第 23 期 | 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递



导语 Introduction


本期学术版块收录了一篇澳大利亚前南极局长Tony Press的文章,讨论的是如何用有限的科学信息来支持回应大规模风险的政策制定。这个挑战其实广泛存在于公海生物资源管理和环境保护的国际进程中。文章认为,科学家需要理解决策者所进行决策的所需要的内容,决策者也了解科学家努力的背景和局限性,科学和政策的对话必须包含理解风险的讨论,例如决策规则可以从科学或者专家建议中得出度量的标准(例如IPCC的报告),这些度量标准可以为政策提供参考。不过,作者没有提及决策者群体内部的国家利益分歧,这也可能是导致决策者无法对科学意见形成一致看法并采取行动的重要原因。

Highlight 1

In the Academic section of this issue, there is a paper by Tony Press, former director of the Australian Antarctic Division, discussing how limited scientific information can be used to support policy-making in response to large-scale risks. This challenge is in fact common in international processes for the management of living resources and environmental protection in the high seas. The paper suggests that scientists need to understand what is needed for policymaking, and policymakers need to understand the context and limitations of scientists’ efforts and that the science-policy dialogue must include a discussion of understanding risks, e.g. decision rules can derive metrics from scientific or expert advice (e.g. the IPCC report), and these metrics can inform policy. However, the author did not mention the divergence of national interests within the groups of international policymakers, which may also be an important reason for the inability of policymakers to agree and act on scientific advice.



Highlight 2

From this issue onwards, we have added an ‘Interpretation section, which will include analytical articles,academic and non-academic, that could help readers to quickly understand the context and development of an issue. Please stay tuned and let us know your comments and suggestions!

时讯 News

“停止资助过度捕捞运动 “在世贸组织总部前摆放了一座融化的鱼冰雕
海洋行动之友,世界经济论坛 制

(1)世贸组织总理事会在新任命的总干事Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala的领导下迎来了新的历史阶段。为纪念这一时刻,”停止资助过度捕捞运动 “在世贸组织总部前摆放了一座融化的鱼冰雕,敦促其成员履行任务,尽快达成协议,停止助长过度开发海洋鱼类资源的补贴。

The General Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) began a historic term with newly appointed Director-General, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, at the helm. To mark the occasion, the Stop Funding Overfishing campaign positioned an ice sculpture of a melting fish in front of the WTO’s headquarters, urging its members to deliver on their mandate by reaching an agreement as soon as possible to stop subsidies that contribute to the overexploitation of the ocean’s fish stocks.



At the beginning of February, China announced the latest adjustment of the List of National Key Wildlife Protection. Due to the huge changes in the conservation situation of Chinese species over the past 30 years, this adjustment added 517 species species, including 215 new aquatic species (classes).



Large plastic debris dumps found in canyons of the Xisha Trough, South China Sea have become hot spots for deep-sea pollution, with 1 order of magnitude higher abundance than in other investigated canyons. These large dumps are functioning as new biodiversity hot spots. It is hypothesized that macroplastics can boost population extension of sessile and some free-living (Mollusca) invertebrates and affect the deep-sea benthic-pelagic coupling process.


(4)为支持打击非法、未报告和无管制的渔业执法,美国海岸警卫队Kimball号进行了为期两周的远征巡逻。此次任务包括代表中西太平洋渔业委员会等国际管理组织进行多边渔业执法。Kimball号的部署是 “蓝色太平洋行动 “的一部分,目标是维护整个印太地区的稳定和安全。

The Honolulu-based Coast Guard cutter Kimball wrapped up a two-week expeditionary patrol in support of counter-illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries enforcement. The mission included multilateral fisheries enforcement on behalf of international management groups such as the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. The Kimball deployment was part of Operation Blue Pacific, with goals of maintaining stability and security throughout the Indo-Pacific region.



