Issue 33 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


The recently released Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis explains the impact of climate change on the environment. As an important part of the Earth’s ecosystem, the ocean is also a focus of attention in the field of global climate governance. Issue 33 introduces topics related to climate change that can provide experience and guidance for ocean governance and protection of marine life.

导语 Introduction




Climate change is one of the focuses of this issue. on 9 August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the physical science component of its Sixth Assessment Report. The report states that under the lowest greenhouse gas emissions scenario, global average temperatures at the end of the century are very likely to increase by 1°C-1.8°C (best estimate 1.4°C) compared to levels between 1850 and 1900. Other emissions scenarios are expected to see global mean temperatures exceed 1.5°C by mid-century and continue to rise, with a possible maximum warming of 5.7°C. This issue of Blue Pulse has included several articles related to the interconnections of ocean management and addressing climate change. How is climate change affecting marine life? How can the impact of offshore renewable energy on marine life be reduced? How can the ocean's carbon sequestration and storage function be further exploited? Do we need the mineral resources of the seabed to address climate change? The key findings of the IPCC set the best stage for these discussions.

时讯 News

一只将死的鸟蛤在水面上裂开 | Julie Barber 摄


A record-shattering heat wave June 26-28 coincided with some of the year's lowest tides on Puget Sound. The combination was lethal for millions of mussels, clams, oysters, sand dollars, barnacles, sea stars, moon snails, and other tideland creatures.


(2)2021年6月28日至30日,G7 FSOI(七国集团海洋未来倡议)在线上举行了2021年工作组会议。来自加拿大、欧盟委员会、法国、德国、意大利、日本、英国和美国的代表共同商议了G7海洋联合行动的未来发展方向,并决定重点加强持续性的海洋观测系统。

The G7 FSOI (Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative) held its 2021 Working Group meeting through a three-day series of virtual sessions hosted by the UK G7 Presidency from 28–30 June 2021.Delegations from Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US met to agree on the way forward with a set of joint G7 ocean actions aimed at strengthening the sustained ocean observing system.



Some of the biggest names in the global squid sector have joined forces to fight for the elimination of products sourced from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing from entering the market. These companies have promised to address IUU squid fishing through global squid supply chains, seeking to rid domestic and international markets of IUU-tainted squid products.



At present, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces have begun to explore the possibility of marine pasture and offshore wind power integration, and has achieved certain results, but whether offshore wind power will have an impact on fishery resources in the marine pasture needs to be assessed after long-term monitoring, is not yet available from the national level to introduce relevant policies and planning the basic conditions.


(5)近日,采矿公司DeepGreen的支持国——太平洋岛国瑙鲁通知国际海底管理局(ISA)有关开采深海矿产的计划,由此触发了国际海底管理局的"两年 "规则,给国际海底管理局快速通过深海采矿的法规形成了压力。如果这些法规没有在两年内最终达成一致,采矿作业将被允许根据已有的任何临时规则来进行。

The rush to mine the deep sea recently accelerated when the Pacific Island nation of Nauru, sponsoring country of mining company DeepGreen, triggered the so-called ‘two-year’ rule, notifying the International Seabed Authority (ISA) of plans to start mining the deep sea. The controversial move is intended to force the ISA to fast-track the adoption of regulations for deep-sea mining. If these regulations are not finalised agreed upon within two years, mining operations will be allowed to go ahead under any provisional regulations already in place.


观点 Perspectives

志愿潜水员清除海洋保护区内的蓑鲉 | Periklis Kleitou 摄

(1)Christopher Cvitanovic等:研究资助方可以发挥更大作用以支持海洋科研在政策和实践中的融入,从而促进依据科学的政策制定。然而,迄今为止,很少有研究能为研究资助方提供指导,帮助他们了解如何增加与被资助的研究人员和利益相关者的信息交流,特别是那些海洋相关的内容。

Christopher Cvitanovic et al.: Research funders can play an important role in supporting the integration of marine science into policy and practice to enable evidence-informed decision-making. However, to date, there is a paucity of guidance available to help research funders understand the specific actions they can take to support knowledge exchange among the researchers that they fund and relevant stakeholders, particularly within marine contexts. 


(2)Jason Hall-Spencer:”海洋保护区在保护海底的生物多样性方面无疑是有益的,但保护区抵抗入侵物种扩散的能力较低。研究表明,公民参与在监测和管理蓑鲉(狮子鱼)方面可以发挥关键作用,但是否允许潜水员使用水肺设备清除这些鱼还需要谨慎考虑,并进行严格监管以避免非法捕捞。如果实施得当,清除活动可以保护选定地区免受蓑鲉的不利影响,同时有助于与当地社区建立丰富而深入的联系,加强企业和社会层面的责任和监督,并激发公众的环境意识。“

Jason Hall-Spencer: "Marine Protected Areas are undoubtedly beneficial in terms of biodiversity on the seabed, but they are also vulnerable to the spread of invasive species. Our ongoing research is showing the pivotal role citizens can play in monitoring and managing lionfish, but permitting divers to remove these fish using scuba gear will need to be applied with caution and strictly regulated to avoid illegal fishing. If implemented correctly, removal events could protect selected areas from the adverse effects of lionfish, while at the same time help to establish rich and deep links with local communities, strengthening responsibility and surveillance at corporate and social levels, and stimulating public environmental awareness."



