Author Archives: ghub

回望50年 | 人类可持续发展的基石,中国参与全球环境治理的起点












1972年正值冷战时期,两大阵营在一系列政治问题上争锋相对,而瑞典作为中立国和冷战时地缘政治的边缘国家,成为连接分裂的东西方的桥梁。本身由于地理位置导致的环境的脆弱性,瑞典对环境问题的关注和敏感度便早于世界[1] ,因此及其他支持国家选择环境问题作为会议主题,让环境污染这一全球性的跨界问题成为全球合作的契机,从而连接因冷战而分裂的世界。


即使当时发展中国家并不完全认可开展这次人类环境大会的必要性,但是为了防止环境议程完全由发达国家主导,同时在《福内报告》[3] 发布之后,发展中国家意识到环境与发展息息相关,并且发展中国家面临的环境问题比发达国家更甚——将会威胁到生活本身,而非仅仅影响生活质量,最终包括许多亚非拉发展中国家的113个国家代表团参与了这次会议。




除此之外,联合国环境规划署(UN Environment Programme, UNEP)也在人类环境大会之后应运而生。与多数国际组织的下属机构不同,UNEP的理事会多数为发展中国家,西欧及其他国家和亚非拉、东欧国家的席位比为13:45,大比例席位将会帮助发展中国家在机构议程中获得更多的优势地位。同时,UNEP总部设置在肯尼亚首都内罗毕,是联合国系统内仅有的两个将总部设在发展中国家的机构之一,这也体现了UNEP工作中对发展中国家的重视程度。UNEP成立之初,中国就在内罗毕设立了常驻代表处[6] ,以保证中国在国际环境治理问题方面的高效沟通。2003年,UNEP驻华代表处在北京成立,也是UNEP在全球设立的第一个国别办公室。

斯德哥尔摩大会宣传画报 | Kabeer Kalwani

1972年的人类环境会议是联合国历史上首次召开的关于环境问题的专门会议,在“只有一个地球”的呼声中,环境问题开始登上国际舞台中央。自此以后,环境问题仍然不仅作为一个全球共同面对的议题,还是沟通国际关系紧张的各国的桥梁和缓和关系的抓手,例如1979年在联合国欧洲经济委员会主持下通过的《远程越界空气污染公约(Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution)》,解决酸雨以及东西欧之间其他污染问题的同时也为当时美苏两国拓展政治合作提供了机会。


此外,1972年人类环境大会也是非政府组织参与全球环境治理的开端,自此以后,非政府组织成为各环境大会上推进日程的积极力量。全球环境治理中的主权国家和企业等行为体往往陷入集体行动困境而不能积极推动其进程,而环境类非政府组织由于其身份的灵活性以及信息和传播渠道的多样性,便可以充当全球环境治理及其规章、行动框架制定在宏观和微观层面共同的推动者。例如《联合国气候变化框架公约》COP21上协商和制定《巴黎协定》的过程中,非政府组织就起到了十分重要的作用,它们通过科学知识和研究发现将全球环境治理问题去政治化,通过与政府交换信息和观点获得其对气候变化应对的支持,为各国对国家自主贡献达成一致做出了重要贡献。非政府组织在全球环境治理中连接政府、企业和公众的桥梁作用一直延续至今。2021年9月27日-28日,联合国《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五次会议(CBD COP15)非政府组织平行论坛在云南昆明召开,响应了全球生物多样性保护的核心关切。


对于中国来说,1972年人类环境大会也是中国将环境问题提上日程的起点,1973年8月,第一次全国环境保护会议召开,首次承认当时中国确实存在严重的环境污染问题,标志着环境保护在中国开始列入各级政府的职能范围, “全面规划,合理布局,综合利用,化害为利,依靠群众,大家动手,保护环境,造福人民”的32字环境保护工作方针,同时会后国内各级政府都成立了环境保护机构,逐渐开启对环境污染的初步治理。[8] 在1992年,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会(CCICED)成立,作为中国政府批准的非营利、国际性高层政策咨询机构,推进中国的可持续发展进程,同时为国内外在环境和发展的领域提供了交流和借鉴的平台和桥梁。

1972年6月,代表们聚集在斯德哥尔摩,参加联合国人类环境会议的开幕式 | Yutaka Nagata/ United Nations

72年人类环境大会也为中国开环境问题的国际合作之先河,其中包括与UNEP的紧密合作。起初UNEP与中国的合作主要包括支持、协助中国学习国际先进环保理念和实践,提高环保意识,推动环境教育和能力建设、协助推动环保政策和法规的制定。[9] 在之后的50年里,中国在人类环境保护历程中逐渐从一个被动接受者转变为主动参与区域和全球环境合作和治理机制的重要引领者。《保护臭氧层公约》、《生物多样性公约》、《气候变化框架公约》等全球主要环境公约中都有中国参加和积极履行义务的身影,同时中国还通过“南南合作援助基金”为UNEP在非洲国家的环境工作给予了支持,并且与53个非洲国家在中非合作框架下成立中非环境合作中心,以促进非洲环境保护能力发展、技术支持、环境政策对话和资金筹集的平台,将“一带一路”倡议与非盟《2063议程》对接,促进非洲国家绿色发展,推动全球落实联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》。[10] 