The Hilborn Lab at the University of Washington and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) have released an updated version of their Fishery Improvement Projects Database (FIP-DB) with data from all the globe’s 249 FIPs.


观点 Perspectives

蝠鲼的数量在过去的20年里急剧下降 | Jeff Rotman / Alamy 制

(1)David Sims:“1970年以来,全球大洋性鲨鱼和鳐鱼丰度下降了71%。研究涉及的31个物种中一半以上目前被认定为濒危,甚至是极度濒危。相比之下,1980年只有以浮游生物为食的姥鲨这一个物种被认定为濒危。这些海洋顶级捕食者的未来正在迅速恶化。”

David Sims:” This research arrives at the first global perspective on oceanic shark and ray population trends. Worldwide, oceanic shark and ray abundance has declined by 71% since 1970. More than half of the 31 species examined are now considered to be endangered, or even critically endangered. Compare this with 1980 when only one species, the plankton-feeding basking shark, was thought to be endangered. This indicates that the future for the ocean’s top predators is fast deteriorating.”


(2)Richard S. Cottrell等:“有效的水产养殖政策需要避免过于简单的可持续性指标,如营养级。相反,根据物种群的具体养殖特性、管理技术和饲料配方的进步,采用经验得出的指标,对于实现养殖海产品的真正可持续选择至关重要。”

Richard S. Cottrell et al.:” Effective aquaculture policy needs to avoid overly simplistic sustainability indicators such as trophic level. Instead, employing empirically derived metrics based on the specific farmed properties of species groups, management techniques and advances in feed formulation will be crucial for achieving truly sustainable options for farmed seafood.”


(3) Oscar Morton等:“一项新的分析发现,野生动物贩运正在对生物多样性产生严重的负面影响。为满足国际和国家贸易网络的需求而进行的狩猎和诱捕活动威胁到许多物种,甚至包括那些生活在保护区的物种。”

Oscar Morton et al.:” Wildlife trafficking is having a profound negative impact on biodiversity, a new analysis finds. Hunting and trapping to feed international and national trade networks threaten numerous species, even those living in protected areas.”


(4)Adam Rees等:“需要充分了解所有商业捕鱼方法对生态系统的影响,以便更有效地管理我们的海洋环境。破坏性最强的移动式捕鱼方法相关的影响已得到充分的记录,这种方法被从一些部分保护区中被禁止。研究首次证明高水平的笼壶捕捞对建立珊瑚礁的表生生物群和商业目标物种的负面影响,并量化了可持续笼壶捕捞的阈值,表明在部分受保护的温带海洋保护区内发展管理良好的笼壶捕捞是重要的一步。”

Adam Rees et al.:” The ecosystem effects of all commercial fishing methods need to be fully understood in order to manage our marine environments more effectively. The impacts associated with the most damaging mobile fishing methods are well documented leading to such methods being removed from some partially protected areas. The research demonstrates for the first time negative effects associated with high levels of pot fishing effort both on reef building epibiota and commercially targeted species, as well as quantifying a threshold for sustainable pot fishing demonstrating a significant step towards developing well-managed pot fisheries within partially protected temperate MPAs.”



IISD:” Regarding WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies, on special and differential treatment for developing and LDC (the Least Developed Countries) members, delegates ‘continued to disagree’ on which criteria should be used to identify countries that would qualify for special treatment and transition periods. Members also considered provisions relating to subsidies contributing to overcapacity and overfishing in the draft consolidated text, and rules for how panels should handle fisheries subsidies disputes.”


解读 Interpretations


Since 2011, the Philippine government has imposed a closed fishing season on various major fishing grounds during the sardine spawning season. Implemented during the tail end of the year until March the following year, the closed fishing season has been both a boon and bane for communities. In the sardine capital of the Zamboanga Peninsula in the country’s south, the ban has boosted catch sizes for artisanal fishers, while in the Visayan Sea in the central Philippines, catches have dwindled. Experts point to different implementations of the fishing ban in the two regions and highlight the need to assess the economic implications of the measures, particularly to marginalized fishers.



