Issue 49 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


In order to fill the information gap in marine conservation, SCAR is building an initial framework based on UN recommendations to gradually improve the shortage of the information and data coverage.

导语 Introduction


海洋保护和陆地保护之间最显著的差异之一是信息的缺乏。因此,2017 年,联合国宣布从 2021 年到 2030 年为“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”(以下简称“联合国海洋十年”),以科学支持扭转海洋健康退化趋势的行动。该倡议致力于加强国际合作,以开发能够将海洋科学与全球社会需求联系起来的科学研究和创新技术。根据该倡议的建议,经过利益相关方为导向的讨论,4月21日,由南极科学研究委员会(SCAR)协调的南大洋特别工作组发布了《南大洋行动计划2021-2030》。该框架提供了一个初步路线图,以加强科学、工业和政策之间的联系,并鼓励国际合作活动,以缩小现有的知识和数据覆盖方面的差距。这个计划为南大洋利益相关者提供一个包括了优先研究问题的框架,以制定和制定支持联合国海洋十年愿景的切实行动和可交付成果。本期的活动回顾中可以看到这个发布会的回放。在学术版块中,也收录了关于南大洋保护的新论文。


One of the most striking differences between marine conservation and land-based conservation is the lack of information. In 2017, the United Nations therefore declared the Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development (hereinafter referred to as the UN Decade of the Ocean) from 2021 to 2030 to scientifically support action to reverse the degradation of ocean health. The initiative is dedicated to strengthening international cooperation to develop scientific research and innovative technologies that can link marine science to the needs of global society. Following the recommendations of this initiative and following stakeholder-oriented discussions, the Southern Ocean Task Force, coordinated by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic  Research (SCAR), released the Southern Ocean Action Plan 2021-2030 on 21 April . The framework provides an initial roadmap to strengthen the links between science, industry and policy and to encourage international collaborative activities to close existing gaps in knowledge and data coverage. This plan provides Southern Ocean stakeholders with a framework that includes priority research questions to develop and formulate practical actions and deliverables in support of the UN Decade of the Ocean vision. A replay of this launch can be found in this issue's Events section. New papers on Southern Ocean conservation are included in the Academic section.

时讯 News

海洋酸化监测研讨会的科学家们在收集水样 | 海洋基金会(The Ocean Foundation)


The Ocean Foundation's International Ocean Acidification Initiative has trained a large number of scientists and policy makers through virtual training over the past three years. For the next 3 year project, with the help of the NOAA, they established Pacific Islands Ocean Acidification Center to study areas that have not been consistently monitored in the past.



At the BlueInvest Days 2022, the European Comission and the EIB have agreed to mobilize an addtional €500 million of EU funds for the blue economy, providing risk-financing for SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups comitted to innovative and sustainable blue economy. 



Japanese researchers are looking for alternatives to fishmeal and fish oil to counter their continuous rise in price, with insects, single-cell organisms and algae being the leading candidates for substitution.


(4)倡导组织On The Hook发起了对海洋管理委员会(MSC)的外部审查,在网络上公开征求意见,以此来敦促MSC切实地履行其对渔业长期可持续发展的义务。

On The Hook will launch an external review on Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). They will gather public consultations from the Interenet, forming a preliminary frame in order to urge MSC to implement its responsibility for maintaining lasting sustainability in the fisheries.


观点 Perspectives

科学家在CCZ海底发现了Relicanthus,深海采矿会对这些生物的栖息地造成潜在影响 | 国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)

(1)Megan Jungwiwattanaporn:国际海底管理局(ISA)应该使用区域性环境管理方案(REMPs)来确保海底资源得到系统的管理和监测。针对诸如克拉里昂·克利珀顿区(CCZ)等在国家管辖范围外的区域,ISA又新增了四块特别环境利益区(APEI),以此来避免海底采矿业对动物栖息地的破坏。

Megan Jungwiwattanaporn: The International Seabed Authority (ISA) should adopt regional-based environmental management programs (REMPs) to ensure that seabed are systematically managed and monitored. For areas beyond national jurisdiction, such as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), ISA has approved four additional areas of particular environmental interest (APEI) as a means of avoiding damage to wildlife habitats from seabed mining.