中国在国内积极推进可持续发展目标(SDG)进程,于2016年出台了落实2030议程的国别方案[11] ,将SDGs与本国规划和政策进行了校准和结合,“建立了落实可持续发展议程部际协调机制,43家政府部门将各司其职,保障各项工作顺利推进”。2017年,中国成立了中国国际发展知识中心,旨在统筹、协调、合作和交流国内外发展研究资源。2018年,太原市、桂林市、深圳市获准成为首批国家可持续发展议程创新示范区,并循序渐进将可持续发展工作向全国推广。[12] 同时在SDG监测与评估技术方面积极创新,由中国科学院组织,可持续发展大数据国际研究中心和中国科学院先导科技专项“地球大数据科学工程”共同撰写的年度《地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告》目前已经是第三年,针对零饥饿、清洁饮水与卫生设施、可持续城市和社区、气候行动、水下生物和陆地生物共六个可持续发展目标中的18个具体目标,首次开展了基于地球大数据的中国尺度6个 SDGs进展评估。[13] 






[1]  中外对话, 1972:回溯新中国环境保护旅程的起点

[2]  中外对话, 1972年联合国人类环境会议:全球环境政治之滥觞

[3]  The Founex Report

[4]  中国环境报, 2015. 重读《人类环境宣言》:建构中国环境话语体系的可贵努力

[5]  当代世界, 2010. 论斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议对中国环境治理的影响

[6]  人民日报, 2021. 引领全球生态文明建设(观点)

[7]  联合国, 会议 | 环境与可持续发展

[8]  生态环境部, 2018. 第一次全国环境保护会议

[9]  联合国, 2019. 【联合国在华四十周年系列专题报道】共筑中国绿水青山——专访环境署驻华代表涂瑞和

[10]  联合国, 2018. 中非环境合作中心临时秘书处揭牌成立

[11]  中国落实2030年可持续发展议程国别方案

[12]  人民日报, 2018. 首批国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设启动

[13]  可持续发展大数据国际研究中心, 中国科学院先导科技专项“地球大数据科学工程”, 2021. 《地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告(2021)》发布

速读 | 如何理解国际环境治理进程: 在斯德哥尔摩+50回望可持续发展基础



⬇️  PDF



地球的“生态减脂计划”已制定,行动要趁早 | 世界环境日

















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徐嘉忆 XU Jiayi
创绿研究院项目总监 | Programs Director,Greenovation Hub

14:00 – 14:30  开幕致辞  Opening Remarks

14:00-14:10 中国参与可持续发展国际进程与贡献
China’s participation and contribution to the international process of sustainable development

高风 GAO Feng
中国外交部条法司前司长、中国外交部气候变化谈判特别代表、中国外交部首位北极事务特别代表 | Former director of the Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Representative for Climate Change Negotiations of the Foreign Ministry of China, and the first Special Representative for Arctic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of China

14:10-14:20 可持续发展进程现状与展望
Status and Outlook of Sustainable Development Process

Erik Solheim
联合国开发计划署前执行主任、世界资源研究所高级顾问 | Former Executive Director of UNEP, Senior Advisor of World Resources Institute

14:20-14:30 支持中国社会组织参与国际环境治理
Support Chinese CSO to Participate in Global Environmental Governance

陈一梅 CHEN Yimei
万科公益基金会秘书长 | Secretary-General, Vanke Foundation

14:30 – 15:50  第一部分 国际环境治理概况——站在2022的起始点展望
Theme1 An Overview of Global Environmental Governance: Looking Ahead from 2022

Review of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development & Stockholm +50

Johanna Lissinger Peitz
大使,瑞典环境部斯德哥尔摩+50秘书处 | Ambassador, Stockholm+50 Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Sweden

Global Climate Governance and China’s Changing Role

王克 WANG Ke
中国人民大学环境学院教授 | Associate Professor of School of Environment&Natural Resources, Remin University of China

Overview of Global Environment and Biodiversity-related International Processes in 2022

李琳 LI Lin
世界自然基金会(国际)全球政策与倡导总监 | Director of Global Policy and Advocacy, WWF International

15:30-15:50 问答 Q&A

陈冀俍 CHEN Jiliang
创绿研究院高级研究员 | Senior Researcher of Greenovation Hub

15:50 – 17:10 第二部分 社会组织积极参与——作为全球环境治理的中坚力量
Theme 2 Active Participation of Civil Social Organizations:As the Backbone of Global Environmental Governance

The Experience of NGOs’ Participation to International Environmental Governance

吴逢时 WU Fengshi
新南威尔士大学政治学副教授 | Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales

Exploration and Practice of Chinese Social Organizations’ Participation in Sustainable Development and International Environmental Governance

张伯驹 ZHANG Boju
自然之友理事、银杏公益基金会秘书长 | Board Member of Friends of Nature, Secretary General of Ginkgo Foundation

European NGOs’ Engagement in the Climate COPs

Lutz Weischer
德国观察柏林办公室政策主任 | Head of Policy Berlin, Germanwatch

The Experience of ENGOs’ Participation to Global Governance of Chemicals and Wastes

