导语 Introduction
This week's Blue Pulse once again turns its attention to the Southern Ocean. Discussions on Antarctic marine protected areas (MPA) have been underway for more than a decade and have extended from the scientific to the policy realm. The adoption of the Ross Sea Region marine protected area in 2016 was a milestone for global marine conservation. But since then, negotiations have progressed slowly. The online format of the working meetings has limited the depth of discussions. The academic section of this issue brings together the papers published in recent months on the natural and social sciences of the Antarctic Ocean. Not only are there new findings on the Southern Ocean ecosystem, but also a review of the Ross Sea MPA. Of particular interest is a study of Norway's role in negotiating Antarctic marine protected areas. Politically, Norway is located in Europe but part of the EU; economically, it is a highly ocean-dependent country and the largest fisher of Antarctic krill; in Antarctica, Norway has a long history of activity and is one of the territorial claimants. This paper can help the reader to get a unique perspective on the negotiation of the Antarctic Marine Protected Area. The rationale of the Norwegian participation from strategy to negotiation could also be useful for China's engagement.
时讯 News
Costa Rica Expands Cocos Island National Park by 27 times in size, and increasing the fully protected area in their Pacific waters by almost 53,000 square kilometers.
Negotiations between the UK and the EU on post-Brexit fishing licenses have concluded with the licenses of permits for EU replacement vessels to fish in U.K. territorial waters, while a number of agreements have been reached to resolve the issue of licenses for EU vessels to fish in U.K. territorial waters after Brexit.
A fleet of three vessels attempting to evade scrutiny of their illegal activities by international organizations has been blacklisted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which has been operating in the Atlantic Ocean for many years. Satellite monitoring data for the three vessels shows that they are conducting longline operations, however there is no record of their registration with ICCAT.
4)在牙买加国家保护信托基金(NDTFJ)的资助下,红树林发展、教育、意识和生计(Mangrove DEALs)项目顺利开展。这一项目将为确定的几个关键利益相关方,包括教育工作者、社区成员和政府官员提供红树林相关的教育和意识提升项目。
The Mangrove Development, Education, Awareness and Livelihoods (Mangrove DEALs) programme is well underway with funding from the National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NDTFJ). Several key stakeholders will be identified, including educators, community members and government officials, and mangrove-related education and awareness raising programmes will be provided.
观点 Perspectives
1)Matt Reynolds: 海洋中的生命遵循一个简单的数学规则。一种生物的丰度与它的身体大小密切相关。换句话说,生物体越小,你在海洋中发现的生物就越多。例如,磷虾比金枪鱼小10亿倍,但它们的数量也多10亿倍。而最近的评估发现,因为人类的活动,这一规律已经被打破了。
Matt Reynolds: Life in the ocean, they discovered, followed a simple mathematical rule: The abundance of an organism is closely linked to its body size. To put it another way, the smaller the organism, the more of them you find in the ocean. Krill are a billion times smaller than tuna, for example, but they are also a billion times more abundant.
2)Rahel Künzler: 虽然人类对陆地上的极端天气事件比较了解,但对发生在海洋中的极端天气的研究却很少。苏黎世联邦理工学院领导的一项研究利用模型首次表明,海洋热浪,和高酸度或低氧的极端天气也可以同时发生--这对海洋生物会产生难以预见的后果。
Rahel Künzler: While much is known about extreme weather events on land, there has been little research into those that occur in the ocean. A study led by ETH Zurich uses models to show for the first time that marine heatwave, and extremes with high acidity or low oxygen can also occur conjointly -- with difficult to foresee consequences for marine life.
3)Greg Noone:如果设计得当,海洋保护区(MPA)可以让物种有充分的时间恢复,甚至可以增加邻近水域的渔民的可捕捞量。然而,这些禁捕区很容易遭到非法捕捞。
Greg Noone:When well designed, MPAs allow time for species to recover and can even increase the amount of fish available to fishermen in neighboring waters. These no-take zones, however, are vulnerable to poaching.