Proximity and size of the nearest anthropogenic market (‘market gravity’) have been shown to have strong negative effects on coral reef fish communities (e.g. sharks) that can be mitigated by the establishment of closed areas. However, environmental DNA analyses corroborated the positive effect of market gravity on morays. We hypothesize that the observed pattern could be the indirect result of the depletion of moray competitors and predators near anthropogenic markets.



The research examines the current state and recent trajectories of 19 ecosystems, spanning 58° of latitude across 7.7 M km2, from Australia’s coral reefs to terrestrial Antarctica. Pressures from global climate change and regional human impacts, occurring as chronic ‘presses’ and/or acute ‘pulses’, drive ecosystem collapse. The manifestation of widespread ecosystem collapse is a stark warning of the necessity to take action.



The ocean stores hundreds of times the heat and 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere, and takes up more carbon than all the rainforests combined. The North Atlantic Ocean is the most intense carbon sink in the world: 30 percent of the global ocean’s carbon dioxide removal occurs right in Canada’s backyard. Ocean carbon and heat absorption also provide a critical natural timescale against which we can measure our effectiveness in battling climate change. 


学术 Academics


[Area-based management] O’ahu’s marine protected areas have limited success in protecting coral reef herbivores




[Area-based management] The complex relationships between marine protected areas and marine spatial planning: Towards an analytical framework




[Area-based management] Data-driven approach for highlighting priority areas for protection in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction




[Marine ecosystem] Science and Policy Interactions in Assessing and Managing Marine Ecosystems in the Southern Ocean




[Area-based management] eDNA metabarcoding as a biomonitoring tool for marine protected areas




[Marine biology] Half a century of global decline in oceanic sharks and rays




[Fisheries management] Measuring the global impact of destructive and illegal fishing on maritime piracy: A spatial analysis



其他资料 Other resources

[Biodiversity] Unearthing investor action on biodiversity

[Climate & ocean] Climate, ocean and security: response to ocean-driven security challenges

[Aquaculture] Technical textiles for aquaculture: an environmental-friendly, sustainable and profitable solution for your fish farming business

活动 Events

>>预告 Upcoming Events

2021年03月16日 网络研讨会 海洋空间规划传播:令人振奋的机构间合作时代
2021.03.16 Webinar Communicating MSP Webinar – An Inspiring era of cooperation between institutions

2021年03月16日 网络研讨会 气候对海底拖网捕捞的影响:英国脱欧后的沉积物碳储量管理
2021.03.16 Webinar The climate impacts of offshore bottom trawling: Managing sediment carbon storage in the UK post-Brexit

2021年03月18日 网络研讨会 2021年渔业季前瞻
2021.03.18 Webinar 2021 Fishing Season Forecast

2021年03月23日 网络研讨会 “2025年可持续金枪鱼承诺”倡议发布会
2021.03.23 Webinar Launch of the 2025 Pledge towards Sustainable Tuna (25PST)

2021年03月24日 网络研讨会 气候变化下为养护和渔业目标而变化的海洋保护区
2021.03.24 Webinar Shifting MPAs for conservation and fisheries under a changing climate

2021年03月25日 网络研讨会 疫情影响的产业强烈拥护“海产品可追溯性全球对话”新标准
2021.03.25 Webinar COVID Impacted Industry Strongly Embraces New GDST Standards

>>回顾 Recordings

2021年03月02日 网络研讨会 “力挽狂澜”:如何为恢复海洋可持续性融资(早会)
2021.03.02 Webinar Turning the Tide: How to Finance a Sustainable Ocean Recovery – Morning webinar

2021年03月02日 网络研讨会 “力挽狂澜”:如何为恢复海洋可持续性融资(晚会)
2021.03.02 Webinar Turning the Tide: How to Finance a Sustainable Ocean Recovery – Afternoon webinar

>>其他 Others

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