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Feedback on the Zero Draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
G:HUB Observation | 2019 AIIB Annual Meeting
G:HUB OBSERVATION | AIIB Third Annual Meeting

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) issued the AIIB Energy Strategy (Issue Note for Discussion) in October 2016 and held two rounds of public consultation in late 2016 and early 2017 respectively.We believe the document will play a constructive role in AIIB’s future energy investment. We expect AIIB to remain open to discussions, participation and supervision and joint research of stakeholders, just as the approach it has taken in holding the public consultation across the world.


On March 16th, 2016, “the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (The Plan),” the longest plan ever, was approved by the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress. The Plan demonstrates China’s determination to achieve low-carbon prosperity through accelerating its clean energy transformation.


On December the 25th, 2015, 17 prospective founding nations, jointly holding 50.1% of the total shares, have approved the Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and submitted approval letters. Thus, AIIB was formally established. Greenovation Hub responds to the establishment of AIIB by offering suggestions on the Environmental and Social Framework of AIIB.


China revised its energy data after its 3rd national economic census has generated discussions at home and abroad about its implications for China’s carbon emission, climate targets as well as Paris climate talks at the end of the year. Chinese local NGO Greenovtiaon Hub shares its understanding of the revision


This alert will provide a brief summary of China’s investment towards Arab Countries, the environmental laws and regulations of Arab Countries, and the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted by these countries. We believe that China will play a more active role in helping the region achieve its climate targets, and transition towards a green economy, if China could enhance the ecological and climate protection standards and concepts during their trade and investing under the “One Belt One Road initiative.


On 25th September, 2015, during Chinese President Xi’s State Visit to Washington, D.C., China and the United States announced a joint presidential statement on climate change. Greenovation Hub made following response.

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