Economist: Bridging the gap between ocean science and the SDGs
The need for diverse, inclusive and innovative ocean science is a driving force behind UNESCO’s efforts to lead action on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, launched in 2021
解读 Interpretations
1)Bigelow海洋科学实验室: 科学家们发现格陵兰水域由浮游植物产生的碳的季节性供应正在向极地转移,并且比前几十年更早出现。这一发现将加强对这一迅速变暖和变化的环境中的碳循环和营养物质供应的理解。
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences: Scientists have discovered the availability of carbon in Greenland's waters is shifting poleward and appearing earlier than in previous decades. This finding will enhance understanding of carbon cycling and nutrient availability in this rapidly warming and changing environment.
Li Jiaheng: The right remedy for climate change in fisheries
气候变化导致的渔业资源影响主要有3种:分布变化(Distributional change)、产量变化(Productivity change)、物种构成变化(Species composition change);而良好应对气候变化的渔业适应性措施通常会回应到其中的一种或多种。如何衡量一项措施是否为良好做法(Good practice),报告提出可通过“3+2”来看——3项强制性标准(Mandatory criteria)和2项额外标准(Additional beneficial criteria)。
There are three main types of impacts on fishery resources due to climate change: Distribution, Productivity, and Species composition. Adaptation measures that respond well to climate change will usually respond to one or more of these. Good fisheries adaptation measures respond to one or more of these. The report suggests that how to measure whether a measure is a good practice can be seen through '3+2' - three mandatory criteria and two additional beneficial criteria. Additional beneficial criteria. In addition, two case studies have been conducted.
3)中外对话: 海上发电、海下养鱼:风电与水产养殖能否在海中融合发展?
Chinadialogue: Chinese companies explore joint wind and fish farms
The year 2020 marks the third year of China's reign as the world's largest offshore wind market. At this moment of booming offshore wind power, some people are taking notice of the waters at the foot of the turbines. With wind turbines generating electricity at sea, can the bottom piles of the turbines be used to develop marine pastures suitable for marine life to flourish and help fishery resources grow? "If offshore wind power and marine pasture can successfully achieve "cross-border" cooperation, the idea of using the sea in three dimensions will come into reality. Such integrated development projects can make intensive use of limited marine space, coordinate the development of marine fishery resources, and potentially help both to develop sustainably.
The Pew Charitable Trusts: Behind the Quest to Protect the Unique Life Around Deep-Sea Vents
Hydrothermal vents support extraordinary life. They are oases in the deep sea with species that give us unique insights into how life started on Earth, how animals have evolved, and how creatures’ adaptations to extreme environments have applications in new technology.
Commercial-scale mining at or near an active hydrothermal vent field could be devastating to the local ecosystem
5)Public News Service: 来自漏油事件的和解赔偿金帮助恢复佛罗里达的牡蛎礁
Public News Service: Settlement Funds from Oil Spill to Help Restore FL Oyster Reefs
风暴破坏、污染和一些与气候变化有关的因素正在导致牡蛎数量的减少。但是,2010年 "深水地平线 "石油泄漏事件的和解赔偿金现在可以用来恢复墨西哥湾的牡蛎礁。牡蛎不仅仅是生物,它们也是栖息地。因此,牡蛎礁恢复和整个生态系统恢复是同时的。
Storm damage, pollution and other factors - some related to climate change - are reducing the oyster population. But settlement funds from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill are now available to restore oyster reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Oysters are not just living creatures, they're also habitat. So bringing them back also brings back an entire ecosystem.
6)Sevenseas Media:小规模的金枪鱼部门在推动大西洋的“污染者付费“原则
Sevenseas Media:Small-Scale Tuna Sector Push for ‘Polluter Pays’ Principle in Atlantic
Concerns have been building since bigeye tuna was formally declared overfished by scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in 2015. This year, seven years after the first scientific assessment, scientists still have to conclude that the population (or so-called “stock”) is overfished.
