第4期 |创绿中心发布矿业投资研究报告





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通过两年的调研,创绿中心近期撰写完成《中国矿业投资: 国内和海外的发展、影响与监管》。报告以矿业作为切入点,对中国海外投资的现状、法规以及存在问题进行梳理和分析,并分别介绍了中国企业在国内、老挝、柬埔寨和秘鲁投资项目的在地情况。借此报告,创绿期待有更多客观、包容的讨论,让各方从国内、国外的最佳实践以及经验教训中有所获益。



《中国矿业投资: 国内和海外的发展、影响与监管》

《中国矿业投资:国内和海外的发展、影响与监管 案例集》


Overseas investment in all sectors has risen rapidly since 2004. According to China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), outbound direct investment (ODI) in 2013 exceeded US$107 billion. Mining is one of the most important sectors for Chinese outbound investment, ranking in the top four overseas industries since 2004.Chinese mining companies are pursuing overseas projects with support from China’s “going out” strategy, through which the Chinese government encourages companies to expand their operations overseas. 


China has become a global actor with an increasingly important role to play in global governance. In the coming years, this role is likely to continue to grow. As a major player in international investment, finance and trade, China is in a unique position to provide a model for other emerging economies seeking to develop overseas investment opportunities. 


As a Chinese NGO dedicated to environmental protection, Greenovation Hub has conducted this in-depth study of China’s mining industry in order to contribute to the on-going discussions regarding China’s progress in developing environmental and social standards for investment and finance. Backed by case studies from China, Peru, Laos and Cambodia, the report examines the development of China’s domestic and international mining industries, the impacts of this development and its environmental regulation.


Read the report :

《China's Mining Industry at Home and Overseas: Development, Impacts and Regulation》

《China's Mining Industry at Home and Overseas: CASE STUDIES》

Read full English version of Alert


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