毛达 MAO Da
深圳市零废弃环保公益事业发展中心执行主任 | Executive Director, Shenzhen Zero Waste

16:40-17:00 问答 Q&A

陈冀俍 CHEN Jiliang
创绿研究院高级研究员 | Senior Researcher of Greenovation Hub

17:10 – 17:20  点评 Commentator’s Remarks

李来来 LI Lailai
斯德哥尔摩环境研究所研究员、世界资源研究所中国区前首席代表、创绿研究院顾问 | Research Fellow of the Stockholm Environment Institute, Former China Country Director of World Resources Institute, and Consultant of Greenovation Hub

王志云 WANG Zhiyun
中国民间组织国际交流促进会办公室副主任 | Deputy Director, China NGO Network for International Exchanges

17:30 – 17:40  总结&预告 Summary&Preview

白韫雯 BAI Yunwen
创绿研究院执行主任 | Executive Director, Greenovation Hub


第 51 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction




Tuna fishing management should develop with the times, from reacting passively to being proactive and predictable, and improve management by advancing harvest strategy One of Europe’s biggest stakeholders Bolton Food Group is calling for more pre-agreed, science-based decisions and automatic mechanisms to manage tuna stocks in order to establish greater stability and predictability in the complicated supply chain, and also achieve a sustainable fishery. Additionally, the climate is changing much faster than fishing regulation is evolving, which influences the species and fishery. According to the impact of water temperature rise and fish stock fluctuation, the passive and slow dicision-making process before should be overthrown.

时讯 News

金枪鱼在阳光下 | iStock 制


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance of China released the Implementation Plan of Fisheries Development Subsidy Project, the funds are mainly used to support the construction of national marine ranches, national coastal fishing port economic zone, distant water fishing bases; upgrade modern fisheries equipment and infrastructure facilities, promote the green and circular development of fisheries, strengthen fisheries resources survey and conservation, strengthen the enhancement of international compliance capacity and other aspects of work.



A 6.67 hectares of continuous seagrass in Dongchudao Village, Rongcheng City, Weihai, Shandong Province, was insured with the first marine carbon sink index insurance in the country. This means that the insurance company will be responsible for compensating for the weakened carbon sink caused by specific marine environmental changes. This insurance can effectively address the risks of disasters, and provide funding for relief, post-disaster reconstruction, and maintenance. This is of pioneering significance to expand the use of marine resources and promote green financial innovation.


(3)随着大量关于海洋保护的纪录片和政府报告的问世,公众开始逐渐意识到海洋保护的迫切性和重要性,大公司和资金也开始认可在这一领域的投资。Pontos Aqua的创始人、蓝色海洋基金会和Vedra合伙人一起成立了Ocean 14,目的是刺激蓝色经济的发展,激发数以亿计的资金投入到这一领域。他们希望能够实现海洋资源的健康的可持续发展,海产品行业的数字化进程。

With the advent of high-quality documentaries and government reports on marine conservation, the public is becoming aware of the urgency and importance of marine conservation, and large companies and funds are beginning to recognize investments in this area. The founders of Pontos Aqua, the Blue Ocean Foundation, and Vedra Partners have joined together to create Ocean 14 with the goal of stimulating the development of a blue economy and inspiring hundreds of millions of capital into this sector. Their vision is to be able to achieve healthy and sustainable development of seafood and the digitalization of the seafood industry.



The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has released two updates to its shrimp standard with the goal of expanding the coverage of its program. ASC’s shrimp standard is designed to ensure responsible farming and reduce the environmental and social impacts of the shrimp farming industry. The revised version of the shrimp standard introduces new requirements for recirculating water aquaculture system farms. In the meantime, four new genera of freshwater species were added to the standard. Thus, 99% of the world’s farmed shrimp are covered by the ASC shrimp standard.


观点 Perspectives

图为福建的一处养殖基地。目前,中国大部分的海水养殖都集中在这样的海湾区域。| Zimu Liu, Alamy

(1)Chris Chase: 新西兰渔业公司Sealord提议将新西兰89%的海底山划为保护区,这意味着要将新西兰142个海底山中的127个都囊括进保护区的范畴。Sealord的首席执行官在新闻发布会中声称,保护海洋环境的同时,也可以保障就业、出口、食物供应的发展,公司的提案可以极大程度上保证食品安全、并促进了渔业的可持续发展。

New Zealand fishing company proposes that 89% of seamounts in New Zealand should be covered by conservation zones, which means that 127 of the country’s 142 seamounts would be placed into a conversation envelope. In a press release, Sealord’s CEO claimed that protecting the marine environment can go hand in hand with preserving jobs, exports and food supplies, and that the company’s proposal would go a long way toward ensuring food safety and sustainable development of the fishing industry.