UNESCO: "The reef has suffered three mass coral bleaching events in the past five years, by some measures losing half its corals since 1995 as ocean temperatures have climbed. It has also been battered by several cyclones, as climate change drives more extreme weather, and outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish which eat the coral. It's a warning to the international community and all of humanity that the coral ecosystem is in danger."


(4)Maurice Estes Jr.等:海洋生物多样性是我们星球的一个基本特征,它取决于并同时影响着气候、水质和许多海洋参数变化。它也是生态系统服务的核心,可以决定任何地区的经济发展。我们需要强调海洋生物观测的必要性,为科学和保护管理提供信息,并支持蓝色经济。我们提出了十项建议,适用于目前的情况,以测量和预测作为经济监测工作之一的生物基本海洋变量(EOVs)。联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年计划(2021-2030年)提供了一个及时的机会来实施这些建议,以造福人类,并在2030年建立起3万亿美元的全球海洋经济。

Maurice Estes Jr. et al.: Marine biodiversity is a fundamental characteristic of our planet that depends on and influences climate, water quality, and many ocean state variables. It is also at the core of ecosystem services that can make or break economic development in any region. Our purpose is to highlight the need for marine biological observations to inform science and conservation management and to support the blue economy. We provide ten recommendations, applicable now, to measure and forecast biological Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) as part of economic monitoring efforts. The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030) provides a timely opportunity to implement these recommendations to benefit humanity and enable the USD 3 trillion global ocean economy expected by 2030.


(5)Georgina G. Gurney等:我们呼吁《生物多样性公约》缔约方和由政策制定者、科学家、从业者和捐助者组成的保护团体,在研究和使用保护区的同时,更多地研究和使用其他有效的区域保护措施(OECMs)。如果《生物多样性公约》缔约方忠实于公约的意图,即维持生物多样性而不是 "实现 "基于区域的目标,这一政策工具可以推动公平和有效的保护。但是,要实现其影响力,需要更多基础工作。

Georgina G. Gurney et al.: We call on the CBD parties and the conservation community of policymakers, scientists, practitioners and donors to study and use other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) more, alongside protected areas. This policy tool can advance equitable and effective conservation if CBD parties stay true to the convention’s intent to sustain biodiversity rather than ‘achieve’ area-based targets. But more groundwork must be laid to realize its potential.


解读 Interpretations

疫情期间爬上海岸的海龟 | Greg Basco 摄

(1)Hakai Magazine:疫情期间存在大规模的偷猎行为

Hakai Magazine: The Pandemic Poaching Pandemic


When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and Costa Rica closed its borders, the flow of tourism dollars associated with the wildlife refuge and the legal turtle egg harvest suddenly dried up. Unemployment across the country skyrocketed to more than 24 percent, and rates of poaching climbed with it. Desperate people began poaching sea turtle eggs and meat, threatening hard-won conservation achievements.



The Vineyard Gazette: Right Whales Increase Activity in Ocean Waters Slated for Offshore Wind Farms


Since a number of large commercial offshore wind energy projects are proposed off southern New England, the construction and operation of wind farms are relevant to conserving the species. Considerable uncertainty still exists regarding how the development of the region could have an impact on right whales just as they are becoming more reliant on the region. Offshore wind development could impact the whales in a variety of ways, including an increase in vessel traffic — one of the leading causes of right whale deaths — as well as increased ocean noise and habitat alterations, potentially affecting plankton populations.



Academy of Ocean of China: The Internal Structure of China's Ocean Governance System


A strong maritime power is a "mathematical matrix" with multiple elements coexisting, and it is crucial to improve ocean governance by providing and laying out the economic, political, and cultural elements in the system. To build a strong maritime power, we must start by improving the ocean governance system. It is not just a geographical concept, nor a simple economic concept, nor even a simple political concept, but a concept of ocean governance system and institutional civilization based on geography and nature, including economic, political, and cultural dimensions.



Chinese Fisheries: China's deep-sea aquaculture: development status and outlook


In order to reduce the impact of aquaculture on the near-shore sea area, expand the aquaculture space and realize the sustainable development of mariculture industry, it is imperative to develop deep-sea aquaculture industry. At present, according to the hydrological characteristics of China's coastal waters and the basic situation of mariculture, China's deep-sea aquaculture should be set up in the open sea beyond 3 nautical miles offshore, water depth in 25m-100m, without shade, safeguarded with remote control facilities and equipment, supported by land and sea supply system, and with no negative impact on the ecological environment.



China Dialogue Ocean: Will seafood corporations act as ocean stewards?