Even though the new bigeye tuna assessment results suggest a more positive status than under the previous assessment in 2018, ICCAT scientists warn that results should be interpreted with caution, thereby highlighting the need for following a precautionary approach which will ensure a high probability of recovery of the bigeye tuna stock.
学术 Academics
【Ocean Ecosystem】Richness, growth, and persistence of life under an Antarctic ice shelf
2)【海洋生态】沿南极半岛西部的幼年和亚成年雄性南极海狗(Arctocephalus gazella)的冬季分布情况
【Ocean Ecosystem】Winter distribution of juvenile and sub-adult male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) along the western Antarctic Peninsula
栖息在南大洋大西洋扇区的南极海狗(Arctocephalus gazella)主要捕食南极磷虾(Euphausia superba),了解南极海狗的年龄结构与分布,在管理磷虾渔业方面发挥着核心作用。本文通过研究幼年和亚成年海狗的分布,建立一个包括这两个年龄段的物种分布模型,从而可以对磷虾渔业生态管理方面有所帮助。
3)【海洋生态】深海海绵Plenaster craigi 的线粒体基因组和多态性微卫星标记,2017:了解深海采矿影响的工具
【Ocean Ecosystem】Mitochondrial genome and polymorphic microsatellite markers from the abyssal sponge Plenaster craigi Lim & Wiklund, 2017: tools for understanding the impact of deep-sea mining
深海海绵(Plenaster craigi )是东北太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区(CCZ)的特有物种,Plenaster craigi在这一区域矿物多金属结核上附着生活,是生态系统的一个重要组成部分。为了评估采矿作业的影响,了解该物种的遗传学是至关重要的,本研究对来自CCZ三个不同区域的75个个体进行了测试。因为它在整个地区的遗传多样性和连通性可能代表了其他在多金属结核附着生活的无脊椎动物群。
【Ocean Governance】Norwegian interests and participation towards the creation of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean
【Area-Based Management】Protecting marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction: A penguins’ perspective
【Area-Based Management】Tying policy to system: Does the Ross Sea region marine reserve protect transport pathways connecting the life history of Antarctic toothfish?
罗斯海地区海洋保护区(MPA)的一个核心目标是保护对南极犬牙鱼(Dissostichus mawsoni)的生命周期内所有重要的区域,南极犬牙鱼是一种顶级鱼类捕食者,也是该地区最重要的商业捕捞的目标物种之一。幼年南极犬牙鱼主要分布在内大陆架的深盆地,而成年南极犬牙鱼鱼则主要分布在大陆坡和太平洋-南极海脊的产卵区。尽管海洋保护区保护了南极犬牙鱼的生命周期内活动区域的部分迁徙通道,但还有一些通道仍然容易受到商业捕捞的影响。
其他资料 Other resources
1)【渔业管理】 Ash Adams: COVID-19 threatened Alaska’s fishermen. Here's how they persevered.
【Fishery Management】Ash Adams: 新冠疫情威胁下依然坚韧的阿拉斯加的渔民。
2)【海洋与社会】 志愿者发起牡蛎栖息地来帮助恢复珊瑚礁
【Ocean & Society】Volunteers raise oyster gardens to help restore reefs
3)【海洋生态】我们还剩下多少种鱼?Sea Around Us组织现提供多于2500种鱼类存量评估
【Ocean Ecosystem】How much fish is left? Sea Around Us now provides assessments for over 2500 stocks
4)【海洋生态】 关于海龟的七个事实
【Ocean Ecosystem】7 Sea Turtle Facts for the Ocean Lover
5)【气候与海洋】 这些照片展示了海平面上升危机如何与我们紧密相连
【Climate & Ocean]these photographs show how rising sea connects us all
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Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 2:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern, NOAA Training: Economic Guidance for Coastal Management Professionals
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题图:海洋保护区的监测船 | Wild Wonders of Europe/Widstrand/NPL/Minden Pictures 摄