(2)Shem Oirere: TMT 最新报告显示,为了逃避监管,挂用非洲国家船旗从事非法捕捞的渔船数量持续增加。报告认为,悬挂国旗的渔船必须受到非洲大陆政府的有力的监督和控制。同时,没能遵守法规的渔船应该被取消船旗,让人们不敢铤而走险。只有世界各地的专家和政府组织齐心协力,才能在全球范围内减少非法、未报告、和无管制(IUU)的捕鱼活动。

Shem Oirere: The latest report shows that the number of fishing vessels exploiting African flags to engage in illegal fishing in order to avoid surveillance continues keeps increasing. Flagged fishing vessels must be subject to strong oversight and control by Afircan continent’s governments. At the same time, fishing vessels that fail to comply with regulations should be de-flagged to deter people from taking the risk. A concerted effort by experts and government organizations is needed to reduce IUU fishing globally.



Han Qing: In order to provide a global population of nearly 10 billion with enough food in 2050, aquaculture will be playing an important role in food security in the future. In 2018, global aquaculture fish provided more than half of the world’s edible fish demand, and China accounted for more than 60% of global aquaculture, which is of great significance to ensure food security and reduce poverty. However, both freshwater and marine aquaculture are currently facing huge challenges in terms of resource and environmental constraints, and more technological innovation and policy support are urgently needed.


(4)Jason Holland:欧洲金枪鱼行业最大的利益相关方之一——博尔顿食品集团,正在呼吁建立更多预先商定的、基于科学的决定和自主的机制来管理金枪鱼种群,以便在复杂的供应链中求得可预测性。目前,缺乏管理金枪鱼捕捞和渔民的规则正在影响金枪鱼行业的稳定性,同时,这也会阻碍渔业的可持续发展。

Jason Holland: Bolton Food Group, one of the largest stakeholders in the European tuna industry, is calling for more pre-agreed, science-based decisions and autonomous mechanisms to manage tuna stocks in order to acquire predictability in a complex supply chain. Currently, the lack of rules governing tuna fishing and tuna fishers is affecting the stability of the tuna industry. At the same time, it can hinder the sustainable development of the fishery.


解读 Interpretations

一只帽带企鹅在阿德里岛的岸上蹒跚而行 | Philippe Cousteau

(1)NOAA Fisheries: 可持续渔业,可持续海鲜

NOAA Fisheries: Sustainable Fisheries, Sustainable Seafood


Management of marine natural resources is the core mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). After decades of effort and investment, 80% of the stocks monitored by NOAA are in healthy condition and 92% are not overfished. Achieving such remarkable results has been neither easy nor permanent. Over the years, the number of rebuilt stocks have declined again to the point where rebuilding plans are needed. For NOAA, in order to achieve sustainable resource use, it is necessary to take full account of uncertainty, adjust management strategies, and adapt to environmental change.



China Dialogue: China tries to change ways of subsidies to protect marine fishery resources


Shandong Province and Fujian Province have announced that this year, they will start issuing “Subsidies of Marine Fishery Resources Conservation” to guide fishermen to comply with resource conservation measures, and will terminate the fuel subsidies that have lasted for 15 years. The new subsidies include two parts: the “Marine Seasonal Fishing Moratorium Subsidy” and the “Responsible Fishing Subsidy”, which help alleviate the decline in fishermen’s income due to reduced operating hours, and they echo the 14th Five Year Plan’s proposals to improve fisheries governance and optimize and adjust the offshore fisheries.


(3)Bangor Daily News:  气候变化比渔业法规的发展快得多

Bangor Daily News: The climate is changing much faster than fishing regulations are evolving


Officials overseeing fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and along the entire East Coast are taking a hard look at how fisheries regulations will need to evolve to keep up with the accelerated and unpredictable changes brought on by climate change. Fisheries experts believe that management measures that are built in the past may have to be reversed and rebuilt given the effects of rising water temperatures and fluctuating fish stocks. Fisheries management has always been complex and cumbersome, but as the pace of change accelerates and the risks to the current management system become greater, the reactive, slow decision-making process of the past will have to be abandoned.


(4)Pew: 延续Cousteau的遗产的南大洋倡议

Pew: Cousteau Legacy Continues With Southern Ocean Advocacy

环保倡导者兼电影制片人Ashlan Cousteau和Philippe Cousteau Jr. 在2月份访问了南极和智利,拍摄了许多关于南大洋的影像、图片资料,并对当地的动植物种群进行了调查。Cousteau的祖父和父亲是科学家与发明家,他继承了父辈的衣钵,以南极保护乃至海洋环境保护为己任。没有地区可以免受气候变化的影响,Cousteau认为,南大洋驱动着全球的洋流,是全球气候的调节器,因此保护南大洋则是防止气候恶化的重中之重。

Environmental advocates and filmmakers Ashlan Cousteau and Philippe Cousteau Jr. visited Antarctica and Chile in February to shoot images and pictures, and measures the local flora and fauna of the Southern Ocean. Cousteau’s grandfather and father were also great scientists and inventors, and he has followed in their footsteps, making Antarctic conservation and even marine environmental protection his mission. No region is immune to the effects of climate change. And Cousteau believes that the Southern Ocean drives global currents and is a regulator of global climate, so protecting it is a top priority to prevent climate deterioration.



