Issue 25 | Blue Pulse: Marine Conservation Bulletin


The Perspectives section of this issue is devoted to the difference in benefits between strictly protected and permissive protected areas; while the issue looks at the blue economy and the associated management and technology.

导语 Introduction



Highlight 1

The percentage area target for protection under CBD tends to receive more attention. However, the quality of marine protection is as important as the quantity. The Perspectives section of this issue discusses the difference in benefits between strictly protected and multiple-use protected MPAs. The academic section continues to focus on the latest researches related to marine conservation in the Antarctic.



Highlight 2

The blue economy and related management and technologies are also of interest in this issue. For example, the new idea of reforming fishing management from controlling the weight of the catch to controlling the number of individuals caught and the weight of the individuals is certainly an interesting idea, although the technical feasibility is not yet clear. Also recommended is the major report that has received insufficient attention since its release in February, the Dasgupta Review: The Economics of Biodiversity. This report provides useful information for policy discussions related to CBD and the Ecological Civilization.

时讯 News

捕捞作业现场 | Seafood Legacy 摄


Japan launched its first blue shark and swordfish fishery improvement project (FIP) on 18 March, aiming for a more sustainable fishery on them.


2) 全球金枪鱼联合会公布《2025金枪鱼可持续捕捞承诺》,促进金枪鱼捕捞业的可持续发展。

The Global Tuna Alliance and others have announced their new sustainable tuna fisheries commitment, 2025 Pledge towards Sustainable Tuna (25PST), the latest effort to promote responsible global tuna fisheries management and harvesting.


3) “摩纳哥蓝色倡议” 的第十二次会议于3月22日至3月28日举行。会议重点讨论如何通过国际谈判来实现更高效的海洋治理;将海洋保护和可持续发展目标纳入企业应该承担的社会责任;以及在全球经济复苏下的蓝色金融与蓝色经济。

The 12th meeting of the Monaco Blue Initiative was held from 22-28 March 2021. It discussed topics including the role of international negotiation for better ocean governance, corporate social responsibility strategies, and blue finance.


4) 海洋科学家希望更新因气候变化而过时的太平洋鲑鱼种群与渔获模型,以提高预测的准确性。

Because of large differences in prediction and the actual number of catches as well as climate change, marine scientists have argued for a collective effort to update the models for the Pacific Salmon stocks and expected landings.


5) 墨西哥渔业专题会的讨论者认为,实现可持续捕捞将大大提升该国的环境和经济表现。

Getting Mexico's national seafood production certified as sustainable is the next significant step the country needs to take towards better environmental and commercial performance, according to participants in a panel focused on Mexico's seafood market during Seafood Expo North America Reconnect.


观点 Perspectives

 COVID-19为海洋带来机遇 | Laffoley 摄

1) Dan Laffoley & Dr. Sylvia Earle: “增加充分保护的海域迫在眉睫,需要将30%以上的海洋从有害活动中拯救出来,目前只有2.6%的海洋受到充分的保护。”

Dan Laffoley & Dr. Sylvia Earle: "There is a dire need to scale up to real protection, from the 2.6% of the ocean that is currently being afforded proper and full protection from harmful activities to at least 30%.


2)Remi Parmentier & Kelly Rigg: “制定海洋保护政策的四个新角度:a)海洋可开发区域 b):限制捕捞个体量而不是总捕捞重量 c):取消渔业的破坏性补贴和减少渔船队的数量 d):切断塑料废物进入生物圈的渠道。

Remi Parmentier & Kelly Rigg:" Four new approaches to policy to protect the ocean: a): Marine Exploitable Areas b): Numerical management c): Subsidies Elimination and Fishing fleets Disarmament Agreements d): Isolation of plastic litter from the Biosphere.


3) Ashley Braun:" 与被充分保护的海洋保护区相比,只受到部分保护的海洋保护区在生态上的价值和对激发公众对海洋的兴趣都是极为有限的。 “

Ashley Braun:" Compared to fully safeguarded marine protected areas, partially protected areas have little benefit for marine life or people's enjoyment."


4) Stewart Patrick: “美国不能对海洋的健康坐视不管。我们必须成为联合国公海生物多样性条约的领导者。”

Stewart Patrick:" U.S. cannot afford to ignore the health of oceans. It must spearhead the successful conclusion of negotiations on a U.N. high seas biodiversity convention."


5) Cayetana Aljovin & Erica Cunningham:“与不同的利益团体以及国家之间的合作是极为重要的,这也是一种在气候变化下管理渔业的新方式。”

Cayetana Aljovin & Erica Cunningham:" It is especially important as climate change impacts require a united front to combat them and a new way to manage fisheries."


6)  Mel Cosentino & Lucrecia Priego: “解决海洋问题的办法在于创造性地将自然和社会科学相结合,以及听取相关利益团体的意见。”

Mel Cosentino & Lucrecia Priego:" This (solutions to ocean problems) can be achieved through innovative blends of natural and social sciences, with input from stakeholders."


解读 Interpretations

印尼十分依仗海洋资源 | The World Bank 摄

1) Island Innovation: 蓝色经济的意义


The Blue Economy endorses the same principles of low carbon, resource efficiency, and social inclusion, but it is grounded in a developing context and fashioned to reflect the circumstances and needs of countries whose future resource base is marine.

The Blue Economy is an important concept as it helps the developing countries, especially those relying on marine resources, in working towards Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 14: 'Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.