(2)Ellie Hyman: 星球追踪的海洋项目负责人François Mosnier在三月的日内瓦的《生物多样性》会议上声称三分之二的海洋保护区(MPA)之所以达不到环境保护的目标,是因为他们没有足够的预算资金来保证基本的管理需求,他们面临的资金缺口约为每年1000亿美元。针对这一点,IUCNf的绿色债券名单通过建立以绩效考核和独立审核为标准的评定方式,为投资者创造机会并为公共资金降低风险,有望解决海洋保护的效率问题。

Ellie Hyman: At the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) in Geneva last month,  Planet Tracker's Head of Oceans Programme, François Mosnier proclaimed that two-thirds of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are failing to meet conservation goals because they do not have sufficient budgetary funding to ensure basic management needs. They face a funding gap of approximately USD 100 billion p/a. In response, the Green List promises to address the efficiency of conservation goals by establishing a rating standard based on performance reviews and independent verifications of results, creating opportunities for investors and reducing risk for public funding.


(3)Steve Trent: 国家间应该打造一套透明的系统,开放国家间的数据流,将船只许可证清单、犯罪记录全部公之于众,以此来打击非法捕鱼,保护渔船上工人的人权,保护岌岌可危的海洋生态系统。

Steve Trent: A transparent system should be created on an international scale with open data flow between nationas and with the list of vessel licenses and criminal records made public in order to combat illegal fishing, protect the human rights of workers on illegal fishing vessels and protect the endangered marine ecosystem.


(4)Leila Mead: 一个气候科学团队的研究显示,北极的变暖速度可能是世界上其他地区的四倍,最近的一项研究预测夏季海冰可能最早在2035年完全消失。随着海冰的消失,以北极为家的人类、北极野生动物都面临着生活环境、生活方式的剧变。同时,伴随着大型商业船只的增加和更容易开采的油气资源,北极的环境会遭到进一步破坏。

Leila Mead: A research from a team of climate scientists has shown that the Arctic could be warming up to four times as fast as other regions in the world, with a recent study predicting that summer sea ice could disappear completely as early as 2035. As sea ice retreats, Arctic wildlife and people that call the Arctic home face dramatic changes in their living conditions and lifestyles. At the same time, the Arctic environment will be further damaged by the increase in large commercial ships and easier access to oil and gas resources.


解读 Interpretations

第一个全球海洋光污染地图集显示,大片的海洋在夜间被人造灯光点亮 | Joshua Stevens, T.J. Smyth et al/Elementa

(1)Carolyn Gramling: 海洋也在遭受着光污染,海岸和近海开发的光线会影响海平面以下的海洋生物

Carolyn Gramling: Even the sea has light pollution. Lights from coastal and offshore development may impact marine organisms far below the surface.


The first global atlas of ocean light pollution shows that large areas of the ocean suffer from light pollution. Human nighttime light has the greatest impact in the top meter of the water, and 20 meters down, the total area affected shrinks by half but is still half the size of Mexico. The afterglow from human activity is enough to penetrate the ocean and potentially affect the normal biological activities of phytoplankton and copepods.


(2)David Adam: 近岸的生态系统如何捕捉碳排放?

David Adam: How coastal ecosystem can help capture carbon emissions?


An international team of scientists has estimated that three key marine habitats - seagrass meadows, mangroves, and marshes - may store more than 3 billion tons of blue carbon. What sets blue carbon ecosystems apart from forests and land is that they are not easily saturated, and carbon is continuously drawn down into the sediment over thousands of years.


(3)Isabelle Gerretsen:“绿色航运走廊”能解决航运业巨大的碳足迹吗?

Isabelle Gerretsen: Can "Green Corridors" tackle shipping's giant carbon footprint?


Since last year's COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, growing support has been gained for zero-carbon shipping routes. However, currently, clean-fuel and zero-emission vessels are not cost-competitive. In the meanwhile, zero-emission vessels require significant amounts of new infrastructure in ports to produce and store fuel. Whether global shipping emissions will reach net zero by mid-century remains unknown.



