bottom trawling impacts in the Baltic

[Area-based management] The Marine Protection Atlas

[Fisheries management] Unregulated fishing on the high seas of the Indian Ocean

[Ocean in general] The Challenge of Technological Change


>>预告 Announcements

2020年11月18日 网络研讨会 转运的透明度:新兴技术可以照亮海上渔获转运的道路
2020.11.18 Webinar Transparency of Transshipment: Emerging Technology Can Shine a Light on the Transfer of Fish At Sea

2020年11月18日 网络研讨会 新公海条约:青年如何帮助保护半个地球(第一节)
2020.11.18 Webinar A New High Seas Treaty: How Youth Can Help Protect Half the Planet (Session 1)

2020年11月20日 网络研讨会 分类学挑战如何影响生物多样性保护
2020.11.20 Webinar How taxonomic challenges affect biodiversity conservation

2020年11月21日 网络研讨会 新公海条约:青年如何帮助保护半个地球(第二节)
2020.11.21 Webinar A New High Seas Treaty: How Youth Can Help Protect Half the Planet (Session 2)

2020年12月01日 网络研讨会 革命性地利用海洋数据来缓解气候变化、过度捕捞和污染问题
2020.12.01 Webinar Revolutionizing ocean data to mitigate climate change, overfishing, and pollution

>>回顾 Recordings

2020年11月10日 网络研讨会 为可持续发展的海洋经济投保:保险业的深入研究(第一节)
2020.11.10 Webinar Insuring a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Deep Dive for the Insurance Industry (Session 1)

2020年11月10日 网络研讨会 为可持续发展的海洋经济投保:保险业的深入研究(第二节)
2020.11.10 Webinar Insuring a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Deep Dive for the Insurance Industry (Session 2)

>>其他 Others

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题图:一架自主海洋滑翔机在大堡礁收集数据,Suzanne Long / Alamy | 摄。