管护不是一种固定状态,而是一个不断发展的过程。随着时间的推移,与管护相关的社会和生态议题越来越多,而且不太可能一成不变。然而管护工作还任重道远——约 34%的鱼类种群正以生物学上不可持续的程度遭到捕捞。在许多情况下,可持续渔业管理仍然是一个遥远的目标。还有一些情况下,提高透明度的新技术和新方法正在重新界定海产品行业将如何理解和减少其对海洋生态系统影响。

Stewardship is not an end goal, but rather an approach. As time passes, the list of social and ecological issues associated with stewardship has expanded, and it is unlikely to remain static. Yet much remains to be done – some 34% of fish stocks are being harvested at biologically unsustainable levels. In many cases, sustainable fisheries management is still a distant goal. In other cases, new technologies and approaches to transparency are redefining the boundaries of how the seafood industry can understand and lessen its footprint on marine ecosystems.



China Dialogue Ocean: WTO inches closer to agreement on harmful fishing subsidies

世贸组织谈判代表们的任务是取消对非法、不报告和无管制(IUU)捕捞的补贴,并禁止某些助长产能过剩和过度捕捞的补贴。原定达成协议的最后期限为2020 年,但是受到新冠肺炎疫情限制和美国总统大选影响,谈判被推迟。之后,各方曾计划在今年7月达成协议,但是又再次落空。三月被任命为世贸组织总干事的奥孔乔-伊韦阿拉(Okonjo-Iweala)现在的目标是在年底前达成协议。由于各方目前在其他问题上陷入僵局,能否达成这份协议将成为检验世贸组织公信力的一项重要考验。

Negotiators at the WTO had been tasked with eliminating subsidies for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and prohibiting certain subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing. 2020 had been set as a deadline to strike an agreement, but talks were delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions and the US presidential elections. A deadline was then set for this July, which was again missed. Now, Okonjo-Iweala, appointed as head of the WTO in March, aims to reach an agreement by year-end in what will be a key test for the organisation’s credibility, with members deadlocked on other fronts.


学术 Academics


[Ocean Ecosystem] Incursion of Alaska Coastal Water as a mechanism promoting small phytoplankton in the western Arctic Ocean



(2)【气候与海洋】 气候变化对墨西哥湾尤卡坦半岛的红章鱼适宜性和分布的影响:一种关联性的和机理性的方法 

[Climate & Ocean] Climate change effect on Octopus maya (Voss and Solís-Ramírez, 1966) suitability and distribution in the Yucatan Peninsula, Gulf of Mexico: A correlative and mechanistic approach

本研究预测了红章鱼(Octopus maya)的适宜性和分布,红章鱼是墨西哥尤卡坦半岛(YP)的特有商业物种。为此,本研究分别使用基于温度、盐度和代谢范围的关联性生态位模型(CNM)和机理性生态位模型(MNM)对2040-2050年,和2090-2100年两个十年进行了预测,以应对不同的气候变化情景。总的来说,CNM在预测方面不如MNM效果好。



[Blue Economy] The blue carbon wealth of nations

红树林、盐沼地和海草床的碳捕集与封存功能是缓解气候变化的一项重要的沿海 "蓝碳 "生态系统服务。该研究对三种沿海生态系统类型的碳捕集与封存在全球和国家层面上进行了全面的经济评估,提出了一种基于各国碳社会成本的新方法,能够计算出每个国家对全球蓝碳财富的贡献度和再分配程度。在全球范围内,沿海生态系统对蓝碳财富的贡献平均为1906.7±300亿美元/年。



[Ocean Ecosystem] Using Artificial Seagrass for Promoting Positive Feedback Mechanisms in Seagrass Restoration




[Area-based Management] Environment, ecology, and potential effectiveness of an area protected from deep-sea mining



其他资料 Other Resources


[Ocean Governance] Eelgrass Study by the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) Shows Location Matters More Than Method in Restoration Efforts



[Ocean Governance] The 100-episode series "Walking Coastline" explains the development of China's ocean power in a panoramic way



[Ocean Governance] Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI) Newsletter Summer 2021



[Ocean Governance] The lobbying push that killed off a fight to save the Great Barrier Reef


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年08月18日 网络研讨会 探寻可持续认证的俄罗斯三文鱼的利用可能
2021.08.18 Webinar: Making the Case for Sustainably-Certified Russian Salmon

2021年09月17日 网络研讨会 在渔业管理和海洋生态管理中使用渐进式方法处理 "复杂问题"
2021.09.17 Using an incremental approach for “wicked problems” in fisheries management and marine EBM

2021年09月22日-25日 全球水产养殖大会将首次在中国举办——公开征集中国水产养殖成就展示内容
2021.09.22-25 Global Aquaculture Conference to be held in China for the first time - Open call for content to showcase China's aquaculture achievements

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年07月14日 Haimanti Biswas博士在网络研讨会上发表题为《浮游生物和海洋生物多样性》的演讲
2021.07.14 Dr. Haimanti Biswas's Lecture on Webinar titled Plankton and Marine Biodiversity

2021年07月21日 未来在这里——气候科学和报道IPCC第六次评估报告
2021.07.21 The Future Is Here — Climate Science and Covering the IPCC 6th Assessment Report

2021年07月22日 WG2020联合主席关于《2020年后全球生物多样性》第一稿的简报
2021.07.22 Briefings by the WG2020 Co-Chairs on the First Draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity

>>其他 Others



题图:一只将死的鸟蛤在水面上裂开 | Julie Barber 摄