China Dialogue: Blue Carbon Offset Project Takes Root


Blue carbon projects are the latest addition to climate finance, with countries and companies not only investing in blue carbon projects but also planning to integrate the carbon sequestered in the coastal zone and marine ecosystem restoration into their climate change programs. Projects to protect and restore blue carbon ecosystems are among the hottest carbon offsets available today. Selling blue carbon offset credits can channel funds to restoration projects in coastal zone ecosystems around the world, preventing carbon from being released into the atmosphere while absorbing more carbon.


学术 Academics


 [Area-based Management] Towards climate-smart, three-dimensional protected areas for biodiversity conservation in the high seas


In order to protect biodiversity, the researchers proposed a planning approach for the high seas. Using in-depth data from four areas, the scientists considered 12,932 vertebrates, invertebrates, and algal species, plus three climate scenarios, to develop this scenario. A resulting scenario is a low-risk option that covers only 6% of the high seas, which provides a nucleus for developing a complete network of high seas marine protected areas. The scenario maximizes biodiversity conservation, minimizes exposure of climate change, retains species within boundaries of protected areas, and reduces conflicts with fishing.



[Climate & Ocean] Avoiding ocean mass extinction from climate warming


According to the ecophysiological limits, as ocean temperatures increase and oxygen levels decrease, marine systems could experience the same catastrophic mass extinctions as in the past. Calibrated by the fossil record, the researchers quantified the risk of global and local ocean extinctions under different climate scenarios. According to the scientists’ calculations, if climate conditions continue to deteriorate, species losses over the next century could be comparable to those caused by humans over the past several thousand years. If we were able to effectively control greenhouse gas emissions, the risk of species mass extinction would be reduced by more than 70%.



[Blue Economy] Expanding ocean food production under climate change


Fisheries reform and offshore aquaculture are imperative to respond to the growing food needs of human society. In this study, researchers show that fisheries reform, continued advances in feed technology, and effective mariculture management have enormous benefits for maintaining per capita seafood. However, scientists have investigated and found that even climate-adapted fisheries reforms are not sufficient to maintain global per capita seafood production. Therefore, in addition to coordinated reforms in fisheries and offshore aquaculture, significant curbs on greenhouse gas emissions are needed. If these can be achieved simultaneously, mariculture has an incalculable potential.



[Techs & Tools ] Signature of climate-induced changes in seafood species served in restaurants


As ocean temperatures rise, the habitats of marine species also change accordingly. In the past, scientists have speculated that climate-induced changes in seafood availability would affect the entire seafood supply chain, but this speculation has rarely been proven. In this article, researchers investigate the impact of changing catches on the food they serve by studying an unconventional source of information – restaurant menus. The findings show that the average preferred temperature of seafood species on the menu is closely related to the observed pattern of average sea surface temperature and average temperature of the catch. This suggests that restaurant menus can be an important additional information for studying marine ecosystems and fisheries.



[Blue Economy] Welfare impact of climate change on capture fisheries in Vietnam


Vietnam’s coastal areas are endowed with ample fishery resources, and fisheries account for a significant part of the country’s agricultural products and GDP. Fisheries industry provide work for 3 million laborers in Vietnan. In the meanwhile, it also makes a significant contribution to ensuring the country’s food security and nutritional needs. However, due to climate change, Vietnam’s fish catches may shrink dramatically in the coming decades. The researchers note that many past studies have focused on increases or decreases in fish stocks, production and income, without understanding changes in the welfare of fishery producers and consumers. Instead, this study aims to identify welfare changes through a balanced analysis and a supportive approach.



[Ocean Ecosystem] Recovering wetland biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world’s biotic carbon hotspots


Biogeomorphic wetlands (peatlands, mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows) cover only 1% of Earth’s surface, but their high carbon sequestration rates and effective storage capacity per unit area allow them to store 20% of the global organic ecosystem carbon. The researchers explain that wetlands shape the landscape and amplify carbon storage through self-fostering feedback from “biogeomorphic feedback”. However, biogeomorphic wetlands around the world are declining at an average annual loss rate of around 1%, and the resulting carbon emissions and losses are enormous. The findings underscore the urgency to stop conservation ongoing losses through conservation ongoing losses and to reestablish landscape-forming feedback by restoring biogeomorphic wetlands as the world’s biological carbon hotspots.


其他资料 Other resources


New study: “Systems and tools for monitoring, evaluation, and revision of maritime spatial plans”



The latest updates on Maritime Spatial Plans in Germany



Green New Deal and the Blue Economy



The Blue Revolution – Hunting, Harvesting, and Farming Seafood in the Information Age


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022.6.7 网络研讨会 环境保护真的有效吗?我们要如何才能知道呢?

