Before the 2nd Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) meeting, Greenovation Hub together with Qingdao Marine Conservation Society send feedback on the Zero Draft of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to the CBD Secretariat, call for a more ambitious ocean conservation target.
Between July 12-13th, Luxembourg played host to the AIIB 4th Annual Meeting. The theme of the 2019 Annual Meeting was “Cooperation and Connectivity”, in recognition of the economic and social benefits to be realized through better connectivity within and between countries and regions, including Europe and Asia.
June 25-26, 2018, the Third Annual Meeting of Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was held in Mumbai, India. Board of Governors has approved a new membership application from the Republic of Lebanon, bringing AIIB’s total approved membership to 87. Representatives from governments, financial institutions, businesses, CSOs and media convened to exchange ideas regarding “Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure: Innovation and Collaboration.” G:HUB attended the Annual Meeting and exchanged with AIIB management team on environmental, social and climate risk management of AIIB investment.
Greenovation Hub (GHUB) is a Chinese environmental NGO. We have been tracking and researching governance of new development finance since 2013, to form a responsible financing system responding to the “Paris Agreement” and “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). Since 2015, we have witnessed the establishment and policy development of AIIB. We tracked and commented on the bank’s “Environmental and Social Framework” and engaged in the second round of public consultation for “Energy Strategy”. It is good to see that some our suggestions were adopted into the final version of “Energy Strategy”, and we are glad to be invited to consultations for following environmental and social policies making.
From 25 to 26 October 2017, representatives from 19 civil organizations in different countries and a number of senior officials of the BRICS New Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the NDB”) held a two-days engagement meeting. The 24 representatives came from civil organizations in China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Argentina and they closely follow issues on environment, climate change, energy, rights and interests of women and indigenous people , and sustainable development .
In this observation, G:HUB delves into some of the changes and differences between the AIIB’s second and final energy strategy, in addition to observations on the grievance mechanism and information disclosure policy.