海洋相关产业对印尼的经济发展十分重要。世界银行一份新的报告提出了四个方法以帮助印尼经济快速转型成绿色环保经济:1) 提高对海洋和沿海资源的管理,包括渔业,红树林,和珊瑚。2)增加对环境类的基础设施建设,比如排污管,污水处理设施。3) 更加有效的数据分析和监测 4)将政府短期的COVID-19经济复苏计划与长期的海洋保护计划相结合。

As a country heavily reliant on its ocean, Indonesia is in great need to transit its economy to be more sustainable.  A new World Bank report, Oceans for Prosperity: Reforms for a Blue Economy in Indonesia, proposed four key methods to ensure a successful transition to a blue economy in Indonesia: 1. Improved management of marine and coastal assets (fisheries, mangroves, reefs) 2. Mobilize incentives and investments 3. Better systems for data collection and monitoring 4. Build back "bluer" from the Covid-19 pandemic


3) MIT Technology Review Insights: 那些可以拯救海洋的科学技术


As more than 80% of the ocean floor remains unmapped, GIS can be important in mapping the ocean floor. Comprehensive ocean maps will play a critical role in solving problems such as overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, and biodiversity loss. A detailed riched ocean map also raises people's awareness of many problems that the ocean is facing.


4)  Desiree Ho 合成生物学是保护海洋生物的手段之一吗?


 New synthetic biology innovations could help protect key marine populations, as a result of increasing demand for marine species. For example, man-made squalene is considered as a substitute for squalane in an actual shark, saving sharks from being slaughter. Another example is that replacing small fish like Sardines with similar nutrients avoids the disruption of entire ocean food chains.


5) 皮尤慈善信托基金会:保护海草的七个原因

保护海草的七个原因:1. 海草种类繁多,极具生态价值 2. 海草是生态系统的工程师 3. 海草为20%的鱼类提供了栖息地 4. 海草能让水质更加清澈并且减少侵蚀 5. 海草能够捕捉和储存空气中的二氧化碳 6. 海草可以减缓海岸侵蚀 7. 海草能够减轻气候变化带来的影响。

Seven reasons why we should protect seagrass: 1. Seagrasses are diverse 2. Seagrasses are "ecosystem engineers." 3. Twenty percent of the world's largest fisheries depend on seagrass 4. Seagrasses naturally improve water clarity 5. Seagrass captures and stores carbon 6. Seagrasses help protect shorelines 7. Seagrass is a nature-based solution to climate change.


学术 Academics


[Climate change · Ecosystem] Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic



2)【 海洋生物】南极底栖生物的食物网呈现出纬度变化

[Marine biology] Latitudinal changes in the trophic structure of benthic coastal food webs along the Antarctic Peninsula



3)【气候与海洋】 比较全球气候模型和区域气候模型:预测未来二十年南极的温度和降水

[Antarctic climate] Temperature and precipitation projections for the Antarctic Peninsula over the next two decades: contrasting global and regional climate model simulations

研究展示了在高排放量的情况下,两种不同的气候模型(GCMs和RCMs),对于未来二十年南极半岛的温度和降水的不同预测结果。在总体变化上两种预测结果大致相当,但在具体地方上降水和温度的预测都有差异,尤其是针对拉森冰架(Larsen Ice Shelf)。



[Antarctic Climate] Antarctic Peninsula warm winters influenced by Tasman Sea temperatures




[Marine biology] Effects of Ocean Acidification on Calcification of the Sub-Antarctic Pteropod Limacina retroversa




[Ocean Governance] Marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas for Penguins in Antarctica, Targets for Conservation Action




[Climate Change · Aquaculture] Climate Change Impacts on Atlantic Oceanic Island Tuna Fisheries



其他资料 Other resources

[Ocean in general] Ocean Health Index

[Ecosystem Typology]
专题网页/Feature page

专题特刊/Special issue

4)【海洋宏观】"回归蓝色 “是一项倡议,旨在寻找海洋问题的解决办法,以及让海洋变得更健康和更加可持续。
[Ocean in general] Back to Blue is an initiative that aims  to improve evidence-based approaches and solutions to the pressing issues faced by the ocean, and to restoring ocean health and promoting sustainability.

[Biodiversity] Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review

活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年04月12日 网络研讨会 荷兰在生物多样性,可持续发展目标方向上的投资
2021.04.12 Webinar Plenary 1: Taking Dutch responsible investing to the next level: biodiversity, the SDGs and clear impact outcomes  【25期】

2021年04月20日 网络研讨会 阿拉斯加是如何达到渔业的可持续性捕捞
2021.04.20 Webinar Social Responsibility, Alaska’s Proactive, Global-Reaching Approach

2021年04月20日 论坛 欧盟国际海洋治理论坛
2021.04.20 Forum The EU International Ocean Governance Forum

2021年04月21日 网络研讨会 投资者能为保护生态多样性做些什么?
2020.04.21 Webinar How can investors take action on biodiversity? 【25期】

2021年04月30日 网络研讨会 为什么我们需要在2030年前保护30%的海洋:海洋保护区背后的科学
2021.04.30 Webinar The “Why” Behind 30x30: The State of the Science on Marine Protected Area Benefits 【25期】

2021年05月07日 网络研讨会 美国如何达到2030年前保护30%海洋的目标
2021.05.07 Webinar Planning for 30x30 in the US: Assessing Protection in US Waters 【25期】

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年03月11日 网络研讨会 金融:利用对自然资源的投资来提高沿海地区的韧性
2021.03.11 Webinar Finance: Driving investment into natural capital to increase coastal resilience

2021年03月22日- 25日 讨论会 通过更完善的渔业管理来达到气候&生物多样性的目标
2021.03.22-25 Symposium Delivering on Climate & Biodiversity Targets Through Better Fisheries Management

2021年03月23日 网络研讨会 气候变化下海洋保护区如何改变来更好的保护自然资源
2021.03.23 Webinar Shifting MPAs for conservation and fisheries under a changing climate

>>其他 Others


题图:渔业捕捞,Seafood Legacy | 制。