2022.6.7 Webinar  Does conservation work, and how can we know?


(2)2022.6.6-9 工作坊 海洋空间规划工作坊

2022.6.6-9 Workshop Marine Spatial Planning Workshop


(3)2022.5.24-7.19 网络研讨会 公众对公平和环境正义行动计划的评论

2022.5.24-7.19 Webinar Public Comment on Draft Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022.4.21 网络研讨会 深海采矿、历史遗迹和渔业之间的联系

2022.4.21 Webinar The Connections Between Deep-sea Mining, the Monuments and Fisheries


(2)2022.5.4 网络研讨会 组合理论可以如何促进基于生态系统的渔业管理的新研究

2022.5.4 Webinar New Research to Understand How Portfolio Theory can facilitate Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management


(3)2022.5.5 网络研讨会 一堂给海洋保护区(MPA)管理人员的海洋治理课:东南亚和大西洋之间的经验交流

2022.5.5 Webinar Ocean Governance for MPA Managers: Exchanging experiences between South-East Asia and the Atlantic


>>其他 Others



题图:一只鲸鱼在南极半岛附近的南大洋上浮出水面呼吸空气 | Philippe Cousteau

第 50 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction




Climate change and action to address it are affecting the seafood industry, and this issue’s ‘Interpretation’ section discusses the impact of climate change on capture fisheries and the potential conflicts between offshore renewable energy development and fisheries. On the other hand, tackling climate change in the aquaculture sector is a global challenge. In the ‘News’ section, it is noted that Chile’s largest salmon producer has achieved carbon neutrality in some of its salmon production. In fact, a carbon inventory of Chilean salmon farming began in 2018. In recent years there has also been some interest in the discussion of “carbon sinks in fisheries”, guided by the Chinese national carbon targets. The lesson learned   from the Chilean salmon farming carbon neutrality is that, while promoting the development of methodologies for different types of ‘fisheries carbon sinks’, the application of proven carbon inventory tools to set up carbon accounts for aquaculture enterprises is also a solid step towards carbon neutrality.

时讯 News

亚速尔群岛实现“塑料中和” | Fish Focus 制


The ranges of many marine species vary with changing ocean conditions, and to better facilitate scientific decisions about fisheries management and overall knowledge of marine species, NOAA Fisheries has launched a new tool to better track the location and movement of fish. Through this tool, we can better address future climate change and advance this field.



The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) decided to redirect 5% of sales of MSC-certified sustainable seafood in the cause of sustainability in global fisheries. Approximately $1 million in grants were awarded to fisheries, scientists, NGOs and students from 12 countries, with half of the funding going to support sustainable fisheries in developing countries.


(3)智利最大的三文鱼生产商AquaChile在其Verlasso三文鱼的生产中实现了碳中和。该公司与可持续发展咨询公司Green Ticket合作,通过测量碳足迹并在农场、种植中心和工业厂房等不同区域实施节能改造,最终实现了生产端碳中和。

AquaChile, the largest salmon producer in Chile, has achieved carbon neutrality in the production of its Verlasso Salmon. The company worked with sustainability consultancy Green Ticket to achieve this carbon neutrality on the production side by measuring carbon footprint and implementing energy-saving retrofits in various areas, such as the farm, growing center and industrial plant.



The Azores fishery has achieved plastic neutrality. Fleet from Associação de Produtores de Atum e Similares dos Açores  (APASA) has perfectly reached its goal of achieving plastic neutrality by retrieving 452.1 kilograms of plastic waste in the 2021 ghost gear retrieval In the 2021 Ghost Gear Retrieval Competition.


观点 Perspectives

海獭通过吃海带林中的海胆和河口的螃蟹来帮助保持生态系统的平衡 | Joan Tisdale

(1)Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. and John F. Kerry: 人类必须努力使航运业脱碳,扩大近海可再生能源的规模,争取用近海可再生能源取代燃煤发电;我们必须保护和恢复如盐沼、海草草甸和红树林这样的蓝碳生态系统,保护海岸线免受气候影响;同时,世界各国应该为即将召开的海洋保护会议做充足的准备和宣传,以此来创造一个更清洁的地球。

Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. and John F. Kerry: Humankind must work together to decarbonize the shipping sector and expand offshore renewable energy to replace coal-fired power; we must protect and restore blue carbon ecosystems such as salt marshes, seagrass meadows and mangrove forests to protect coastlines from climate impacts; and countries around the world should prepare and advocate for the upcoming marine conservation conference in order to create a cleaner planet.


(2)Julie Packard:湿地和海草林可以吸收温室气体,保护沿海社区,增加鱼类栖息地,增加生物多样性。加州自然资源局通过恢复和保护沿海栖息地的水下的鳗草草场、沿海湿地来应对气候变化带来的问题,向实现碳固存、繁荣的鱼类和野生动物种群和更具弹性的沿海社区的三赢局面迈出了重要的一步。

Julie Packard: Wetlands and kelp forests can absorb greenhouse gases, protect coastal communities, enhance fish habitat, and increase the biodiversity. California Natural Resources Agency is taking an important step toward the triple win situation of carbon sequestration, thriving fish and wildlife populations, and more resilient coastal communities by restoring and protecting underwater eelgrass meadows and wetlands in coastal habitats to address the problems posed by climate change.


