Marine Consevation and CBD


This quick-read material consisting of several briefings has mapped out key issues and background information on the relationship between the ocean and the CBD. It has been produced for partners interested in the post-2020 biodiversity process.










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Publication Date: December 2020

(English summary only)

The will to act for marine conservation has been growing rapidly around the world over the last decade. The CBD COP15 in China, which will set global conservation targets for the next ten years, is seen as a key opportunity to translate those willingness into positive actions.
The conference will also be a unique opportunity for Chinese NGOs working on marine conservation to learn and exchange ideas. At the Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation sub-forum of the Marine NGO Forum 2019, a number of organisations expressed their willingness to participate in promoting discussions on CBD and supporting the participation of civil society organisations in international processes. In this context, the Greenovation Hub, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany), has mapped out key issues and background information on the relationship between the ocean and the CBD. A quick-read material consisting of several briefings have been produced for partners interested in the post-2020 biodiversity process.
Through its knowledge products and additional online and offline activities, GHUB looks forward to stimulating a more vibrant civil discourse and aggregate ideas and actions for the success of the Kunming BioDiversity Conference and for global ocean conservation in the next decade.