Advancing Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture


A key global priority over the next decade is to support the viability and sustainability of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture (SSFA) to ensure that the unique needs of sustainable, equitable, profitable, and resilient SSFA are realized by governments, industry, and funding agencies.


(5)Greg Bruno: 气候变化将以意想不到的方式对海洋生态系统进行重新洗牌

Greg Bruno: Climate change will reshuffle marine ecosystems in unexpected ways


According to a new study from Rutgers University, warming of the oceans due to climate change could lead to fewer productive fish species to catch in the future. As the oceans continue to warm, millions of species will shift to the poles. For top predators, however, dynamic trophic interactions resulting from the new predator-prey relationships hamper their ability to respond quickly to warming temperatures, resulting in slower changes in their living areas than climate change.


学术 Academics


[Marine Conservation] Simulated Twentieth-Century Ocean Warming in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica




[Area-based management] Using habitat models for chinstrap penguins, Pygoscelis antarctica, to inform marine spatial management around the South Sandwich Islands during the penguin breeding season

为了调查磷虾捕食者(例如企鹅)和渔业之间可能存在的潜在冲突,研究人员通过在企鹅身上部署ARGOS PTT来记录企鹅育雏期的觅食行程,以此来开发栖息地模型。研究显示,南乔治亚岛和南桑维奇群岛海洋保护区的规定使企鹅在夏季可以得到有力的保护。在冬天,季节性的海冰提供的物理屏障避免了渔业对磷虾捕食者的影响。然而,在边缘海冰区的北部,磷虾捕食者和渔业之间可能存在竞争。目前来看,还需要更多的跟进调查数据来形成详尽的管理方案。



[Area-based management] From sealing to the MPA - A history of exploitation, conservation and management of marine living resources at the South Sandwich Islands




 [Area-based management] An evaluation of management effectiveness of China’s marine protected areas and implications of the 2018 Reform



(5)【划区管理】 海域使用权立体分层确权及管理配套制度探讨

[Area-based management] Exploring the three-dimensional stratification of the right of the use of sea areas and the supporting system of management



(6)【划区管理】 具有生态或生物意义的海域的实用海洋空间管理:来自发展中国家基于证据的规划和实施的新课题

[Area-based management] Practical Marine Spatial Management of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas: Emerging Lessons From Evidence-Based Planning and Implementation in a Developing-World Context



其他资料 Other resources


Fishery Improvement Project Progress Tracking Database & Tools


(2)UNESCO | 《多重海洋压力源:面向政策制定者的科学总结》

 UNESCO | Multiple Ocean Stressors: A Scientific Summary for Policy Makers



Serious games for coastal and marine conservation, management, and adaptation

寓教于乐/Serious Games




活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022年5月5日 网络研讨会 金融工程研讨会:海事项目之间的协同和集群效应

2022.5.5 Webinar Workshop on Financial Engineering: Synergies and clustering between maritime projects


(2)2022年5月16日 会议 我们的海洋:深度剖析海洋与地缘政治理论

2022.5.16 Conference Our oceans: A deep dive on geopolitics


(3)2022年6月29日 会议 蓝色新政:我们为什么需要新的海洋政治

2022.6.29 Conference A blue new deal: Why we need a new politics for the ocean


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022年4月13-14日 会议 我们的海洋大会:承诺提供有雄心的、可衡量的和有影响的行动

2022.4.13.-14. Conference Our Ocean Conference: commitments to deliver bold, measurable and impactful actions


(2)2022年3月17日 网络研讨会 生活在岩石和艰苦环境之间:深海中的微生物生命和深海采矿的潜在影响

2022.3.17 Webinar Living Between a Rock and Hard Place: Microbial Life in the Deep sea and Potential Impacts of Deep-sea Mining


(3)2022年4月14日 网络研讨会 南大洋行动计划发布

2022.4.14 Webinar Launch Of The Southern Ocean Action Plan


>>其他 Others



题图: 海底草甸是沿海生态系统之一,其拥有捕获碳的能力和缓解气候变化的潜力 | Seaphotoart/Alamy 摄