(3)Madhushree Chatterjee:海岸与海洋生态系统不仅保护人类免受风暴和洪水侵袭,还可以提高生物多样性、增加碳储存量和自然降解环境污染。除了这些价值之外,在经济层面上海洋资源及相关产业的市场价值约占全球GDP的5%。人类的发展与海洋开发休戚相关,我们在依赖海洋生存的同时,必须保障海洋生态系统的稳定与健康,通过可持续的蓝色经济来保护海洋。

Madhushree Chatterjee:Coastal and marine ecosystems not only protect humans from storms and floods, but also provide habitat for biodiversity, carbon storage and detoxification. In addition to these values, the market value of marine resources and related industries at the economic level is about 5% of global GDP. Human development and ocean development are closely related, and we need to rely on the ocean for survival while ensuring the stability and health of the ocean ecosystem and protecting the ocean through a sustainable blue economy.


(4)Johnny Briggs: 过去十年中,各国建立了众多海洋保护区(MPA)来禁止人类的破坏性活动,但是海洋生物多样性还是以前所未有的速度在下降。环境保护人士倡议,我们应该使用区域MPA网络来连接海洋保护区,这些“生物走廊”可以充当安全通道的作用,为区域合作、良好治理、公平管理、可持续的长期融资以及有效的监测和执行建立基础。

Johnny Briggs: Over the past decade, many marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established to prohibit destructive human activities, but marine biodiversity is still declining at an unprecedented rate. Conservationists advocate that we use regional MPA networks to connect MPAs. These “biological corridors” can serve as safe passges that build the foundation for regional collaboration, good governance, equitable management, sustainable long-term financing, and effective monitoring and enforcement.


解读 Interpretations

航行在北印度洋的一艘鱿鱼捕捞船 | Abbie Trayler-Smith

(1)Mark A. Grace: 海洋渔业研究是否会破坏海洋生态系统?

Mark A. Grace: Should Marine Fisheries Research Damage Marine Ecosystems?


NOAA and NMFS conduct bottom trawl surveys twice a year in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, where live sea bottom habitats and associated fauna may be irreparably damaged or killed during operations, and sometimes non-degradable bottom trawl gear is discarded on the seafloor. Scientific studies have shown that live sea bottom habitats are very sensitive to perceived stresses, and survey activities such as these may have a negative impact on the protection of vulnerable habitats and ecosystems.


(2)Elizabeth Devitt: 机器人革命:新型海洋碳实时核算系统

Robot revolution: A new real-time accounting system for ocean carbon


To study ocean carbon storage and release, researchers have deployed a system of thousands of robotic floats. Equipped with sophisticated biogeochemical sensors, these robotic floats provide a more accurate measure for detecting ocean carbon emissions and building climate models, providing a more detailed means of assessing ocean carbon dioxide clarity programs.



Zhou Chen: Limiting the size of the ocean-going squid fishing fleet, China upgrades conservation measures for squid resources


Following the launch of the annual autonomous fishing moratorium in July 2020 in parts of the Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic, China has once again upgraded its conservation measures for high seas squid resources: starting from April 1 this year, China has started to manage the total number of fishing vessels on a trial basis in five squid fishing grounds, including the Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic. In principle, China will no longer expand the scale of squid fishing vessels operating on the high seas, taking the necessary responsibility for the sustainable development of high seas squid resources.


(4)Eric Schwaab, Rod Fujita and Jacqui Vogel: 气候变化正在导致渔业问题,但是我们可以解决这些问题。

Eric Schwaab, Rod Fujita and Jacqui Vogel: Climate change is causing fishery problems, but we can solve them.


Climate change has led to changes in the habitat of fish around the world, and such changes have led to conflicts between the jurisdictional limits of fishery management zones and the actual habitat of fish, with the consequent increase in illegal fishing and overfishing. Countries around the world need to strengthen international cooperation and adopt more flexible allocation systems, dynamic spatial management, and ocean observation systems in a timely manner to stop the situation from deteriorating further.


(5)Paul Richards: 海上风机会影响捕鱼业吗?

Paul Richards: Do Offshore Wind Turbines Impact Fishing


With the cost of efficiently harnessing offshore wind power falling sharply, the U.S. Department of Energy is planning for the construction of multiple wind farms off the U.S. coast to provide clean energy. But fishermen are concerned that the construction of large projects will lead to damage to their fishing equipment and destruction of fishing grounds, and fears that fishermen will be forced to change their way of life have also been increasing rapidly. In response to this concern, wind-industry heads claim that an emerging technology called “floating turbines” may iron out fishermen’s worries.


学术 Academics


[Ocean Governance] Foresighting future oceans: Considerations and opportunities


To address the threats to the marine environment and related systems from climate change, overexploitation, pollution and other pressures, researchers claim that it is crucial to move beyond reactive responses to proactively anticipate and plan for crises before they arise. Foresighting work has considerable potential to imagine and shape an equitable and sustainable ocean. Proactive foresight includes several key dimensions: futures literacy, inclusiveness, and interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, which provide the basis for finding reasonable and possible solutions for humanity in an uncertain future in the medium to long term.



[Ocean Governance] A framework for mapping and monitoring human-ocean interactions in near real-time during COVID-19 and beyond


The spread of the COVID-19 epidemic around the world has created barriers to observing and analyzing marine systems and climate change. Researchers are using new eOceans platforms to dissipate the epidemic’s impediments to scientific research. Scientists collaborating online to monitor the ocean in near real-time is not only an adaptation and transformation of the new normal, but also creates a powerful model and advantageous conditions for breaking down the barriers between academia, governments and at-sea stakeholders, which could have far-reaching implications for creating a stronger and more democratic blue economy.



[Fishery Management] Revealing global risks of labor abuse and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing


Labor abuse on fishing vessels and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing violate human rights, jeopardize food security, and deprive governments of revenues. Researchers integrated the latest data obtained using satellite information to clarify the risks of labor abuse and IUU fishing and to identify its main drivers. In order to effectively reduce the hazards of labor abuse and IUU fishing, countries around the world should coordinate and collaborate to avoid the transfer of hazards to other areas by detecting vessels for a sufficient amount of time while they are in port.



[Blue Economy] Fishing grounds footprint and economic freedom indexes: Evidence from Asia-Pacific

通过研究2000年至2017年期间亚太地区的17个地区的数据,研究人员试图阐明渔业部门生态足迹与九个经济自由度指标之间的关联性,为提供渔业资源的管理提供不同的维度。研究结果显示,库兹涅茨曲线(Kuznets curve)假说在渔场生态足迹中得到证实:人均GDP的增长显示出正向和显著的影响,其他控制变量包括自然资源租金、城市化和能源强度,对渔场生态足迹没有显示出明显的影响但是它们在总经济自由指数中的累积效应对渔业生态足迹有积极影响。结果还显示,政府诚信、税收负担、商业自由、货币自由指数对渔业生态足迹有积极影响,而贸易自由和投资自由指数通过揭示对渔业生态足迹的负面影响,表明其对减少各国水生资源的压力具有有益的环境效应。

By studying 17 data from the Asia-Pacific region between 2000 and 2017, the researchers sought to elucidate the correlation between the ecological footprint in the fishing sector and nine economic freedom indicators, providing different dimensions for providing management of fisheries resources. The results of the study show that the Kuznets curve hypothesis is confirmed in the fishing grounds footprint – the growth of GDP per capita shows a positive and significant effect. Other control variables, including natural resource rents, urbanization and energy intensity do not show significant effects on the fishing grounds footprint, but their cumulative effects in the total economic freedom index have a positive impact on the fishing footprint. The results also show that government integrity, tax burden, business freedom, and monetary freedom indices have a positive effect on the fishing footprint, while the trade freedom and investment freedom indices show a beneficial environmental effect on reducing the pressure on aquatic resources in each country by revealing a negative.



[Techs & Tools] The need for long-term population monitoring of the world’s largest fish


Many large marine species, such as whale sharks Rhincodon typus, are difficult to monitor with capture-mark-recapture(CMR) models because of their longevity, low recapture rates, and high individual heterogeneity in capture probabilities, but researchers found that assessing whale sharks off Mafia Island, Tanzania, through CMR models yielded promising results, and that different CMR models tended to show the same results. The results showed that the whale shark population in the region has a high survival rate and limited recruitment, which indicates a stable population trend. Preventive management and long-term projections will be needed to assist and document the recovery of this species in the coming decades.



[Climate & Ocean] Surface warming–induced global acceleration of upper ocean currents


People know very little about how ocean circulation changes in accordance with warming climate. Regarding this situation, researchers provide a reliable and clear idea for investigating ocean circulation changes by breaking the problem down into different sectors – changes in sea surface temperature, salinity and wind. The results show that warming of the ocean surface temperature is a major feature of its changes, with increased vertical stratification intensifying the temperature of the upper subtropical gyres and equatorial currents, while differential warming in the Southern Ocean upwelling zone and region to the north accelerates surface zonal currents in the Southern Ocean. In contrast, changes in wind pressure stress and surface salinity affect only the regional current system.


其他资料 Other resources

(1)欧洲投资银行集团: 清洁的海洋和蓝色经济2022年概览

European Investment Bank Group: Clean oceans and the blue economy OVERVIEW 2022



New Pew Series: Ocean, People, Planet



An approach to implement operational  ecosystem-based management



Analysis of the Southeast Pacific Distant Water Squid Fleet


活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

(1)2022.5.17  网络研讨会 运用行为学观点来改进海洋保护工作

2022.5.17 Webinar Applying Behavioral Insights to Improve Marine Conservation


(2)2022.5.25 网络研讨会 蓝色食品:利用市场营销的力量来推动可持续海产运动

2022.5.25 Webinar Fed By Blue: Using the Power of Marketing to Advance the Sustainable Seafood Movement


>>回顾 Recordings

(1)2022.4.15 网络研讨会 CEGA沙龙 | (滨海)湿地与气候变化

2022.4.15 Webinar CEGA Salon | (Binhai)Wetlands and Climate Change


(2)2022.4.21 网络研讨会 我们的海洋:对蓝色经济的深层探索

2022.4.21 Webinar Our oceans: A deep dive on the Blue Economy


(3)2022.4.25 网络研讨会 世界海洋和当代的挑战:历史的视角

2022.4.25 Webinar World oceans and contemporary challenges: An historical perspective


>>其他 Others



题图:鲨鱼和其他迁徙的海洋物种将受益于海洋中的长距离的保护走廊 | Bernard Radvaner/Getty